Always see Yea Forums shit on Squall and how he's the worst FF protagonist

>Always see Yea Forums shit on Squall and how he's the worst FF protagonist
>Play FF8
>He's the best protagonist in the series

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edgy as fuck

the lesson to be learned never listen to Yea Forums

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Total FF newb here, all of the the games connected? Where do I start with this shit.

In spirit of the OP's disingenuous faggotry: Yes, they are all one interconnected series and to understand the later ones you have to play every single one. Including both MMOs.

Squall is literally me

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You start in chronological order you dingus

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He's a decent character in a game full of bad characters, so he stands out more.
His introversion is a lot more understandable when you look at the world he's living in.

did you play the game at all? his edge is a flimsy charade to cope with his insecurities

no one is talking about Cloud, friend.

no and it doesn't matter. Having said that, start with X.

None of them are connected. The basis of the series is the same story (hero is chosen by a crystal to save the world) retold in increasingly convoluted ways, always in a new setting.

Since each game is so different, just decide which era of games you want to play. Want something more focused on the RPG mechanics? Play the NES games or 5. Want something with an interesting story but that still feels rooted in classic gaming? Play the SNES games or 9. Want something that tries to be really thematically deep and is full of influence from scifi films, classic literature and anime? Play the PS1 games or 10. Want something that has a great, fleshed out fantasy setting, deep RPG mechanics, and a well-told story with memorable characters? Play 12. Want something that's like the Star Wars prequels in that it seems to simultaneously be trying to appeal to everyone while also being so bizarre and poorly directed that it appeals to no one? Play 13 or 15.

daily reminder

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yare yare daze...


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zidane is the best protag even though his design is really stupid

Should've replaced Whatever with OH GEEZ

Will they fix this for the remaster?

There's literally nothing wrong with this translation - tone and inflection can turn 'whatever' into all of these.

Damn Nips making men way too pretty.

I don't think anyone who actually beat FF8, or got far, thinks he is a bad protagonist. He actually has a character arc and growth.

>Want something that's like the Star Wars prequels in that it seems to simultaneously be trying to appeal to everyone while also being so bizarre and poorly directed that it appeals to no one? Play 13 or 15.
Based description. LMAO

In general Square made 3 FF titles per console. The first one (1, 4, 7, 10) would be pretty standard (but not DQ levels of cookie-cutter), it wouldn't try to be TOO adventurous with its plot, setting, or battle mechanics, rather a solid if unambitious entry. Often doing a simple job very well makes these titles remembered very fondly as they do 1 thing very right.

The second one (2, 5, 8, 11) would be a HUGE departure from the norm and be very divisive with the fanbase. Often having very unusual battle systems, settings, or plots compared to the normal fare. 2 had your stats change based on the actions you take in battle (get hit: increase HP, use a bow: increase range damage, run away: increase speed, etc), 5 gave huge customization with mixing and matching abilities and jobs. Instead of "I select the dark knight to be in my party and equip him with the crystal sword" you had to make a lot more choices. 8 is unique in many ways it's hard to begin. 11 was an MMO. These entries are often looked at as the black sheep of the series for their hit or miss appeal. I like them a lot as they satisfy niches but I understand those who don't.

The third one (3, 6, 9, 12) would be closer in tone to the first for that generation, but would be much more refined and polished as Square had become more familiar with the hardware by then. These entries are not as adventurous but they aspire to do more than just 1 thing well and are often looked upon fondly by the majority.

After 12 they get really weird. I don't know if the Enix merger is the blame but... ugh.

It can, but this game has no voice acting so there is no tone or inflection to begin with. The fact is the official English translation could've been a lot better.

Start with the gba 1, if you like that play with some others up to 6.
Otherwise play 7 and 10 and maybe 8... don't go past 10 tho.

Maybe if Squall was a girl Yea Forums would change opinion

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Squall is fine by himself, my main problem is how he goes from being mostly indifferent towards Rinoa to completely obsessed with her with no in-between. Not only that, but then suddenly every single thing he does or says after that is about her, you barely get to see anything from him as a standalone character from then on, which made him a lot less memorable for me.

>instead of being an emo loner, squall could've been "well excuuuuuuse me princess" levels of snooty

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says the biggest fag on Yea Forums

No, he's emo, and worst of all he's a boring emo.
Cloud was edgy, but in a fun way.

Literally the 13 girl.

>well, excuse me, Oh geez, I can't believe this teacher, get off my case!
"Whatever" is better, those sounds like coming from a "sassy" kind of faggot.

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>so many make up her face and belly are on different colors
Roasties, everyone.

It's an interesting theory but I don't think it applies to all of the games you mentioned, for example both VI and VII were much more of a departure from series standards than V was. V still had the same high fantasy setting present since the first game, and took the already existing job system and simply refined it, nothing really revolutionary.
Meanwhile, VI was the first time Square decided to ditch the high fantasy setting to some degree in favor of steampunk, something that was extremely rare for jrpgs of its time, and VII took things further by getting rid of the high fantasy themes entirely.

you still have to facepalm all the "....." and "whatever"

you do know what words mean right
emo = wear your emotions on your sleeve
squall was stoic to a fault

Should've replaced Squall with Frances McDormand from Fargo.
>And I guess that's your sorceress in the wood-chipper.

7 is a game that straight-up lies to you about what's going on up until, like, Mideel. Not like 10's "oh well it was too awkward to tell you that you were being a jackass," just full-on, Cloud lies to the party about the flashback, Tifa doesn't call him on it because she's too afraid, Sephiroth has been in the Northern Crater the whole time, Aeris was killed by a creature from outer space, just absolute lies the whole time.

>start with X
Zoomer detected.

If you reply to me with an insult at least add your age in the post.

It was partially to blame on a bad/lazy translation though

I used to despise him and still emotionally do, but Square managed to make their later protagonists so bad in ways I couldn't even imagine at the time, that he looks more decent in comparison now.

