No EDF thread? EDF thread

No EDF thread? EDF thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:

room name: Yea Forumsdf deploys (have to enter the full string in search to find it)
pw: rage
hard, mission 28
buyfag lobby
kill frogs they aren't afraid of water

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Do I need a mic to play online? Or is location ping + quick chat good enough?

Why is it that borderless gaming keeps losing the hook after so many alt tabs? Having to do full application refresh to fix it is a pain...


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Wing diver butt

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Pass: pp
hard, Mission 11,

You're not that big. Sit your big turtle ass down.

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>mission 108
Uhm excuse me, what the fuck?
There’s a billion monsters

>mission 34

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UFOs plus monsters? Crap! The most disgusting combination!

Are there any missions I can farm on hard if I'm only on mission 75 on normal?

I'm still in the 40s offline even though I have 50 hours...

Cant see it so Im guessing its full

>final pylon is too tall to hit with any of the weapons I brought
I thought they fixed this shit, it’s never been a problem in 5 for me until this mission

make another one!!!

Is it right to shoot frogs? it feels like I'm shooting my own family

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Why is she such a slut?

They might look just like us, but they're still the enemy!

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On Mission 49. First EDF game and I am thinking of mixing things up and trying Air Raider now. But not sure which of the random Air Raider drops I've been picking up for other classes are good. What's a good Air Raider load out for late 40s early 50s missions?


Blood storms are so good. Only reason I stopped using them was because I had way more powerful weapons.

>Frog died on the way back to his home planet

Hey I made this picture!

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>get to the first mission where you encounter the webs
>all those wing divers stuck on the webs
>those damage noises
>those voice lines

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Any rooms open?

>demon army equivalent on hard
>no silver spiders
let down

Is that some fucking Gotcha Force?

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What the FUCK do i have to do to kill Mother Monsters quickly

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There is silver spiders on Hardest i think

>EDF5 terminology

did the drawfag ever finish his edf monopoly image?
plug a shotgun or two into their tailhole

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Sorry, but from now on that is what we refer to it as.

Do your math see what gun does the most dps stupid

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mission 29 now 1 slot open

I thought we took them down pretty fast on the second try

Get out of your Nyx and spam gunship beacons. On solo Hard about the 80s point I'm still killing kings and queens in one salvo of rapid cannon, minigun and a few extra single cannon rounds. They don't really get to move until they die. Multiple Air Raiders in an MP lobby would have to do the same to equal the damage but 3 of them should be able to equal one SP AR.

Mechs are there for survival and dealing with masses of small fry. An AR optimized for single target damage will want 3 gunship beacons.

I hear his voice everytime

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Fuck walking robots. They go from out of range to on top of you and fucking up the camera in a second.

>two(2) 30mm Gallic Heavy Cannon M2s
Heavy Duty Big Bug, Frog, and Pylon Crusher

Oh yeah, G-Red is my biological father

Havn't played edf 4.1 in years so it's Mother Monster from now on

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>>two(2) 30mm Gallic Heavy Cannon M2s
thats what I was running

>hard offline wing diver
>pretty easy only die a few times
>hard online air raider
>can't even get past easy missions
How the fuck do I play air raider? I'm thinking of just doing 2 fast reload missiles and either a bomber or a big dick guided missile strike.

>aggros u
>blinds u with 40 billion plasma shots
>stabs u while ur blind
>oh no you blew up my cannons
>i guess i'll just

>everyone is either just starting out or way past me
god dammit I'm so tired of playing the first 10 missions

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online scales to 4 players when you are alone
you need at least one other person to make it bearable, preferable 2 others, full lobbies are good too

>ok they are just out of sniping range i'll just-
>takes on step
>oh fuck it is directly above me with legs to three different sides

What mission do I unlock vehicles?

>tfw you finally get the hang of killing greys
The first mission with them gave me so much trouble but I finally got the hang of it

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You're only on M2s? Get to weapon level 20 to 28, the Hand Cannons of that level which are curiously next to each other shit all over Gallics and can double as anti aircraft guns. At least as the levels go up there are heavy cannons that arguably do enough burst damage to favor precise sniping over raw DPS, unless you're unlucky and have no muzzle stabilizers.

>you need at least one other person to make it bearable,
I was playing with 2,3, and 4 different people at different times. Spiders kept fucking me up and every time I got a revive I was dead in a second. I just can never kill enough of them before I'm overrun and isolated.

how 2 big big monster

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I'll help you user.

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I had 2 spritefalls on cooldown and 1 autocannon since there's like 8 of them on that mission

>3 gunship beacons
Guess i'll ascend to godhood

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Sorry what I am thinking of is the FHD2 heavy mortar. Does 1300 damage per shot, compared to the hand canon that does like 600. Plus it has an immense blast size.

Gib laser. I only have the shitty closed laser sniper right now for Wing Diver.
Also are the special disco balls very good?

Is the Rule of God in 5? Or is there an equivalent?
How do you get a Wing Diver gf?

Just be yourself bro

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The balls are useful in niche cases, like when you know you're going to be fighting waves of a certain mob, or big mobs you can get to soak most of the hits.

I'm honestly torn between doing the whole game on hard offline first, like I did with 4.1, or just doing everything online, solo or not. Since you still get stuff for the other classes it seems like a waste to play by myself for the first run.

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Just post a room, nerd. Some of us just want to kill bugs.

It's really satisfying taking how they get chewed up by assault rifles and such once their armor's down. I wish they couldn't cover so much distance with their rolls, but other than that they're really fun to fight.

That mission is full of special needs hornets. I walked my big green Nix all over the beach to collect boxes and then had to waddle right up into the last red one's face before it noticed me.

this thing is so fuckin good

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I hate those cowards so much. Not only do they roll so far but they just don't stop.

What's a good multi target weapon for Air Raider?
Not large group in an area but 5-6 individual shitters that keep moving around all over the place that I can just tag in sequence then fire.

>friend didn't play today so try to grind some missions on hard
>holy fuck it's impossible
>only after I'm done do I realize I was in online mode

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As you can see from your webm, the Spritefall's weakness is that it can't track moving targets. Beacons can be stuck onto enemies and the gunship is accurate enough to hit some aerial targets. If an enemy flies in the right direction after dying it can drag that beacon back over the rest of the enemy group for even greater efficiency.

Autocannons will kill one bug and anything particularly near it, especially if the bit the beacon was attached to goes flying favorably.
Rocket Cannons are your best quick AoE, but they suck against anything that moves fast if you shoot your target with the beacon instead of where it will be.

Just go online, bro. This is the best time to do multiplayer.

150mm cannon

All of the single target cannons are good for that. Eliminate shotgun cannons reload faster and are safer to use around allies, while standard cannons are more efficient and will deal with non-shitter enemies better.

how to win mission 39? I have tried in multiple lobbies and everyone has ended poorly.

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What does Air Raider have in his arsenal good against those walking drones? Fuck those walking drones.

We all know Fencer is the most popular class, but where do the other three fall on the popularity scale?

work your way round one by one
snipe the frogs to lure them in closer
sticking together is key for that one


Literally hired to be the morale squad. And we all know what that means.

very few people seem to use voice chat on pc

weird how it used to be every game you played would have like half the server on voice and then now everyone is too anxious or something

Unzipped shorts are the best fetish.

Laundry duty?

Hope your "allies" dont aggro the entire map at once

Makes breakfast?

Tryin to do mission 110 on anything but ranger and air raider is pure suffering. Also why do all wing diver weapons just suck?

It's not the frogs, it's the queens and red drones that come in later that seem to end the mission most often.

