How can we improve Link any further?

How can we improve Link any further?

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turning him to a girl and make it so Link would be a mating press

Further emphasis on the booty.

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But make sure you go with concept art Linkle where she actually looks competent, rather than 2 INT Genki Linkle.

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Make him shota only.

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make him weaker
no i mean honestly

>return to his old design (Soul Calibur II Link still looks great)
>make him a trap to please the straight male audience

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i'd put female hormones inside that bottle and wait about 10 years

I am sure that at least 90% of the people that have posted or will post in this thread have visited r/linkiscute at one point or another.

like hentai game protagonists?

Give him a beard and muscles

10% represent

cock cage

Only hyper betas want men to be women.

I haven't but I'll give it a look

Give him slightly more muscle mass in BotW2.

all these combined

>another gay link smut thread

>stealth faggot thread

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>catalog full of waifufags, tifa's breasts, lyza's thighs, new pokemon girls, etc. is fine but one thread about link is the end of the world

Yes, because it allows unironic faggots to pollute the board.
Go to trash/lgbt/yaoi/d/etc, fuck off

hoes mad

this. but only slightly. subtlety is key.

We're all girls here.

links back

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*trans girls

Link has lots of potential

Finally someone who cares about the real issues

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>large butt
>masculine features

what's the point? make him a trap

>>large butt
>>masculine features
Sounds perfect to me

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>masculine features
Fucking where?

Guys can have nice butts.