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>heh, nothing personal kiddo

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>Tfw killing her is basically one of the greatest sins on the witcher code
>Tfw you do it anyway because fuck that joan d'arc ripoff

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don't worry all women are whores

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i dont get why im supposed to be mad that henselt killed the blue stripes they were literally foreign spies

Cause unlike him the blue striped were bros for the entirety ofthe journey?

sure but they were spying on the country he was the king of during a military campaign like what the fug did they expect would happen

What happened to her? Wasn't she a dragon or some shit like that?

And so what?
There were suspicions of him being involved with henselt killing and all around he was threatening temeria, if he was clean he wouldn't have worried about it.

she had a hard landing

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Most disappointing thing about TW3 is the cut content, you'll never know what happen to TW2 characters cause of the choice you made

Killed by geralt or fucked off due to her being free from the mind control.
Dragons hide themselves in the witcher world.

Wyverns aren't technically a dragon?

she was a dragon legit

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Wyverns are animal draconids. Dragons are sentient but for some reason Humans send them into a bloody frenzy so they live in places very hard to get to on foot.

No,Witcher's dragons are can polyform like Villentretenmerth and live among humanswhile others live in the north mountains where nobody bothers them.

Anyone else enjoy TW2 more than even TW3? I don't know why but it's more replayable to me than the others

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I think they were all fantastic for their time and tw3 open world can get a bit overwhelming if you are completest like me. TW2 story definitely stands out over all of them, I remember the stories vividly from 1 and 2, and 3 not as much.

I'm one of those guys who enjoyed TW2 cause how the world changes on your decision while in TW3 only the story changes on your choices and what blew my mind you can't get into loc muine by front if you killed Siegfried by accident in TW1, I love those little details, TW3 didn't have any of those

did you save her or the loli? not like it changes shit

Probably the biggest thing I was disappointed in W3 was the lack of saskia and iorveth. So much great shit with them in 2 only for absolutely nothing to show for it in 3. Still disappointed. Could have atleast put them in some DLCs.

its okay because it didn't fall for the open world meme and did a good job with giving you two different stories, otherwise its a mediocre witcher game with one curse and some slapdash contracts. you do more witcher stuff in the prologue of w1.

That's not a question, and you're an awful person.

TW3 being a JRPG-tier commitment is part of that for me. TW2 is short and sweet and keeps me interested the whole time.

Too bad the game kind of gets worse over time.

3 > 2 > 1 for me but I like all of them. I don't get the culture on Yea Forums where people hail one as a masterpiece but shit on the others. They are all essentially the same game with a few features unique to each.

brehs...that soundtrack...





Epic and comfy in the right places. Balanced by Skorupa specializing in the atmospheric tracks, while Wierzynkiewicz does the more emotional pieces for important scenes. It's no wonder they stayed a team and made their own little company MusicImaginary.

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