Why has the writing in video games become so shit?

Why has the writing in video games become so shit?

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Onions beans

Because the 21st century started a downward spiral of cultural decline.
SOMA's writing was pretty good but I have trouble thinking of another relatively recent game. D44M I guess and Eternal probably will be okay too.


Writing needs to be more schmaltzy now to appeal to female gamers. Women love inhaling lesbian stink.

Amy Hennig is a huge fan of Vampires and Shakespearean bullshit, its why Legacy of Kain came out as good as it is.
The problem is, even though Amy is a huge lib, she's not liberal enough for current main stream vidya devs. So they pretty much silence her at every opportunity.
It apparently happens to a lot of writers, but it seems to hit Amy Hennig the hardest.

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Because you are playing shit games.
As AAA games are designed to sell as many copies as possible you are a fool to look to them for anything of lasting value. True soul and memorable writing comes from smaller studios now.
Pic related for example

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SJWs dont like their characters to have flaws and they dominant the industry

one of these is the way real people act
it might be hard given your condition, op, but can you pick which one?

Its actually the opposite, the top is written by a woman while the bottom is written by a man.

it hasn't, you're just a retard

Oh fucking please, having some deep voice make your narration doesn't change the fact that those games' writing is total ass.
Go ahead, post those brilliant memorable lines. You fucking can't because it's all fanfiction tier garbage. Same goes for Darkest Dungeon. Voice acting doesn't make up for bad writing.
>inb4 seething oneliner because he can't write either

If I wanted to see how real people act I wouldn't be playing video games.

>Real people never have long, pensive strings of thought written down or spoken

People looked to shitty hollywood schlock instead of literature for how to write

haha what the fuck

supergiant is easily a prime example of great direction covering up mediocre writing

I know, it's the top one.
Or what, are you saying you're a plebian serf who lives in the POOR part of town? Severely lacking in education and diction and with such a pitiful vocabulary that all you can talk about is the swine droppings you collect each morning for your sub-par breakfast, if it can even be called that. You're not a POOR PERSON, are you?

>wanted so bad to be considered art.
>Copy Whedon shit and capeshit for writing.

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legacy of kain series was written by a woman you dumb fuck


Who the fuck gets invested in stories about normie mcnormington who only acts like how a normal person would?

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>he doesn't have pretty thoughts
I pity you, lower creature, for you will never know the beauty of the written word. Forever you shall be stuck in your repugnant repetitive hellhole of never ending plebeianism, and from any other terrible disease or condition, yours are the one I fear the most, because if the wings of the mind are disabled, the ones of the body are reduced to useless trinkets.

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When I want to read a book I read a book. I've never seen the appeal of VNs or Planescape Torment because they aren't written as well as an actual book but they don't have gameplay either.
>21st century
Lol it was way earlier than that

>you will never know the beauty of the written word
Oh I know the beauty of the written word, but your post is trash purple prose. Melville or Joyce you are not

Indeed and it is because of the cognition of that which we refer to as "human" that we are capable of determining which of these is a symbol of a human and that which is a symbol of robotics. For only the simple pre-programmed mind of a robot could think such primitive words and phrases expressly about scent is one that is expressly of simple mind. The deep intrinsically thought provoking monologues imbued with the darkest desires of the heart... Nay the soul itself brought about in the vocalization of Raziel's own thoughts do we learn about the true inner workings of his broken and fractured psyche allowing us a deeper look into his mind as if staring into the abyss he, himself, was thrown into as we see all the suffering he has undergone, in ourselves.

>it might be had given your condition op xDDDD

Of course not, 5 years ago I didn't even know how to speak english.

But at least I'm not Neil Cuckmann, writing disgusting low level dialog in a plot that bases itself on cheap tear jerking movies plot construction, with both of those things intersected with fetishist level gore sequences to not lose the attention of the male consumer base. Only retards call this garbage a well written story.

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Older people who were raised to work hard and create died off, leaving our adult-children under skilled lazy whiner generation to run the world. I am part of thd problem, you are part of the problem, we are all part of the problem. I only hope once a few generations die off, the human race can be repopulated with people who remember what having a sense of satisfaction in a job well done, even if it doesn't reward them, becomes the majority again.

Legacy of Kain was written by a woman. The difference was that the woman in question made her way into the industry with her talent and passion and not by being chosen as a diversity or political "yes man" hire.

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>tfw you know OP post was designed solely to bait faggots into complaining about women just so they can point out that Amy Hennig wrote LoK greatness

OP, you're still a faggot, but you're also a little bit based too.

Either way the game is rigged.

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use soi, sΩy, or sÖy

I actually thought it was impossible to find something that was worse than pic-related in terms of writing. And yet that faggot Cuckman showed me something that makes this piece of shit look worthy of a noble fucking prize

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Is that an actual quote?

>used to be wojaks
>no longer wojaks

sounds good to me

Yes, but the backlash was so severe the writer purged that chapter.

Come on, that is a kino quote. It almost makes me want to watch that shit, the only thing that stopped me is the fact that Isekai is trash.

Top game has pretentious writing

Bottom game has believable writing

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Yes, It's an extra chapter or something in the Light Novel.
This is legit, enjoy.

>had made me felt

Just going to post this here.




>The Necromancer Mortanius offered me a chance for vengeance, and, like a fool, I jumped at his offer without considering the cost. Nothing is free. Not even...revenge.

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It never got adapted, it got backlash and has since been purged.
It may be kino but my god that whole thing if it's meant to be serious is terrible. If it's meant to be comedy, it's comedy fucking gold.

>first person perspective
God, I can write better smut than this shit.

Writers are trying their hardest to be a second rate Hollywood instead of its own thing.

>"Let's drop the moral posturing, shall we? We both know there is no altruism in your pursuit, your reckless indignation led you here. I counted on it. There's no shame in it, Raziel, revenge is motivation enough. Hate me! But do it honestly."
I still struggle to think of a better anti-hero or an antagonist than Kain.