>God Tier (Have nuanced arcs with a twist in them.)
Cloud, Terra
>Great Tier (Have arcs and/or their prominent personality is that great.)
Shotgun, Serah, Butz
>Good Tier (Likable, have quirks and/or let their actions speak for themselves.) (Zack is awful as a character, and only gets this high by being so ridiculously likable.)
Onion Kid, Warrior of Light (DDFF), Fighter (I), Zack, Lightning (LR)
>Average Tier (Aren't annoying and exist, can be cheered for.)
Yuna (X-2), Firion
>Bad Tier (Annoying and/or unpleasant.)
Ceodore (ongoing), Squall, Lann, Vincent
>Terrible Tier (Obnoxiously annoying, a detriment to their party, one note personality or failed to establish a personality even with big effort.)
Ace, Lightning (XIII), Zidane
>Atrocity Tier (Attempted to ruin their games, committed atrocities or have no reason to be there.)
Cecil, Tidus, Vaan

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I think Squall is unironically the best character but it's kind of a tallest midget contest.
Unfortunately, most of FFVIII's cast is fucking dumb and the designs are retarded. A Mike Tyson face tattoo? Really?

Every single tier is completely fucked up, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Popped in to say your opinions a shit cause you couldn't even finish FF4 or pay attention to 12's story, but you're probably a adamant 6fag considering you thought Terra was anything above okay tier

I did finish IV. It's IVTAY I haven't finished.

Personally? Well she was cool, since she could use both most equipment and magic. She was a mystery. Her story had a twist since at first it seems like she'll learn about romantic love, but it instead ends up with maternal. It was an arc about a young woman, who barely knew what feelings were, growing into a determined heroine.

Beyond that I liked in the Woolsey translation that the initial Terra (who also showed all sorts of feelings of uncertainty, being conflicted, playfulness, humor, joy, irritation, hopefulness, selfishness, sorrow, unending bravery and most importantly after some time a strong willfulness. She thinks about big things, while trying to discover who she is and what's her place in the world. These aspects make her really feel human.) was feisty. Such scenes as the one where she meets Edgar and he takes a good hard look at her bosom causing her to interject with "Who do you think you are?" and the scene later on the desert when she winks at Edgar & Locke and tells them to stop swooning, got me to like her and really get excited for her as a protagonist. They defined her. She even gets to choose on her own to help the Returners molding the story herself. Not the player. I like that.

When she meets Maduin and regains control, it's she, who says "Let's go." and leads. Very cool and inspiring. After that she talks about the peace that's right around the corner in the airship. A distinctly hopeful protagonist for the series. Even more so in WoR, when she completes her arc and holds fast to her beliefs in the face of overwhelming despair. Going to war indeed.

GBA Terra is merely okay to nice and yes I am a VI fan.

Ask about some of them in particular. Otherwise the bracket explanations should suffice.

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You know Woolsey was a hack right who made up shit he didn't u derstand or for the sake of changing, including cringey SA memes. And I could write a paragraph about any character in Final Fantasy to make them seem more interesting than they really are, fact is Locke and Celes took over and terra became a litterallywho after other characters could start to use magic. And the fact you actually put Fighter from FF1 in the middle makes me think you're just trolling

I love Fighter's multihit attack number (It's fun to imagine the choreography) and always feel nice when he hits enemies, because he does so much damage. He also walked on lava, which of course pales in comparison to the Onion Kids, who walked through lava waterfalls (are they just called lavafalls?) and traveled to space and the past without hesitation. Thus he was a badass, who was fighting against EVIL surrounding the land wherever he goes without a head honcho in sight. It's inspiring and I can get behind that.

When's the remaster coming out?

You have no idea what you're talking about.

Worst FF protagonist is Vaan. Never before has a protagonist been so irrelevant to the story

>atrocity tier
What. He might be bland but he's a good boy.

Live-action version FINALFANTASY X battle system.

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I'm not sure if there is a "protagonist" in FF12, maybe Ashelia, but for sure it isn't Vaan.

Basch and Ashe are the protagonists.

>low IQ smooth brained faggots think Tidus is a shit Protag
Well, sorry he starts off as a whiney, spoiled cry baby sports celeb. A good protag has GROWTH and an ARC. He's one of the few that does
>starts like I said
>matures into a man, and a warrior, deals with his daddy issues and is a completely different character by the end of the game

Admittedly, Vaan does feel shoehorned in but he serves a narrative function as the pov character. I'm not sure how certain plot-twists would work as Ashe, Basch or Balthier as the MC.

confirmed secondary

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It baffles me that people think Cloud was edgy AT ALL.
Do people seriously only know cloud from that shit movie and Kingdom Hearts?

It doesn't help when Nomura LITERALLY said emo-Cloud is the one fans remember

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>Do people seriously only know cloud from that shit movie and Kingdom Hearts?
Have of VII's fanbase has never played VII.

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I don't think Tidus is a shit character. I think he's a shit protag for a videogame because he's incredibly unlikeable throughout the entire thing.


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War crimes. Cecil is the angstiest protagonist in the franchise. Saved from the very last place by the fact that he willingly committed atrocities [Mysidia (Village of Mist is unintentional brought on by his idiocy)] and therefore has a valid reason to be moody. When Rydia of all people tells him to lighten up and he doesn't, because the world revolves around his feelings and later he won't forgive Golbez for a long time even though he, unlike him, committed atrocities under mind control, while the theme of the game is forgiveness and redemption to boot, I get pissed off. After becoming a paladin he barely says a word. Everyone sacrifices themselves for him while he does nothing and afterwards everyone gives him a blowjob for not being able to save them as though he sacrificed the most. Cecil drives me up the walls. But the basic point is that I can't forgive atrocities.

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It's 4 am, I'm tired and retarded

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It's because you think you are Squall: Edgy, deep and good-looking autist who will get the beautiful girl. In real life, you are just autist.

