
hows your twitch channel coming along user?

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1 viewer avg

you'll make affiliate in no time!

I'm affiliated but lost my 10+ average views when I stopped streaming roblox
now I get 2-4 average but I'm playing games that don't attract actual retards

I just like having personalised emotes

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3 years

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what do you play?

I'd love to have an average viewer count of at least 30
I like interacting people and having conversations and sharing opinions while playing games

suspended for telling the truth

different shit i notice people come by more when I play the most recent call of duty but I stream whatever Smash, Mario Kart, The last of us mp, overcooked, friday the 13th the game. im streaming chrono trigger currently

>starting a channel on twitch
>not gathering a following on another platform first

>i dream of not working and just playing games to make ends meat


You mean breaking TOS. Maybe keep the /pol/ shit inside /pol/ next time.

Made a twitch for fun. No effort and i do it through ps4. Im happy with 1 viewer

What kind of meat?

trannies ARE mentally ill
(You) being offended doesnt change that

the same it always is
non-existant because every brand name I think of someone already has it and has 30 views and locked in all the social media accounts and abandoned the accounts.

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smashed partner requirements but didn't get it boys


people dont like boomers

fuck off slicker

um sweety.....quit being toxic :)

>putting a TTV in your name

Been thinking about making some scripts to stand up a channel that just plays a YouTube playlist on shuffle and see if it gets any traction. Like a 24/7 channel and steal someones content or something

>tfw me and a 1 viewer a sub nostalgia tripped for a few hours last night
>watching old cartoon intros and listening to vidya music

did they give you a reason

What meat we talking about here?

Not according to the WHO :^)

when streaming became more about "content" then vidya thats when I knew it was over.

to many reaction streamers that just sit there and watch YT videos which people gravitate towards for some reason

>get to affiliate
>regularly getting 10-20 viewers
>quit playing my regular shit for a bit
>play stalker
>pick up a bunch of new people
>beat stalker
>introduce csgo to my schedule
>start to lose people
>only my regs that I talk with on steam pop in and chat with me now
>mostly just stream for them because they have potato pcs

everyone knows they only did that to prevent harassment
all they've really done is set back any possible hopes of fixing these broken people for like 50 years, long after they fixed themselves

oh man i can just imagine the shite quality user streamers have

>dude gordon ramsay lmao

my computer sucks so i can only stream myself eating or playing minesweeper

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none given

>wait till a big streamer is in a game section with no other streamers
>put my stream in that section streaming whatever I want
>EZ views


they probably did

Because no one wants to watch a stream of old video games wherein I don't speak into a mic or have a pointless face cam, I do not stream.

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Thanks for applying to the Partner Program. Unfortunately, we cannot offer you a partnership at this time.

Over 2 million broadcasters live stream on our platform each month, but the Partner Program only consists of a small percentage of them. While we would love to include all of our broadcasters in the program, we must be selective with the channels we accept.

If you still have a strong desire to become a Partner, please complete the Path to Partner Achievements located in your Achievements Dashboard before applying again!

A denial does not hurt your chances of becoming a Partner in the future, so we'd strongly encourage you to continue producing great content and growing your community.

If you're interested, our Support Center has a number of resources to help you better understand our program. We have included an article that may answer some of your questions and give some insight into what we're looking for.

You can also check out Twitch Creator Camp to learn how to build up your community from our most successful Partners.
The Partnerships Team

>watch a big stream
>streamer says emojicon
>chat spams it

>40% suicide rate
>perfectly ballanced and healthy individuals, we swear :^)

>please complete the Path to Partner Achievements located in your Achievements Dashboard before applying again!

send hassan some nudes

maybe that'll help


twitch staff love twitch thots

Is it good meat at least

your content isnt PG13

Mostly stream to hang out with my boys but I'm honestly losing the will to do it. I'm not expecting to be a big streamer but a few randoms in chat would definitely make me feel a bit better about doing it.

I always notice streamers trying to piggyback off the big fish like this. I just laugh at how ridiculous is, and avoid them. I don't like hanging out with streamers who are too eager for views.