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>Amy Hennig, pfah, what a pretentious writer
>now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to playing Fallout New Ve--BEAR AND THE BULL BEAR AND THE BULL BEAR AND THE BULL

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The average woman you should say, the women before a certain point in gaming's history were there because they wanted to be.
Most women had no interest in it because they didn't see much money or social approval in it, as a result they steered clear of it.
But yes, today the average female writer is pretty damn shit that most likely got the job because someone decided that company x needed more women so they hired some mediocre college grad who had some shitty degree in useless shit.

I know how to not have a post filled with grammar mistakes at least.

>druckman is a hack
no shit

Purple prose isn't automatically good.
Although it's a damn sight more engaging than this soap opera and generic hollywood movie bullshit.

>not liking Fallout: NV and Legacy of Kain
Why not both?

Thank you for this piece of comedy gold.

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>inmortal vampire who travels between realities at will
>two dykes

Holy shit, this is awesome. My face is hurting with so much laughing.

SAO fans have no sense of humor.

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It was because it was meant to be a 100% serious and emotional sex scene between Kirito and Asuna. In that sense it horribly, horribly failed. As a comedy it's the funniest shit.
The fans do have a sense of humor, that back lash was because as a serious scene it was unbelievably shit. The fans meme'd the shit out of that scene though.

You're welcome friend

Legacy of Kain is pure cheesy Shakespearean melodrama but remember that Blood Omen and Soul Reaver both came out in a sea of games with awful writing. bad writing for video games has been the norm for decades.

Why are you trying to put those two games against each other?
What an odd out of left field choice.

>"These blades now coiled in sinister embrace have inspired terror in the hearts of creatures far more durable than you, old man! Bound together as they are, I can only imagine what they can do to your soul’s fragile shell!"

These games have so many great lines.

What is she up to now? Did this experience ruin video games for her? Like Will Wright with EA?

Are we implying the piece of shit plothole-laden LoK series is """good writing"""?
Fuck this retarded site.

Seems like it. She was set to work on some Star Wars game but EA canned it, unless I'm mistaken.

Sometimes i want a remake of the series, but there is no competent studio that can handle it

the top one because last I checked people are usually disturbed when you ask another person to smell you even if its a loved one

Soya works as well.

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>not a total cliche driven pile of dicks
>not written with shitty marvel quips as far as the eye can see
>sounds like someone who doesn't go "I like things that make me feel stupid" wrote it
It's better than a LOT of games. TLOU especially.
TLOU is the best comedy ever up until the point you realize there's no punchline and it's actually meant to be serious(often around the point kid 1 dies).

Yea Forums was never good and was always filled with retard 13 year old kids playing king of the sperg-hill

been here since '09

>plot holes equal bad
some people enjoy the quality of the writing, the cheesy melodramatic speeches and diatribes, world building, diction, of a piece of work. blood omen 1 and soul reaver has this in spades and makes for a good time.

there is more to writing than just does it have plot holes or not.

They also often take serious offense to someone saying they smell like rancid filth especially a woman.

Jesus Christ

Amy was forced out of Naughty Dog because she didn't agree with making Ellie gay. I think it was an insult to her. She thought they were pandering or sexualising a 14girl.

>time travel
>it has plotholes
No, really? It's called "suspension of disbelief" for a reason, user.

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LoK is driven by the plot. Yes, some texts can have plot holes, but there shouldn't be many in a text driven by plot consistency and time-travel setpieces.
These are just little ones either, but ones so hilarious that the game shits itself when scrutinized at all.

It's kikes you fucking brainlet.

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I’m dumb, where’s the quote on top from?

The time travel stuff is forgivable. It's shit like Kain surviving having his heart ripped out literally because Hennig said "because I said so", Moebius appearing after his canonical death. Or dumb shit like the villains being retarded and having no motivation, or the opening of BO1 shitting itself with plotholes.

I can see the maple leaf flag peering through this post. kys.

The delivery is good. It's hammy at times, but occasionally Hennig hits paydirt with her pseud shit. Its reach far exceeds its grasp however.

>It's actually Amy Hennig
Has there ever been a better case study of the shysterly hypocrisies and talmudic faggotry of the games industry than the story of how this woman's career and projects were railroaded simply because she wanted to focus on fun experiences and not globohomo propaganda? I'm not even a huge Uncharted fan but seeing how things changed from UC2 to UC4 made me feel so disgusted at the direction into which culture in general and games in particular have been forcibly steered with such violence and urgency these past few years that I put the damn game down.

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So, what I take away from this, is that black women can't beat up white men, or else you hate video games.

Surviving the heart rip isn't actually that out of line considering what Raziel "survived".

Moebius, I have no excuses for, you got me.

Blood Omen 2 was a mistake!

Name one.

You can't because the remainder of the series explains whatever you'd say. Sure, it's involving time travel, but still.

Just type onions like a man.

She went to EA and worked on a Star Wars game being worked on by Visceral games before EA shut it down and gave the project to Respawn. She's apparently working on some VR games now.
Either way, Amy was too talented for the current industry. Made the beta male faggots too uncomfortable.

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Games became popular, so they have widen their audience and appeal therefore making them for your average joe aka idiots. Same goes for most kind of entertainment.

>Moebius appearing after his canonical death.
EG resurrected him, Moebius directly references that and asks his god to do it again, and he probably would have if it weren't for Raziel.

You guys keep talking as if this woman is a martyr. But what proof do you have that she was removed for her political beliefs?(Or lack thereof)

>Parasitic numale jew ruins a hard-working goy woman's career and pretends to be a defender of women after taking over everything she built
What the fuck else is new?

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Vidya should have never gone mainstream.