I know that feel
>Try to fix sleep scheduel, have been sleeping in all day, sometimes as late as 4PM
>Fuck up and do the complete opposite, fall asleep too early, wake up too early, just woke up at 3AM
Fuck my life

I always thought he, Cloud, and Sephiroth were cool as fuck just from word of mouth, look, and Kingdom Hearts affirmed it further. When I actually played 7 and 8 I was surprised that they were a lot less cooler in the games. Still like them though. And Squall reminded me too much of myself at the point in time I played it. I thought he was an annoying miserable fuck, and it got me out of my funk where I was bitter over recent events, miserable, and mean to people close to me making me realize how bad I must have looked to other people.

From what I've heard XII was supposed to have either balthier or ashe as the protagonist, but higher ups at Square Enix decided it needed to have a pretty boy as the MC since that's what sells in Japan. Might have been a baseless rumor though but it makes sense.

In any case, Vaan is the narrator, not the protagonist. The story is not about him, nothing in the game is about him.

I agree with most of this except I think Cecil is alright if a bit bland, and Zidane should be at least high tier. Nothing about him was annoying, he wasn't whiny like tidus, he was a confident lady's man which is pretty refreshing as far as Final Fantasy protagonists go.


Squall can actually select dialogue options to not be a douchebag which makes him a lot more liable. Meanwhile Cloud will always tell obvious bold faced lies to people that knew he was bullshitting Tidus will always laugh like a retard and GirlCloud will always be the worst character in the series

Just dropping by with a new Force Your Way remix from the new FFXIV raid

True, but XII was still marketed with a heavy focus on him, and he's the face of the game too, which is why most people see him as the main character even though going by the literary definition of the word he really isn't. It's kind of the same deal with VI and how Terra isn't technically the only protagonist even though she's the sole representative of that game.

All I've read is that the original protagonist was going to be "big and tough" but they turned him into a shonen once they took demographics into consideration. I think people just assume the MC was meant to be Basch due to the early design sketches.

Play 7 8 9, maybe 6 if you can handle SNES graphics, and that's about it

Cloud was telling lies to people that he thought were actually true. The whole point of his character is that he's going through a huge identity crisis to the point where he's not even aware of what's going on, not that he's some pathetic liar. I agree that Tidus and Lightning and shit though.

He's the worst ps1 MC

He's right though.

FFX really did out the worst in Nomura.
Look at this fucking design. The lack of symmetry, the scattergun elements. It's a goddamn clusterfuck.
Shuyin unironically looks 100x better

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Tried to go for the boys band look, which felt really strange. Salvaged with the kpop aesthetic of FFX-2.

He looks like a clown but so did everyone else in Spira. Auron is seriously the only cool design in that game besides the aeons.

he is wearing a blitzball outfit retard, they're not suppose to look like actual clothes you wear in your everyday life, it's supposed to be unique and representative of your team

Sqaull is at the lowest third worst since Tidus and Vaan exist.

The lack of symmetry is because he is a sportsman, armguard to protect his good side, shorter pants on his good leg to have less resistance when he shoots.

I'm glad you mostly agree. It even surprises me. I appreciate it and do respect your different views. Since I already explained Cecil above, I'll add Zidane's reasons.

I hate him because he's the only hypocrite protagonist.

Paraphrased and simplified:
>It doesn't matter that you're not real, Vivi. Don't worry about it. Cheer up! Let's go!
>I'm not real?! Oh god, I can't go on!

In addition his don't worry attitude towards other characters, when they're starting to be contemplative, stops them from developing, because he has to interject, since he's so insecure with anyone feeling down or uncomfortable around him. Thus he's actually a hindrance to his party. At least Squall and Lightning had designated idiot crews to make themselves look better artificially. Zidane is a detriment to a (potentially) good party, while having barely anything to show for it in his own story. A story that never changed him by the way. He was the same helpful guy for no reason at any point in the story, minus the shoehorned in, unfitting, nearly farcical part where he was depressed for a few minutes. I'm also not a fan of him always knowing the exact right thing to say to completely different types of people or being the strongest Final Fantasy character (at the time). It makes him way too Marty Stu.

So while I in theory appreciated him being more positive for variety, I was very annoyed by him. He was merely too much in the other direction this time instead. He's also the worst thief in the franchise (who never steals anything in the story), which is irritating, since they went through all the troublesome work of making him seem knowledgeable and wise abut the world to justify a high Spirit score.

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Cloud and Squall are these mentally unstable insecure shits while Zidane takes charge, thinks rational and is actually not a distant homosexual. How is he the worst?

>worst character in the series
How can one person's taste be so horrible? ,

Why would an underwater volleyball outfit have a hoody? Also, his outfit literally looks nothing like his teammate's. You dumb.

And Lulu. Even if her outfit made of belts is Nomura's wetdream

>All of this arguing over best FF character
>Nobody mentioning the true best character
I see how it is, you all have just accepted him as the best in your hearts.

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dont listen to that mentally illed child my friend.

He wasn't even emo in AC, just depressed because he was going to die along the kids he was protecting, and he thought it was the doing of the planet he saved 2 years ago. Who wouldn't be depressed?
He stops being like this the moment Vincent tells him "just swing your sword around, it will solve it, also it's not the planet it's Sephy"

It's because of the voice actor. I originally played it in Japanese and always thought he was a cool bloke

>Who wouldn't be depressed?
i am dying now and i dont give a fuck

I can't take anyone wearing a skirt made out of belts seriously, but she looks nice besides that.

Squall willingly tries to 1v1 Edea whe. Irvine shits himself, and he still tells him "it's ok bro don't worry".
Cloud suffers the worst identity crisis I've seen in a video game plot and still goes "let's mosey" a few minutes after.
Zidane is just a non character.

Neither do everyone.
Also you missed the "the orphans he's in charge of are also dying and he's absolutely powerless".

>Zidane is just a non character.
are you mentally retarded. He is literally known as the theif with a heart of gold. Its very much a character, your poblem is you think mental instability makes a character, or the edge badass is a character.

