What's the connection between old doom and new doom, if there is any...

What's the connection between old doom and new doom, if there is any. I saw an user about a month ago post a huge explanation of the timeline but other people were denying its validity.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why are """""people""""" obsessed with canon, timelines, connections and synchronicity?

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that's pretty cringe

It’s a continuation. Doom 2016 takes place after Doom 64.

They’re both Chads because they’re the same guy, dingus.

>doom guy single handedly takes on the forces of hell alone, gets trapped once and dies, fights his way out of hell and returns to earth
fuck you

Doom: He's on Phobos when shit goes down. He fights Hell, dies, awakens in Hell and fights his way out.
Doom 2: He gets back to Earth, where the forces have Hell have reigned Terror. He cleans up.
Doom 64: Many years later, Hell reopens a portal on the Phobos base. Doomguy goes back to clean up, again. He closes the portal from the other side, to remain in Hell and fight demons forever.
NuDoom: After untold eons of fighting, he gets caught in another trap and sealed in a sarcophagus, where another dimension's UAC finds him and unseals him during Hell's invasion of their dimension.
Doom: Eternal: This is a different Doomguy

>Doom: Eternal: This is a different Doomguy
Rip man, I wish the story had continued with Eternal.

I was joking.
Unless you're joking.

Cool action hero who kills demons and pet bunny

Cringe deviant art OC

Same guy.

Lmao I didn't realize

They purposefully leave it up in the air. On one hand it makes sense, but on the other hand doom16 and doometernal seem like totally different stories. It's sort of smart to do it that way i think.
but they're totally the same doomguy

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Return of the bun.

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This is the best image I know of, though it lacks 64 and Eternal (but it's not like it is difficult to figure out where they go on the timeline)

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It's like a deviantart OC of Doomslayer, who was already a deviantart OC of Doomguy.

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>Old Doomguy a virgin
>When he is faster and tougher despite wearing less armor

I think Doomslayer looks cool, but cool doesn't always mean good. I appreciate the minimalism of Doomguy, classic Doom is more humble in and of itself.

That doesn't make any sense. Doomguy in Doom 1 and 2 is just a random human. In Doom eternal he was some weird archangel thing.

>weird archangel thing
He slaughtered the demons for thousands of years, so he became an ancient legend in Hell, he was always a normal dude.

I thought it was confirmed Doomguy hasn't had sex because he's too busy killing demons

But how did he do that for thousands of years? Are you telling me Doom eternal takes place thousands of years in the future from DOOM? Also what is the subplot about DOOMguys son is he never had a son originally?

>no shotgun
you guys are idiots

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>"What you interfere with now is bigger than you can imagine. If you continue, you will bring down the Heavens' wrath. It is written: it is their time to give penance. You are but one man. They are no longer your people to save."

> Doom
> Caring about canon and continuity

The power of nocum let's you slay all of hell

Hell time is weird, and it doesn’t function like regular time. And Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal take place in the Machinegames timeline.

Time presumably goes slower in Hell than in Earth, so maybe it was only a few years for Earth, still, that doesn't explain how he'd still be young, maybe its a plothole or I'm remembering incorrectly. As for his son, I think there was a subplot involving him dealing with the Icon of Sin to get his son's life back, but I don't actually know anything out that, I don't even think its a huge part of nuDoom's storyline.

Nigger, he’s not the Betrayer, you absolute retard.

> Doom
> Caring about canon and continuity
Personally, I enjoy stories with my games, but I only need good gameplay to like something. Doom is one of my favorite franchises because the gameplay has always been god tier, and the story is pretty interesting and acts like a cherry on top.

That’s the Betrayer, who sold out all the Night Sentinels to get his son back from the demons, but the demons already turned the son into the Icon. The Betrayer and Doomguy are completely separate.

yeah a cherry on top of a bunch of steaming shit
you retards will go to great lengths to look for a canon that isnt there
the games were just games
nothing more
doomslayer is cringe btw

Unironically this

Doomguy is not real. All that matters is if the game is fun or not

What happened in Doom 4-63?

Holy fucking shit, Doom is in the Star Wars universe? This is huge.

Didn't know Doom3guy was also the same person. Why the fuck do people keep using this shit game non canon game as reference

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Why are you so asshurt?

Ok, I had my lore mixed up, then. I read more into it, but what exactly is the Icon of Sin, what purpose does it serve? I can't find any wiki info on it.

Daily reminder that Doom 64 isn't canon and if you disagree you need to have sex and dilate

How can Doomguy and Doom Marine be the same person when they look nothing alike?