Are you that retard that couldn't understand that metaphysics of LoK are completely different from those of our world and there time is a closed loop and got btfo'd in threads so badly that you ceased to show up for a while? Because if that's you, I can do it again.

jesus that movie was depressing. Had to watch that in middle school

i hate giantbomb so fucking much

>Neil Druckmann (born December 5, 1978) is an Israeli-American writer

>"Winners go home and fuck the prom queen." ~ Kirito.
Holy shit, what a load of tripe.

>She thought they were pandering or sexualising a 14girl.
How antisemitic of her

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Kain was allowed to survive having his heart ripped out just because. Literally no reason other than "I say so."
Mobius appeared after his death: this was acknowledged as literal plothole by the writers.
Kain's first ressurection should have created a new Balance Guardian, but didn't. This falls in line with a number of other plotholes around Kain's rebirth, like the Hylden allowing Mortanius to produce their dated adversary even though he was completely possessed at that time; Mortanius assassinating Kain to kill the Circle when he easily could have resurrected Ariel (as demonstrated with Malek); Kain's soul not being vulnerable to attack after death even though other vampires can be attacked and even possessed in the spectral realm; etc.
Moebius' actions are literally retarded for a character called "omnipotent" by both Hennig and in game material. The entire plot of Soul Reaver 1 was a scheme of his.
EG and Moebius are basically pants-on-head retarded.

This was acknowledged as a plothole user. You're making up headcanon.

zoomer detected

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>Don't worry about money
>Fucks over half his collaborators for petty cash

It’s funny because it’s true

The time-travel plotholes aren't even shit I'd bother to bring up. It's shit like the characters actively foiling themselves.

>Wojak poster is retarded
What a fucking surprise.

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Video game writing was never good. Read a book for fucks sake.

The average young adult whyboi could rip Serena Williams in half. Why do people not realize basic biology? How badly have women's sports and media with action babes in it warped people's sense of reality?

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Games became main stream and normie infested. Before they catered to nerds who could read a few paragraphs quickly with out any trouble. But then they had to cater to filthy normies who cannot handle even reading a few sentences and instead need everything spoon fed to them with voice acting.

Suck a nigger dick and choke to death, you tranny kike

So when Nathan takes 20 bullets and lives, that's suspension of disbelief. But when a black woman wins a fight against white men, then that's simply too difficult to mentally handle.

>Legacy of Kain Defiance is headcanon
>"To kill me? Again? Your only solution, for every problem: kill!"

>Game on top: Written by a woman
>Game on bottom: Written by a man

I blame sexism.

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>Moebius's appearance, gloating at Raziel in Vorador's Mansion, seems oddly placed in the storyline of Defiance, as it follows Mortanius's telepathic communication with the younger Kain ("Come to me my undead son"); by the established sequence of events shown in Blood Omen, Moebius should have been murdered by the younger Kain before Mortanius called Kain. Crystal Dynamics staff have admitted that the scene showing Moebius (still alive and only just going to his death) at Vorador's Mansion was a mistake.

The canon excuse is that during single-player gameplay, he's not actually getting shot and the graying of the screen represents his luck running out.

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Based Sean Connery. Destroyer of thots.

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"It really could have went either way couldn't it?"
"...No, it really couldn't"
Based Lex abso fucking lutely destroying the dumb ape

Mistake =|= plot hole.

I thought the Enderal mod had pretty great writing.

The best part is this just opens up more plotholes:
Where was his vampire-sapping staff?
Why didn't Moebius' wonder why he was absent from the far-reaching future of SR1?
Literally the plot holes are like hydra heads.

And the canon is that Nadine is a better fighter than Nathan and his brother. As evident by the story itself.

white women are hideous

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>Why didn't Moebius' wonder why he was absent from the far-reaching future of SR1?
He had foreseen his death at Kain's hands, he mentions that.
>That honor belongs to your maker, Kain. Some thirty years from now.

How was the writing bad? Substantiate your claims with evidence.

And he couldn't come back? Why? I mean if we're going with the headcanon that Moebius can get off-screen ressurection, why would there be exceptions?

Nadine wouldn't even have been that stupid if she was at least a rival foil to Nate in some way. If they had a semblance of "training vs experience" thing going on and Nadine and Nate beat the shit out of one another on every encounter it would have been much more tense and generally enjoyable.
The problem is that current game writers are generally shit at everything from story telling to characterization. Their worship and glorification of females leads to completely unlikable characters that basically only exist as self-insert material to particularly angry women. Even Wonder Woman loses from time to time.

Then again, considering trends. They're probably just trying to cover up for their own guilty conscience.

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>Top game has pretentious writing

Overtly verbose writing is a staple of the Gothic literature genre; Legacy of Kain nails it exceptionally well, the only other example in vidya that comes close is probably Darkest Dungeon

It's intended to sound oddly spoken, to add to the off-putting atmosphere of the world

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Besides this Deus Ex and Max Payne, what games have the best writing?

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How did Naughty Dog go from Crash to Jak to this current era?

>Where was his vampire-sapping staff?
..it didn't work on Kain?
>Why didn't Moebius' wonder why he was absent from the far-reaching future of SR1?
Probably since Kain's free will was absolutely fucking everything up, he wasn't supposed to even be alive and the guy was a wild card.
Vorador is the only plothole here but I think Kain rezzed him and fucked off before he woke up or something, as to not fuck with the events of Blood Omen 2, it's the only logical explanation

>the opening of BO1 shitting itself with plotholes
But that's literally explained in Soul Reaver 2 when Raziel and Kain meet at the pillars. Kain in explicit detail talks about how everything happens in sequence.
>Time - 26 minutes in


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Posts like this were not normal a year ago.
No one fucking forget that

>You don't understand, they're TRYING to sound pretentious. It harkens back to the time when writers were far more pretentious.
Good job?