>stuck having to beat the game to get back to the duct-tape & fire extinguishers outfit

Spritefall (since it breaks many parts at once) and Autocannons/A#miniguns

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Autocannon B is pretty fucking fantastic on the frogs, they get absolutely shredded from it

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>get kicked because some retarded troon thinks an 800 armor Wing Diver is "hacking" because he's literally too stupid to farm offline for 100 armor every 20 minutes
>people are wiping on the easiest missions, requiring multiple rez a match
where the fuck are my friends tonight this is bullshit

Use ranger
Use minion buster mk2

In the first age, in the first battle, when the immigrants first swarmed. One stood. He chose the path of perpetual torment. In his ravenous hatred he found no safe space. With boiling blood he scoured the globe seeking vengeance against the aliens who had wronged him. And those that tasted the piercing in is shot gun named him the newbie

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While I appreciate the Ranger being able to call in basic vehicles, I don't think he should have outright stolen said vehicles from the Air Raider. Sometimes you just want a vanilla tank/railgun mission, and the Air Raider benefits from vehicles the most.

Also it makes no sense that Rangers can call in god damn EMCs while the Air Raider can't.

No you

mission 31 one slot open

I know, these things are much more reliable than any sniper rifle or rocket launcher I've obtained, and it's only level 7.

Attached: turning the freaking frogs into ghosts.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

>drone takes one step to the side
>entire thing misses
Maybe on an ambush like the webm but spritefall isn't good for very mobile enemies.

What the fuck, that thing creeps me out more than any of the bugs.

I find great satisfaction in blowing their kneecaps off with a limpet sniper while they don't see me.

I cant speak for edf5, but edf4.1 voice chat was garbage so i used mumble when i played with a friend.


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Im using cheat to pick up all crates. Is this cheating?

I think I'm finally getting the hang of Fencer.
Turns out shields ain't actually for pussies and I was dumb for unequipping one.


I love havok sometimes.

So I heard end game ranger is weaker than the other classes in this one, how true is that?

>I'm using cheat
>Is this cheating?

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How do i play online as a pirate?

It's that or spend 5 minutes desperately flying around the map grabbing boxes. Just keep using it if it's just to collect loot at the end.

But you can't do armored core shit with a shield...

>fending off bugs for your life
>something is blocking your view
>see this
What do?

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Steamworks v2 fix. Fitgirl pack should have it so even brainlets can play. On that topic, any piratefags want to play Hard around mission 50? I think that's where I'm at. I just finished the level where the city is full of patrolling ayys (not the rescue mission).

>those aimbot ayys with the fuckoff laser
what the FUCK

If it's moving, you need to activate spritefall, then the autocannon (before spritefall starts) to glue it to the floor and maximize your damage, same thing goes for aliens, they'll usually just walk out of the way but they get stunned by the autocannon so its easy to laser them

Put the gear in her gear

Tell the air raider to bring a laser guide kit and spam haytals

>give red drones hitscan lasers that drain health in a second? Check
>give ayys hitscan lasers that also drain health in a second? Check.
>put them both in the same level? Check.

Die, because the dumb bitch flew in front of my mortar.

does beating a mission on hardest also complete it on Hard?


yes that's what im doing. But i feel like it's huge cheat anyway.

Why isn't there general on /vg/?

public pirate lobby

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>user played Let it Die


Collecting boxes manually is starting to feel tiresome especially when it requires deliberately moving away from the action just to ensure you get them all. Not going to lie, I'm strongly tempted to use this.

Man, everyone says fencer is so good but I just can't get it to click with me.

>mouse doesnt stop jittering eveyrhwere when you try to move it

i wanted to play this game but they aren't fixing it. guess i have to refund.

Online mode is balanced around have 4 players. Im not sure if it autobalances itself if you use less than 4 players, but its way harder than playing in singleplayer.

That's because it is a cheat. The point of the loot system is risk vs. reward. Do you run out in front of enemy fire to collect that armor or wait and maybe miss it entirely? With auto-pickup at the end, you're removing a pretty large part of the meta game. It'd be like removing Sinistar from Sinistar.

EDF4.1 and EDF5's voice chat is fucked and its garbage. Most people turn their mic off/unplug it when they play. Im pretty sure its set to "always on" with no push to talk or voice activation or any settings of any kind for microphones.

Frog tips as Wingdiver? I can blow off their arms easy enough, but if there's multiple of them, or just one manages to land a shot, odds are I'm stunlocked until dead.

Wait what? I experience no jitteriness. Try reinstalling drivers or trying with a different mouse because I have literally no idea what you're talking about.

1 slot mission 32

it's all over the reddit and steam forums. it was a problem in 4.1 for some users and now it's still a problem in 5 for some of the same and other new users.

They are one of the bigger pain in the ass enemies too.

I only get jitter when the fps goes to shit.

I play with a controller, so i dont have any of the issues mouse players seem to have.

EDF just doesnt feel right with keyboard/mouse.

Or I can kill all but one enemy and run around and collect all the boxes on my bike.

Air Raider > Fencer > Ranger == Wing Diver

However the Fencer can have two loadouts so he's more flexible than the Raider who needs to be somewhat more specialized for the mission, even taking into account what vehicles do for the latter.

there's actually a push to talk button in this one, it's V

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>It's an AI Wing Diver jumps in front of my rocket launcher episode

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>Finally got to the first ayy mission
Bro, what the fuck. Laughed off my auto cannon spam, laughed multiple direct shots from the requiem cannon, and laughed at me as I get swarmed by about 10 of them. Only made it through that mission due to luck of the draw and my allies surviving longer than usual.

>just doesn't feel right being able to aim and click as i please with precision

sasuga retards

>risk vs. reward
Most missions simply revolves around keeping at least one monster alive then running around collecting everything. Otherwise, leaving it all behind and feeling like absolute shit. The only risk here is boredom (especially when soloing). While I don't disagree it being a cheat, you're really stretching the system for what it is.

I pirated it but my controller doesn't work ;_;

>Ranger has bike
>WD has jetpack obviously
>AR has grape
>Fencer has BOOOOOST
No excuses!

plasma cannon from far away

You need consistent DPS, not burst damage, to defeat them. Once you break the armor, they are very easy to stagger.

I think that one's supposed to be extra bull. Later on they're much easier though I'm not sure how much of that is due to better quality weapons.

Get a fast vehicle and escape once you can no longer keep your meatshields alive.

Is it a mod, or just Cheat Engine? I don't give a damn if it's cheating, I'm sick of having 80% of the pickups be uncollectable because the enemies all died on opposite corners of the map.

Anyone down to farm mission 37 with me?

Cheat engine

And THANK FUCK for that. 4.1's always-on nonsense despite the settings made me change Steam to think something else not hooked up was my mic, just so I can talk to others outside of the game.

Speaking of voice chat, how does the mic icon in the lobby work? I don't even have one plugged in, but it shows as the typical icon. But I see some people with crossed out mic icons...

>have way more armor than expected because you collect 100% of boxes
>have way better guns than expected because you collect 100% of boxes

yes it's cheating you filthy cheating nigger losers

host a room nerd and people will join you

Ive been playing EDF games since "Earth Defense Force:2017" came out in 2006 on Xbox360. Ive got EDF muscle memory for controller use.

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Did you tell her you love her?

>be new as fuck
>like holy shit i just got into edf today with 5 on pc
>play nothing but ranger until mission 20 or so
>wanna try other stuff
>see the fencer
>try dual minigins becouse noob
>wtf is this clunky shit i swear to god
>go online
>aparently each weapon has a secondary function, like boost, dash and zoom
>turns out you need a melee weapon and a close range weapon to have mobility of any kind as a fencer
>try it with default spine driver and a dexter gun i found
never playing ranger again, this game is fun as fuck
i may not be on the level of autism as this dude and i barely have over 300 armor so far while playing on normal early on and switching to hard on mission 15 or so, can't even begin to imagine the level of autism required to play on inferno seein how in some screenshots you see some guys with over 1k of armor on their dudes

i'm looking forward to it

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Why is wing diver so low? I mean I know the majority of people who play her are retards but from what I've unlocked she has a bunch of tools that can delete singular enemies very quickly while having decent CC weapons at the same time.

The best part about 2 weapon sets is having one set to MAXIMUM FAST and the other set to MAXIMUM DAKKA. Dash cancel into position, swap sets, and drop steaming thick ropes of lead onto those disgusting monsters.