Squall is the most developed mainline FF protagonist because the entire game is devoted to telling his story. I can't actually think of another FF that does this. I guess X comes closest.

the orphans.... remember wheb squall and everyone in his party came from the same orphanage?

>Whenever sang my songs...

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Let me rephrase : Zidane is a cliché character. I don't hate him, but he doesn't have anything memorable, he's basically Allading with the backstory of Goku.
Cloud is mentally unstable but he goes through it thanks to his friends and actually defines himself as a character.

>most developed
well i guess looking at the guy who just bags on himself internally and does to other externally seem development to you.

> outfit literally looks nothing like his teammate's
Are you blind or just retarded?
They were incredibly similar outfits, same pants, similar top, same color scheme, pic related.

The armguard and shorter leg trouser is Tidus copying his father but they have a practical use. Tidus is the only who can do they volley shot and Jecht shot.

Attached: zanakard abes outfit.png (456x614, 181K)

FF1,2 - PSP
FF5,6 - SNES9X
FF7-15 - STEAM

>"East block in the front row, fifth from the right"
Imagine all that pussy Tidus was slaying back in the Abes?

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Except Tidus' outfit is asymmetrical and random as fuck. Jecht's arm guard looks cool, Tidus' looks ghey.

Cool shit.
Any other old songs remixed into ff14?
Only other one I know of is dancing mad and ff5 final battle.

>Let me rephrase : Zidane is a cliché character. I don't hate him, but he doesn't have anything memorable, he's basically Allading with the backstory of Goku.
Wooooaaaaahhh no, you must have grown up with dub Goku or something but he is anything but. The thing is he is a character with confidence while cloud and squall arent. Zidane is a dude that didnt grow up with parents but a gang of thieves. Yet he still comes out of it with a good attitude. You seem to find that cliche, but whats even more cliche is cloud and squall personality types. Either you have a blank piece of paper or mister serious. Zidane maybe more story book, but at least his character isnt the only one in his game that gets a look at everyone as much as the others. His entire party has a personality. where as the other characters in 7 and 8 their characterizations are extremely limited.
But right now I am coming off as insulting so let me tone this down and say I disagree. I know i said mean things but in all seriousness your definition of character is too blahzeè.

Can you please stop posting your awful taste in every FF thread?

Yes. There´s no need to argue about something everybody agrees

wow how can one user be so bad at characterization?

I mean this is one of the reasons he isnt a numbered game. Its that good.

Zidane is a lovely hypocrite that couldn't bear the burden of his Goku backstory despite all the pleasant carefree shit he had been telling Vivi and Garnet, and, hell, pretty much everyone else in the party when they were suffering.
Needed everyone to throw his own words back at him and call him out to wake him up out of his edgelord mode.

He is plenty interesting enough.
Zidane just needs to be viewed as a whole with the rest of the cast.

thanks for admitting you were wrong

>He is plenty interesting enough.
>Zidane just needs to be viewed as a whole with the rest of the cast.
that should be done with every character.

>you just need 40 hours into the game to start liking him a bit

Great character indeed

>he thinks back story= character
what are you doing man?

It scared me how could I relate to him aside from the edgelord facade.

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Why are FF9 fans always so mad about their game? I like FF7 but most characters outside Steiner and Vivi are bland as fuck.

dude you are the fag who threw zidane under the bus of "not a character" and then when some one literally starts speaking to you respectfully you call it getting mad?
common man.

Vaan is the POV character but not the protagonist

you kidding? 8's entire roster was the most blandest shit i have ever seen. You got literal 2d personalities.
Squall I like train
Squall I like hotdog
Squall I like you
Squall I like gun
Squall like penis. The list goes on.

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This isn't gameplay, there is no rush to tell a good character or story.
Not that I agree with your statement in the first place.

I always take at least a month, usually at least two, before posting it again and never do it if it doesn't relate to what's talked about. Preferably by the OP as well. That's hardly every thread.

Jwaaaaahh? for real, I mean he seemed like it a lot. But I didnt get very far in 12 got bored feom the combat system. I really dont like ff11 combat system.

Not even I agree with my statement. Zidane is an annoying piece of shit from start to finish. Most characters in IX are obnoxious

How much I could*

Well imo he's not that developped, for the exact reasons you cited. Plus the cast is so damn boring, the game would have been so much better if it was just Zidane, Steiner, Vivi and Frank with a restricted Job system.

Sounds like you just dont like positive characters. You just like to self insert as much as possible instead of having an imagination.

I totally agree m8 I'm only saying Squall isn't that bad. But I'm more defending Cloud though.

I mean, not every character can be liked by everyone, so you do you.

dude you dont even understand what you are even talking about. There was plenty of dialogue and interactions that showed a lot of character rather than some fag internalize a fucking monologue like a chump.
There are literally 2 chacters that are bad Quina and Amarant. everyone else had more personality than the entire highschool drama that is 8.

Quina is there for comic relief, even Amarant has some backstory and growth to his character.

I dont think you need to defend cloud from zidane fags. You need to stop looking at zidane just his bio on a facebook page.
Like he literally falls in love and is dependable, even when people think he isnt. He proves he is more of a knight than most knights even though he os a thief.

>Amarant has some backstory and growth to his character.
some what, it was weak tho, back story doesnt make a character though, it just tells their history. What is their character is when you play them and see them speak at that moment with other characters.

> back story doesnt make a character though, it just tells their history
By that logic FF7's supporting cast has no character at all, considering all their arc stories involve just telling their past and no one changes afterward.
Having backstory helps understand where the characters comes from and why he might behave a certain way. Either way Amarant starts off as an arrogant douchebag out for revenge but ultimately through actual experience in the game, learns that you have to work together to make your goals and it changes his character for the better (he also doesn't take on a battle victory pose until that point). Cliché, sure, but most of Final Fantasy is.

Freya is good to you ?

