Why dont games let you lean anymore?

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Because all the characters have bad backs from lugging around all that loot!

Not balanced for lean.

Lean is unbalanced

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Stuff got dumbed down for consolefags.

Because they have to accommodate the limited number of buttons on a controller.

Beat me to it

Every single game featuring lean in a fps setting has camera/pov issues.
It always ends with the shooter or shootee not seeing the other person.

A dynamic/shifting camera pov would be the only fix for this, but devs can't be fucked

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All of those Tom Clancy games for the xbox had leaning.

To clarify, a game such as Siege tends to have scenarios where you are killed by someone you cannot see despite holding an angle advantage.
This applies to both parties as it's also common to be shot from an angle you could see clearly, but the player model was not visible.

cuz leaning is gay and nobody ever used it

Almost every modern third person shooter has lean you braindead moron

The hell are you talking about

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Why are you bringing up multiplayer when the thread is not about multiplayer?

And the issue you're talking about has literally nothing to do with leaning. Csgo doesn't have leaning but still has peeker's advantage

Siege is an awful game in every way, the problem isnt in leaning

There is no peeker's advantage in csgo unless you mean mechanics-wise which also isn't the case.
What you are referring to is awful netcode and programming in games like recent call of duty titles and in that r6 siege game the retard mentioned.

>there is no peeker's advantage in csgo
Okay you have never played csgo in your life. Just say that instead of saying such stupid shit.

Tick rate and latency play a part in it, but you don't have the same issue as it is in siege.
CSGO corner holding doesn't work as well when you can't hide most of your hitbox.
Also, you're retarded thinking a question about lean mechanics in games meant SP games only.

There isn't.
The youtube video you saw mislabeled the situation when the aggressive player baits the defensive player into firing before returning behind cover.
There is no peeker's advantage in 1.6 or csgo.
Go back to watching youtube videos and reading reddit posts by people with bad reaction times and game sense that are stuck in low ranks. Same with unskilled retards foaming at the mouth about tickrate for years.

If it was gay, it would be in Ubisoft games.

The new Wolfenstein games have leaning. You just hold down a single button to enter "lean mode".

Third-person shooters use third-person cover systems that make leaning redundant since the player can just have total situational awareness without risk of getting spotted or shot or whatever. Almost sounds like you're describing TPS cover shooting and/or blind firing.
Leaning has (been) worked (out) perfectly since the days of Thief and DX, but yeah for some reason it doesn't get any love and when it does it tends to go wrong somewhat for some reason or other.

They're all 3rd person anyways.

I play PC FPS with a gamepad and I always bind lean with a modifier button. It can be done easily and some console games do.
Meanwhile most native PC FPS don't have lean at all and never did outside of very niche genres you fucking pretender

Consoles don't have enough buttons. Some games have tried to add context-sensitive leaning.

>play STALKER series again over a couple of weeks
>move on to another game
>constantly frustrated at having to waltz bodily round corners like a retard

every single time

The recent Battlefield entries feature lean and they're AAA games designed primarily for console.

You are actually retarded.