2p and 3p online has lower hp than solo online because solo online is actually scaled the same as 4p online.

That is correct.

Works on my machine :)
unironically works on my machine desu.

>EDF on kbm

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>19 DLCs
wtf lads.

I see weapon and vehicle payed content. Is this pay to win?

>delete enemy
>run out energy
Meanwhile Ranger has an unending stream of bullets, Fencer moves faster and when he stands still its to dual wield enemy deleters, and Beacon Raider technically has three weapons worth of firepower at once.

Random fencer tip: if you slap something like dual cannons on your second set, reload them as you're boosting around by switching to them when you jump, then back before you land. Getting the hang of this also helps you use them aggressively.

All of them are shit in Inferno, a couple of them like the laser bike are fun though.

It's 95% pre-order throw ins type cruft.

The only dlc that matters are the two mission packs that aren't even out yet. Maybe the decoys if you want cute ones that you can use to annoy normies.

The vibration though.

>run out of energy
Other than if you use the fuckoff railgun sniper that takes 5 billion energy to charge up how is that happening? Using the jet booster you can move around very fast while recharging more energy than you use up so if you do that in between attacks you shouldn't have a problem kiting shit if you're careful.

Is pirate multiplayer working only with other pirates? I might buy this game if there are more players on legit version.

stolen ver barely works at all, you have to fuck with the files just to play online in the first place

Grim Reapers are top lads. Best of the NPC squads, sorry Sarge.

buy the game you nogs, devs deserve the money

>dash cancel
that's a thing? is that how i achieve the speed of fast like in ?
how can i do it on pc?

yeah i found that dual cannons work best for the second loadout, will try that thanks

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Sarge is cool when he gets the Blazer, but unfortunately the rest of his squad doesn't get anything nearly as powerful.

Grim Reapers are great just for being the only NPC fencers that go fast. They have decent weapons, too.

Does the Spriggan squad even do anything special?

50 bucks is a lot of girl gamer bath water though

I tried that once with a stardust cannon / rapier and it was awful, but then I almost never play her so her upgrades are not very good. Energy regen doesn't seem to have stars next to them in any case.

She doesn't fly anywhere near fast enough to play keep away from enemies, its not like 4.1 where her normal infinite boost hopping is basically as fast as dashing in 5.

How does Air Raider delete UFO dropship reliably? I've been using limpdick sniper on it and it gets tiring

For 300+ hours worth of fun content i'd say it's worth it

This. EDF is better than some AAA shovelware and deserves the support.

Dont know i only play chad ranger and dropship drop in 2 seconds. Such is life for us chads.

My fencer setup is

>R-dispersal mortor


Id use miniguns but their spinup time kills their usefulness. Shotguns give me instant dakka when i need it, and they shred fucking everything.

but that bath water touched her nono parts

1 slot mission 33

I figure a long-ranged vehicle weapon would work. Sorry, I've only played Ranger and Fencer so far.

Bread and butter is dash into jump. There's no strict timing involved, just do a jump immediately after starting a dash. The engine does something strange and makes you move really far and fast in that direction. You can still dash after landing but the jump boosters take longer to regenerate. The more boost count upgrades you have the more you can chain these. If you see someone really flying its probably a double-spear user, which acts as a sort of dash booster when its used.

>hive mission in 5
>not only hive has massively more hp than in 4.1, not only does it spawn even more enemies and queens
>but you gotta kill all enemies as well
wew lad, I dont know how you'd do this as anything but air raider

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>EDF Chief Commander is fucking dead

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>The engine does something strange and makes you move really far and fast in that direction.
Your momentum from the dash is carried into the jump. Simple physics.

Do I get the game now or wait for a potential price drop later?

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Any late night lobbies up?

I read on one of these threads that the Spritefalls will penetrate and hit the weak spot, but I haven't tried myself.

How do I wheelie with m+kb?

I think it took a year for 4.1 to get any sort of drop

Some were saying it was only a matter of weeks when 4.1 got a drop on Steam.

>Japanese dub
>wing diver has cute anime girl voice

>American dub
>Wing diver is literal slut who smokes 99 cigaretes per second

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They get to be jobbers.

Both of these are good

More like dub sounds like a normal human


Yes it's only a lobby with other pirates.
Day after release there were plenty of rooms. Still several posts in these threads advertising Pirate games, too.
I bought it a couple of days ago and there's way more lobbies in the legit version, though, obviously. More of the advertisements in the threads for games are legit copies, too.
Is retarded, though.
You just drag and drop 3 files from the Steamfix to the game folder, restart and run Steam logged in, and you're good to go. The repacks now include all the shit too so even dumbbell could do it without fucking with anything.

Play however you want but as I said, legit does indeed have more rooms up.


Which appears to add up multiplicatively rather than additively. The difference between this and doing the same thing except a little slower in sequence is far too great. It's enough to make you slide around for several seconds after landing, clearly something is not right here even though its intentional.

Makes the standard dashes really feel like shit by comparison however. I don't think this was the right way to go about smoothing out the Fencer's mobility game from 4.1, especially when boost types are still locked behind your weapon choices. Being stuck with at least one melee/gun combo is better than melee/javelin but its not really too different in principle, plus they took away my spear/cannon setup.

>about to stick gunship beacon on some frog
>wing diver NPC came out of nowhere and stood in front as I fired the beacon
>beacon now stuck on her
>fug externally

At least she started flying and led that autocannon barrage away from the group, but damn my heart rate jumped a bit

Fucking drones keep flying in front of my mortar and blowing me up with it

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Welp my computer crashed on the last fucking retarius. RIP

You mean the big spider? Thats an aranea soldier

>0 stars

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>male dubbers dont do the same 4.1

>missions 100+ just start having mission pictures become more and more filled with enemies
>it's just storms 1-4

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Mission 20~30ish tips for air raider?
Bombers? Auto-cannons? Mix all day every day?

Anti-bully ranger can't save you now.

Attached: ayy lmao.webm (1280x720, 3M)

Meant Nix.
The other vehicles feel like a waste compared to a red with 4 weapons on it and big health.

I fucking clapped, EDF is fucking GREAT at "moments" like that

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just unlocked hardest and inferno, what are some good farmin inferno missions that wont be too hard as an air raider

God I hate Deroys so fucking much

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>first mission with UFOs online as Wing Diver in 4P multiplayer
>lightning bow just knocks them out of range
>mag blaster takes 3+ seconds to kill a single UFO drone
Am I supposed to just hide between buildings and Dragoon Lance them one at a time? Does Wing Diver have any good ranged weapons?

>does nothing but draw bit titty wing divers
how can one man be so incredibly based

Is everyone playing on PC?

>Mission 85
>(you) + 5 rangers vs. 10 billion flying frogs
>they will die in the first 2 minutes
>eventually a fencer team shows up
>but so do 300 trillon flying frogs
>frogs have such a low droprate for items you won't ever get enough health to even attempt to keep your allies alive
Fuck this mission.

Fucking hate them. And why the fuck is their intro mission the one where they are never in sleep mode. God they are a shit to kill.

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how am i supposed to fencer dash
i have the upgrade
i can do a dash-jump land then do another then another
but i cant do the dash-jump in air that i see in all these vids no matter how hard i try



>i have the upgrade
Which upgrade? You need to have both 2 dashes and 2 jumps to be able to do an extra one in the air. Either have both a Dash Cell and Add booster equipped, or use a Multi-charger.

Mission 49 was a damn nightmare. It was so fucking awful how much trouble it gave me. But luckily that mission dropped a Stardust Cannon which made mission 50 a bunch easier. So at least Mission 49 wasn't the worst thing ever.

Does that Powerdyne thing ever become usable or is it a joke weapon through and through?

Does EDF 5 seem way darker than 4.1?

Attached: 1560705824311.png (329x528, 76K)

everyone dies in edf 4.1 how could it be darker than this

I feel its darker yeah, especially with all the dialogue allies have

is this game worth it offline?

>Do you still have ammunition? Those won't do you any good in the afterlife! Send them to the enemy!

