Has there ever been a worse bug in videogames?

Has there ever been a worse bug in videogames?

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Team Fortess 2 team unassigned.

I don't think anything will too Myth 2: Soulblighter's uninstall bug. Bungie were lazy as fuck with the uninstall operation and rather than having it check for Myth 2 files and then delete them they simply made it delete everything in the folder. So if you installed the game to the root directory and then uninstalled it, it would literally wipe your hard drive.

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Yeah that one where your super nintendo looked like this and only played shitty games with fart noises.

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I have this disk just for when i want to format my memory cards. It's pretty helpful lol.

The thing corrupted your entire memory card.

i belive if you played viewtiful joe demo it would wipe your memory card. that disc was awesome though because it had a star wars battlefront demo

double based
triple based

forgot I ever had this. never heard of it wiping memory cards before. and I had played the joe demo

That was Viewtiful Joe 2. I remember because it happened to me.


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Never fucking reply to my posts ever again.

Holy shit balls...got that in the mail, played Viewtiful Joe demo a ton. Went back to playing games I owned...and I had nothing.

I was SO pissed. I was like 99% complete on Kingdom Hearts. I lost everything. Just gave up and never went back. Eventually got a card in the mail from Sony apologizing and saying they'd give out a free game, but the choices were shit I didn't like, some ATV game or something and some other sports game maybe.


the eve online bug that would render your pc unbootable due to some stupid oversights

it took years to get those edit parts

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>that happened to me
>be in a supermarket, see a video game mag, read about the memory card deletion and how they give you a free game if it affected you
>get my dad to call them (I was 12)
>"sorry sir this offer expired last month"

You had to beat the Viewtiful Joe 2 demo's boss. Once you beat it the screen goes black and ypu have to reset your console. That's when it erases your shit. Prettt funny. Before I knew about it I took it to my friends house and it erased his shit.

I actually would give this to friends of mine as a prank to get them to wipe their memory cards after it happened to me one time, once to a guy with a 100 percent completed file of SMT Nocturne. Good times.
This tucker pissed me off. I was one of those fags who really got invested making Chronicles of the Sword characters, so when I couldn't progress it pissed me off immensely. I actually beat Chronicles like three years ago, wasn't worth the effort imo.

>variable cancel means you cancel out of a lot of moves at any time!
>also your save file is corrupted btw

i miss demo disk
was a nice way to try out new games

Gran Turismo would delete cars you bought so you'd never get 100%.

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I also remember the AI was stupidly unfair, but a couple characters completely broke them. Voldo and Xianghua were two, I think.

I thought I was the only nigga this affected
I was mad as fuck after it deleted my starocean save and my sly cooper saves

>100% kingdom hearts 2
>get this demo disk for fun
>check my memory cards after, nothing
>pissed off
>get a friend's save data for most of my games
Good times
It's funny to see that this affected a lot more people than I thought it would

Didn't some Nippon Ichi games (specifically Disgaea D2 and The Witch & the Hundred Knight) brick PS3s?

It was D3 I believe, that game would over heat PS3's.

I had this demo disc
Played the demos
Dont recall if my card got wiped tho

Was it also you can't get 100% anyways since you can't access the cut modes like DRAG RACING for instance?

My PS3 refuses to download the patch for D3. I never got an answer as to why.

so fucking annoying

Most probably, but the game actually loses cars you bought go missing in your garage.

I had this as a kid. What did it do?

>Tfw this demo disc got me into Ratchet and Clank after burning hours on the multiplayer with my brothers
>Battlefront 1 Demo
>Viewtiful Joe 2
>Jak 3

I miss demo disc, seeing the difference in early builds and release was always mind blowing to me.

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Not worse but in MGS:V there's a rare Pc bug I got where it would start a new game and erase over the old data so I lost 100+ hours of progress on it. Could only find a couple of other people that experienced the same thing on the steam forums.

Donkey King Country 2 has one that's probably just as bad.

In the level "Castle Crush" if you grab a barrel just as it is destroyed by the auto scrolling stage the game goes apeshit. This glitch is so weird because its effects vary drastically. It may just crash the game, but it also has the potential to ruin the cartridge, making it unplayable, and even damage the console it is played on. People who have tested it in an emulator have reported that it would break the emulator itself and not allow other games to function correct, it's that ridiculous.