VTMB and Fallout

>And he couldn't come back
He never said he couldn't. He gave no commentary beyond the fact that he was killed. And Raziel then meets his "ghost" in the future of Soul Reaver 2, which isn't a ghost at all, but Mobius pretending to be one in a futile attempt to manipulate Raziel by tugging on his pity. Why do you people even try to arguing or screaming about plotholes when you haven't even played the fucking games?

It worked on Kain until he lost the Heart of Darkness. Kain should have never been able to beat Moebius in the BO1 encounter.
Furthermore, why spare him later when he did use it? There was literally no point. All of Raziel's and Kain's foiling didn't do them any favors. They gained nothing by letting them live.

Furthermore Kain's "free will" was basically actively predicted at every turn. It was only Raziel's that had true free will as the reaver.

>stylizing things is wrong unless it's a style I like
wow, you're such a high minded critic, user.

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Speaking of LoK, there's a commercial airing where some retards argue about where they want to eat and the coin lands on its edge.
First thing that came to mind was "All the LoK fans watching this are triggered"

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Jews are the biggest false flag when you realize how deep China's influence and ties are in multiple industries and businesses. Remember kids, if you can name them then they're probably not important in the grand scheme of things

In my ideal world everyone would express as fluently as Raziel

>why spare him
Mobius couldn't kill Kain, Kain even states Raziel is wielding the only weapon that could kill him, defeating Kain in battle only to delay his progress would only delay his fateful encounter with Raziel
Also Kain leapt out of the cycle when his heart was ripped out, Raziel was the one out foxxed at every turn, Kain was quite the opposite

That doesn't make sense:
Kain corrupts the pillar when he kills Mobius the first time. The projection he sees in the future is when he steps in the Chronoplast, not in the future itself.

Some styles are shit. Sorry. It's the equivalent of a westerner trying to imitate anime. And then when they get criticized, they're like "it's a style! You just don't get it!"

I explained as to why a piece of work may have good writing, even if it has inconsistency due to complicated time shit. back to the future 1 and 2 are driven by plot while being full of holes and falls apart under scrutiny, but the quality of it's writing, it's humour, it's set pieces and it's characters easily compensate for this.

and here, and I very specifically mentioned blood omen and soul reaver, is where the strength of their writing shines. the characters, the diction, the melodrama, the world building, is where the writing could be considered "quality". you can't help but not enjoy listening to Kain rant and be absorbed into the world because of Raziel's monologues.

Re-read my post until you understand the topic at hand.
Mobius is not dead here. It is not his spirit, but an illusion. Which means he is still alive and well in Nosgoth's future.

But you don't get it
That's ok, user. You don't have to like it. We'll never ever see another game even close to LoK ever again. You're safe now.

user is too much of a brainlet to appreciate it, don't pay him any mind.

Is this double false flagging?

>tfw you want to elucidate to others the wonders of verbosity and the descriptive power of speech
>but they call you a fag

It hurts bros why is sounding like a dumbass considered a good thing?

That doesn't explain why when Kain died his mortal another Guardian wasn't born. It doesn't explain why Mortanius, completely possessed by the Hylden allowed them to create their fated adversary.

>Try to youtube the commercial
>There's a guy doing a coin flip every single day until it lands on its edge
>He's on day 263

Why couldn't he? He killed Vorador?

Fuckin BASED

It'd make sense Mortanius would prevent Kain from kicking the bucket completely. It wouldn't exactly be difficult for the necromancer to put him into suspended animation of some sort that would fool his caretakers, family or noblemen that attended the funeral. Mortanius was by far the strongest member of the circle besides Malek and showed capability for control of ghostly undead servants and telepathic communication. There is nothing there that stretches my suspension of disbelief. As for the Hylden possession, it was shown that Mortanius was capable of resisting their control, albeit at a great expense to his own wellbeing.

Destiny would not allow it
Plot armor

It was foretold 18 years ago user

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There wasn't anything special about Vorador besides being the first human vampire. He's weaker than Kain despite being much older than he. Being a pillar guardian already makes you strong depending on your pillar and being a vampire only adds to that impressive baseline.

LoK has really shitty characters though. That's one of my biggest problems with it. Things like Villains with no rhyme or reason to their actions. You literally cannot explain the motivations for EG/Moebius because there aren't any that justify the stupid shit they did.

Yeah. I have a story about it from a couple years ago.
>be me
>junior year at Dartmouth
>sitting at an Irish pub called Salt Hill
>place is packed but I'm drinking by myself
>jaded bc a chick who hooked up with me earlier that night after promising me it was going to be totally casual and drama-free told me she kind of had a boyfriend after we were done
>expected me to be okay with that and asked that I not tell anyone
>getting drunk wondering how I should get a word to the guy
>also slowly realizing how fucked up everything around me really is
>senior girl from one of my classes shows up across the bar with a friend but I leave without saying hi bc I don't really care
>run into her later on frat row
>"Why didn't you say hiiii??? You're so ruuuude!"
>make small talk and deflect with jokes
>nags me about what's wrong and I joke about how I "feel kinda like John Proctor"
>"Wait, like Daniel Day Lewis? Omg I love the crucible!"
>"yeah it's pretty great"
>"Yk I acted in the play in high school. Yk who I played? Abigail hahaha! I just love her so much!"
>"Aren't you religious? That's not very Catholic of you."
>"Hahaha stop I know she's such a bad girl but I just love her!"
>starts to complain about bf problems out of nowhere and grabs my jacket
>Get her hand off of it and leave feeling more disgusted and depressed than I've ever felt in my life
>Screams "I LOVE YOUUUU" as I walk away
Unironically hated the world so much I wanted to die

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China is the biggest atheist nation with the most hidden shit built on a culture that promotes constant consumption and control. The sheer amount of people who blame Jews because "I used Google and found a Wikipedia article with this process I've finally cracked the code and realized who stole our birthright" is almost astounding. I'm not even saying Jews are clean in this scenario, but listening to a Chinaman on "Who is controlling the west" is retarded


Yea Forums here. Bottom is legitimately better written. Top reeks of typical fantasy / sci-fi author disjointed prose.