He’s a Emo Git

>single handedly stages a successful prison break.
>Is the only one of the orphans who actually gets adopted.
>Only one known to actively search for food. Rest of the party confirmed for androids.
>Punches shit.
>Only one who is knowledgeable about the affairs of the rest of the world. Political situation in Galbadia? Check. History of the Deep Sea Research Facility? Gotchu senpai.
>Has a shrine to his grandfather. He knows respect.
>As a matter of fact, his grandfather was probabbly doomguy. Ever noticed his shotgun on Zell's room?
>Rides hoverboards.
>Alpha as fuck, is the only one who actually has girls swooning over him.
>Master jeweller. Can make a copy of a ring with just some materials.
>Is the source of Squall's tactical genius. Denying the enemy of resources is a valid strategy, even if said resources are hot dogs.
>Is a master martial artist who can learn and create deadly new techniques just from reading magazines.
>Blows so precise he can even swat flies by punching.
>Can run around the world in mere seconds just to punch the shit out of someone.
>Has the strongest Limit Break in the entire game. Lionheart? Get that weak shit outta here.
>A single punch of him is strong enough for people to think there was an earthquake.

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>By that logic FF7's supporting cast has no character at all, considering all their arc stories involve just telling their past and no one changes afterward.
No they change, thats called character development.

>Having backstory helps understand where the characters comes from and why he might behave a certain way. Either way Amarant starts off as an arrogant douchebag out for revenge but ultimately through actual experience in the game, learns that you have to work together to make your goals and it changes his character for the better (he also doesn't take on a battle victory pose until that point). Cliché, sure, but most of Final Fantasy is.

but when look at amarant his only situation to the story was hey that thief framed me, better go get him. His past motivations is whats makes him more petty about. so you can see a back story cheapens a character rather bolden. Back story is a part characterization but doesnt make it the entire thing is what I am saying.

Yes, he's Aladdin.
They all do though. Tifa, Barrett, Cid, even Vincent get personal growth

when she had her time yeah. I mean it cleaned up fast so all you had left was her helping the woman that helped kill her race. So thats all I got from it.

Squall and Rinoa have the most and best character developments in the series, but you have to pick the right teams and complete optional stuff to fully experience all the relevant skits which most people seem not to bother with

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Whatever is a spot on translation for his commonly used 'warukatta na' (translating it as any sort of non-obviously sarcastic apology absolutely destroys the insincerity of the phrase) but it's lazy to use it to replace so many of those other phrases. In so many cases they clearly did it to avoid having to translate some lines.

>hes Aladdin
yeah that was my closest picture of him too but, instead of a music number he has more internal dialogue. Like how can he even be with garnet when she is a princess while he is a thief. How he later realizes he was made to destroy the girl he loves home and yet see that his girl is having a crisis. I mean he is a guy who had it rough but out of it all he comes out as a decent guy with a few womanizing flaws.

Spotted the zoomer who didn't play FFVII

>Aeristh dies
>literally 10 minutes later SNOWBOARDING

>thats called character development.
no shit
>they all do
>lists 3 out of 7 from main cast

Goddamn, I wanted Ramza in 012 so much and when we finally get him he's stuck in that NT garbage.

I know i keep contemplating to actually play the story more but never do because the controls suck so much.

NT is great tho, shame on Square for poorly porting it to consoles/PC.

squall's a good character however the same cannot be said about the rest of viii's cast

Reminder that every FF game only has few real developed characters that the story revolves around and all other members are added fluff/flavor who usually have their own small arc and then are there because we need playable characters. EXAMPLES.
FFVI - Terra, Locke, Celes
FFVII - Cloud, Tifa
FFVIII - Squall
FFIX - Zidane, Vivi, Garnet
FFX - Tidus, Yuna, Auron
Come at me

Now that I think of it, it's baffling how they didn't use him and Vivi for the Aladdin world in KH.
KH would have been better if they smartly included FF characters in Disney worlds.
Vivi, Steiner and Zidane in Agrabah.
Squall being a witch hunter tracking Maleficent, who mentally controls Rinoa.
Red XIII being a divine figure in the Lion King.
Tifa too.
Aerith dies too soon.
Reeves a bit but not so much.
Yuffie is a non character.


because zidane wasnt the favorites of the franchise. People loved the ones who acted edgy or was in a teen romance.

Thread closed, this is the only correct answer here.

Nomura had no rights to FFIX's designs. It's a miracle he even put Vivi in.

no it isnt he used his own designs for dissidia. there was no problem.

12 sucks

Then tell me, why are ALL FF characters aside from Vivi, Nomura designed characters in KH?

cloud is literally a toxic copy cat with almost no identity of his own cause he lived half his life pretending to be Zac.

they arent? ai thought Nomura did the design for both?

Yes, they are the main character I'm more talking about the way they were implemented. They should have been incorporated into the world they fit the most in.

>Characters not designed by Nomura

Yea Forums is fucking gay. What else is new?

Replay the game, that's actually only partially true.

because 9 wasnt the popular ones of the ff series. He even got setzer or what ever that name is and some other characters he redesigned to fit into kingdom hearts. 7 and 8 are very popular and less extent 10, thats why they got cameos and only vivi got a cameo.

Absurd amounts of based and redpilled. This good of an opinion should illegal

I dont know they are stupid i guess

they were redesigned by him thats the point i am making. Not that he was the OG designer.

squall is the black sheep of his adopted family.

you simple minded cunt.

I can guarantee you even back then Vivi was really popular. Also Setzer is an originally Nomura designed character to begin with.

Read this and thought you were saying someone had a tattoo of mike tyson's face and I was confused for a few seconds lollerskates roflcopter

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Just imagine attempting to cope liking a protagonist with a move LITERALLY called Renzocucken.

of 9, doesnt mean it was as popular as the other games. ViVi got in because he was the most popualr character from 9, doesnt mean his game was popular.

he likes hotdogs made from human fleeeesh.

Holy shit. Serah?? Fucking Serah?????? Absolutely some of the worst taste I've ever seen. Stop using your dick as a measure retard.