I've really been enjoying the flying with the Wing Diver, but the Air Raider is tempting me. All that firepower looks legit.

Attached: HOLY SHIT.gif (450x253, 1.77M)

Why would you play offline?

>"They killed my family... I'm the only one left..."
>"I don't wanna die!"
>"But we'll die-""So what, it's our duty!"

Game is 8/10 offline

999/10 online. Especially with the emotions commands, Air raids from deranged brazilian guy and wing diver who just afk on building.


ctrl-f "pirate"

It feels like it gets close.

In both of them, humanity is pretty much completely exterminated except for you, your support team and a few able soldiers.

Though in EDF5 they implement some "omega protocol" to start drafting literally every remaining human to fight. I'm not sure if that actually goes through since they give the order in the middle of the final boss fight.

I'm stuck at the first mission where the frogs appear, what a shame.
Also quick question, my friend wants to play with me but doesn't want to buy the game, can he play with me or can I join his lobby if he has a pirated copy ? Thanks.

oh wow, that's neat, then I have to try it then

I am aware this is an absolute scrub complaint but I would really like some feedback on fencer dashes as the cooldown is really wonky
When shit pops off and my positioning is shit I'm reduced to alternately mashing shift and spacebar and hoping for the best
Maybe I'll just have a better safety net when I get up to 5 dashes

I miss the ravagers, ayyyliums scare me

pls, I feel so useless

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>my friend wants to play with me but doesn't want to buy the game
Story of the pirate life.

>holy shit guys, the player is guiding us through this mission and keeping us alive so he can win it
>he even brought in a relief system to make the most out of medkits!

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you could turn your legit version into a pirate copy probably

Lightning bow shouldn't be knocking them far away. It should be stunning them in place. Unless maybe you are using Thunder Bolt instead? I don't know. Do you mean the basic drones? Lighting gun should take down basic drones easily.
Closed Laser is an ok sniping for WD.
Or just get above them and shoot down so they fly into the ground.

You should be able to do standard dashes after landing for the same number as your charges. After using up those dashes, when they're ready again your jump will have recharged. That's about the best rule of thumb I can come up with.

>have turret with 200 ammo that deals 20 damage
>find higher level turret
>it has 400 ammo with 3.3 damage

this is confusing. right now an weapon with less than 10 lvl easily outclasses theoretically more powerful guns thanks to random stat system. you need to read weapon descriptions carefully now before going into mission with completely useless gun


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Well yeah besides those you always need to take into account the type of turrent, its range and damage type

Oh also Mirage 5-Way lets you instant target 5 enemies with homing missiles which may be useful. I don't tend to use it though.

how do i get this mecha? i remember there is a balamb in 4.1

>Armored grape is offensive
>Is armored g***e alright?
You cant be srs

>After using up those dashes, when they're ready again your jump will have recharged.
This is true, but dash > jump > dash > jump has the best mobility for escapes because just dashes have those awkward recovery frames unless you expend melee ammo
It just never feels like I have the timing for my jumps right and so I waste one of my dashes and then have the recovery to deal with when I've got a swarm of spiders on my ass
Some kind of jump/dash counter or cooldown gauge or even an audio cue or something would make it so much easier to learn timings

Yeah, the basic drones. On single player, they died really fast, but in multiplayer, the lightning bow just knocked them back a bit. I wasn't using the bolt gun.
I'll have to try the closed laser or mirage next time.

That's Barga. You get a glimpse of it in the intro and don't get one in the story until pretty late.

Air Raiders might get one before you're supposed to if you're lucky with hard mode drops.

god, i wasted my money on the PS4 version. i'll probably never play it again now that i have the PC ver.. this happened with EDF 4.1. D3 sandlot deserve my money, though

What's wrong with PS4 version?

Armored Gape will work

I could have sworn I heard some kind of noise when jumps were ready but I can't anymore when I listen for it...

performance isn't an issue when i'm never going to play it again. the community will die off like it did with 4.1 to live on on steam. i should have just stopped at the JP import version, but i got the NA digital as well

I mean, I got my money's worth from the PS4 version. I'm on the fence about getting it again on the PC but I'm really feeling the pressure to join in with all this discussion going on now.

Does anyone here still play the PS4 Version?

I just got that late mission with all the pillbugs by the beach, where was the safespot again

The world is about to end, there's probably not enough humans left to maintain a viable gene pool, and she's not gonna live long enough to see it through. So, why not go out dressed like a slut? There's no more "polite society" to scold her for being a slut or whatever. She's probably looking to get some of her urges satisfied while killing ayys.

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What kind of shit the EDF were building that need skyscraper-size mech "loader" that can slugfest with literal godzilla and walking forklift that has jetpack to build?

oh theres two upgrades thank you i almost thought i was a noob for a moment haha

Terrorism is serious business

>play wing diver
>get accustomed to holding attack to charge then releasing
>change fighter
>accidentally start firing all my weapons right away

There isn't one
Deep down I know it just comes down to git gud but fuck me it's frustrating when I die right outside of cover because I was a milisecond too early pressing jump

>D3 sandlot deserve my money
why is that again? for charging a ton of money for an asset recycle? or is it that they release such great valuable well priced dlc? or maybe it's their wonderful user support and porting processes?

Baby bitch. Cry.


just want to know what the hell they do that you think they deserve a lot of money

they make some nice games

>walking forklift that has jetpack to build?
To be fair, IRL the military and construction companies have been interested in "lifter" type power armor for a while now.

Barga on the other hand was dismissed as generally useless by even the EDF until the brass realized it was capable of punching out godzilla.

As for the civilian version of the fencer armor having the jetpack and weapons systems, I just assumed it was some quick modification to let you use that stuff, or just that the features were locked away by the manufacturer and simply could be "unlocked" in case of an emergency, like being drafted into the EDF.

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maybe it's this weird thing where they make fun games but you don't play video games so you wouldn't know anything about that

baby bitch cry

Attached: 地球防衛軍5_20171223050551.webm (702x394, 1.69M)

In some ways, but not so much in others. 4.1 was a lot more bleak overall, though. I mean, it was subtitled The Shadow of New Despair, for fuck's sake.
Also, less singing about dead lovers and family in 5.

Attached: blame edge of the city.jpg (728x1066, 128K)

Defenetly an upgrade from quadruped fortress in 4.1

>play with the same randoms for around 3 hours
>friends want me to join them so I say I had fun then leave
>almost want to add them but I already forgot their names and I'm autistic and can't talk to people

Attached: 1543608522037.jpg (640x600, 39K)

it's literally top 10 best game ever made just be default -- and by the nature of it being expanded upon from 4.1.

baby bitch


The game is very good

>adding people just because you played some games with them
Don't do this.

>There's no one home to wait for me
Fuck, this one hit me so much harder than its 4.1 equivalent. Probably helps that it's not set to the Battle Hymn of the Republic
Also the post-110 slides are depressing as fuck, in 4.1 the majority of humanity lived on thanks to the bunkers

new buyfag lobby

room name vdf
mission 59- HARD

Attached: 704.png (303x311, 195K)

>attacking niche small dev team who works hard to please its core audience unlike other dev teams and publishers who jump to newfag audiences to dumb down gameplay, thus, abandoning core audiences
The whole
>Yeah! Fight the man!
>gamer justice for gamers!
>complain complain complain all the time! yeah!
should be saved for companies who actually deserve it by putting out shit games

I love how he turns his head to see what's coming just before impact.

user don't let the resident autists ruin these comfy threads, the sad fuck probably had that pre-typed and was just waiting for the chance to post it

I mean I want to play it but it's a broken non functioning piece of shitware so..

>so what if we lost half our supplies, we don't have enough men to use them!
>so what if aliens destroyed all major cities, they were deserted anyway!
I want to hug her and tell her it'll be all right.

Works on my machine, maybe it's that new anti-faggot software the game comes with

>release the same game over and over again at full price is "working hard" to please their fans


I genuinely like the game and the series but you people are fucking stupid.