Perhaps you meant to say "Bottom game has more relatable writing"..?
Legacy of Kain has a middle-aged Gothic sort of setting.
On top of that, it's also a dark fantasy series.
What the hell is wrong with you?

Didn't the staff work until the point where he had Janos' heart removed?


>ou literally cannot explain the motivations for EG/Moebius because there aren't any that justify the stupid shit they did.
EG's only motivation was to feed. The endpoint of that motivation is unknown, but it is fair to assume that something that will benefit him personally would happen once he consumes enough souls as you can clearly observe EG getting fatter and bigger the worse Nosgoth gets.
He despises vampires because of picture related. The ancients weren't exactly all noble and merciful, they kidnapped children from human cities and settlements and imposed vampirism upon them when they came of age. Naturally humans rebelled and refused it. Moebius and Mortanius leading the rebellion. You haven't played the fucking games, have you?

Attached: Defiance-Texture-VampireCitadel-Mural-TheHumanGuardiansRevolt.png (512x256, 88K)

I don't think it works like that. He literally goes to some hellscape. It barely works in that game without some real reaching and sort of becomes a joke with the Hylden possessing him, the Elder God being the primary consumer of souls, the Astral Realm, etc.
Not to mention Moebius let it all happen.

There were so many damn films, books and games that fucking warned us of this future, one from 19 fucking 32 and yet all we ignored all that fucking shit, all of it, and here we are.

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>Yea Forums here
opinion discarded

If the black girl shot him, that'd be fine. A girl punching one man, much less two at the same time, and winning the fight is too much for anyone that isn't a soidrenched faggot, yes. You can ignore it when it's that redhead chick in the capeshit films fighting faceless grunts. But when a greasy-haired jew shoves in a sheboon to do the same to the main fucking character plus another guy at the same time, yes, anyone who isn't a bugman will be taken out of it.

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because it's easier to spit out a bunch of garbled non-text that has no deeper meaning than surface-level """character development""" than it is to write an actual script that tries to uncover something about the human condition/someone's actions.

A lot of game devs think that cute shit is memorable but it pales in comparison to anything that has more than some faggy appeal masking bad writing.

decent bait. try harder next time bro. you'll get someone

Yeah, but I believe the point was to let Kain win, purify the pillars and kill himself, Mobius was unaware of the dark forces and was merely serving the Elder God

>Bottom game has more relatable writing
I hope he didn't mean that. Otherwise I feel sorry for him. Maybe taking a shower isn't enough for him?

I know you'd say this, but the ultimately there would be no reason to do anything other than kill all the vampires and leave Kain and Raziel marooned in the future or killing Kain proper before Mortanius turned him into a vampire. I mean, it's not like he couldn't do it: he created a vampire genocide manipulating Kain.
Also the pitting them against one another shit and manipulating them is just pointless garbage frankly to push the plot forward.

Does anyone know of any books I can read that are like Soul Reaver's writing? I wanna read something like OP's meme.

Moebius was EG's sockpuppet, he would slit his own throat if EG commanded him to or if he told him that it could kill all the vampires in Nosgoth. The "Hellscape" argument could be valid, but you can easily dismiss it as Kain's fever dream where the necromancer confronts him, because Kain doesn't wake up to find himself tied to a post with a sword sticking out of his chest, but instead awakens in his family mausoleum, already turned into a vampire. And souls of the guardians, disembodied or not have been shown to persist in the astral realm just fine.

Reading this post was like a fever dream for me. Is this what being Chad is like? Women randomly throwing themselves at you? Having smart conversation about films with women who understand the references you're making immediately as you effortlessly bounce the talk right back at them? You getting MAD about all this?

Moebius could have paralyzed him and literally beat him to death with a baseball bat. He was completely helpless against the staff.

All destinies in Nosgoth are preordained. Even that of Kain. Moebius' meddling redrew the map of Kain's fate and by creating Raziel, Kain created the sole living being that could actually change history and fates of Nosgoth by just fucking being there because it's Raziel holding the Raziel. There was everything to be gained from manipulating Raziel and having him eliminate Kain, because he was the only one who could do it properly.

I have given you my soul LEAVE ME MY NAAAAAAME

I unironically want the Chinese bugmen to just set off a nuclear holocaust over their Neocolonial campaigns in Africa someday in the near future. Anything to light a fire under Israeli asses.

>Remember kids, if you can name them then they're probably not important in the grand scheme of things
Florida literally just passed a law that would have people fined and thrown in prison for saying phrases like "Jews control Hollywood." The bill that was passed says this verbatim.

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>I can't believe my popcorn flick of a video game, because I'm anti-semitic and racist.
Dude, half the shit Nathan does makes no sense. Gets shot a dozen time, but it doesn't count because he's "lucky". Falls multiple stories and doesn't break anything, because he rolls. Hell, sometimes he leaps down from the height of one or two stories without rolling, like nothing.

it's just Cheesy action movie logic. You're not supposed to think about it that hard. Characters are as strong as the writer needs them to be in that instance.

And no, it doesn't make sense when 5'3'' scarlett Johansson beats up trained military elites. We just accept it, because it's thrilling.

>beat him to death with a baseball bat
Kain is built like a fucking stone gargoyle, that baseball bat would bounce off of him. Vampires in LoK, even the weakest ones are incredibly fucking tough. Sure, he could probably incapacitate Kain and dunk him in water, but other than pissing him off really hard, it wouldn't accomplish much.

Yeah. Ariel's soul persisted and Kain was literally immediately born as her heir at the second of her death by his own words.
Why is Kain an exception to the rule he literally outlines in a conversation with Raziel? You remember Kain was beat to death by ruffians right? Mortanius has to be in his vicinity to do shit as shown with Malek.