Fair enough, IX hadn't had its glow up in the fans eyes yet back then. Even so I always thought it was wack Nomura only put his own designs in the KH games.

yeah its not I think its just based on a popularity poll.

you replay the game. watch last order. cloud is a fucking puppet with nothing going on until Seph impales him and he wakes up beside Zac in a tube and steals his identity

>when you realize best FF is actually a card game

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Irl, all those girls would ignore him while he gets bullied by the Chad. Then he ends up being that bad guy shooting up the school

thats what i got from it.

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But he is a Chad himself, thats why gets so much attention while being an insufferable cunt.

>a chad
i think we know why its called a final fantasy now.

>Good at everything he does without even actually trying

Thats the very definition of a Chad user.

she literally casts a love spell on him at the dance

tidus model needed to be a 11year old boy to match his voice. or vise verse and hire a better VA. also delete waka from game.

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by some fags standards
>good at everything he does
sounds like a mary sue the more and more you discribed him.

Kingdom Hearts than Final Fantasy. You'll appreciate it more.

Wow, your contrarianism sure fits here user, I hope you enjoy your stay :)

No, he's not. Kill yourself, fucking retard.

Nothing like snowboard and childhood friend pussy to help you forget some slum hoe.

>Lmao vivi, just forget ur a cloen, just b urself
>Has a level 50 mental breakdown when he discovers he's a clone

A fucking hypocrite.

>>A single punch of him is strong enough for people to think there was an earthquake.

We need more Monk characters in future FFs.

She has an arc about growing strong and courageous from a weak, depressed, even presumed insane young woman, who always hides her worries from others in order to not burden them. After a while also putting her starting obsession with her sister on the backburner over the world and even risking her life for people she has never met (because she is prone to guilt even over things she had no part in). It's a clumsily executed and somewhat shallow arc, but it's there. She has quirks to humanize her (She can be angry, humorous, naive, strict, quick-thinking, oblivious, annoyed, understanding and reluctant for example. But none of them are emphasized to caricature levels, which is important.), motivation of her own and acts to achieve her goals after deliberation. She'll even end up the positive force pushing the trio onward when it gets really grim towards the end. Just because she's also very benevolent doesn't mean it's all there's to her.

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Extremely cringe

Is he, Buttz, and Terra the only virgins?

>Implying Butz doesn't have girls swooning over him over his adventurer's physique on every town he goes into.

noct had to save his mana until he was a 30 yo wizard only then when does he get to impregnate his waifu

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The retarded your not alone bit like others are mentioning, as well as when garnet is about to be crowned and he's feeling sorry for himself. It took a literally genocide victim to give him a pep talk.

Vicks and Wedge say hi.

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you know girls in christian schools will only have anal or oral sex to preserve their virginity when they get married?

She is the most basic bitch imaginable you delusionalfag.

she's just a gradeschool teacher that gets a moogle that transforms into a bow
she has no character development in 13-2
all the change from her 13 self to 13-2 self happened offscreen inbetween 13 and 13-2

FF8 was my favorite FF game, when is this thing getting a remake like FF7?

hopefully never, they'd fuck it up

Squall started out okay but then he got ruined when the second worst romance of the series kicked into overdrive

2020 FF7R P1, XVI and 7R P2 announced at E3
2021 FF7R P2
2022 XVI release, FFVIIIR announced at E3

Wrong, Zack is the best protag.


It's getting a remaster soon, and that's all you'll get.
Just like X-X2

Oh man, I love protaganists who only emotes in ... whatever and spouts angsty bullshit 24/7 and has less of emotional range than fucking lighting

> cant handle the facts that his character was written with a 12 year old in mind.

Thats not facts, just your stupid contrarian opinion.

I'm not counting XIII. I treat the games in bubbles. If you plucked Serah from the last 2 hours of the game and placed her somewhere else her demeanor would be different and if you plucked her from over a third into the game and placed her at the start her motivation to travel would be different. As such she has an arc that has changed her. I did specifically say it's somewhat shallow. And her self-destructive personality ties it together from the lows she starts from, to the slightly confident but emotionally closed midparts and leads inevitably to her sacrificial death.

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yeah its a fact faggot. No one in their right mind would treat squall that way in real life and was nothing but a sad sack projecting is shitty personality as a popular one.

>maybe if squall was a girl
FFX-2 exists user, her name is Paine

Good looking talented people always get tons of attention regardless their personilaty, you basemente dweller.

she has no arc
she's just looking for lightning

not with a personality like that you stupid incel.

Get out of your basement now.

Warukatta na

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have sex you ussless faggot faggot

oh he is a double faggot

We had a really cute one last game. But she was only a guest party member.
I'm still mad we didn't see her post timeskip form.

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Start with 7.
I'd tell you to start with 1 and work your way up but I know you won't fucking do that because you have to be a brainless zoomer to not know a single fucking thing about the FF series even if you haven't played them.

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I do, thats why I'm not outraging over a vidya Chad, just don't go shoot a school when you realize that being a nice guyâ„¢ alone won't get you anywhere, you worthless piece of garbage.

After you return to fixed Yaschas Massif 1X she says she's going to be traveling to save the future and all the people that are to die as a more important concern than finding Lightning (a goal she doesn't abandon, but it's now a secondary concern).

Even when she meets Lightning later, she agrees that focusing on that future for now is more important and swallows what she wants to say. And well if she's intending to die, then finding Lightning is clearly not her top priority or even a lasting sub goal at that point.

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I love Zell, Bartz, Cater, Cinque, Nine, Jack and Yda. Fun characters that are likeable. Zidane is just an annoying little shit

hardly since you sulk like a faggot and feel sorry for yourself, if anything you are an incel.

sounds like you like really 2 dimensional characters then.

>incel incel incel

At least learn new buzzwords, so you can become less of an failure.