>Road to affiliate
Fuuuuuck oooofffff.

>Road to 100 followers :)
Fuuuuuuck ooffffff

>Road to 50 subs
Fuuuuuck offfff

Nothing turns me off to a stream quicker than some homo talking about how badly he wants to reach his next goal. Like, just play the game and say something interesting or funny, and the rest will work itself out. Stop begging or angling to bigger numbers.

way passed it

no bobs

I just play bideo bames

>road to X

yep fuck this shit

>up-and-coming streamer I liked was doing an IRL stream at some busy bars and clubs district
>some bimbo flashed her tits on-stream without warning
>there's nothing he can do
>gets an indefinite ban anyway

This is so fucked. I shouldn't be alone right now.

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these threads always reek of jealousy and bitterness I love it

youre joking right?

Rated E for everyone content gets flagged algorithmically for having black listed words in it.
FCC clean content is too dirty.
If you arent literally content for toddlers, youre going to get AI blacklisted.
The only reason bigger channels and things can ignore this, is that they are corporate sponsored or have a big enough following that they can push past the AI limiter checkpoint, where upon which a much less strict ai is used or they are completely except and face only manual review.

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fucking zoomer detected

15 viewers average if I'm playing my most popular game. Since I don't really care much about the viewers/making money off of it (not even affiliate since it stops me from restreaming on youtube where I get like 80 viewers no matter what i'm playing, and a lot more active chatters) I just play whatever I want. I'm sure if I knuckled down and played one game day in day out I could grow a lot, but eh. It's not really worth it to me. Way too much effort for something that could easily be a flash in the pan. I don't think I could make it work with my real job anyway, so I'll stick to streaming 2-3 hours a night 5 days a week.

>in a 10k viewer stream
>chat is flying by
>type a comment
>chat just happens to stop at that moment for a split second
>get shit on by 10k people @ing me

The sad reality of this, is that it works. You attract all the sycophants, just looking for someone's asshole to sniff. They feel like they're being helpful, which makes them feel better about themselves.



you can export your VODS after 24 hours or someshit

>wanting to watch faceless streamer play lesser known older/indie games with an inconsistent schedule
Not a chance, but I would be supportive of a friend and keep his stream open if he tries. Because I don't have many and hardly spend time with any of them.

>someone follows just so you say his name
>dont say his name
>he leaves
>notice follow count go back down by 1

because like I said, my youtube, without any additional effort put into it has like 5 times my twitch channel's viewership and ten times the chat. And i'm only streaming to chat with people anyway.

Same happened to me. I made a couple grand last year butt i quit to pursue my career. Gonna record videos instead next year during my free time now. People on youtube are kinder to variety content.

>streaming game I like
>commentating and stuff
>0 viewers
>streaming game I dont care for at all
>not talking
>7 viewers

what are some categories that are around 1k viewers and dont have a shit load of streamers?

Then there's this shit. It was amusing once or twice, but a stream that stops playing a game for five minutes for this crap is a sure way for me to drop out. I also don't like those channels that pop up a CLICK HERE TO ALLOW A PLUGIN TO RUN, IT'S TOTALLY FOR YOUR HAPPINESS BRO!

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>tfw been getting a few regulars
>chat is almost at the point where its self sustaining and a new person comes in and chat takes care of its self

>male streamer wanting to make a few bucks
>have to be either good at the game and or a good actor
>female streamer
>just have tits or show as much skin as possible and is there and wait for the money to come

>implying a chad couldn't pull some gayboy bux just by chillin in a tank top

>tfw sometimes have 8 or 9 of those things in my chatroom that never chat and dont even increast my viewer count

I want to see twitch ban the word retard and see how many streamers drop

>Be man.
>Just react and scream.
>Make more money on average than women.
>Be man
>Have a nice voice.
>Make more money on average than women.

you watched a streamer that streamed going to a club?

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250 followers, stream 2x per week.

on average, day 1 gets 7 viewers, day 2 gets 13 viewers.

