Currently just under $30 on Humble Store. Thoughts?

Currently just under $30 on Humble Store. Thoughts?

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>not owning it already

also I saw someone whining on the game's steam forum that humble ran out of keys for it

Its a good deal, but I bought the game like 3 or 4 days ago and Im still waiting for my key.

LMAO Never mind right after I posted this they just sent the keys out

Attached: keys.png (571x94, 9K)

Yes and go main the gunlance.

Attached: steel_gunlance.png (230x230, 8K)

Absolutely worth it if your computer isn't a potato

Why not a good MonHun instead? Are you not a fan of those?

Imagine being so poor that you can't spend 30 bucks

i got burnt out before even finishing the game, its extremely tedious and repetitive

also those zora magnawhatever missions were the worst quests ive ever played in any video game ever

It will be $20 with the expansion in a few months.

worst mh title, not worth the money and definitely not worth the time. the mmoification of the gameplay is awful

Why can people only see each other at a gathering hall? Hell, why can sessions only hold 16 people? Pretty sure games like PSO could hold a LOT more than that back in the dreamcast days.

Just get it. It’s a fun game that’ll keep you busy for at least 150+ hours at the bare minimum. There are elitists in thread that shitpost in every MHW thread so you gotta learn to ignore them as well.

because they wanted to expand the amount of players you could jump in and out of hunts with while maintaining the fairly tightly-knit community feel the games always had. Somebody in the office didn't get the fucking memo and made the SOS system.

I bought it. Thanks everyone

why wouldnt you wait until the iceborne bundle?

That's like end of the year, if we're lucky.

When are we getting pic related?

Attached: congalala.png (1440x1472, 1.01M)

base game of world was so shit and underwhelming imo. i can wait for iceborne

Have fun user, I've been playing it a lot this week, my first MH title. Don't be afraid to pop that SOS flare to get some help if you're hitting a wall.

You should already have bought it when it released. Assuming your PC can run it well.

absolutely seething

good game but has some flaws

PSO lobbies could only hold about 16 and only 4 in game.

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