IRL Bosses

IRL Bosses

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how the hell are you supposed to beat him

This man, full stop.

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Boo! Get some new material

literally me

Anyone else think this dude looks like a human version of King K Rool?

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I'm going to say the N word

Based the guy.

>boss fight is a pair of minibosses
Please no henry

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>Forgive me, sensei.
>I must go all out, just this once!

please no i dont wanna die a virgin

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It’s all about destroying the platforms beneath him, don’t tell me u actually tried chipping through his gigantic healthbar. The game is practically telling u what you need to do leading up to the fight.

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Remind him of his stretch marks, and that if he ever lost weight he would still carry them forever like badges of shame.

Microscopic organism look like great boss designs.
See pic related? All living organisms.

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Gather a bunch of players for a raid, and watch for his AoE indicators

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He challenged me to a duel. What do I do?

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is this the guy from last year's sony e3 conference?

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sick hats, bro

Dodge his lasers then XXY, reverse wind when he swings at you

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wtf is happening here?



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Piss off ghost!

>drops $38 billion in a divorce with his reasonably attractive white wife to go after a middleaged mexican
the absolute madman

Use buffs

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fuck off henry

is the middleaged mexican hot?

Some men just want to watch the world burn

He's gonna wave a big towel at you. Run headfirst into it to get him

What's his special move?

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Is this dude selling CDs of his flute playing? Thats whats on his belt right? He just walks about dressed like a clown selling CDs.

no she's gross, mackenzie was so much hotter

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based tourist

who has the "Japan is awesome" edit

scouting and marks targets

henry wouldn't do that

Killing Spiderman

-Be careful Snake! It's Nurutu-sama the sightless! Using his special grip technique, he is able to shank three niggas at once!
-Sounds scary... For three niggas. But I'm solo Colonel, so I think I can fly under his radar
-Think again Snake.The flexibility of his technique also allows him to shank a single nigga three times!
-Three times?! I'd better be on my guard then.
-See if you can find ways to give him four targets at once, and you may be able to overwhelm him!

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>stretch marks on all my limbs from growing almost 9 inches in under a year
Feels bad man.

spinal fractures

I think its one of those can only be hurt from behind type of big fellows.
Also when you beat him you get the cheevo "The bigger they are..."

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damn he fucked up.

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Im one upping you

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They look like the musicians in Kung Fu Hustle.


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what would be shameful about that? If anything, it'd be more impressive that he was obese at some point and had the perseverance to get himself into shape

>The flexibility of his technique also allows him to shank a single nigga three times!

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Where is God?

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>several downing him
Someone's on the bad curve of dunning kruger's effect

Henry, I...

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he is God

Aw fuck

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no he wont

>hits you with every single status effect including death count

Oh boy!

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>even with his disfiguring disability, this man can still find joy in life

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Nigger, I just replied to this in a different thread

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name them

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this is great

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wtf, Raimi

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Henry no

I see, he spent $38 billions to get in touch with the Bogdanoffs.

He throws a few grenades that are easy to dodge, but if you get distracted by them, you can get caught off guard as he dives down for a rotor slicer.

>On March 26, 1841, Harrison became ill with a cold after being caught in a torrential downpour without cover. His symptoms grew progressively worse over the next two days, at which time a team of doctors was called in to treat him. The prevailing misconception at the time was that his illness had been caused by the bad weather at his inauguration three weeks earlier. The doctors diagnosed him with right lower lobe pneumonia, then placed heated suction cups on his bare torso and administered a series of bloodlettings to draw out the disease. Those procedures failed to bring about improvement, so the doctors treated him with ipecac, castor oil, calomel, and finally with a boiled mixture of crude petroleum and Virginia snakeroot. All this only weakened Harrison further.
>Harrison died on April 4, 1841, nine days after becoming ill and exactly one month after taking the oath of office; he was the first president to die in office.

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what's up with his jaw?


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I see they added water and death, to Earth, Wind, and Fire.