>They're getting so desperate they want to throw civilians at the enemy to buy more time.

Attached: index.jpg (224x224, 8K)

That's because in 4.1 we had some victories before the earth eaters. We had fought the ravagers before so we knew how to bring down their stuff.

In 5 we are
a) taken by surprise
b) taking a few months vacation cause "how do I kil dropship , lol"
c) failing again and again against motherships.

I find myself not caring much for Wing Diver short range weapons. Have I just been messing with the wrong ones or is Wing Diver just better for mid range?

Holy shit I'm glad 5 doesn't have those or the dragons.

>reddit spacing
>is retarded

Fucking hell, I finally cleared 39 after what must have been at least 20 attempts.

Attached: 1485876937431.jpg (750x1024, 123K)

this might be the most autistic thing I've ever read

newfag trying to fit in, sad.

Dragoon and Rapier are the standouts, they both accomplish the similar goal of absolutely mulching a bulky target within 100m.

ok reddit

but he's not wrong. rehashing the same game over and over with little if any innovation isn't trying hard to please your fans, it's just milking their fans.

fite the man, buddy -- a really small, not-very-well-known man due to your strange conditioning. you sure are saving the industry.

>"Those little monsters don't stand a chance!"
>the sniper team think the monsters are small just because they're far away

i mean you could've just posted that the first time around and not blatantly samefagged
you'd still be a retard, just not a samefagging retard

I have the starter Rapier as the very first short range weapon and then a dozen ones after it on the list with no Rapier 2/B/Plus/etc does it change to a different name? Or is the starter weapon really that good compared to later unlocks?




Happened to me Mission 110.
I wondered why I didn't hit the cannons with my beacons, they were too far away but seemed to be near because they're so fucking huge.

your reaction to being confronted with information or opinions that differs from your own is worrying

Attached: 1533856496485.png (1256x414, 25K)





I think its because impact grenade launchers are so versatile.
>empty mag across wave frontline to hold back the mob
>arc shots over frontline to have them land in the middle of a group for maximum damage
>high arc to arty shit that's still at 5fps distance
>snipe anything once you get used to the arc and can eyeball a shot reasonably well
>reloads fast

Fun game, I'll pick it up when it's $20.

fite da man!

oh you're just like 15 years old nvm

Guys, it's Redner group shills. Look them up. it's a Los Angeles-based company who hire shills and dispatches them on the internet for today's hot internet marketing. AAA western publishers use Redner Group to shill against games with actual gameplay.

I meant that when you land after those jumps you can still do more dashes equal to the amount of charges you have equipped, however your jumps will need just a bit more time to recharge.

so hardcore. fite da man!

The fuck? I already have shit like Spark Foil, Double Lance, Dragon Lance and not a single rapier past the first. What kind of rng is this?

>If you're against $60 asset flips you must be a shill for literally who
ok. I'll still get the game when it's for an appropriate price since I like EDF. In the meantime it's pirate lobbies.

I know tanks and mechs get faster later, do helicopters get less clunky?

fite da man!

It gets through and they all die.


I pirated it by the way and I've been playing it online. I'm honestly glad about it after seeing you faggots acting like this.

Glad you agree. :^)

>being this passive aggressive
We don't need women, dude. Go cry about your depression elsewhere. We all know your kind does these things in attempt to drag everyone lower than you.

If you're against $60 asset flips so much that you spend your time on Yea Forums bitching about it instead of talking about your favourite game then you must be a shill for literally who

yeah poor widdow bandai namcoww :((( dey weeewy needs me to defend deir honow onwiiineee

Attached: 1553667249411.png (789x33, 8K)

I think the 4.1 wing diver looked much cuter than the 5 one.

>less than 10k players according to steamcharts
Uh oh, jewish tricks have been foiled by PCchads.

requesting an EDF edit with Air Raider Storm 1 replacing Kamen Rider

Attached: 22.jpg (800x1155, 109K)

You have to be 18 to browse this website.

you know, you would have been much cooler if you didn't bring up the pirating thing. if you have to bring it up, then there is no point. it's literally saying
>oh, i have nothing else to say so i gotta mention i pirated it. surely, that'll get them angry
it's just so wrong and womanly. i pirate games all the time too. i don't know who you're trying to talk to here. besides, no one here is actually trying to argue with you. didn't you notice when no one replied to your posts seriously?

You should keep your opinions to yourself

fyi doing baby talk doesnt actually turn somebody into a baby it's a little worrying that you'd think that

I'd like to see a properly drawn EDF5 version of this.

Attached: EDF Saves the day.jpg (640x955, 300K)

Everything gets faster as you go up in levels. One of my primary gripes with EDF is how slow everything is at the start to the point where you have helicopters that can barely get off the landing pad.

Their world is really a comedy-type being invaded by equally comical aliens.


Attached: 1539413424741.webm (720x540, 2.95M)

Any pirate lobbies up right now?

Nice Joker colors.

I used them to fuck up the first 2 pylons real good in mission 3, then never used them ever again.

>point out asset flip jew tricks
>hurrr fight da man you must be reddit or shill for some company *plugs ears*

Its literally Queen Ant.
Queen Ant, King Tarantula/Spider, Death Queen.

Why are pirates so autistic? You can just admit that what you do is wrong and keep doing it instead of trying to justify it to yourself and others with these pathetic posts.

>in 4.1 the majority of humanity lived on thanks to the bunkers
No they didn't.

They're assuming that if you want a normal solo game you'd just use the offline mode and that by doing the multiplayer mode solo you must want some kind of additional challenge. So they scale it as if it were 4 players when its just one.

i'm not even the pirate guy, i bought the game, game doesn't work, sniffing this companies asshole while they are treating their consumers like shit (did they even patch edf 4.1 once?) is pathetic.

im@s and EDF babby -- only for real men

Attached: im@s 4.1PRO.webm (1154x650, 2.98M)

Nothing really, some PC fags are way too retarded about muh framerate

How the fuck do you beat mission 41

i always hated the pink pigtails on the 2025/4.1 wingdiver.

I've been on generals where this happens a lot, which also means I've seen many of them confess to why they do it so adamantly and persistently. It's depression and they just want to try to drag anyone down with them fucking lel.


Personally, if you're doing it offline after already beating the game, fuck no.
I don't play games to grind but to have fun so making the grind just more efficient is fine in my book. Just giving yourself all the weapons or infinite health or shit like that is super cheating though, online or off.

>5 has the option to change costumes
>release no costume DLC, not even just for 4.1 models

I do, I don't play games on PC much
>asset recycle
Fun fact for retards like you.
Recycled assets are: ants, spiders, araneas, some buildings, maybe few gun models.
That's it. Rest of the game is new.
No one ever compared those ants,spider,araneas models either to say they are completely the same, maybe they got changed a bit or beefed elsewhere.

>game doesn't work
Works fine for everyone else in the thread senpai. Get your refund.

Ya but we have one hell of a victory in the end

lol stupid depressed faggots

No its just to encourage using the online mode for multiplayer gameplay to begin with. No point wasting the server browser's time with a game populated by just one person.

Are their any mods that let you BE the aliens?

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Call them out on it and they suddenly go quiet for a little bit.

>That's it. Rest of the game is new.
there's nothing else

>have a fetish for fast firing shoulder mounted cannons
>oh fuck yes
>immediately equip two
>get into mission
>hold down L2/R2
>pic related
Im sorry someone explain to me what the point is of automatic weapons which CANT HIT ANYTHING WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME YOU FUCKING BASTARDS

Attached: 32465452645.gif (385x272, 659K)

>mission 37
>with 4 air raiders
Lord have mercy.

>it's fine that some consumers literally can't even play the game because it works for me! this company is the best in the whole world!

unironically grow up

I did that in 4.1 when I got really bored of farming red ants. Used CE to give me a bunch of boxes for every one I picked up so it was as mild of a cheat as possible, I can't believe there are people who would spend countless hours farming all the weapons at the normal rate, much less in 5 where you need numerous duplicates to make something work at all.

what do you girls think of ranger class?

they get better in later game. Now they are just spray and pray

You sure? I specifically remember a "The cities have been destroyed, but the majority of humans fled to the countryside and survived" line
The EDF get torn to similar levels of shit, though.