I want more context for this dialogue.
It probably won't even change much of his personality, his disposition will remain the same.

sorry would tranny do? or dilate, or have sex oh wait used that one. Thing is you fit the discription of an incel so well thats why it works.

>Thing is you fit the discription of an incel so well thats why it works.

Says the person triggered over a video game asshole being more sucessful than him, kek.

I guess "cope" is the card I'm going to play here ;)

>Pretty boy
>Irreverent and disinterested personality
>Bad boy, constantly gets into trouble with the disciplinary committee
>Cold and distant
Yeah no, women would be crawling all over him. They love this kind of shit, not only is he pretty, but his disinterest makes him 'hard to get' which makes them want him more, and his other problems make women want to 'fix him' or become the only person he cares about. Have you never had any contact with media designed for women? Bad boys are the single most popular archetype after turbochad the rich romancer who does everything ever for the woman.

Honestly I think they made a better job

>I don't know what protagonist means: the post

user, hate to tell you - but he is the Chad. A handsome guy who constantly gets himself into trouble bad boy style, completely disinterested and distanced asshole focused on his own pursuits. He's the proverbial biker Chad.

>Worst FF protagonist is Vaan. Never before has a protagonist been so irrelevant to the story

that's what happens when he is added late into development

i just told he was a fantasy and you unironically used trigger so I would assume that you are projecting your own insecurities of incel.

The most well-written FF protagonists are Cecil, Terra, Zidane, Kaim Argonar, Ramza, and Basch

What a mess of a comeback, its like you're not even trying anymore. Try going out please.

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It says a lot about the game that 'Cloud was in Nibelheim when the shit went down' is a far bigger spoiler than Aeris's death.

this,also fem cloud was originally aya brea but they retconned her to be a bitch in 3rd birthday and now lightning is fem cloud

it worked just fine to get you so upset

>but they retconned her to be a bitch in 3rd birthday

and you can blame Tabata for that

>no u

Lazy and lame, now go out please.

wasnt that your go too?

Can't even make sense anymore, stop embarrassing yourself already, I'm sure your life will get better when you stop being so autistic about video game Chads.

1-4: PSP
5-6: GBA
7: Emulate with "Beacause" Retranslation
8: Emulate
9: Emulate or PC with Moguri mod
10: Emulate or PC "Untitled" Project X mod, though I played on PS4 because i could deal with the remastered models and English dub
11: PC only now lol, with windower mod
12: any version of the remaster is probably fine, only game I haven't played, English dub is better than JP
13: PC version has a lot of issues you may or may not be able to work around, but god does knowing a bit of Japanese and playing with JP audio help the personality of the characters
14: PC, 2.x with JP audio, Heavensward and onward the English dub is better than JP
15: I think the PC port is good, ran badly on base PS4 but haven't tried it again since getting a pro, played with JP audio and seems the voice acting is better than typical anime voices, but heard the English is fine enough
Tactics: mobile or emulate PSP with slowdown patch, possible aspect ratio fix because I think they just stretched it when putting it on PSP. 80% or more of the game is text and the animated cutscenes weren't voiced in the japanese release anyway so it's not a big deal
Crisis Core: Emulate with undub
Type-0: Remaster with JP voices

Anything else like Tactics Advance, emulate, though Crystal Chronicles is getting a remaster soon with online coop so wait for that

I hope the next game is more medieval-ish, American voice actors seem to always suck. Ivalice would be a godsend, and I hope one day we get an Ivalice MMO or multiplayer game or something. If no mainline Ivalice, do more spinoffs please. It's a shame the Switch is the only real portable console excluding mobile, I want more 2D games.

12 was dogshit and all the characters sucked. The SETTING of Ivalice is interesting, but 12 doesn't really interact with it much, just leaving us some hints and lore we see all too little of while the main game focuses on vast, empty world areas and the most boring cast of nobodies.

He is voiced by Ryoma Nagare and Genjuro from Symphogear, so he is ok in my book

It's unfortunate, anons, but all the sequel shit is canon. He has canonically become an edgelord.

>5-6: GBA
Midi sound murders it, so unless there's a mod for that, I would still recommend the SNES.
Otherwise agreed. FFX remaster ps3/ps4 is fine also.

seriously you probably made this thread about bitching how squall isnt liked enough.

t. faggot who never explored the game cities while rotating with party members

>I sure do love buying all the content as DLC

Don't forget he is a great mechanic.

>memorable characters

I vaguely remember something about him being a mechanic. Is it revealed he's the one who fixes the spiderbot if you put him in the missile base mission?

His mom implied him tinkering stuff, but you actually see it in the dungeon with bahamut.

The thing about Zell was that he wasn't unskilled or even stupid, he just didn't study and never took anything seriously. His main flaws were being ADHD, impulsive, and with a temper, he didn't tend to think anything through and rode on the seat of his pants. That's why pairing up with the calm, cool, 'strategic' Squall was such a good idea, Squall completely compensated for Zell's shortcomings so he'd be able to live up to his potential. The fact that Zell took such an instant shine to Squall just sealed the deal on that.

the supposed two dimensional characterization in the cast are actually shallow reflections hiding some slight complexes in them which you won't really see unless you go out of your way

FF8 tried to tell large parts of the party member's development through side quests or optional dialogue, so it's incredibly easy to miss. Like, Zell gets an absolute ton of it, delivered by his mom and the people hanging around outside of his house, but all of that is pretty much entirely optional outside of the brief time you use it as a hideout. Unless you picked up on what the game was doing, you'd miss out on a ton of what's going on with him.

>Aerith dies
>first thing that happens in the next town is Elena popping up in front of the camera then rolling down the mountain.
I wonder if Remake is going to be able to capture the weird inconsistent tone of the game. Especially any Turk scene after their introduction.

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That's how it was for a lot of games in the franchise. But people are all fighting among themselves here and picking and choosing shit to pleasure their own views.