Begone ghost.


I just want some bees!... Please.


thats hot, imagine the smell

Why is the french military showing off rc cars in that webm?
>inb4 they're used for bomb something or another
yeah okay but but this display just shows them being weak ass rc cars

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The Barrier trio stuck one final pose!
It was glorious....

Why the fuck do the cops have forked staves? Does this happen often? Is that a specialised device? Do Japanese cops just have staves?


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It's "itsy bitsy", you fucking degenerate.

oh hai, mark, I hope you're ready for battle. ha-ha-ha.

Stop trying to make a shit meme.

you have no chance against the power of Yeezus

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Looks like a mancatcher. It's a very old weapon used to catch men.

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whih scp is this

It's a Titanite Catch Pole.

Probably pumpkin bombs and various other Halloween weapons

dirty nigger

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what was his real illness then if it was a misconception that it was the bad weather?

Henry pls

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Limit break needed

>time to take out the bone to pick with you!

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Piss off ghost!!

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Knowing how dumb this shit sounds, just imagine what they're going to be laughing at us for 200 years from now.

>disgusting stretch marks between my legs
I wish they could disappear, they are a redish purple and it's disgusting

How do I beat these guys?

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is that real? what kind of 'disease' is it?


God, I wish that were Moscow Donnie.

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They look like post game secret mega bosses


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is there a clip of this? man i wanna rewatch it


Don't you know reverse joint legs are more efficient
That man is peak evolution

ok, thanks


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That guy is one tough son of a bitch

>the boss is very agile and has an instakill attack

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they're mancatchers, I've seen them used in other countries too

Reading that other anons post, is this guy where the myth of bad weather causing colds comes from?

He's gonna wreck it.

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>Use your most powerful move on him
>There's now just a mushroom cloud where his body was
>Think you got him, start to walk away
>The dust settles and his body emerges.
>Was that attack perhaps an out of season April Fool's joke?
What to do in this situation?

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He was a president. A president wouldn't do that.


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The game's first true noob filter

Who you gonna call?

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not gonna risk it

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Who could beat him?

I looked it up and the guy is allegedly one of a kind. There is no other known case he was just born with unusually large arms, was nicknamed Popeye growing up, and does competitive arm wrestling.

>have horizontal stretch marks on my back from puberty
At least I avoided manlethood I guess

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If you get to that point, you might as well give up.

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I'mma hazard a guess and say whatever took his eye left the left side of his face paralyzed

Based Horseman

Please no



Remind him that for all his bitching, and despite everything else Blizzard has done before, he still willingly paid money to get shilled at.

You got me there

Uh oh.

>here's your miniboss bro

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Mediocre President

>one race
>one species

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I never understood this about games/movies. Why is it a ghost can touch and kill you, but you cannot touch the ghost? How does that make sense?

holy shit



and again

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>Your journey ends here, pilot. The skies belong to me. No where to run, no where to hide

by the way Yea Forums if you ever reply to
>reply to this post or else...
posts you are actually retarded and should feel retarded

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Looks like she has $38B worth of plastic too

fuck ogg

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My stretch marks disappeared completely when I lost weight though.

Fuck dat

Shits weird, this is the arm wrestling world champion apparently.

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Saw a documentary about these guys, they literally spend money enough to buy a path of land for farming or a house to buy those clothes. They say it is a way of life, they say people respect them because they wear those.

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Dude got gored through the head to the point that he was trying to hold his brains in while his eye was flopping around uselessly then went back into it 5 months later, got gored through his lung, got scalped, and only just retired last year. What a fucking man.

that game is dope

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Came here to post this.

Again with this shit? Goddamn, I’m replying William!


>captain falcon minmaxes his build

Medical malpractice.

Henry don't do this

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>pause at 0:12
>three crappy toy drones
>a jeep with a model airplane
>two soldiers holding giant erasers
>quad bikes
Very impressive, did they have a cheese cutter too?