>drone 2s
>the mechanics and loadouts of the 4 classes
fuck why are you so dumb? Why are shitposting about a game you haven't played?

Is there a way to see the map bigger?

After playing 4.1 the pacing of the campaign in general feels really weird to me. Like i understand mechanically why they do it but
(assuming normal)
>only one hive ever
>retiarius is a super late game enemy
>only 2 missions with anthills
>you only fight one mothership
>the walking fortress takes the place of both a mothership and the quadrupeds but quadrupeds could be spammed in missions without fear
>nothing equivalent to the argo
>Achelus doesn't really feel that threatening compared to Erginus

>there's nothing else
transport ships, two type of drones, two pylons, mothership, final boss, tadpoles, two types of humanoid enemies with additional subvariant, all new models for EDF, aside of naeling, apc and railgun I guess.
More than half of the game. Also new locations, weather system, night missions.
And I guess bees are old. You don't really change iconic enemies, you know.

So please, give birth to a hedgehog against it's skin.

>let me just make shit up!
unironically learn to read.

>>only 2 missions with anthills
The Teleport Anchors were the stand-in for anthills, at least that's what I thought.

oh and as been mentioned deroys, archelus, rollers (not the same model as EDF2), if to keep digging I guess amount of reused assets will minimize even more.

back to using nothing but blasthole spear forever i guess

i tried the flamer too, my camera shot up so fast i was sure my fencer snapped his neck and died

Anthill like stuff shows up later. Underground.

>Those two final missions
Also did they remove the single shot sniper from the wing diver? I'm trying each weapon but it's always charging shit and dealing no damage, i remember this sniper type in 4.1 that would consume 10% of your energy and dealt decent dps

KEK fucking poorfag. Upgrade your PC.

We need more people to beat back the flying monster menace

room name vdf, 2/4 slots

pw is rage

>no Argo
Aw man, I loved those.

Archelus really is more dangerous though. Its explosive spread attack is by far the most deadly single attack in the game. We've just gotten used to beating the big monsters up and poor Erginus can now be killed by regular weapons fire.

They are and aren't. Anthills appear later on in some of the underground missions despite establishing they could have teleport beacons underground. I suppose they did it just so they could have them in the DLC missions.
Also it felt like there were barely any underground missions. Which is fine since i've never really liked the things but when the main enemy is giant insects it should make sense to attack their nests.

Argo didn't show up in the Wingdiver shmup either, it really disappointed me

>a flamethrower
>with less range than melee weapons
>with 6 fucking seconds of startup time
>with more recoil than massive cannons
What the FUCK were they thinking?

Attached: 20190714221736_1.jpg (2560x1440, 849K)

>almost every room is private now
these fuckers don't even know what it means to be in the EDF. zero honor; zero camaraderie. it started happening more and more in 4,1 after the permanent price drop. they would just kick you in 4.1

>Archelus really is more dangerous though.
That may be so but it just doesn't feel like it. Erginus' lightning breath was intimidating in ways that the explosive balls just can't compare to. I get a moment of panic when surrounded by balls, i get awestruck in the path of lightning. Combine that with erginus' charge and leap being much more intimidating than Achelus' roll and belly flop and Erginus is just cooler overall even though he's weaker.

Flame Revolvers? They're actually pretty damn good later on after some upgrades.

There are alternate costumes?

How do I join pirate lobbies? It always shows up all empty when I select online. Is there a step I need to do to access pirate lobbies?

Better ones and equipment slots to not have massive recoil mean that you can hold a chokepoint for far longer and far more efficiently than any other weapon. You aggro a room of bugs underground then back up into a choke then never let go of the button.

So is there a M&K bind for descending in helicopters? I heard someone say there is one on the controller, but I haven't found it for M&K in the options when I looked for it.

>nothing equivalent to the argo
This fucking hurts me the most. God's Army was the best mission in 4.1.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 172K)

>rockets suck
>railgun tank is worse than a sniper rifle

Attached: ZOINKS SCOOB AN IMMIGRANT.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)


Attached: the great escape.webm (426x240, 2.16M)

you have to level up all your weapons

It's Godzilla vs anguirus. Obviously Godzilla is cooler, but anguirus is still baller

Attached: edf dragon mecha.webm (624x700, 2.99M)

opinions on EMC? is it just me or is it not that strong? i used one in hard mode, mission 19, that's similar to crimson in 4,1 with all the red ants. it seems to be a good, early farming level


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

i remember hopping on one of those helicopters in 4.1 with the side canons and we took one out from the sky. turning and aiming was so slow, but that's what made it especially good

I have a 1080ti, the problem is the games shitty integration of mouse support that has to be fixed with fucking cheat engine of all things. Some guy figured out how to fix their game in a few days when the pathetic useless niggers at d3 couldn't manage it in fucking years (same issue existed in 4.1 for some users). How sad is that?

Thanks. Finally someone who wrote the instructions properly.

Christ that mission took forever to beat on inferno, fucking hornets are such horseshit. One hornet is harder to deal with than a hundred gold ants

>Try Wing Diver again after 15 or so missions as ranger
>literally the only weapon I have that can kill shit is a phallanx, everything else takes like double my energy max to shoot or is plain shit like kinetic weapons and the laser beam rifle

They should remove half the wing diver armory, its full of plain useless shit

while doing Caves of Bullshit 3, I discovered the secret to Queens. If you're right under them, it's easy to dodge the goo. If you're far away, you're probably dead.

I feel so dumb.

all you need are dragoon lance DA and the level 10 plasma big canon

starBURST and starDUST are two different weapons, right?

I don't know how to win mission 100. By the time Archalus shows up every Barga is damaged as fuck equally, the bees all make short work of the EMCs because they literally miss them, then by the time command orders the second Barga team in, everything in the map is fucking dead and thus I now have 10 fucking Archaluses on my ass that I can't fucking run away from. Every single time its like this, the second Barga wave doesn't come until I'm the only one left on the map.

I have a 1080ti as well game runs flawlessly, your PC is just shit

You need higher level cores to use higher level weapons.

What class?

>the problem is the games shitty integration of mouse support that has to be fixed with fucking cheat engine of all things
Did someone manage to actually fix the mouse jitter (not the DPI/sensitivity issue)? If so please fucking tell me where because I actually cannot play harder difficulties with my screen jumping all the fucking time. I have done a full fucking 720 with that shit.

Dragoon is cool and all but mine is lagging behind, that's why I go with the phallanx, also the no falloff damage is nice.
>Big plasma cannon
I think that's what the 500 energy per shot weapon I've found is called, it has something crazy like 6k dmg per shot but I haven't tried it, I thought I needed a new core before I could use it but the one I found last level had like 130 energy

got a sick drop

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Can the recoil reduction ones let you dual wield them without your view hitting the ceiling?

what mouse do you have?

Any kino missions to look forward in the DLC like 4.1's Last Bastion and Final Impact?

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This is the exact setup I've been using, every time I tried a new weapon that seemed better I just ended up eating shit and switching back.

Any news of the new one coming to pc

Iron Rain? Nope.


According to the usual weapons list Flame Revolvers at maximum upgrades can have delays as low as 0.34 seconds, generally faster than gatling guns across the board.

Be a pussy and fight from the edge of your weapons range
Bring a short and a medium CD air strike or whatever they're called
I like using low point bomardments just so I have more shit to use but both types are ok
Consider bringing a targeting assist device for Kaiju misisons but only if a couple of your party members is going to exploit it

There was some trick you could do where if you dual wielded the Flame Revolver with a low-recoil gatling gun, firing both together would use the gatling gun's lower recoil instead of the flame revolver's. You could even stop firing the gatling gun and you'd keep the same low recoil.

Can you destroy those alien landing ships before the aliens jump out?

you don't want Iron Rain.