That suits me. I'm not even affiliate yet, even though I got the invite a while back.

it was on the street but yes

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honestly it's better to wait to get affiliate, it gives you significantly more leeway in partnership negotiations. If you accept affiliate they basically offer you the same contract for partner (AKA it's garbage) but you have shorter turnaround on cash withdrawals and access to a better network of support via your partner contacts. If you wait, you can ask for certain liberties like immediate access to the bounty board, or the ability to stream on multiple sites/removal of the 24hr period between vod uploads, all sorts of stuff.

oh man he looks terrified

>lazy content
>random person in your camera frame shows tits and BTFO
Respect the seven second delay we use.

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what is "networking"? sucking a big streamers dick? like donating $100 to a millionaire streamer hoping for a shoutout/host?

>just be consistent
viewers lives are not consistent with mine apparently this never works

>start watching twitch at 2PM
>stream ends around 6PM
>next stream just starts
>ends around 1AM
>another japan time stream just starts
>go to bed at 4AM

networking means kissing ass. Don't donate to them, just sit in their channel. Ideally channels that are slightly bigger than you. IE if you're 5 viewers average, sit in the stream of someone who's 15-20. They'll appreciate the viewer and may return it. If they don't after a few times of you popping in by either hosting you or raiding you, drop them.

Being consistent is a meme. There are specific timeslots when people watch twitch depending on the game.

I'm going to put my meat in some rear end, if you know what I'm sayin

>IRL streamer has phone point at him self
>random person gets triggered and asks to be out of the shot
>streamer tells him he isnt in the shot and should just go away so theres no chance
>person wont let it go
>streamer walks away
>triggered person follows streamer and is now in the shot

>that one time im feeling really good and want to stream
>internet fucks up

promode : sleep with the stream still on, repeat.

>go to a stream
>type anything
>entire chat says great user is here and they weirdchamp @ me

I want to stream on youtube but it's so much harder to make a living and a following. Kinda fucked how twitch is a monopoly when it comes to streaming. Having worked for Amazon in the past, I can truly say fuck amazon and fuck twitch.

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found the schizo

twitch is getting better for smaller streamers but still if you arent already established by now you have to win the lottery

Nah, it's not that hard. Latch on to a new game you know you'll like. Whether it's a success or not doesn't matter. Latch on fucking HARD. Play the shit out of it, people will watch, as other people start to move on, people who like the game will join you, then when the game dies proper, you'll have a small community of people who will follow you. Repeat. The pitfall people fall into is being "Variety" streamers right out the gate. Who the fuck are you, joe blow? No one wants to watch you play random shit unless they've already wasted hours watching you before, or god forbid spent money on you.

Can I become big on Twitch purely by no-lifing it since I don't have a job or any commitments?

Why is streaming so appealing to people? Doing it, not watching. It feels like every multiplayer game I play nowadays at least 1 out of every 5 players has a stream, especially big games like Apex and League.

Superman64 and DK64 Yea Forums 12+ hour streams kicked my ass. Finally finished CBFD like I should have awhile ago for the user who rolled, but right now just playing casually. Doing Legacy of Kain atm. Slow growth, but even the 3 ppl who came back are pretty chill so I'm happy.

Tl;dr enjoying it

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pseudo friendship
pseudo sense of community
giving money to millionaires so they say your name

basically zoomers

Is there anything more pitiful than pursuing twitch streaming as a career?

I'm enjoying it, viewer number is basically random for me (anywhere from 3-15 for the same content at the same time of day). Sucks when no one is around and I'm talking to myself but when there's an active chat to talk to, it's almost like I have friends!

In a slump between main content right now (I do speedruns) so that sucks.

Not really, twitch is all about filling the niche of timeslots between very large streamers that huge portions of the site watch already, or playing games in timeslots where there are no big streamers at all. Destiny kickstarted a lot of people on twitch to higher relevance (As in, 1000~ viewers, not ninja level shit obviously). I got my own start speedrunning, but I played like 40+ hours stretches and people saw me as a novelty and a toy to fuck with, since i'd be half crazy by the time I finally shut everything down to sleep. You can try, but there's not much room for it anymore, and a side effect no one talks about is that you end up creating an awkward sensation among viewers. They'll feel like they're "missing" content if they don't watch the full stream, and feel like they're not wanted since you're not streaming at the time when they're around. 24 hour streams should be a novelty now and then, not a regular thing.
>People want to make it big and think just playing a game on stream will do it
>People want to make friends and talk to people on their stream
>"I totally don't care I just bought a mic and a webcam and paid for a UI designer to make an overlay because uh it's just for FUN I swear!"
take your pick.