Shuyin did look a lot better. Paine was also not a bad design. Liked the goth vibe.

he looks like leon from kh lmao

They gonna change a lot of goofy scenes

Zidane's the best protagonist in the series because he's basically a rehash of Bartz with some traits added from a backwater upbringing. Squall is interesting if you look past the surface-elements (even games like Dissidia you have to go out of your way to scrape out any of his real personality by talking to him when he's available in the overworld)

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>harassment is a cute character trait

I don't see that anywhere in my post, user.

how lame

So Chads are Mary Sues now?

If you think Cloud or Squall or anything in FF is fucking edgy outside of the heaps of implied rape in FFXIV, you're a goddamn preschooler

I heard they were going to try to retain the goofy moments. Who knows, hopefully it at least plays good and is fun.

Just finished ShadowB, who was raped?

I bought a replica version of his jacket and sometimes wear it when I go out. How autistic am I?

Cloud sounding "as he should" tonally is a hugely encouraging sign they're not gonna fuck with the game too bad. I remember hearing they're not gonna fuck with the Honey Bee Inn too.



It's all over in XIV. Limsa and Ul'dah have metric boatloads of prostitution, the very first dungeon involves killing a pirate crew and rescuing the women in their rape-cave (mostly miqo'te with a lalafell and a hyur in the mix), Postmoogle quests deal with it once or twice I think. One of the Little Ladies' Day storylines revolved around a girl that was murdered (I want to say raped but I don't remember that well) and you interact with her ghost

I will say it might not appear as goofy due to the graphics not being all blocky and it actually having voice acting. But maybe they'll nail it. We'll have to see.

>Single handedly (both hands user) stages a successful prison break
Takes hours to realise he literally still has his weapons (his fists)
>Is the only one of the orphans who actually gets adopted.
Read: Only one that needs constant fucking supervision off-site.
>Only one known to actively search for food. Rest of the party confirmed for androids.
I want to make a joke but I don't remember this bit, unless we're just talking hotdogs. If we are fuck you I actively tried to find a way to get hotdogs while playing this at like age 10
>Punches shit.
Okay. Note that everyone else X's shit too.
>Only one who is knowledgeable about the affairs of the rest of the world. Political situation in Galbadia? Check. History of the Deep Sea Research Facility? Gotchu senpai.
what a chickenwuss
>Has a shrine to his grandfather. He knows respect.
>As a matter of fact, his grandfather was probabbly doomguy. Ever noticed his shotgun on Zell's room?
Yes, zell's room is pretty fucking badass actually
>Rides hoverboards.
The faculty thanks you for providing us with that hoverboard. Forever.
>Alpha as fuck, is the only one who actually has girls swooning over him.
While literally choking on sausage
>Is the source of Squall's tactical genius. Denying the enemy of resources is a valid strategy, even if said resources are hot dogs.
See above
>Can run around the world in mere seconds just to punch the shit out of someone.
Read: Misses so badly the first time has to break laws of physics to correct mistake. Vastly inferior to just fucking punching things unlike literally every other limit break (Except rinoa's what a shitter)
>Has the strongest Limit Break in the entire game. Lionheart? Get that weak shit outta here.
I had this game on PC. upwards of 30-50 chained combos of beat rush and the other fucking one. I concede the point.

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It's a fairly normal looking jacket. Even with the fur lined bit. If it had a lesser fur lining inside it might be somewhat useful when cold.

>Read: Misses so badly the first time has to break laws of physics to correct mistake.

Somehow i feel like you're trying to pass this as a bad thing.

shit protagonist
shit game

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has every quality a marysue is so yeah your chad is just a marysue poorly written.

The one MCH chick in the slums in Foundation was a rape baby. Her mother was taken advantage of by some noble and then cast out.

One of the quests had a victim who was raped by members of the Corpse Brigade

Highly implied and very likely that the main Arcanist quest NPC was a pirate's plaything for a very long ttime

I mean he's not my Chad. I don't really care about Squall. I best not see you callin' anyone else a Chad as a compliment though.

I think Seifer looks cool.

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real best protagonist in the series coming through.

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Too bad he looks like a Nomura version of eminem in KH.

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His English dismissal line is better than common Japanese exasperations.

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When's the remaster?

Fall 2019

I agree with squall. I also can't have nuggets at the moment. Give me the non breaded, bone-in chicken wings.

I mean, you'd be the one to know, with that shit taste of yours.

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Localizers should not be in the business of making things """"better"""", they should be trying to retain the meaning of the original work. Sometimes they might have to reword certain dialogue to make things flow better, but they clearly went far beyond that in this case.

stop ruining the trolls' fun, user

>"whatever" has a dismissive meaning of an aloof, anti-social teen
>"doesn't matter" "I don't care" "get off my case/leave me alone" "man, you're annoying" "no big deal" "well, excuse me" "oh, geez" has a dismissive meaning of an aloof, anti-social teen
golly, what localization that marketable and associative late 90s English single-word response of an aloof, anti-social teen that "whatever" was. So out of place! Not like anyone remembered it, anyway, it didn't serve its purpose at all!!

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The reason why Yea Forums shits on Squall on every corner is because they are exactly like him, with the difference that the Yea Forumsirgins couldn't get the edge like he did.
>dis-social person that constantly keeps everyone away from him in order to not get hurt
>meets some people who brute force themselves through his dis-social demeanor and try to help him
>it eventually gets to him and he warms up to everyone and gets proper character development
The Yea Forumsirgins never got past the first step.

>meets some people who brute force themselves through his dis-social demeanor and try to help him
To be fair your step 2 only happens in games/movies.

Why is an "edgy" character a bad thing?

Absolutely true, and I figure people here hate those MCs as well.

FFIV most of the cast was unironically developed. XV all four were.

Yea Forums would be all over Squallette

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>XV all four were.

only if you watched the anime and purchased the DLCs

because they are usually poorly written pieces of shit that the devs take too seriously.

Like Donte.

#4 is in the works, you heard it here first

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I like how his first instinct is generally to start wailing on their face.

Real chicken wings have this really jellified texture that's unpleasant.