Probably but you likely wouldn't want to. You're already going to stunlock most anything that comes close enough, the issue is going to be the random shots from behind the choke whittling you down. A shield is likely better than two.
Perixx MX-800 though you can search the community hub for "jitter" and plenty of different sets of hardware are having the same issue.

The best possible muzzle stabilizers remove 100% of the recoil, so yes.

>Start shooting ayy
>Gets staggered and glitches behind the building after a couple seconds
>start shooting at him again
>glitch through the bridge with no cover to close the gap

Fuck Ayys, the 2 layers of HP make them too tanky early

Too bad I haven't found a new one since forever, the only other grenade launcher I've found has 16 ammo but does fuck all

Focus them down one at a time and only engage one or two at a time.
Pop their arms off. They have a total hp and the light Ayy infantry takes body damage from extremity loss. Heads have less hp than the body total but result in death all the same. If you're going for quick kills then clean their sinuses. The only issues you should face are the roll happy ones, which you solve by taking a leg, or the ones specifically placed to be problems; e.g. flamethrowers and lasers

Does anyone still have the MP3s of the songs the decoys sing? I really like them. OR at least know where to find the songs?

When does Dexter/Blastspear become bad? It feels like this is never going to become bad.

what's wrong with iron rain, the only complaint seems to be that console turds can't run the game because of the new graphics.

honestly, you're kind of a cuck to continue playing through the mouse jitter problem unless it's just not as bad for you as it is for me.

but anyways import that as a cheat table into cheat engine

I got 5 today and this might be the best game I've ever played. I love the Fencer class, requesting tips and tricks on how to maximize his potential.

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someone extracted them a lot of threads ago, wait in threads until that person comes across

Boost and Jump on one weapon set, second set is big fuck-you guns with long range or lock-on.

How is 5 on PC shaping up? I've never played an EDF game but I've been interested for a while (assuming I can get a friend or two to join me). I heard that Iron Rain was good but had some not great aspects.

I was letting fucking nothing stop me from finishing that fight.
That and normal mode isn't hard enough to actually make it a major issue. A fucking annoyance? Sure, but i never died to it.

5 is the best EDF to date.

It takes only 1 second for later minigun in hard to start and they overpower fucking everything on top of destroying insects hordes when jumping backward.

Does Spritefall work on the teleporter ships?

Oh nice. I know a little bit about EDF games, such as hard is required to get/use a lot of items so it's usually best to play on hard. Is there a "beginners guide" or something? I dont really know much about the classes.

>decide to mix things up
>so many weapons to choose and have no clue what's good
Can get overwhelming in choice sometimes.

The secret to Queens is to run up to them with the Flame type Depth Crawlers and cook their asses.

Need more soldiers!

room name vdf, pw rage


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IMO you need to play with a controller to tolerate their turning speed

is this good?

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[PT] or explosion Radius, Damage, RoF, Reload and Range are the main things to look for.


Now's your chance, tell her something.

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>32k damage
I dunno user, you tell me


Put some pants on already.

im cumming wait for me

>energy cost 3*
Go farm some more.

How's my current Wing Diver set up
>Mag Blaster A2
>Stardust Cannon
>V2 Plasma Core B

>32k PENETRATING damage
You get that fucking energy cost down yesterday and embody the true spirit of wing diver:HIT AND RUN LIKE HELL

God I hate the retards that spam explosives and destroy all the buildings. Bonus points if they're an Air Raider that spams air strikes and aggros the whole map like a moron.

Buildings are allies of monsters.


Do they shoot through enemies?
I've found shooting through is the most OP trait a weapon can have, my ranger shotgun melts hordes like nobody business

>Hello my baby, hello my honey
>Hello my ragtime, summertime gal

hey, uh, i really like ur friend

Those buildings are between me and those insects sorry but they gotta go

>Play the final mission of EDF 4.1 for the first time in single player
>I''m fighting the final boss all by myself, no npcs to distract the enemy in sight

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>"H-hey, a-assuming we both don't die horribly by the end of this mission, wanna, idk, fuck?"

can't find it

Full, sorry

No it would be too OP otherwise.

-My main problem with IR is that it's just an order of magnitude SMALLER than mainline EDF.

-Grinding for the various currencies was really annoying. They replaced random drops with an arguably more bullshit grind . Not being able to test weapons you don't own in the practice range makes it worse.

Many weapons just didn't feel appropriately devastating. ARs and Shotguns are total peashooters and are easily outshined by laser weapons (which are countered by energy-resistant enemies in later missions, making fighting them tedious).

Speaking of weapons, while being able to equip any weapons on any armor class was kind of neat, it did sort of kill playstyle variety.

Vehicles, airstrikes, grenades, recovery/buff items and turrets deduct from your pay, which makes missions even more boring.

I LIKE many of the new energy weapons, and would like to see some of those brought over into the main EDF series. They felt kind of broken since not only were they more powerful than many of the more conventional weapons, they also had passive reloading, meaning zero downtime if you manage two of them properly.

Prowl Rider's grappling mechanic is super fun but it's annoying that it's pretty much the only FAST option in the whole game.

Many of the missions are short, boring "survive 3-5 small waves of bugs". There were a couple of "Defend the objective building" missions that were annoying, but one such mission has you on a giant battleship with cool laser turrets and I liked that one.

Voice acting was cheesy in a bad way. You have a squad of "quirky" characters that are hit-and-miss. I did kind of like the bug nerd that compared the giant bugs to their real-life counterparts, something that mainline EDF doesn't do.

>he doesn't use buildings as cover
>he doesn't put buildings between him and a hoard of bugs too stupid to navigate them efficiently

you can do it Storm 1 in fact you're the only one who could make it. Defeat the Mother ship and bring back our shy

When you say hive, you don't mean going underground, do you? Air Raiders are useless underground because they can't call in vehicles.

So they never call the monsters out as being giant bugs because of cheeky writing, right? They even say the aliens look like humans when they're obviously closer to frogs. They even call the flying aliens tadpoles.

On harder difficulties they only hinder the view. And their speed decrease is negletable.
Having buildings around only means more blind spots they can attack you from.

No, I mean the bigass bee hive

So... I'm fighting the "second mysterious monster" right now and... what the FUCK am I supposed to do? We kill the first one, then the second one pops up, kills everyone, and eventually just wittles me down.
I'm not exactly sure how the fuck am I supposed to finish the mission.


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keep shooting without dying

>aranea are the natural enemy of wing divers
So what are the natural enemies of the other soldiers?

damage it a bit so it'll run away, faggot


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>Air Raider
Green Ants
Heavy Armor Ayys
None, he is the apex predator

For how fucking long?
And how am I supposed to not die if the fucking thing just pelts me with those explosive balls that will ALWAYS catch me in the blast radius even if I sprint out of there?
Maybe getting a bike and staying mobile?

Is well over 200 shots from a 250 damage sniper rifle not enough? Also, once the thing kills all the allies in the area, there does not seem to be any way to avoid the fucking attacks. The physical ones are fine, but the explosive balls are stright up broken. There is no way to get out of the blast area, at least not as ranger.

In 4.1 it was anything that a blasthole spear couldnt reach from the ground but thats gone
In 4.1 it was huge hordes of insects but shotguns kinda solve that
>air raider
Bad teammates

>tfw no Spritefall waifu.

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Ranger. I tried focusing on sniping the coming bees but they're too many and they all aggro immediately on the EMCs, so no saving them, my best run was one where I focused on sniping down the greys with a sniper, I got the part where you get a Barga yourself like in 4.1, except I enter it and realize everybody but me and another Barga are dead so we just kept getting stunlocked by multiple Archaluses.

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None, they're the jack of all trades.

>Air Raiders
Cave missions.

Flying enemies.

I also remember a line about how Gammas are the natural enemies of tanks.

Go air raider and call non-stop gunship strikes on him

5.1 when?

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>bringing sniper rifle to fight kaiju
user please. you failed one stage, realize that your weapon loadout is wrong, you get better loadout and beat the stage.
Why you are so retarded? Why this board is retarded?
EDF is as basic of a videogame you can't get and you still need handholding and explanation of basic gameplay features.