>was beat to death by ruffians
Apparently so. And what makes you think Mortanius wasn't in the vicinity when it happened? Because he wasn't shown on screen?

Moebius killed every vampire with an army of peasents.

What was to be gained that was worth risking the only thing that could kill you? It wasn't just to kill vampires or to eat.

Kain had a couple thousand years of evolution and survived the hellish landscape of dying Nosgoth.
Those vampires those peasants killed were like 80% human still

Naturally. Either way, EG probably should have ate him instead. But that's what happens when you write without an outline.

Water kills Kain

*Bursts into bats*
Nothin personnel

Because Raziel running amonk changing fates and introducing non fatal paradoxes that actually reshuffled history to the point that massive alterations in paths were created (Blood Omen 2) was a big deal. Raziel could unfuck everything EG was hoping to achieve. Don't forget, it was EG that started the Ancient-Hylden war and he always worked from the background to continue sowing conflict and strife in Nosgoth.

spiderman thread?

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It was completely mediocre, how the hell would I remember anything from it? I only played Bastion, but I imagine it's the same for the rest from what I've seen.

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>but I imagine it's the same
You can imagine a lot of things, won't make them true.

Funny way to spell "Jews", rartard

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Did they say that?
They also could have marooned him in the future if they wanted.
There was no reason not to. I mean they are described as literally omnipotent.

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Yes but what does that have to do with anything?
Did you think that sounded smart when you typed it out? It doesn't.

>Why is Kain an exception to the rule
I believe this has something to do with the pillars being corrupted. Remember, while Kain kills the other guardians, no one was chosen to replace them that we know of, it could very well be that since the pillars were corrupted, they were incapable of selecting new guardians, and needed to wait for Kain to take his own life, so they could be cleansed of corruption without further tainting new guardians instantly and creating a cycle. Kain's role of scion of balance would suggest that his role is to restore the pillars and that that role persists even after dying more than once.

That just opens up more plotholes.

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How does a self defense mechanism open up a plothole?
Do you know what a plothole is?

>downloading this on Napster 18 or so years ago.


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Moebius confirms it when he gloats about Raziel "killing" Kain
>And that is the greatest triumph of all, to have compelled the one player who could choose, into doing exactly what we required
And Kain before that explains it to him in the Avernus cathedral.
>Because of your remaking, you are the one unbound creature, the one among us all that truly has free will. You have a choice, Raziel
You would know this if you played the games. They are described as omnipotent, but they are not. Mobius' time streaming capabilities did not allow him to see what Raziel could do.
>You cannot see his path and so you cannot control it
>Yes, Raziel is shrouded from us, but even now you can see the ripples of his potential actions

That makes less sense since Moebius never died fully in the first place. He was never able to cleanse that pillar, except that he did anyways.

Why didn't he do that when Raziel ripped his heart out?

>They also could have marooned him in the future if they wanted.
Moebius tried that in SR2, it didn't work.

That still doesn't give them motivation to do what they did frankly.

Because water doesn't instantly dissolve his heart but hurt him at a point of contact outside of his body? Not only that, he was in battle and was wounded, not artificially weakened by some staff by some old man that couldn't carry his big ass into water anyway?

It has everything to do with you holding opinions on things you have not even bothered to experience beyond imagining what they would be like and parading them around as facts. Typical Yea Forumsermin, really.

He didn't try it very well. Mobius could have destroyed all the time-streaming devices, the chamber, the Chronoplast, etc. But he didn't. The reason it didn't work is because he didn't plan ahead.

Maybe Moebius's death at the hands of Kain and renewal of life by the elder god didnt matter to the pillar. Maybe he was unbound to them after being renewed, or maybe it didnt matter because, well, Kain ended up killing him again anyways.

How does Raziel being the only creature that could undo their carefully prepared machinations not give them motivation to manipulate Raziel into not doing it and then putting a lid on him and imprisoning him when his task is fulfilled? It was exactly what they were doing and had Raziel not chosen to enter the sword out of sheer spite for them, it would have worked out.

It's less about being virgin or chad than it is about being an NPC or someone who has real awareness. I'm not even ultra handsome or anything. I'm just really tall, not a lardass, dress well, and have good hair. But none of that is the actual point.
My parents are completely faithful to one another and they're both fully devoted to our family. My mother has been faithful to my father through thick and thin for almost two and a half decades. She's never touched another man. My cousins and our ancestors were the same. The people who raised me are good, honest, and strong people. They care about decency

I just turned 23 and will likely never have any of that in my own life. Family and loyalty in relationships matters. Not living your life going through people like they're soda cans in a vending machine matters. It's why I've gone out of my way to help several of my friends that have dated each other stay committed through tough shit and not break up when other people around them would tell them to "be free" and "not take things seriously" so they could "just have some fun" even though I've never let any of my own hookups turn into LTRs. So yeah, I'm mad enough to blogpost about this shit from time to time.

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Mobius literally could have killed Kain with the staff and a water gun.

It's almost exclusively shit that comes from america and canada that has terrible writing and it isnt exclusive to videogames.

Their machinations weren't prepared. Raziel had free will but the danger was always Kain. Raziel's path leads to the sword: they said this and it led there.
Kain has no free will.

Kain remarked water was like the touch of acid.
He'd have to be submerged for awhile, and one of the leading theories for why Mobious was caught without his staff so many times was because he needed to "recharge" it, as it didn't seem to be using his energy when he was fucking with it

Based and Jaegerpilled. Supremacy without virtue is nothing.

>My parents are completely faithful to one another and they're both fully devoted to our family. My mother has been faithful to my father through thick and thin for almost two and a half decades.

This part made me more jealous of you than anything else in your post. You have a good parents user.

Why did he have a second different staff? Why did he not ever have the snake staff in BO1 when he has it at parallel points in Defiance?