What a pseudointellectual post.


oh yeah if you want a definitive answer as to why people put their twitch name in their username, it's 100% because they think shitting on people will actually make others want to watch their stream, instead of just joining, flinging shit for a few seconds, then leaving. It's never, ever a good idea to try and appeal to people who hate you as a viewerbase. Look at idiots who come to Yea Forums for viewers.

I have around 250 followers and good enough average views for affiliate but I don't want to monetize my stream because I view it as just hanging out with friends and having fun, I don't want my friends to feel like they should spend money on my retarded ass.

I started streaming because for a bunch of reasons
I want to build a community of people with an open-minded appreciation for video games
I want to play through games I normally wouldn't on my own time
I want to introduce people to different genres or games to build that appreciation for gaming
Only problem is I need an audience to do these things and I'm having a lot of trouble getting a consistent viewerbase

There's literally nothing wrong with dreaming of doing what you like for a career. As long as you know it most likely won't happen and you get another job while streaming

You don't even get the ad money as an affiliate, it's pointless to do affiliate unless you're pulling 30+ people who REALLY want to sub to you for some reason.

Made affiliate sometime last year. I mainly stream shooters but I don't touch multiplayer because that's hot garbage.

>he didnt get his twitch posted on Yea Forums front page when Yea Forums froze
>he didnt thinly veil shill years ago

>because I'm hot garbage
ftfy bro

>tfw he receives another manlet joke
>he is visibly hurt

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Well yes this is true.

You can slowly accumulate bits that people get from farming ads. I have some friends whom I know would throw money at me that way but I don't want to take advantage of that since I find Twitch's culture of buying acceptance and friendship kinda offputting. I understand that's the way it works but still.

Pursuing a bigo live career.

>post an original copy pasta in chat
>everyone else starts copy pasting it

jobs done

Average 100 bits a day for the month it lasts before they cut you off for 6 months, sure, that's enough for one withdrawal. Not really worth all the restrictions they put on you.

I gave up and infrequently make shit posts on youtube now

>all the restrictions they put on you
Yeah I was kjnda paranoid about this too but what do you mean more specifically?
But yeah, for me Twitch is just about having fun whether it's streaming or watching.

>streaming game
>get 10 viewers for some reason
>say people should follow
>viewer count goes down to 1

You've made a classic blunder. People don't like being told what to do.

Begging people to follow or especially sub / donate is very pushy. I'd insta leave too.

I remember someone did the same basic thing but with a much wetter, louder, longer fart and apparently she got very mad at it

So you're saying I should tweet her to get more attention?

>You mean breaking TOS
TOS is one of the many reasons why i will never be a live video streamer or upload any video to the internet. (unless it's a HAPPENING and/or REAL SHIT)

TOS is just a scum-fuck way of saying "We can ban you from our shit for any reason we want, and you can't do a fucking thing about it" but without actually saying just that. It's a sociopathic means to intimidate and control the people through a rat maze of psudeo-legal bullshit (that isn't actually legal/binding)

Just like all those early 90's FPS game server admins who would ban anyone, for any reason.
> You have been banned. Reason: This is a christian server, do not take The Lord's name in vain
Then they wonder why no one is playing on their "public" community server any more except for their IRL friends (who are also sometimes banned... and ruins friendships)

I'm not talking about trying to DDoS a website or do other legitimately illegal shit. I'm talking about letting your "social mask" slip for just a second and causing an advertiser or SJW on the admin team to pull the choke-chain and strangle someone.