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See To make matters worse this demo disk was given out by what was the most popular ps2 magazine at the time, meaning the glitch affected many people.

There was a cheap ninja game on the 3ds that essentially broke open the hacking and Homebrew scene on it.

Yeah, I remember cheesing the more difficult modes. Xianghua had 66A+B which the AI would often forget to block. The generic two handed sword had the two hit A+B where the AI would usually let itself be hit by the second hit. There were others too.

If you were on lower difficulties they were braindead retarded and could even ring themselves out. If you went above normal, suddenly they react to everything you do near-perfectly, Just Guard as they please, chain together combos that will potentially end the round, have supreme spacial awareness for trying to ring you out, and read buttons for counters. There were a few attacks that could cheese even Night Terror to death, but for the most part you either had to cheat the AI or the AI cheated you.

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The game only lets you keep 100 cars in your garage, in a game with well over 100 cars. So whatever you're trying to communicate is kind of a moot point.
American version 1.0 does have a bug where 100% completion maps to 98.2%. So just get 1.1
However, getting version 1.1 of the game means you can't get Mark Martin's #6 Ford Taurus in simulation mode due to some licensing issue, which is not worth the trade off. It's just a number bro

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Every time some mentions BN4 it is always fucking up one thing or another.

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Beautiful car

>but it also has the potential to ruin the cartridge, making it unplayable, and even damage the console it is played on.
Sounds like a load of shit.


It's the corrupted save files that cause the game to glitch out on future boots. It can't ruin the hardware and the ROM. You have to reset the save battery.

That's what happens when you rush out a game super hard. BN4 is arguably more rushed than X6, which is a hell of a statement given that X6 had less than a year of development and reused everything it could get away with from X5 in the first place.

>So if you installed the game to the root directory
Why would that ever happen. Pretty much a non-issue when 99% of people install a game to a dedicated folder.

Deltarune has this exact same bug with its uninstall because the creator just used a basic ass generic install/uninstaller without seeing through to it being able to happen.

SNES FFIII's sketch bug screwed my cart up to the point that whenever I took Terra into Cyan's dream in the WoR it permanently left her in the Magitek Armor after the scenario was finished. Even erasing all the saves using a Game Genie didn't fix it. Was ultimately a harmless glitch but I never read about it happening to anybody else.

Here, you can see it here.

And I uninstalled it without a single issue because of course it had its own directory.

Only DD2. Hundred Knight just crashed a lot

Doesn't change the fact that it was kindergarten level coding. The fact that it was overlooked by a professional studio is disgusting.

Your PS3 is suicidal and actually craves for death.

Steam used to be able to do this too. Not sure if that's still a thing.

Oh fuck I think I have this demo disc

Fallout 76 installing Skyrim on your PC

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But I've played D3 for hours and it never overheated.


I mean wouldn't they have added some checks at start up to remove save data if it gets corrupted?
Or did the cartridge somehow have it's rom reflashed when this bug occurs? If that's the case then that's a fuckup at the hardware level, you shouldn't be able to change rom data

I'm not quite certain how code and data work and all, but looking it up it seems BN3 uses flash saves. I'm going to assume that because the game uses one save file even when you start it up it's already got the data on standby, and since the game was so heavily rushed they didn't have the time to put any checks in. The whole game is filled with that kind of problem, and not just the "We have become Masters of Science!" localization.

Not a bug, but a pretty dumb oversight.
After Working Designs wound up delaying Lunar Silver Star Story Compete yet again (the final release came two years after the Japanese version), they decided to offer impatient preordering customers an apology - a disc allowing play of the first few hours of the game which would allow you to transfer your completed save into the final product. But there's one important difference between this demo and the final game.
Inventory is limited for each party member, so swapping items between them is common and expected. But there's one item in the game that has no use except to be used after the final boss fight to trigger the ending. The final game will not allow the MC to move this item at all so that it's guaranteed to be in his inventory, but THE PREORDER DEMO VERSION WILL. Therefore, if while playing the demo and transferring your save you remove the item from the MC's inventory, there's no way in the finished product to return and potentially you might not realize you've been gated out of the ending until after you've beaten the final boss.



I love reading this, I highly suggest anyone else to read it too. It’s just the ramblings of a broken man driven insane over a terrible game.
lparchive.org/Mega-Man-Battle-Network-4-6/Update 01/