Not quite. Doom 3 Guy is just a skin. Besides, he’s from a different world that Hell invaded.

Have Chex rebootfag

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How do you know they look nothing alike?

Then final boss of Doom 2.

why are you a faggot?

t.Never played Doom 3

Knew that, but is he just a boss, or is there any significance to it, he's confirmed to be in Eternal, so I assume there will be more on it later.

But the doom marine in doom 3 is a different fellow. Also that doesn't answer my question.

Are you blind?

They never show d44m marine's face. Are you off your meds?

Are you?

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It's already been announced that Eternal will confirm if it's Doomguy or not.

He absorbs argent energy

I'm saying Doomguy and Doom Marine (3) are separate characters you idiot

I don’t know. All I know is that you can find a dead Icon of Sin in Hell in Doom 2016.

Yeah but then what does doom 3 have to do with anything? Why even bring it up, stupid?
They said he's sort of the same guy, so I'm going with id software and not some moron starved for attention on the internet.

doomguy in 4 and presumably eternal is the doomguy from 1->2->64. the doomguy from just 1->2 is the ancestor of b.j blazcowitz form wolfenstein 3d. doom 3 takes place in a separate universe that crossed over with the doom 1 and 2 universe or some shit like that.

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Because it's interesting.


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>They purposefully leave it up in the air.

I don't know how anyone thinks that when it's transparently the same guy. I don't know how people even reach that question.

Funny, I was just listening to Requiem by King Crimson.

I know you sniff sweaty men's underpants

Only my own to see if they're clean

Playing through it right now and it's my least favorite.

You get that popcorn butter smell? You know the one I'm talking about

>least favorite.

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no actually


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Magic dudes buffed him

You poor bastard.

>Possibly because you can't age in Hell, possibly because he already died at the end of Knee-Deep in the Dead so he can't die of natural causes again, possibly because "The Seraphim bestowed up on him terrible power and speed", possibly because "He alone could draw strength from his fallen foes, and ever his power grew, swift and unrelenting
>The game probably takes place in an alternate universe from the early games. It's set in 2149, so that universe must be a lot younger than Doomguy's. We already know that Hell acts as a nexus between universes
>There's no hint that Doomguy is the guy who betrayed the Sentinels to get his son back. The only thing we know that they have in common is that they were both Night Sentinels, but that doesn't mean they're the same person.

I don't even know what popcorn butter smells like

Kind of salty
This conversation is weird let's just pretend it never happened

We get it, you don't care about story.


You're so bored
And you can't talk about anything with anyone
Because your only topics are videogames
And gay ones at that
And everything is so solved and discussed that you start fantasizing about it and invent bull shit stories so you can keep the conversation going
But it's all fanfic shit and the devs don't even care

And you're on a Dark Souls thread

>This conversation is weird
I've talked about my dog eating my cum rag and ripping hairs off my butthole in the past week

Could be sleeker and the whole cut out abs looks kinda gay desu.

It's fucking Doom, never had a story, and never should, nor should you care

But what about Doom 3?

It's fun.

Soul vs. Soulless

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Reminder that the story was barely given any thought in the original games and was tacked on to the new game at the last second. There have always been contradictions, like Deimos being depicted as either an entire moon or a small piece of land, and the Doom 2 manual saying you fought on Mars and took a drop pod to Earth, instead of fighting on Phobos and Deimos and taking a portal to Earth. Doom RPG's website says you're playing as the same character from 1, 2, and 3, and that really doesn't make much sense.

I like the story in the new game, and I like the theorizing, but people need to chill. You act like everyone's an idiot for having a different view than you, when a series with a story that's so hastily cobbled together is bound to be open to interpretation.

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>Doom 4
Cancelled for being Call of Duty. Consider it another timeline so shitty that even demons forgot about it. Maybe DoomGuySlayerMarine visited it to learn some cinematic glory kills.

Because nerds still exist and they still eat that shit up. Vidya has been so lacking on actual story telling recently that people are hungry for new shit.
Say what you want about Mass Effect and other bioware games pre-2010, but they had Codex's and side stories and all that shit. Its like going to Wookiepedia or Halopedia and clicking random, its fun.

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They were all really boring games where Doomguy just paced around various military bases waiting for the demons to invade again.

But QC takes place before 3.

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The most underrated for sure.

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>Takes place before Quake 3
But why?

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> never had a story

The fuck are you on about? The story in the first game was bare minimum but it at least had a story.

Also did you consider that some people enjoy the world building and story that games tell? Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it doesn't appeal to other people

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>never had a story
It had in the manual and at the end of chapters. Get dabbed on, lorelet.