>wtf they wont let me use their website as a platform to say NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER

>tfw the only 'following' I have is from Yea Forums
Feels bad man, if it was anywhere else it would be worth something

can only stream on twitch alone, and it owns all content you create for 24 hours, before it reverts rights back to you. (if you get a popular clip, they will take it, and permanently monetize it, and you will get nothing from it, maybe viewers I guess), You now get significantly more ads on your channel, but can't control when they appear, meaning your channel is nearly unwatchable to a normal person who doesn't use adblock (I know, but consider normalfags who watch twitch). They also pay significantly more attention to your channel and will ban you without much evidence of wrongdoing, just based on other people's insistence. They do this for normal channels as well but they'll willingly do it, AND blacklist you from ever participating in twitch shit again as an affiliate.

make a "twitch watches youtube" where people can suggest videos and vote on em sounds like something that would get popular if you pushed it a little

if you're shitposting, why wouldn't you?

I don't got a twitch but I got a youtube channel that gets a few hundred views on each video and around a dozen comments too, so I guess you could say I'm doing preeetty good for myself!

yea my YT has also been popping off, got like 7 subs this year

no one forced you to click on my channel and no one is forcing you to keep watching my channel

monkaS if someone is

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>am friends with a guy with 2.9 million subscribers on YT with a milk bag as his profile

>am dating a UK streamer and are moving to the UK sometime next year

Props if you can figure out the UK streamer, only hint I’ll give is that she was the reason a popular male WoW streamer got perma-banned recently.

I go to twitch so much to fall asleep but I've never understood the emotes. I don't even get the generally used ones. Which ones are used for what and which ones are the well known ones?

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How do I make my 30yr friend who still mooches off his poor parents and has no education past highschool and never had a job or gf to stop deluding himself about streaming going to "save" him?

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Fill out part of a McDonalds application and give him the rest to fill himself.

>but I've never understood the emotes
some emotes are not even part of twitch chat, but a chat extension that parses keywords and substitutes for the emote in the stream-integrated chat window.

there's also the emotes which have meme history within twitch, as in-jokes or specific references to events. trihard is literally the streamer TriHex's face displaying joyous excitement.
then there's the meta-meme use, like cmonBruh for when someone uses a no-no.

Thinking of Streaming (No Mic) Playthrough of Catherine Classic

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That bitch from Method Josh’s stream?

Posting the popular clips I made in the past
If I get banned. So be it

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>How do I make my 30yr friend
>stop deluding himself
1 invent time travel
2 find out who/what hurt him to be the way he is
3 fix it and save the future
> find out he's no longer your friend and doesn't care about you at all, because you tampered with the time stream, redirecting its course

but no seriously
> forcing someone to do something
either you drag him to see a psyche/mental specialist and examine his brain and interrogate him for what's wrong, or he figures it out himself that he's fucked if he keeps going down that road, or he keeps going down that road and his life implodes and becomes homeless to die on the street.
accept now the possibility that you just can't save or fix some people, but don't let that stop you from trying at least once; and don't let a prior failure stop you from accepting a plea for help when it's genuinely made

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My intuition figured as much. Still thanks for the insight

I wonder how telecom companies feel about all the streamers with 0-1 viewer average streaming in 1080p60

I'm not able to physically be there and that would mean everything could had gone differently. I've tried to help him get a job and tried to prove how delusional he is and to get him to be real. But eventually his parents will die, leaving behind a 30yr manchild with no real life skills, no education, no job history.

Thank you for replying.

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I just stream for a few IRL friends, we take turns streaming games for each other (usually we do our favorites or show each other a game one or more of us hasn't seen or played yet). Every now and again get a straggler viewer who randomly finds the stream and hangs out for a while which is sorta neat. I only do it for fun and for the enjoyment of my pals anyway, don't think I could do this "professionally" even if I had a following. Would destroy my fun from games.

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i followed

> Telecoms: Come on little zero viewer streamer, say the n-word!


> Streamer: :3

> Telecoms: FFFFFFF

It's not because years of isolation in the basement has turned my personality into a doorknob. And needless to say I don't have any actual talent when it comes to games.

Thank you. Which one of the Videos were you most intrigued by I might ask? If so I will try to do more content resembling those.