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I would literally buy them a suit if it meant they were bring color an amusement to an otherwise drab depressing land

thanks doc

plrease dont kil me

kek what the fuck is going on

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i dont wana ide

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>By rejoining with Eeve, all souls shall be made one again.
Newest JRPG villainess Christian-symbolism

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go ahead

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And Lougey


For some reason this made me think of the movie Lawnmower Man despite not having seen it in almost 20+ years.

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Fuck, he is hot!


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He got impaled through the skull by a bull.

He survived. The bull did not.

do it! I fucking want to die


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>there's no option to romance the boss

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henry no

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Henry pls don't



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like a drum

aw shit

Do it

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Henry no...

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oh no, shut up William

>forgot his name
>googled "giant russian man" and found the video of him eating beer cans

Thanks Google

>that one on the right

Is ganguro still a thing in Japan?

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I replied to you in the other thread

Yo Haitian Vodou is some seriously crazy shit. I have a coworker with some Haitian family that live in the mountains and when he goes to visit them, they do not allow him out at night. He snuck out once and saw some shit.




who's that?

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What’s her name, Yea Forums?

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you're supposed to lose the battle

Fuck off

GigaThad, GigaChad and GigaBrad

If you're still hard up for black. Meanwhile my sonybros know that the DC&TF 360T attack is much better DPS.

Is that the thing where teenage girls tried to make themselves look like black people? If so then no, that died out like ten years ago.

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>his final form

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Try it, Allah will help me fight you ghost

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hes high out of his mind in that webm. He has to stay high to escape the dark reality of the life that was given to him.

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what about this?

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Why would he want to kill anyone?


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no mario

have sex

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I know he probably can't but I'm not gonna fuck around

RIP in Cardio, sweet Piana

how do I air cancel my forward kick into after dinner mint?

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Look, do you want a burger or?...

Fuck you Bill


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The Chadumvirate.

What the fuck. I don't recognize the suit. Is from the movie?

post pantyhose soles

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He's The Guy

better safe than sorry

>when Phase 2 hits and he gets up off his throne

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Fuck you

Oh this is why this thread suddenly got 100 replies
I was wondering since went did Yea Forums find so many real life bosses to post

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Leave me be, William

Fug, gotta reply to beat this boss.

lamest president

What did he mean by this?

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kill the priests first to remove the buff and make this boss fight easier for yourself

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Look at that thing. It's covered in shit before this even starts, Lots of shit. It's probably getting shat on by every other fucking bird there.

I'll save you all

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>boss is getting buffed

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Jesus, even in death he continues to kill.

this damn ghost is getting around


this the psychopath that kills you in the first cutscene and appears throughout the game to haunt your path to revenge

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It's so neat that kids with missing limbs get cool shit like those arms today. they're gonna be so great. if you're the tinkering type you could even attach gadgets to it. everything from lighters, to screwdrivers, (to Guns).

as much as i want to die, heres a (you), please dont Kill me or me mum

more like IRL party member

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That's just an XCOM squad dude.

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>"we must"
>"our superior"
>"white race..."

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On the computer!

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Is he selling CDs? This guy is pretty baller.

>boss has multiple forms

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Is this party enough to bring down these villains?

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With your hand

what even is the source for this image? google brings up that same clickbait youtube video


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This thread just makes me feel bad about myself

he had too many dole dippers

Oh shit.
I'm imagining them as mute twins who are deadly assassins and seem to communicate telepathically with each other

fuck you


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my attacks do no damage to this guy wtf

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He's literally Lex Luthor.


a high drop kick to the jaw is the only way

not losing this fight

These two are mostly joke fights that teach you the game's mechanics, but there's a hidden fight near the end where they're unreasonably strong and spam the game's best spells.

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alright fine

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Do you find something comical about my appearance when I'm driving my automobile?

You got me.

Wait, that movie was real and not just a fever dream?