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were does rage and doom 3 fit into this?

You know what I mean by that, it only has a story because it needs some kind of setting to make some sense. Not to be "enjoyed" for the story itself. If you're playing Doom for a coherent storyline, character development, and any sort of drama, then you're playing for the wrong reasons. If you consider Doom's story as "very interesting" on itself, then your taste on storytelling is complete garbage. Game doesn't care, and shouldn't.

>doom gets woke

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>But how did he do that for thousands of years? Are you telling me Doom eternal takes place thousands of years in the future from DOOM?
To be fair, though i'd rather Doomguy and Doom Slayer be separate, if he was the same person then he already died inside Hell once before and cheated death so hard that they let him back to Earth, then he kicked Hell's collective asses at least two more times if we also consider 64 canon. And 64 left off on the presumption that he WOULD remain in Hell for all time to keep demons from rising again.

They basically have everything set up to make him an undying or at least biologically immortal man, if not essentially a living wraith at this point.

Looks like shit, but at least it seems like it might actually be demons this time.

We knew this would happen months ago when they posted shit from the movie set and were like
>Who said we needed a DoomGUY
while promoting their lead female actress and making it extremely apparent they had a female protagonist in mind

The shortest explanation is Guy is the beginning of the story and Slayer is the timeskip continuation of the originals.They are the same guy, it's just one has a much higher bodycount

Cookie a cute.

>They are no longer your people to save
Idk why but that gave me chills the first time he said it.
The delivery for that line was perfect

The reality is that gameplay (while the most important factor) isn't the only thing that makes or breaks a game. Sound Design, World Building, and artistic style all heavily affect a game's quality.

Just let us Loreheads enjoy shit and stop being angry that people find fun in something you don't.

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oh no... why would she do that dumb shit after ghost busters and captain marvel?

Gross overconfidence.

>Who needs a #doomguy
Your target audience? Seriously, how hard is it to make a movie about a single, incredibly pissed off space marine fighting demons on Mars/Phobos/Deimos/Hell? Even if it's shit, at least we'll feel like you were really trying.

Oh neat, a new Doom movie that happens to have a female character, let's g-
>She has this attitude about it
And now I want this movie to fail. I don't even need to be the intended target, this isn't the attitude of someone who deserves a successful movie.

>Sound Design, World Building, and artistic style all heavily affect a game's quality
Yes, and that has nothing to do with storylines or narrative coherence.
Doom's storyline doesn't make sense, and shouldn't. You can like that crap all you want, but trying to connect the games is retarded. It's completely misunderstanding how the game is supposed to work. It's like trying to make a Mario and Yoshi storyline... wait

Consistency is fun.

Doom Slayer killed them all. Doom 2016 is the documentary

Because movie directors think they know better than their target audience.

>who needs the star of the show

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They are also apparently completely subscribing to "fuck men amirite?" even though that loses many potential viewers and that's even before your potential buyers dwindle ever more when it's quality is under scrutiny.

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I'm pretty sure nu-ID never gave a fuck about the "BJ is doomguys grandpa or whatever" thing, Doom and Wolf might as well be separate things now

Which is fucking retarded because how many women really watch/play testosterone fueled shit like this?

The Ultimate OOF.

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I want a doom anime intro

But isn’t Commander Keen Mobile a part of Machinegames? They have a picture of BJ from TNC and his twin daughters instead of Arthur.

It's not unheard of, but it's definitely not the majority of women.

Which song from any of the Doom games would it have?

>Can't even bring himself to say, "We're not involved, but we are excited!"

>This product of bitter misandry is getting the direct-to-video treatment

Pawning off your IP and sabotaging their success, the only way to do it.

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>People legit thought that a movie which has "fuck men" as a selling point would go theatrical after Ghostbusters

Probably just one of those shonen anime songs or the BFG Division track from 2016.

an edited version of this

Ouch. That had to hurt a bit.

Did you hear about James Bond?
There's also female ocean's 11

>New James Bond is going to be a black woman
All I fucking want is for her to have her own merits as a character with depth and power without bullshit like "Never trust a man to do a woman's job" coming out of her mouth like in every motherfucking AAA movie that has come out for the past decade.

There's still a male Bond as the protagonist. The black woman's just taking his numbered role in the agency as he goes on retirement.

How hard is it to just make a good Doom movie? It could just be Hardcore Henry, but killing demons, and it would be perfect.

Why did Drew have to leave, bros?

Direct it like a Godzilla movie.

Because it's not "Hollywood's 'creative' minds take a piss on things in both a safe space and somewhere they can mark their territory at the same time" assured money.