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my mind set is to help small streamers grow because no one else is gonna help us

I never got any subs, as I heavily encouraged whoever was watching me to not waste the money. It was always a hobby. I'm just bummed I lost most of the people that seemed to enjoy shitty content

Fermenting in a basement has little to do with that, most people in general are that way, the difference is you aren't lying to yourself.

Are you a girl? Only girls are so fixated on trying to fix their "friends"

Isolation absolutely fucks with your mental state, your social skills and in turn your personality. You have no idea what you're talking about.

Networking helps wonders. I suggest checking in with Teams and other people that play the same games as you. After you do that. You can expect to see some people noticing you Sempai.

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fuck off flan im fine

my first and only payout so far went straight into the water bill

as long as you're paying for service that can stream in 1080p 60fps they already won

telecoms are already ass raping you, if push comes to shove they just throttle you

ive gotten paid before several times I just know people who are legit trying to grow but cant and are stagnant with their viewers. I do need to network more and go into more peoples streams im just a lazy cunt

I wish I had a friend that posted on anonymous image boards to try and figure out how to help me. It might actually fix things.

Mine went towards rent and house fixings.
Pipes are still broke so I am without a working sink/bath/shower/toilet. So I have been subsiding off Mulltiple $2 Bulk packs of Plastic Water Bottles til I can afford $2K+ to afford a new Water Heater, Pipe replacement and a Sewage pump.

I have been using Public Restrooms from Gas Stations to clean up myself whenever I go out and try to eat ramen daily to make the income flow. So far so good. I nearly hit the amount.

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I tried this once but it didn't work out mainly because I had no viewers and the viewers of the guy I was networking with didn't like me
the only time I get a meaningful number of viewers is when I stream for a general I post in but there's no way to grow off that, I feel like I'd have to abandon my Yea Forums roots to get anywhere but that would mean starting fresh

Me too. Thinking, "maybe if someone gave a damn, it'd encourage me to give a damn".
As nice as it is to fantasize about though, I think it's probably not good for you to wish for it. You might start pushing the responsibility onto this third party that might not even exist.

I really don't like Twitch as a platform. YouTube is better for me as a streaming platform in every way in terms of actual stream layout but Twitch offers way more functions. I just hate the site and culture.

My twitch channel is p much dead and so is my streaming in general. I just focus on the videos I make for my YT instead.

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Speedrunning games with smallish communities can be a good way to grow, a large chunk of the viewership follow the game as much as they follow specific runners.

The reason I think it is because I have no personal motivation to do things but will do stuff others ask me to do just fine. Also having someone have expectations of me would be nice and might create goals for me to work towards.

I thought about speedrunning but the challenge is finding a game I like enough to replay over and over like that, I'd hate to turn into one of those people who hate the game they run

for me it's DKC2/3. Sub2hours because I refuse/too lazy to learn glitches or warp barrels

I was playing a fairly obscure game, showing 2 friends some tricks and fun stuff and then the game's main speedrunner hosted me 30 viewers, I panicked and shut off the stream.

I understand and I feel the same way. I don't really have anything to add to this tangent. I just want to let you know that... I don't know, that you aren't alone in this. And that maybe, if we fall for that self-love crap, maybe we can learn to depend on ourselves.

I only stream on Mixer.

Good. Twitch's staff in general are terrible fucking people.

What's Mixer like

It's way smaller but generally has nicer people on it. FTL is also based with less than 2 second delay on streams.

Twitch is a circle jerk

If you don't have friends with viewers to host you with you will never get above 10 people.

>not opening a Chaturbate channel instead

lmaoing at you virgins

Viewbotting? Everyone is doing it probably?

I mean my idea is to just open a discord server for all the streamers here to just help each other grow and whatnot
But everyone here hates discord for some reason, they don't talk because autism's.

I streamed rottr once in 2018

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Twitch is awful for helping new streamers. This is why most streamers circle jerk with one another and host each other all the time.

stream all the time to no one feels depressing but it doesnt matter

I mean I get that, but also nobody is competent enough to make a breakthrough on YouTube to Garner an audience

Twitch could help new streamers but they dont. And the partnership stuff is another rich get richer idea. Can't get one without visibility, and the bigger streamers all help their friends/etc.

