Xbone Elite: over $150, control sticks and bumpers break from normal use in less than a year

>Xbone Elite: over $150, control sticks and bumpers break from normal use in less than a year
>Nintendo Switch Pro Controller: over $60, Dpad is still shit to this day
>Nintendo joycons: over $80, left joycon stick has deadzone, lag, and drifting issues
>PS4 Dualshock 4: over $40, has connection issues when wireless, gyro isn't accurate, smaller than other controllers, occasionally still has problems connecting to PCs/playing PC games
>Steam Controller: over $50, bumpers break/stop clicking from normal wear and tear, feels very plasticy and cheap

Why the hell are controllers so pricey and god fucking awful these days? These expensive controllers break like nothing (can't even imagine how long they last with chimps chimping out) and/or they come out of the factory loaded with defects they won't resolve. I miss having products that last when you take care of them.

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Dualshock 4 and normal Xbone controller are fine, you winer.

Get a regular xbone controller

>being a pleb

I just can't do it.

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I bought the PS classic for $20 for the controllers, who needs sticks

Switch Pro is what I use as my PC controller. It's okay. I have a Hori one, so it was like 20 bucks.

Pro controller is pricey but durable. Dumbass nigga

It has the shittiest dpad on the market right now.

get a ps classic usb controller. thing is god tier for emulation

I wish you could turn the shitty light off on the PS4 controller.

what controller has the best dpad?


Elite or joyconI shit you not

He said best not worst

>I miss having products that last when you take care of them.
Take off the nostalgia goggles, faggot

remember how often N64 analog sticks would break?

Good thing he addressed that the problem with it was the dpad.

DS4/normal xbone controller are the best all-around options right now, which one is better basally comes down to personal preference

I really want to like the switch pro controller, but it's dpad and weird, squishy buttons keep me from doing so. (It's also the only "modern" controller I own that dosen't seem to play nice with 90% of PC shit no matter what i do)

Steam controller is an embarrassment, I got mine for $5 and I still feel ripped off. The damn thing isn't even good at what it's supposedly designed to do: play PC games without native controller support well. The only thing I like about it are the two "grip triggers" on the bottom- they're actually quite nice and I wish a better controller had them in addition to all the standard buttons.

>bumpers break/stop clicking from normal wear and tear
I hadn't heard of this one yet. and I've used mine for three years now with the only sign of wear being the analog stick smoothing out.
>feels very plasticy and cheap
The plastic is just fine. Feels exactly like the plastic of the 360 pad in fact, same texture.
What may make it cheap feeling to some people is how hollow it is and how that makes some of the clicky buttons very loud.

my xbone elite controller has seen plenty of use since it released and its absolutely fine, just dont use it live a fucking caveman and youll be alright

Doesn't the xbone elite have the back paddles?

>Steam Controller: over $50
>not waiting for a steam sale

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The ones on the steam controller are actual buttons instead of paddles. Same idea, butter execution imo.

>I miss having products that last
>Good thing he addressed that the problem with it was the dpad
Never change, Yea Forums

I thought the elite paddles were buttons too? Or was that the upcoming revision? I could be entirely wrong, I've only seen it in pictures.

>Tfw you only have joycons and both of them drift

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That Xbone Elite issue is pretty rare. I've had my since launch and haven't had a single issue with it, nor do any of the people I know who have one. The only person I've ever seen who had that issue is Crowbcat. Additionally, the only true thing you said about the DS4 is that is has issues connecting to PC, but the 360 controller is still the best PC controller for price anyway, so why is that an issue at all unless you're a Sony fanboy?

They're buttons that can only be pushed with the paddles, which are removable and magnetic, like the Dpad covers.

>They're buttons that can only be pushed with the paddles
That's the same on the Steam Controller.
Well, you can push the buttons themselves but that's just awkward and there's no reason to do it.

I didn't know the elite's paddles were removable. I thought they were built into the controller as buttons like the steam controller. The paddles are honestly the best part about the SC.

I dunno if that's better or worse, but I know you can't push the buttons on the Elite without the paddles, unless you use a pen or something, so not during use. I can't imagine you'd accidentally hit the ones on the steam controller, so it's probably a minor thing

Are Steam's magnetic?

PS Vita through homebrew.
It really doesn't get much better than that.

>these days
Old controllers were shitty chinese toy tier and constantly broke

I really wish that the wii u pro controller was compatible with the switch.

No, the paddles are part of the battery cover. It's held on by a latch.

Attached: steam_back_thumb_edited.jpg (619x518, 24K)

imagine being able to pay some extra for actual premium shit like with keyboards

I just want all digital buttons. Fuck analog triggers.

> smaller than other controllers

this is a goddamn lie. I have both. the ps4 controller is slightly larger than the xbone controller.

>control sticks and bumpers break from normal use in less than a year
False, and Dualshock 4 has far more issues with bad sticks

You forgot
>1/3rd of the PS4 controller is fucking useless and a waste of space
Touch pad was a mistake

It can be pretty useful on PC.