>she’s not even ripped enough to replace doomguy

So not James bond, making the franchise pointless.

E1M1, any other answer is wrong

I know there are some here and there but the majority of the fanbase is overwhelming men. I'm just backing up the whole "you're pissing on your entire fanbase" thing.




Despite the fact it doesn't resemble a "doom" movie, it looks worse than a sy-fy channel original. How the fuck do you manage that?

Direct to DVD.

That's doesn't excuse shit, I've seen Asylum films have better acting than the trash in the trailer. No exaggeration.

Friendly reminder that this shit is being made only for the jews not to lose the adaptation rights due to expiration. Not a single person involved cares. It's not even a cash grab, it's purely bureaucratic act of renewing the license. It won't be worth watching even to see how bad it is.

As someone who considered E1M1 as the best vidya song for a long time to the point of playing it on guitar in different bands, nah, enough is enough

>I've personally played E1M1 so it's overused and should be retired

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I still to this day don't know why they shit out something to keep the rights but do nothing but sit on it until the next time the rights are expiring. Between this practice and mickey mouse laws I fucking hate movies.


Why do people keep saying its a different guy for Doom Eternal
I've seen ZERO sources for this
Its the same fucking guy no way he would go down without fucking up robot doctor

Not what I implied and you know it, fuck off

Robot doctor dead.

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It's just some guy shitposting. The same thread has been created multiple times throughout the past week.

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Who wins Dood...

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... or MooM?

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Moom is Thick as fuck and has TWO guns

For the same reason that people have been interested in theology and religion for thousands of years. There are plenty of things interesting about stories and canons, fictious or otherwise. Its the same reason why people love movies and books, retard.

Guy > Arena > Praetor > Marine

Lorefags are all retards.

Honestly can't think of a single reason to keep all this made up mumbo jumbo in my head after i stopped playing the games lmao

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Dood has two blades, meaning close range, and a smaller hitbox built for speed. MooM has two shotguns, requiring close range as well, but a larger hitbox, taking more shots. Dood is the obvious superior.

yea but Dood is a slimmer target

Theology falls under the umbrella of philosophy which provides context for the world around you and possibly(?) informs your actions and your personality and the real world. You don't need to know the significance of Jesus as the sacrificial lamb or the Jewish exodus from ancient Egypt to understand the allegories.

Videogames are mind poison at best and mongrel philosophy at worst, its a bad idea to fill your head with that crap. Just enjoy videogames at surface value.

>I have a small brain so everything is stupid lol!

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>doom: resetera

Fatass, weebfaggot with dual wristblades, wears a corset, Nintendo Switch.
Swole, has two shotguns, two heads for double IQ, [bi] (meaning he's at least half straight unlike turbofaggot D**D).
MOOM is clearly a winner.

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you don't get smarter filling your brain with timeline consistency in fictional universes. You have a very little mind.

>Information dum! Me smrt! Me Best!!!!!

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>Videogames are mind poison at best and mongrel philosophy at worst
Then why are you here?


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This doesn't even make sense bro doomguy is so much more colorful and pure and the slayer is brown&grey and edgy as fuck

So, will Doomguy' suit in eternal be able to support VEGA?
Vega needed "miles of circuits, millions of processing units, 2.4 TeraWatts (enough to power an entire planet) and generated more head than the surface of the sun.

Doom64 isn't canon

He made a backup copy.

>I need to dramatize everything, even in a game that is about shooting aliens in hell

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>having brain capacity so tiny that you can't even afford thinking about what's happening in a video game about floating shotgun making evil thingies go ouchie
Sucks to be you, peanut brain.

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>i need lower everything in the world down to blue and red so i don't hurt when i trip on my drool.

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I seriously can't believe people think they're smart for taking seriously such a basic and dumb storyline, made in a few minutes just to give the game some context
There is nothing, nothing of value in these games stories. Devs know it, players know it, and only autistic retards in this thread seem to be oblivious about it

Being irreverent doesn't make you cool. It just makes you an ass when you start acting like people being earnestly invested are fools for enjoying it.

Yeah, and were do you run said copy? Is there another VEGA facility just in reach?
He is going to shove that chip into his suit and VEGA will start working at full power despite needing insane amount of powers.


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His suit has an insane amount of power, because of all that pure Argent energy he absorbed into him.

>There is nothing, nothing of value in these games stories.
Imagine being so retarded that fucking DOOM's story is too deep for you.

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He'll use a small portion of the energy generated by his rage.

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DOOD has 2 shoulder mounted cannons and arm blades though.