Look, the question isn't how unbeatable is twitch, it's how do we beat twitch

I am thinking of starting a Twitch channel when I get a new computer, because there really aren't any channels catering to what I would like, namely people playing 90s/2000s eurojank. There's a TON of German, Russian, and even Finns doing this, but if it's in English it's always some fuck doing it ironically. I just want to have a chill stream with 30-50 viewers and play old vidya like a casual, because I'm shit at it.

Well it's based in San Francisco so it will kill itself with identity politics/sjw nonsense.

It's a decent idea but Twitch is shit at showing non popular games. Their directory is all meme games or popular games with less popular games way at the bottom.

What the fuck why doesnt the landlord handle that stuff

Twitch is just hot garbage if you're doing anything that isn't playing the latest garbage. I've thought for a while that some kind of retro gimmick channel where you pretend it's the 80s and play through game releases in real time based on release dates would be fun, but you'd never get any exposure from it.

good for you user, keep it up

I guess that's true. But YouTube is no better. Honestly, the only YouTuber I know that comes close to what I'm describing is Archengeia/Lorerunner, but so much of the other content he makes is super boring and autistic - Star Wars/Star Trek crap, and so on. And with all small streamers that live off their Patreon income, you start to get that weird vibe when it feels more like a cult than some random dudes hanging out and having fun.

it's a good idea, too many people on Twitch do the same shit as it is.

you can't make it by playing new popular shit either, like if you play a game with 3 thousand people streaming and you have no viewers you're gonna be at the bottom of the list where no one will scroll down to

I'm assuming you can at least view-bot to 100 or something to get a minimum level of exposure. If you can't manage that you might as well not even bother, you'd be better off trying to make it on youtube or something and then transferring the audience over.

I would imagine it's easier to just go into those games' respective subreddits and fansites and just announce you're going to be streaming said game. Of course nobody's going to be aware that you're playing their favorite game from the 90s or whatever, most of those people probably don't even use Twitch regularly. But I agree, there should be a better system. Like a person should be able to just select what games they're interested in seeing and for all other streams to just be removed. Imagine if you could pick
>no games released after 2005
What a god tier move that would be.

Even viewbotting won't work for games that saturated and on top of that viewbotted streams don't retain viewers
I remember seeing this one guy's channel with close to 100 viewers and it was literally all bots and on top of that the bots were posting messages so even if someone new came along they'd get buried in bots

Twitch is explicitly designed to funnel people towards big streams, because big streams have lots of people subscribing, and herd mentality makes retards want to join in with the pack and waste their money too.

There are a million ways Twitch could promote smaller streamers, but it'll never happen. Which is a shame, I think implementing a cruise system like Nico Nico would create one of the biggest channels on twitch.

The basic idea of the cruise is that it's a chatroom with hundreds, probably thousands of viewers, that just randomly hops between channels who get an announcement that they're on the cruise, and they're given a minute or so to entertain the people watching. Then, the audience votes if they want to stay for longer, up to say, 5 minutes on a channel, and afterwards, they get a link to go watch that channel if they feel like leaving the cruise.

>>The basic idea of the cruise is that it's a chatroom with hundreds, probably thousands of viewers, that just randomly hops between channels who get an announcement that they're on the cruise, and they're given a minute or so to entertain the people watching. Then, the audience votes if they want to stay for longer, up to say, 5 minutes on a channel, and afterwards, they get a link to go watch that channel if they feel like leaving the cruise.
I've heard of this before
it sounds cool as fuck because sometimes I can't find shit to watch, like right now none of the people I watch are on

