Dota 2 vs League of Legends, which game is better?

Dota 2 vs League of Legends, which game is better?

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It's DotA. No point in grinding hours to be able to compete on even grounds, let alone experience the abysmal gameplay.

At least dota can be defrauded from the get-go. Also, ASSFAGGOTS are lame.

the answer is always dota

smite. since it isnt new and cool the community that is left is people who actually want to play it. you dont get autistic retards or russians

dota is the better game, lol is better at excreting dopamine when you gain in-store currency


t. Bellona main

ive been playing chaac and ymir since i started, still my only diamond gods


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Chaac's Ahnald impression is wonderful

League of Legends

LoL is simply more fluid and competitive. As much as I like DotA's champion abilities the game is stiff all around. Its why all chinkoids and gooks play league, its simply more competitive.

I like LoL better, superior waifus, I hate DOTA because its full of 3rd world Europeans, I fucking hate Eurocucks

League because it's mechanically more enjoyable and visually appealing, and can run on most computers.

Smite's 1v1 mode is really interesting, and I'd like to see some other game run with the concept and balance around it

>it's more competitive so all gooks play it
imagine being this wrong

No. Chinks and gooks are drawn to League the same reason why they are drawn to Starcraft 2 and shitty grinding MMORPGs. It is repetitive garbage. Every League game is the same. That is why it is so boring too.

just like any moba

This. A random bash will overload the NPC brain of Koreans and cause a seizure. Dota2 is simply too chaotic and dynamic for Koreans.

Every moba is based around leagues asinine meta with ADC, jungle and summoner spells. Except dota.

or because its just more fun