All of your favorite games have been datamined and all of their assets scrubbed and put onto a fan-wiki, you don't even have to play thew videogames if all you want to do it jerk off to lore. You people don't like games, you don't like the medium and you don't care to know it.

If he actually has that amount of power in his armor then you might as well rewrite his battle against hell to "he was just toying with hell and could at any moment glass the any planet he is on", because we are talking about an insanel amount of power.

I wouldn't doubt tho. VEGA saying something like "wow you have that much power? You arent using not even 1%"

I don't care if people enjoy it as drama, but you have to admit the story is far from a masterpiece, and having an interest for it doesn't make you smarter, at all
Expecting coherence between the games is a bit silly, since every smart person would immediatly realize these games aren't about the story, and developers never even payed that much attention to the narrative aspect of the franchise further than creating a simple setting

>assuming this much about a group of individuals
holy motherfuck

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another pretentious retard who thinks autistically enjoying such a simple story, actually made with no intention, makes you somehow smart

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Can you stop talking about yourself?

Vega needed that much to do all of his processes in presiding over mars, not necessarily just to be an AI. It's still pretty ridiculous, but they might have a level where you get an absolute zero cooling unit for vega in order to get him to work

Yeah but can that beat quad buckshot to the face?

>Lorefags are all retards
Says the fag who posts tumblr art of a western weaboo show

Are you the faggot anime poster from that last thread a while back? The one who couldn't make any sensible retort to evidence that Doomslayer and Doomguy were the same?

>please stop playing video games because I'm retarded

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he's right tho
>Doomslayer and Doomguy were the same
see? just you caring about this makes you a retard

Not being you makes me smart.

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A slight inconcistency. Doomguy killed the Titan before getting the armor and turbo boosted by angel powers.

The fact that you're not able to communicate with others without a wojak overused meme is honestly sad, user

He wouldn’t need to if you’d just stop being retarded.

DoomSlayer and Doomguy are two(2) entirely different people.

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You must be anime fag from last time. I won't even be surprised if you're samefagging in support of yourself ...again like last time.

Your opinions are discarded loser.

TT is kino fag.

I don't care about your lore arguments either. You're the reason why we can't have a singe dark souls discussion without fanfiction theories getting thrown around.

Why are you so socially inept that you have to ask?

it is human nature to try to make sense of seemingly but not obviously connected things.

>two entirely different people yet DoomSlayer is pissed that he's dealing with the same demon invasion caused by UAC situation 'again' like *gasp* last time!?

Just a heads up Doomslayer is NOT the Night sentinel traitor, Doomguy didn't have a son he wanted resurrected, he did not just appear out of nowhere and started killing things in hell.

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I'm not able to communicate with you as a normal human being because you're fucking imbecile.

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>TT is kino

>I don't care but hear my opinion anyways

>It's all your fault

Go be a virgin somewhere else, animeposter.

Why are you so butthurt? Did they hurt you in some way?

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How is the UAC still a thing if the UAC was destroyed in DOOM 1 and 2. How come no one knows that demons exists if Earth was completely destroyed by demons in DOOM 1 and 2. What is the point of all the backstory if DoomSlayer is pretty much completely isolated from all of it.

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OP here, what the fuck has this thread become. I just wanted to know if nuDoom was a continuation.

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You act like a retard because you think you're talking to another retard? kek
Thanks for admitting you're just a smartass, even if you haven't realized yet

t's not. It's a reboot, meaning a separate yet vaguely similar storyline.

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Doomguy wasn't a Night Sentinel. He fought with them, but he wasn't one.

As you can see here, he already had the Praetor Armor when he was hanging around with the Sentinels, and the Armor was given to him by someone who was impressed with how much demon ass he'd been kicking as he rampaged alone through Hell.

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Unironically because western society was founded on people killing each other over which holy books were canon. It's in our dna to care.

This fag explains it well enough Doom 1/2 Earth is a bloody anally raped corpse that Doomguy wanted to protect so he sealed himself in hell, then another brand new UAC from an alternate universe fished his entombed ass into their universe.

It's all about DoomSlayer, not so much the Earths he has been in/ will be in, just the blood drenched path of multiple realities he's trudging through to mince every demon in existence.

desu i don't like the arm bayonet or the solder mounted flamethrower i like my simples Changchun and executions :p

Are we really going to get allies to fight with for once or at the very least dragons?

That's retarded and certainly not going to be the canon storyline, That would be a complete clusterfuck to explain within the narrative and it creates too many assumptions about the player's knowledge of the previous games.