I was getting around 14 views per stream. I made a few youtube vids and they have gained momentum quite well though that was for Raspberry Pi 4 stuff I've been testing out. The vids have been getting a few hundred views a piece, and one has 9k views which is just staggering for how low effort they are.
I bought a cheap webcam for £25 (usually £90) from the amazon sale and an Elgato Stream deck for £80 with some deal stacking, but I got them because I will find use for them outside of streaming. (Stream deck has an amazing folder ability from the vids I've seen on it. I'm going to macro the hell out of everything)
I wouldn't face cam with a green screen anyway, but having a camera to switch to so I can show something I have in my hands might be handy and it fixes people complaining about me using my phone to make shaky videos since I have a tripod my Dad owns but doesn't really use I could set up, but I'd only do that for a longer video maybe. I'd at least maybe buy a mini tripod next month to mount it on.
I should do some video editing on my existing streams and upload them to youtube but I worry I'd scare away this small existing audience that want to see me do Pi 4 stuff.
Unless maybe I could do a simultaneous Pi 4 emulation stream and take suggestions on what to try out. But I'd like to get my hands on a working Dreamcast emulator before I do that and it seems quite illusive.

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I agree, I would love that cruise thing. Basically a watch2gether, but without imbeciles putting 10 minute clips of their favorite anime battles or whatever. I dig it.
I have honestly seen people begging for likes and subs before the vid's even started,and then I just turn it off. It's so soulless. Same with what nu-JonTron is doing now, with fucking 1 minute ads for mobile games. I unsubbed completely and I'm never watching him again, I can't believe zoomers are nto only willing to put up with real ads but also ads worked into the videos themselves.

I am on the basis that I am renting to own the house (the land is where the value is at.) Since the Landlord was a family relative on my mother's side I have about 4 more years of paying $500 a month to fully own the land for myself. The house is shit yes but the land is fertile and its surrounded by others that want to buy it off from him.
So pretty much. Its my responsibility.

Attached: MKG_HappyBirthday_WallpaperUpdate_14628_LOZ-wallpaper-1280x1024.png (1280x1024, 1.92M)

smart idea

so Twitch will never do it.

"real ads" don't exist anymore on youtube videos. Youtube pre-emptively demonetizes nearly every video that anyone puts up, and you have to go through weeks of checks and support to get monetization reinstated, which is after 99.999% of people watched your video. So sponsorships are the only way to make money. I don't like it either but blame youtube for that one, not the creator. It's their only option.
okay then we go back to the quality of 2006 with 0 editing, 0 scripting, shit cameras and shit mics.

>blame youtube for that one
It's not even their fault. It's companies throwing a fit over which channels they are "associated" with so youtube has to be extra careful or they won't be able to keep up the site. People give youtube a lot of shit, which they should. but a lot of the larger problems are from real life companies and real life laws being incredibly outdated. All the copyright shit, for example, is because US copyright law is fucking stupid.

>okay then we go back to the quality of 2006 with 0 editing, 0 scripting, shit cameras and shit mics.
Totally fine by me, I hate scripting and editing and all the other tryhard shit. Every guy I know that went "legit" has seriously diminished in quality. Not to mention, you can keep a Patreon and not do ads, or at least not put ads at the fucking start of your video. Please don't defend JonTron, he's utterly cancerous now.

>>okay then we go back to the quality of 2006 with 0 editing, 0 scripting, shit cameras and shit mics.
I don't mind this so much because it'll get rid of some of the shittier forced content. Old youtube felt a lot more organic and less about people trying to game the algorithm or be gamed by the algorithm.

>0 personality
>average gaming skills
>afraid to show my face online
I don’t even bother. Besides, I’m pretty sure there are more channels than viewers these days

I usually just streamed for my friends to watch something. Dark Souls, Maplestory, random indie shit.

Attached: ncvnn.png (1715x286, 33K)

you're correct, streams outnumber viewers by almost 3 to 1.

6 bots
1 real viewer
average length of stream 3-4 hrs
i dont use a mic or webcam
yeah i'm thinking it's based.

what website is that?



I just want to stream for my friends, but my internet is garbage.

I have a stream, but I don't really use it on a consistent basis. I have had some times where I got 7 or 8 concurrent viewers, but I always end up psyching myself out of streaming games I actually play for fun, because I don't want to go and put myself in that social environment while interacting with my hobby.