>Raziel had free will but the danger was always Kain
Kain was never the danger, it was all about Raziel and his choices. The outcomes the ancient vampires had prophesied in their citadel weren't literal interpretations of future events, but figurative transcriptions of what may happen. Raziel was both the Vampire and the Hylden champion and the outcome would be dictated by his choices. Redeemer and Destroyer.

Wanna know another story? A chick tried to wreck my life because she got jealous of how well I treated my friends and how much I cared for all of them, then tried to fuck me, and lost her mind when I didn't reciprocate. Literally tried to turn dozens of people against me. I got harassed in a random frat by a pack of 7 holes who told me to "be nicer to her" all because I just didn't want to talk to the bitch.
I read all these stories about people being forced to go along with corrupt stuff and being ruined when their conscience prevented them from doing so, without ever really taking any of it seriously. I'm not even a good person. But it's life-changing in a terrible way to realize how badly some people will try to fuck you over if you don't partake in their bs on sheer principle.

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Remember how you remarked his peasants were killing vampires and how we saw that he handed his staff to his soldiers?
I know your brain is working really hard to try to figure out definitive plotholes but all we really got is Vorador, bark up that tree

VNs are inherently written differently from actual books because they use the visual aspect to convey elements thus removing the need for them to be conveyed in text. But I agree about Torment.

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Dykes and kikes belong on pikes

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But in the end Kain was the danger. Raziel is nothing more than an instrument. He's literally a plot device. At the end Raziel just would have been a sword anyone could pick up off the ground, but ultimate it was Kain weaseled into position to kill EG.

>Unironically comparing snooty immortal vampires waxing philosophical to awkward teenage lesbians making small talk

Wasn't Uncharted 3's script also significantly overhauled, hence why it brought up Drake being a fake and then didn't do anything with it?

I played Bastion so fuck off retard.

You're right, I'm not the most handsome guy but I've never had any trouble with girls.
My only issues come from the fact that girls lose interest in me when I want to reciprocate their feelings, which is odd to me. They try forever to get my attention then leave when they have it.
Shit hurts.

I know, right? It's like comparing Shakespeare to a teen MTV drama show!

That's not a good enough explanation and still doesn't explain why he wouldn't request the staff when he was going to die. He knew the day Kain was coming back and tried to fight him, but forgot his magic vampire killing staff that day? Please.
By my counts, Moebius, Kain's birth, EG/Moebius' motivation and actions are all plotholes.
I mean it's shit writing, can't be helped.

Pretty much.

Without that plot device Kain would have been helpless. Without Raziel agreeing to free all the guardian souls, activating the soul forge and then consuming Ariel who was also cleansed then entering the sword, Kain would never have been cleansed of Nupraptor's corruption and would never have had a weapon that could hurt the EG. Even before that, had Raziel not agreed to exercise his free will and killed Kain at the tomb of William the Just, Kain's game would have been over too. Raziel was incredibly fucking important. Raziel was the walking plot device that could unfuck all the webs Mobius and EG weaved to exploit the world's metaphysics to forge the outcomes that would benefit them most and that's exactly what he did despite their efforts at containing him, pathetic as they were.

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My parents were the same way, married until their deaths. That's probably why I've always wanted the same thing; not an endless string of means nothing sexual conquests, but someone I can form a real connection with, someone I trust enough to share everything with. They also did their best to teach me personal responsibility. People like our parents are a dying breed, and the world will be lesser for their loss.

They came from very humble beginnings and gave up everything they have for the sake of my future. They're not perfect, especially my dad, but my mom and some of my other relatives are incredibly virtuous people. I just turned 23 and if you'd told me a decade ago that one day I'd be marveling with immense envy at my family's sense of decency and character I would have been dumbfounded.

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You're mistaking prose with writing, though. Writing is the plot composition, not what the characters are actually saying at any given moment.

Of course though, nobody actually likes teen MTV drama shows. They're all garbage, and OP's point remains. Nobody likes that shit, and what little we've seen from TLOU2 is just lame stuff.

Wow it's almost like, he died thinking Kain was going to kill himself and wipe out the last of the vampires or something or live a wretched life on a dying planet
Damn bro, good job uncovering yourself as a contrarian faggot though, now I don't have to argue in good faith with some retard that read a plot summary and says retarded shit to appear smarter than everyone but instead gets waxed at every turn

Yeah. I agree.
The problem is they could have killed Kain at any point, stopped him from becoming a vampire, etc. That's what they should have focused all energy on. Or just devour Ariel's soul.

He didn't think that. He could see the future. He was omnipotent.

>why he wouldn't request the staff when he was going to die
>For a true servant of the one God, death is never bitter. I will go - again at peace with the knowledge that I have played my small part in our master's plans.
Goodness gracious, user, you are such an annoying cunt, you keep acting like you have no idea what people are talking about and then trying to sink more hooks into whatever people tell you as response in a futile attempt to enlighten you. Your cold-reading is awful and your manner is disturbing to my demeanor. Apply yourself.

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Clearly it wasn't all it was cracked up to be since Kain used the one creature with free will to muck up his "Omnipotence"

He wasn't omnipotent. He wasn't even omniscient. Just because writers said he was outside of the work, while the work displayed the opposite, doesn't mean he was. Death of the author, bitch.

>Remember kids, if you can name them then they're probably not important in the grand scheme of things
This is the most redpilled thing anyone will ever write on this site.

>So when Nathan takes 20 bullets and lives
that's gameplay, not cutscenes. When he lives through a mission unscathed, he canonically did not get shot. When you die during a mission, you've run out of luck (not health) and finally get shot.

Were you actually deceived by Moebius' character? That was insincere. He was shocked when EG spun him. Are you some sort of fucking retarded person? Why attack him the first place if it was suicide?

The complaint is that the canon is unrealistic and breaks immersion.