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Time doesn't pass the same in hell, but the idea is he killed so many demons that it basically turned him into an avatar of demonslaying.

The funny thing is Doom 16 goes out of its way to make sure you don't have to care about the story, but if you actually go and read all the data logs the story is genuinely really interesting and well-written, it's just all in the background.

I care about stories, but of all the great stories on Earth to give a shit about the minutia of, Doom?

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Post more skins.

The UAC wasn't destroyed in Doom 1/2, it limped on after having its leadership decapitated and was reformed as basically the EDF. They then proceeded to make several attempts at permanently thwarting the demonic menace that inevitably went wrong as seen in Final Doom - setting up a base on Jupiter's moons that was invaded by hellish space ships and designing a portal closing device in Plutonia.

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It literally is because the director of Doom 16 was a massive Doom 64 fanboy so he intentionally connected the 2 games.

>Tfw nobody reads the Doom Testaments or PDA's ingame.

I know, its really hard to care about the lore of more than one thing at a time, assburgers you know.

>DoomSlayer and Doomguy are two(2) entirely different people.
>Daisy is literally in your image
I don't think so.

Still doesn't explain why only those in the upper echelons of the UAC know that Hell is real. Doesn't explain why no one on Earth is aware of the existence of demons either.

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We get it you don't care, why don't you be smart and leave the thread and let the lorefags to circlejerk?

The Slayer Chronicles describe him as "wearing the crown of the Night Sentinels" though.

Was it a literal crown or was it metaphorical as him being the chad leading the night sentinels into battle?

Why do people pick the most niche things to confirm their shitty theory?
>Both games are connected because Daisy's in it.
>Both games are connected because the DoomSlayer' face looks like Doomguy.

In that case, wouldn't the fact that the game has completely identical demons and weapons to the original games be enough to link them? Why isn't the existence of the UAC enough to connect them? Why is a fucking rabbit the end all be all? You do not know what a reboot is. Just because it has references from the older piece (which a reboot is expected to do) doesn't mean they're the same media.

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>then he already died inside Hell once before and cheated death so hard that they let him back to Earth
I believe what Romero said is you died at the end of Knee-Deep, but since the station you were teleported to was right on top of hell, there was nothing really stopping Doomguy from just leaving.

Doesn't explain how the UAC couldn't identify Doomguy, the greatest hero of the modern age who singlehandedly thwarted every attempt Hell made at invading Earth for almost a decade, either. That means it's probably a different reality that hadn't been invaded by Hell before.

Well, all the guys he's staring down at in that picture are waving around banners with his sigil on it, and seem to be his followers. Could be that he showed up one day and his badassitude had them declare him their king or something.

>That would be a complete clusterfuck to explain within the narrative
Why does it need to be explained at all? Doomguy/Doomslayer being the same isn't important at all in the grand scheme of things and people have already pieced it together themselves anyway. Hugo Martin has also gone on record saying that he prefers leaving details that people can piece together later instead of just shoving everything in the player's face.

Guess we'll just have to wait until Eternal comes out to see which of us is right.

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>It looks like a duck
>It walks like a duck
>It quacks like a duck
>It's not a duck you retards, just trust me

You did not comprehend what I wrote. They're using obscure, insignificant pieces of "lore" to confirm their theories when, according to this logic, everything that is already in the game is a direct link to the previous games.

So Doomguy is Doomslayer?

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No, the new games are reboots.

Yes, the new games are continuation of the original story.

Don't listen to them these doommarine cucks they are coping
the slayer in the reboot is a completely different guy

So it's Doomguy rebooted?

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haha sure

I can't wait for doom eternal to come out so we stop having these stupid fucking threads arguing over the same "plot" point.

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I can't wait til it comes out so I can make a thread espousing my cerebral supremacy.

You spelt cerebral palsy wrong

But is HDoom canon?

Whats special about the suit?

HDoom can't be canon because no one would've tried to stop that invasion

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Praetor suit was forged by a demon that no other demons wants to talk about anymore. Unconfirmed if he is dead or not.

HDoom could have been Doomguy going through the second circle of hell (lust)

The shoulder cannon looks stupid and makes Doom Eternal Guy look like a predator knock off. Game looks great otherwise.

DoomSlayer probably melted him down and is wearing him as a cock ring under his suit.

And his mindset was pic related's quote?

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You've got to do what you've got to do to kill them demons. If he needed to fuck his way through the second circle of hell to continue killing demons in the deeper circles, so be it.