Not a huge fan of how 5 reboots everything, Barga is such a step down from Balam.

>None, he is the apex predator
Nah, drones are a bitch and a half to fuck about with. Never quite the correct loadout for it, mobility means little against them and do better against his clunky frame than the smol rangers.

>On harder difficulties they only hinder the view. And their speed decrease is negletable.
Thank you for exposing yourself as a lying shitter.

>Normally play Fencer
>Decide to try out Ranger for a couple missions
>His guns are pretty fun
>Start to get withdrawals from how slow I feel now
>Have to go back to Fencer
Is the only alternative Wing Diver now?

Interesting, I haven't played around with the air raider much.

That is a good question. The sniper rifle is easily the best damage I can dish out with a ranger. The sniper rifle is in NO way related to my issue either. What has happened to you?

I want a Barga, what weapon level is it?
Also are there bargas with weapons like 4.1 had Balams with laser cannons on shoulders.

I have 270 hours in 5.
Good luck against silver spiders on Inferno.

>he doesn't fly at supersonic speed and YEET bugs across the map with piercing AOE weaponry
Wing Divers, when will they learn??

All that time and you don't get basic shit. Embarrassing.

It's truly a shame.

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Deroys are the natural enemy of EVERYONE

Don't fencers have anti air missiles?

>The sniper rifle is easily the best damage I can dish out with a ranger.
taking into consideration amount of ammo? taking into consideration reload time? taking into consideration that some weapons way stronger closer you are to the enemy?

Also no Argo in 5, that was one of my favorite enemies in any video game ever.

While I'm not a big fan of it because the idea of the EDF existing in a world that never officially saw aliens before and being this strong and technologically advanced is a really hard pill to swallow, I'm in love with how they're setting up the characters in these latter missions to put them in the roles they were in back in 4.1.


Drone missions require dealing with the masses of small drones and the big elites that dick you. Fencers AA, either missiles or cannons, all slows him down considerably meaning you eat fuckloads of damage. Trying to kit out against drones means forsaking fast for shields and then you just get pushed to the edge of the map and hate life even if you aren't getting graped by it.

Do the vehicles still handle like trolleys in 5? Especially the helicopters.

yes user, obviously I played all this time and probably never beat not hard not hardest nor inferno stages nor online nor solo
fucking retards on this board jesus christ

What you've done is irrelevant when you disagree with basic facts. Might as well say "shotguns are bad trust me i have 5000 hours in this game."

Well they did in 4.1.

Attached: latest[1].jpg (1920x1080, 330K)

Those were supposed to be anti-air? In 5 they just fuck everything up that isn't in a cave.

Yep, taking in consideration all of that.

HAILs were/are anti-ground user. The point is that they can ignore buildings

>Just solo'd the red drones with nothing but a sniper, shotgun, and my wits
actually fucking terrifying

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Those aren't anti-air you dummy.

Well it certainly isn't called the high altitude impact launcher for nothing.

Can Air Raiders take down light shields? Haven't tried but their gimmick seems a hard counter to air raiders.

Yeah user, only your words are facts, everything else is a lie. First thing you do after seeing something that doesn't goes along with your experience is calling me a liar that I never played the game.
Not even thinking about possibility of different playstyles exist.
Clearing the way to have a good view upon apporaching enemies and crowd control is as valid playstyle as any other.
Shove your "facts" up your ass. There is no singular right way to play the game. Even Demon army in 4.1 had alternative ways to approach.

thanks doc

>Clearing the way to have a good view upon apporaching enemies and crowd control is as valid playstyle as any other.
Says the idiot that claimed buildings were a detriment in higher difficulties. Stupidity and hypocrisy go hand in hand.

In 4.1 your best bet was to get a railgun and stick a defense post on it and charge inor maybe helis
But since thats not a thing anymore...

And you didn't ignore any experimental not reloadable weapons with huge ass DPS which are perfect for this mission too? I still doubt. Considering sniper rifles are complete ass in this game especially.
Then I suppose you have miserable drop luck with weapon, but still since you beat eryngus you should've been able to beet archulus too, so that means just you suck at your rolling game.

They are, and I stand by that.
But keep being on high horse, we'll see how differently you'll sing after DLC pack will get released with stage of all silver spiders who can jump across huge distances.

It's sort of a tradition at this point that EDF reboots itself after 2 games.

The first reboot was with EDF 3 (2017) and it ended with 4.1.
I'd assume after EDF 6, a new timeline will begin. I personally think it's kind of neat, hoping they one day crossover all of the Storm 1s.

I don't know. I just got to the first mission with them as something else and they literally get introduced with a cutscene of air strike missiles doing nothing. And all radio chatter says you can only hurt them from within their bubble.

Imagine doubling down on being a hypocrite. Fucking hilarious.

Imagine being little retarded faggot who thinks he knows everything about the game after playing for few days.

So you need to get them to trigger their expansion and hit them with a low flying bomber. Its either that or vehicle up to them and hit em with limpets and nobody wants that.

The rules don't change between games and between 4 and 5 I have 800 hours total. Get fucked pussy.
Hopefully everyone else realizes how stupid you are and don't follow your advice. I'd hate to deal with more shitters online.

Not sure if I like this buildings vs no buildings more than the wing diver vs fencer shitstorm that 4.1's PC release had.

Friendly reminder that canon Storm 1 is an Air Raider as that is the only class not filled by the Storm NPCs (or any NPC group really). There only needs to be one radioman in a team who has the ear of all the artillery and air support his team has. He also makes the most sense to be the guy who can pick up a Barga with zero prior training and do well in it.

>get them to trigger their expansion
What's that? Haven't noticed anything odd about them but usually I'm busy mowing down their protecting enemies.

No that's retarded. Storm 1 is a Ranger.

Is there a room up that isn't full?


Maybe the final twist will be that an alien race has been resetting time over and over to try to take over Earth with different circumstances every time they fail.

I mean, its simple shit. There is no fucking side to take except the reasonable
>use your fucking head and decide based on the situation
Buildings are cover, and cover benefits you as much as it does the enemy. Sometimes breaking LoS on the Ayys is the only way to live and sometimes you need to bring them down to draw a clean bead on some ants and sometimes you need just the right buildings dead to herd drones into a frontal cone. Use your head. Fucking play Deep Rock Galactic if you need to learn how to fucking use and modify terrain to survive.

When they're standing still and you're shooting at a target near their range (or at their shield in general) they'll expand the size of their dome to encompass and protect them, only retracting when damaged. You use something like the autocannon to force an expansion then drop a kamuy or phobos on them since they fly low and fast.


less sperging out about differences of shit opinion, more rooms.

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>the wing diver vs fencer shitstorm that 4.1's PC release had
i'm a 70 percenter and i have no idea what this even is. feels so very good

Chad tier: Fencer w/ no buildings
Virgin Incel: Wing Diver hiding behind buildings
Don't @ me or my Air Raider son ever again

How many classes should I play as I go through the game?
I keep jumping between wind diver and ranger, I want to enjoy fencers but I feel they're not meant to be played with kb/m

do i have to play lower difficulties if i wanna level up lower level weapons?


Mandatory Gotta Go Fast/ Burst Damage
>L - Blast Twin Spear
>R - Dispersal Mortar

Kill Shit depending on missions
>Open Maps
>L - Vertical High Altitude Missile Launcher
>R - Vertical High Altitude Missile Launcher

>Cave Maps/General
>L - Automatic Shotgun
>R - Automatic Shotgun

Someone post the spreadsheet of what weapons drops at what levels, I'm looking for a specific sniper upgrade.

Just get on the roof bro.

now thats a yikes from me user your not using the NC103s?!

Does any other class get laser weapons apart from wingdivers? And are they any good?

I got one for Fencer, but you cant reload it which is a bummer.

Yes, but if you have a higher level weapon then why bother with the lower level ones?

the lack of jump boost on that heavy hand weapon makes me avoid them