Servers for a game are shut down

>Servers for a game are shut down

Attached: closed restaurant.jpg (1200x1599, 85K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>will never enjoy the game ever again
I'll stick to SP from now on

i liked radical heights

>Game will start when there are enough players (1/10)

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>live in the east
Fuckers got it so good in the west so many Del Taco and legit arcades there

Man this picture is nowhere depressing as I remember.

>There's only one server left
>Everybody gets on for one last game
>We all get together for a group photo at the end
>Server goes offline the next day

Attached: beato.png (239x405, 66K)

Name 10^40 games where this happens

Probably because growing older put your life in perspective compared to this image. It's honestly pretty normal.

>Servers are brought back up after a short hiatus

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>last day of a server being up
>go in expecting one big hurrah with all of the friends you've met over the years
>you're the only one online
>the game you've spent nearly half a decade on and made numerous friends on doesn't go out with a banger, but a single whimper

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>the day NFS world went offline

how fucking noble of them


i'm turning 24 so that is more depressing

>Servers are back up after years of silence by a devoted fan community
>Most servers are filled with bots or old clan meetups


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But I'm hungry NOW

>Servers is still online
>You're the last few people who still playing it

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For a minute I thought it was Houston's one and only Del Taco (since the 1980s at least) but it turned out that Del Taco closed in 2015. It too was only open three years though.

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Having worked in fast food that break is probably not even sanctioned by corporate.

considering the amount of screeching it probably caused it honestly was.

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poor catto

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>server says it's nearly full
>it's just bots

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I've had simple orders take 4 minutes to fulfill, so this isn't a big deal. That's standard practice for those methheads.

>live in fucking texas
>want a del taco
what the hell is wrong with you
just go down the street to an authentic mexican or texmex place you idiot

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The original PlanetSide

Wtf same

Shoo shoo redditor

>game sells $80 collectors editions to people to support its growth
>shuts down servers 6 months later leaving players with literally no means of playing the game, even locally/single player since it does a server check at launch

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He's fine.

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>game dies in 6 months
>most fun ive had in years
>still available for download from steam

is there a way I can somehow go into the game and just run around and stuff?

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That game was such a fuck up. It pisses me off since I am pretty sure PM was abandoned for this, and it was shilled on melee streams for years with it's stupid "goat" package.

The original FFXIV

Anons please

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is this loss?

I don't understand why the servers shut down though, isn't it p2p? Isn't the whole point of launching on Steam that they handle that shit? Or do people have to pay Gaben monthly to let their games use Steam for online connectivity?

>fans reboot the servers through archiving
>company sues fan reboot for infringement

what about this?

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No way this guy didn't start HRT. Wonder if he's already dead.

Fractured space

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I'm not sure but I think the devs threw in the towel and decided to abandon the game forever.

>last day of server before shutdown
>everyone crowd together at the main hub
>shutdown begins
>literal fucking screams of death while each player dies

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>servers for an always online game shut down
>years later a team of autists revive it
>it's so popular that the servers die immediately

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Is that tobyfox?

Must have still had some online check at the main menu. It's such an ubiquitous thing to do now that every dev feels obligated to have it. I doubt it even does anything as an antipiracy measure.

Fuck, the Del Taco I've been going to for at least like 15 years just closed a few months ago. Really fucked over my late night food options, the adjacent Carl's Jr. also shut down (apparently the owner of the property they were both on wants to go more "upscale" and wouldn't renew the contracts) and now there's nothing except McDonalds close enough to get food and make it home before it gets cold.

It had to be online to do anything. Shit sucks, it was kinda fun.

>server shuts down for game I dropped like a turd years ago
>still feel sad

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This is actually horrifying what the fuck

Its fucking ghost in the shell isnt it. That was my guilty pleasure

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Any game that does not allow personal servers, or dedicated third party servers ala Quake and Half Life, can fuck off.

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>Mom alive and loves him enough to bake him delicious birthday cake

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>game is online only
>servers shut down
>game is still available for purchase through online retailers

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taco bell is better anyways

pirates of the caribbean online

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>game shuts down
>watch anime to take my mind off it
>first episode is about an mmo shutting down, and none of the protag's friends are with him at the end of it all

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Nothing really compares to the empty feeling you get when you finish a great anime, especially ones that made you laugh, just to see that it's never getting another season

Devil is a Part Timer :(

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>Find a great webcomic
>Reach the end of the archives with the latest one
>It's dated over three years ago

you know who he is?

It's back now though.

Jesus fuck.

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>Play Age of Empires Online free for 5 months
>Give in and buy all the factions
>3 weeks later devs announce the game will shut down
I fucking hate this earth.

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>Bots by Acclaim

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fortnite is still alive user


Loc Lac become eternal.

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fortnite is trash

Anyone got the FB posting of the black dude excited for his b-day party but no one showed up?

Overlord is a fun anime user, you'll enjoy it.

Lego Universe
Club Penguin

>Game server is closing down for good
>Private server efforts are very unlikely
>The odds of adding its content to the main series are slim

Goddamn it.

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Same, pretty sure my 20th was the exact same. Just feels like a regular day.

t. Momonga

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this and pic related always made me sad and now I'm nearing 22 and they make me sad instead because that's in the past

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wait till you reach 30+ like me. That's when you realize you lost any chance of redemption

Get the fuck outta here

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no it was cosmic break

>Play Planetside 2 on and off for the past 7 years
>Plenty of fun and hijinks to be had
>Have my fair share of unique weapons/armor from giveaways
>Been downhill for a while now
>Game is basically on life support
>Devs tried making a battle royale spinoff out of desperation
I'm just waiting for that email saying they're shutting the servers off so I can fuck around with everyone on the last day

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Have they even added continental lattices? It's funny to think the game might die die before that's even added. Fuck whoever was in charge of PS2's design.


star wars galaxies

>Was in the army when this happened
>Entire platoon is sitting in a meaningless waiting room doing absolute fuck all and will continue to do so for the rest of the day
>ey Sgt can we go to the smoke pit and see that eclipse?
Fuck me I'm still salty

If they reintroduced the original cbt/early release version of The Crown i'd reinstall in a heartbeat and easily clock another 1k hours in the game. That was genuinely some of the most fun i've had in an fps other than Arma 2/3 and some arena fps games like tribes or quake.


>tfw 28 with no kids, /fit/, own my house, and only work 3 days a week
>three sisters and a brother who are all breeders so no pressure to have kids
Being able to live a completely selfish lifestyle is great.

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a lot of people gathering in main hubs to see the end of the world with their friends, but something nice about the second video. just sitting in your garden with your droid, watching the fireworks.

Yes but you're probably a newfag r**ditor so you cant have it. Get your upboats elsewhere

im almost you except not even close

no kids
not /fit/ anymore

Anyone remembers Luna Online?
I do ;_;

>Wake up!

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