>Eternal comes out
>has subtle references to Quake, Wolfenstein, Commander Keen, Lovecraft gods, Arena, Stroggs, Vore Lizards, Doom 3 and Rage

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Some of the new demons literally look like the Strogg found some demons and the portal is called a slipgate. I am pretty sure the are going for a Quake connection beyond Doomguy being in the same arenas as Ranger.

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No references to Shadow Warrior?
No references to Daikatana?

>Fight the icon of sin again
>Instead of the old line it says "hctib sih uoy ekam ot gniog si oremor nhoj"

nwod ti kcus



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I still find it funny how Doomguy/slayer got connected to Goblin Slayer when both have different methodology and fighting style. Yes, both have a ravenous hatred of a singular thing, but the way they go about it is very different. Goblin Slayer is methodical, learning the ins and outs of goblin tactics and hide outs to swiftly dispose of them in a variety of ways. Doomguy/slayer on the other hand is brutal and head first, diving straight into killing demons with his bare hands when he finally runs out of ammo. That and he has ascended to the point where demons fear him while goblins still routinely underestimate GS.

The Virgin ZoomerSlayer vs The Chad Doomguy

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But doomguy is canonically virgin so if they are the same guy that means none of them can be Chad.

>But doomguy is canonically virgin
Only because demons don't count

appearantly there's a huge number of brainlets on Yea Forums who praise the worst and lowest paid writers in the entertainment industry.

Beleive me if they could write they would be in telelvision or movies or books, not games.

appreciate it, medicine man

Dead media.

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It had some criminally underrated mods
It also somehow still looks pretty good

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>why do the people who basically founded the franchise - which would have died without their fandom - care about seeing it get turned into meaningless mainstream garbage
gee i fucking wonder

they're goyim.

tfw the ending of eternal finally reveals that doom guy is trans

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>tfw the ending of eternal finally reveals that doom guy is furry

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Time flows differently in Hell, and he didn't have a son, it was some other Night Sentinel who betrayed everyone to get his son back, who transformed into Icon of Sin, thus he got the name The Betrayer.


To this day I dont think that Final Doom fits anywhere, it was meant to be 2 free wads too, I just think that going from DOOM 2 to DOOM 64 feels alot better.


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What, no Chex Quest?


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>80lb balls of steel

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then leave

you got btfo

DOOM (2016) isn't canon either though.

why does doomguy (especially nu-doomguy) get a complete free pass for being a blatant 10 years old wetdream OC?

I mean I don't have a problem with that, but similar characters always get shittalked with the edgy memes

>Why do people watch movies and TV shows and read books?

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He's just a simple man killing demons.

Because at least in Doomslayer's case it is all done with a wink and a nudge without a level of pretentiousness. What is done is done because it is cool, not because there is a deeper meaning to it. It's the action hero syndrome. Or if you want in anime terms, 80's OVA syndrome.

he isn't tho
being a generic fps guy isn't the reason why people adore him so much
there is a bible of how powerful and badass

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because despite being a complete 12 year old power fantasy he is not edgy
usually such characters are written to say stuff like
>I am indomitable,unstoppable a murder god and all you lesser creatures pose to me as much of a threat as an ant
well DS doesn't say anything
he just quietly and very efficiently goes on about his business like an autist

>What is done is done because it is cool, not because there is a deeper meaning to it
I mean this is true for the vast majority of the characters people shittalk for being edgy, he still gets a free pass

>rip and tear!
>I don't have time to play with myself
>looks like you're.... DOOMed!
he wasn't silent, dumbass.


I want a doom movie based off the Doom 64 intro where its an all out war against the demons.

Hey, the comic's edginess is fine because of how cheesy it is rather than straight up edgy.

>he is a silent lone wolf so he is not edgy
I don't think the term refers to that
>usually such characters are written to say stuff like "I am indomitable,unstoppable a murder god and all you lesser creatures pose to me as much of a threat as an ant"
I don't think most characters who get the edgy label are like that
I mean people even call characters like dante, old-kratos, raiden, etc. edgy when none of them are like this

Was it ever confirmed this “OC” was a parody?

tongue in cheek monologues
no pretentious self righteous monologues
also I never said he was a always a silent protagonist
I just said that he quietly goes on about his business like an autist
I have never seen him making speeches about ledgy goals and ideals

im sure the people who came up with the idea of a black woman being 007 only have the best intentions

the comic is a major reason why people like his character tho
a big reason before nu-doom why he was seen as such a badass character is exactly because people took that comic as a canon, not just as a cheesy spinoff

He was only turned into super-powerful demigod in Nuum but he earned this status over the course of old Doom games where he was just a mundane marine.