XD... That's all I have to say
this is SO epic, guys.
onions and 0n1ions... omfg lol
gays?? cant exist. minorities??? hELL NO!!! LOL/// huh?? tis ths joos fault lol
wait wtf orange man likes israe?? no no orange man GOOD... jew BAD XD russia good, china good!!

no!! NNOO!O!!! MINORITIES cannot exist on mY WATCH??? stacy wait please have sex with me ufckkk i hate women anyway #INCELPRIDE BUT NOT GAY PRIDE!! PRIDEBAD!!!
im australian btw, fuck you amerifats. can't ban me, dynamic ip.

Death of the Author is "I'm giving up."
It means the text is essentially worthless.
No shit. It's called bad writing.

Why the fuck would someone want to cosplay such a boring character? Literally just a woman in cargo pants with a blue shirt and a chest rig. People who cosplay do it for the challenge of accurately recreating the design of an iconic character.

>There should be no way to be an established omnipotent character
Yes, very good not boring garbage at all.
Thanks again for showing everyone you're just here to henpeck at something that's popular because you're asshurt someone's devastating your retarded lesbian romance flick, fag

Because he was convinced that he was a valuable follower of a just and righteous god of life and not a disposable pawn of a giant squid. Mobius impaled himself deeper on Kain's sword, dying, while communicating his words of devotion to EG, such was his delusion. He was capable of not just one, but repeated suicides of EG but asked it of him.

>Good writing
Reminder that there is literally no reason to help Zulf beyond simple moralfaggotry because he is an irredeemable character with no justification for his actions yet the game wants you to feel sorry for him anyway.

TLoU is shit. So is LoK. One is extremely boring and one is extremely full of plotholes. If you don't like it, don't reply, but both are poorly written.

I'm giving up trying to communicate anything of sense to someone who didn't even bother playing the videogame and yet sees fit to engage in arguments about it.

There's also the whole issue of the character needing to be iconic.

>Taking the "M-m-my franchise is shit too" just to bring it down to your level.
Didn't I already dab on you fag lover?
Now vanish into dust

are you me?

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I agree. I'm sorry your game is poorly written and that upsets you.

>My franchise—
Stop right there faggot. I never played it.
Enjoy shitty writing and stay free. There's nothing wrong with being a pleb, but I don't want your shit taste rubbing off in me.

I honestly just want to be left alone at this point. It's good that your parents are decent people, setting a good example for kids is the best thing anyone can do.

It's paradoxical but despite how much I hate people and look down on women in a borderline abusive kind of way, the one thing at which I'm better than I am at anything else is dealing with people and being social. It's hard to explain but it's basic intuitive knowledge for most people who aren't bugmen.

>literally admitting to being here just to shitpost

> hol up lemme bring out my Thesaurus.
> wow I'm so deep

>a normal human conversation

Kain was a faggot. The Elder God was based AF and Raziel rebelling against him just created a worse cycle for the world to follow.

>a normal human conversation
user, not everyone watches puke porn and believes those line's constitute real human conversation. You're just disgusting and on the same level as scat fetishists.

While Moebius' role as Time Guardian affords him a *certain* level of omniscience (allowing him to foresee his death 30 years later) [1], there was a moment with him and Raziel not so far into the game where he could've been killed [2].

[1] youtu.be/CRZMxCkBv_4?t=292
[2] youtu.be/0XYtktBNlBs

On another note, I'm impressed with how future-proofed Moebius' death scene was in Blood Omen 1.
It didn't just allow Kain to gib him with the Soul Reaver itself (as Raziel couldn't devour his brethren's souls), they had a cutscene where he's decapitated with his Iron Sword instead. Neat.

Glossary expansion is a legitimate hobby.

Boil about it, tranny jew.

Also no one wants to be a nig.

Yeah, if Moebius was hit by the Soul Reaver instead of Blood Reaver, he definitely would have been beyond even EG's reach.

Yeah, 4 years ago someone would have replied to his post with "/pol/ is always right" as a fucking joke you thin skinned fag

I still think Nadine is pretty cool though, despite her plot armor.

Is it really anti-semitic to say that jews rule America and non-jews are falling for their tricks? Wouldn't that actually be pro-semitic?

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The justification for his actions is that he finds out the people that he had been trying to bring together before the calamity were working on ways to eradicate his people

Miyazaki always puts stuff like this in his games and it makes me want to go to that guy and thank him in person

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And his response to that is to fuck over people who had nothing to do with that. And also Zia's father had worked to prevent the Ura from being destroyed to Zulf's anger is misplaced on two fronts.

So I've been a fan of the Resident Evil series since the original game was released on the PS1, but I always found it interesting that a game with voice acting so unbelievably bad that you can't help but enjoy it for all the wrong reasons is still remembered to this day, but a series like the Legacy of Kain, a series with phenomenal voice acting and writing has been mostly forgotten.

I just want another Legacy of Kain game, or a remastered collection at the very least. I miss the Shakesperan dialogue of these games.

>>Gehrman - Single Dialogue - "Unshackle Me"
Wait, what the hell is this? How do you get that?

>I just want another Legacy of Kain game
You don't, unless you want "Fuck you vampire". Remastered collection with some higher resolution support and maybe properly upscaled textures would be fine.

man shut the fuck up you stinky virgin

Oh yeah, can't wait for SotC tier "Side by sides" that show the new one is better and the defense for the shittier older one being better is "Muh artstyle, rotating smoke jpegs are much better than authentic looking smoke zoomer"

SOUL REAVER was written by a woman you absolute retard, Blood Omen, the ORIGINAL game, was made by 2 brothers, she just continued their world and ideas by mixing it with retarded time travel, get fucked

>Seething Xtranny

Amy Hennig is an honorary man

Not as many people have played a Legacy of Kain game, let alone beat one compared to RE's massive fanbase.

While I enjoy her writing she absolutely did essentially use the IP to publish her game, BO2 was the exact same thing with a different dev.