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as I clicked this image I just now realized its supposed to be animal farm
oh well

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Name them, Yea Forums

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Don't do it, Henry

as long as you don't get too close you won't aggro him and trigger the cutscene

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fuck fuck

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It's the Central Park Rangers...

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Where the fuck is Charlie Sheen when you need him

G-Guy I can hear him


fuck you



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literally who


>hit em and quit em hanna
>tag n bag n shag tina

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Please no Harry

>saints row 3.jpg

Cool pic. Thanks for joining us tonight




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having grown up white trash and gotten away from it, I do honestly miss redneck shenanigans sometimes

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thanks henry

Fuck you

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Bring it on you fucking Ghost bitc

I've got so many immunity images saved yet I still feel compelled

a modern day Hannibal right here

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Good stuff user. I laughed.

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>All those kitchen and paring knives

The UK needs to sink beneath the waves

When you dress like the Riddler in a literal third-world shithole, of you're going to get treated like someone important.

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Wait a minute...

Attached: Ribby_croaks_punch.PNG.png (612x384, 620K)

great uncle pls (actually)

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*Shoots your allies down
*Insults your wing man then shoots him down as well
Heh, nothing personnel pilot

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This looks like one of those early Battletech arts.

Attached: Panther1.jpg (745x1200, 224K)

>sadistic and maniacal
>is actually a nice guy

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Why is Kevin Spacey assaulting him?


I think of that stupid pasta every time I get gas.

>Boss constantly spawns mobs

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You are stupid as hell. That guy is Jeff Dabe and he is just naturally big. Be is one of the top arm wrestlers in the world.


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fuck off

Possums are so weird and cool

this is Brazil isn't it.

>boss enters mechsuit in phase 2

Attached: 1327042513191.gif (176x175, 499K)

>boss is weak to electricity

The guy looks like Carel Struycken, no idea where from though.

>Death is a preferable alternative to capitalism.

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You either perfect this boss or get perfect'd

what a good mom :)

he must have been really upset about his wife

I won't risk it


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bring it gramps

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>This getup doubles as a muscle suit

>objective: socialize

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I too like Die Antwood


fug u

*Challenges you to a fiddle contest

Attached: satan horse.webm (960x1200, 2.99M)

Nathan Explosion?

Nah, not today.

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I got that reference.

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Southeast Asia

You have to use magic

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Spec into something else than cold or blunt you fool


pls spare me. I have video games to play.

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>"His left arm is actually stronger" plot twist half way into the arc.

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All of the spy kids movies felt like fever dreams
Rodriguez makes some trippy films
Like thumb thumbs? Who would've thought of that shit

Throw him to a river, but you have to be quick

Please no

>all might.jpg

oh christ she's thick

That's cool as fuck. Looks like early 20th century futurism

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Spare me


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>fat arms


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Based and Henry pilled

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>Return The Slab
>...or suffer my curse...

>Only 1 month in office
>Died like a bitch to the sniffles

Why shud i b scared now

Attached: 1559776548902.gif (400x308, 569K)

A little overkill but horses steam after a full gallop on a cold day. They get hot man. Fun fact, if you ever watch a steeplechase they crack out wet blankets to help with the process at the end.

Funner fact: The big events like the grand national generally have 3-5 horse deaths per event. They prep and ride those fucking things into the ground. Broken necks, heart attacks. Fun stuff.




A narrow doorway


I ain’t afraid of no ghost

I'd say you need new material, but I still clicked it.

man, so much text on the screen

Fuck I don't even fully read it and it always happen god dam this forsaken place repent!


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Don't do it, man.

>P on the belt
Pussy Patrol




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Whay part of JoJo is this?


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Fuck You

Thank you Henry.

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>entire stage is a boss

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The dude looks bad ass despite the left faced paralysis and the eyepatch. Like that moment when your video game character turns into a bad ass after trial by fire.

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imagine the handjobs



>now matter how we tossed the dice


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poni shit aside that is pretty sick