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>caring about story in vidya, and for doom of all things

>not caring for stories

the connection is that the doomguy is based and the shitlord on the right is a faggot by all accounts
imagine approving this design

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the name
literally nothing else

I fucking hate the new design. Why has everything to be comiccapeshitstyle? We have enough Marvel and Fortnite already. Heros are vulnerable

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This picture makes me very uncomfortable

This is capeshit? Man, give me some of the comics you've been reading.

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Doom was always dark and you got your ass kicked. Now its a jumpy toystyled supermansuite fuckfest to suck casualdicks.
Quake 1 Remaster when?

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No kidding.

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It's not that he's meant to be a comic style, he's supposed to be the BRUTAL SLAYER. The more modest, heroic musculature fits for classic Doomguy since he was just a regular old soldier like his great-granddaddy.
If anything, comic book stylings would make Doom Slayer less buff.

Is it even possible to buy that online?

This post doesn't even make sense

>Original Timeline
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Spear of Destiny
Wolfenstein 3D
Wolfenstein 09

>Timeline splits when BJ returns Spear of Destiny to Synagogue of Time
>Child Timeline
Wolfenstein Old Blood
New Order
New Colossus(Nazis get started on researching hell energy, research eventually accessed by free nations like the Liberated US)
Commander Keen series(a version descended from one of BJ's daughters)
Commander Keen(the new one with Keen's twins)
Doom 3(Keen's son doesn't join the space marines, universe railroads some other dudes to pick up the mantle)
Doom 2016(Doomguy from other timeline enters here)
Doom Eternal

>Adult Timeline
Commander Keen(version descended from when BJ has a son)
Doom 1
Doom 2
Doom 64(Doomguy stays in hell, eventually enters other timeline)

>BJ Defeated by Ganon
Quake 2/Quake 4

>Arena Timeline(independent daimonic multiaccessed time space first manifested when Child Timeline BJ is in his 14 year coma)
Quake 1/Arena

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Fixed it

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>Spear of Destiny
>Wolfenstein 3D
wut I played both back in the day but never registered that it was a prequel
makes sense tho

Doom 3 is great you pleb

the uac in bethseda, are they nazis or the result of removing nazis leading to hell unleashing by the the world order succesing the nazis

So how many fucking timelines are there?
Are Quake 1 and 2 in the same unitverse?
Do they share timeline with any of Doomguy's timelines?

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We know Ranger was alive and had a wife and kids in the late 70s, so that puts enough time between Quake 1(anywhere in the last 3 decades of the 20th century) and Doom(traditionally taking place in the 2020-ish period but could go further into the future) that you could probably put it in any timeline, even in the MachineGames Wolfenstein timeline since the US was liberated in the 60s and even if it took place in the 80s or 90s, one dude fucking around in the slipgate dimensions isn't going to be too concerned about the ongoing war between the free nations of the world and what's left of the Nazi empire in Europe.

Quake 2 could probably take place even further into the future than anything concerning the Blazkowicz clan. Decades or centuries past colonizing other planets in the solar system, and waging war in other galaxies.

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Is there any info on when Strogg-Quake takes place? Doomwiki says mid 21st century but I couldn't find source. Seems reasonable though considering that Enemy Territory: Quake Wars takes place in the near future.

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Metaphorical. They see him as a leader.

>Doom was always dark and you got your ass kicked
Nigger there was a fucking easter egg in the game with John Romero's head and Doom 3 had Turkey Puncher.

Doom was never meant to be taken so seriously. It's just a fun series.

>He wore the crown of the Night Sentinels

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They probably had an actual crown but I doubt he literally wore it. No way that shit was fitted to sit on top of a helmet.

If james bond is gonna be a girl they can at least keep the character the same. Make her really sexualy empowered who sleeps with some male model(or female if they want bigger bucks) and not a GUUUURL POWUER thing

In the first age, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened, one stood. Burned by the embers of Armageddon, his soul blistered by the fires of Hell and tainted beyond ascension, he chose the path of perpetual torment. In his ravenous hatred he found no peace; and with boiling blood he scoured the Umbral Plains seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him. He wore the crown of the Night Sentinels, and those that tasted the bite of his sword named him... THE DOOM SLAYER...

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James Bond is still Daniel Craig who as of writing is still male. It's 007, as in the character that takes over his code number when James Bond enters retirement, that's a woman.

thats false, just read text after DEFEATING cyber demon.

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Why Doom movies try to copy Doom 3, it's fucking shit. Just make a 2 hour version of Blur commercial and you're golden

>power metal garbage
into the trash

>bitching about metal when 3/4 of the original soundtrack are just midis of metal/rock music.