Name a more unfair boss

Name a more unfair boss

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Nightmare Mother

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came here to post this


The sole reason mm7 isn't a perfect 10

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desu boru

>Literally the result of developers deciding to see how difficult they can make a Wily Capsule battle
>So infamous for its difficulty that it's chosen to represent Mega Man in Smash as an Assist Trophy

hey dad please stop fucking my wife

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That kind of stuff is actually hard when you are a


git gud

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now do it with Shadow Armor

>calls someone a casual
>does the fight as zero

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I don't like to play with X. To be honest, the only Megaman games I like are X4, X5, X6, and X8, because zero is fun to play.

X is a faggot, and so are the people who like him.

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Zero likes X.


Zero literally saved X from certain death in the game that matters most, MEGAMAN X

>doesn't like the Zero series

At least be consistent.

Infinity Mijinion, just to draw from the same game.

This fight is so much easier if you charge the wild coil and hold up to send it higher, but the game never makes that clear. It's bullcrap.

Zero is the character made for little kids.

Those with high brain activity enjoy playing X.

Mega Man X6 is a terrible game, and everybody who's praised it clearly never played it before.

I played it, and I dare say IT'S GOOD
but it needs polish to be better, at least it surprassed X3 and X5.

I will never understood this meme. I have played all the X series except for X7, and X6 is still my favorite.

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Just double jump and sword slash, user.

Also, I really like the music in this stage.

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Everybody who's praised it has played it more than once. The first playthrough is cancer but it gets more tolerable on revisits now that you know what to expect and where certain items are.

On the flipside though, X6 definitely has its problems with rushed, lazy stage design. Even when you do learn its ins and outs it's really hard to say stages like Blaze Heatnix, Shield Sheldon, Ground Scaravich and Gate 2 are anything worth praising, with stage layouts that feel like they were mapped out in mere minutes. X6's Nightmare gimmick is actually kinda cool on paper but again, thanks to rushed development it doesn't feel properly harmonized with the stages either. What could've been a cool expansion on the stage altering effects of X1 instead feel like random effects thrown at stages, whether or not their design even makes sense for their implementation or if you even have the proper tools to turn them into a fair obstacle to overcome. This all can be learned with enough exposure and patience but because of this, X6 can sometimes feel like bashing your head against a brick wall unless you consult a walkthrough.

Man, I wonder what happened to HideOfBeast.

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>Just do it it's not that hard lol
For some reason people don't seem to realize that the general distaste comes not just from potential
difficulty but the sheer fact that they had the gall to put 5 of the same fucking miniboss in a row and call it a level

But what about him?

Realizing that requires the ability to assess level design on more than a surface level. You can tell when people can or can't do this based on certain games that are staunchly defended, and X6 very much is one of them.

I really really like x6 but anyone defending gates lab or the 5 donuts is a fucking mongoloid