What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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They focused on hampering individual play and focused the game so heavily on the team to the point that it only takes one abysmal player to make a match incredibly hard to win. Combo that with a design philosophy that wants you to have something near a 50% win rate so everyone gets a turn.

they tried to turn it into a top down Overwatch

The game isn't about who is the best player its who has the worst player and then a 20 minute wait of arguing as that players run in headfirst without using their brain

They fucked up big time. Riot lost 800 employees and 700 million in revenue since last year..

poor balance
forced, artificial metagame
uninspired champion design

This, stopped playing when realized I couldn't carry my team. Dosen't matter if you are 10/0 in 15 early since late SOMETHING will drag you. So you are forced to play late game champs and hope your team isn't retard enough to lose the game in early to mid. But going for the obligatory long game makes it tiring and bothersome. Because even then you are still hoping you get paired with at least decent bots that react to your feed, not people who will lose and drag the whole team with them.

>uninspired champion design
this. everyone either has a slow and a dash or their entire concept is based around some stupid mini-game

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Nothing. It was never as good as DOTA. Now for dota what went wrong that’s what you should be asking

Shitty soulless copy paste of an already shit borecraft3 map. Better question is to ask what ever went right.

>constantly changing champions even if they're fine the way they are
>new champions are always op so people will buy them, then nerfed later
>games lasted 45+
>they changed my boi maokai for the worse

Not enough female yordles!

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or 3hit gimmick

it all went to shit when tencent bought riot games

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Botlane in solo queue is the most cancerous thing I have ever experienced.
>forced into the role
>enemy bot laners are duo queing and have communication
>i don't
>literally nothing me or my laner can do since everything dies from a poke now

I want to kiss Poppy's midget cunny!

I like the characters and overall world more than I like the game itself

Tencent always owned riot, that's why Pendragon fucked off and formed the company in the first place.

Flash became core
They gave melee carries a gap closer instead of trying to balance them out with ranged carries
the entire issue dictated the way the game was balanced

How fast would you fags play league of legends if they release a season 1, 2, or 3 legacy client.

The game never settled down. It kept releasing new champions every month and changing ones that didn't need changing (a few did, I won't lie). In general they shook the damn table so much that a meta never formed naturally, and was mostly based on what's the fotm broken item or champion.

It replaced characters that people had been playing for years with new versions where the only things they share is a name. I was one one of those guys that played old Swain, you can guess how disappointed I was that his personality and playstyle were removed and replaced with what's hip with their newer players.
They also never bothered to support more than one map, Dominion was released and abandoned a month after its release because they didn't want to bother actually putting the effort to make it great. Twisted Treeline fared barely better, it needed an entire overhaul that turned it into a minuscule map, the entire opposite of what it was before.
And yes, I was also one of those people that's actually still pissed off about the old lore they had going. It was a cool concept, a way to make the skirmishes you fight in-game actually seem to serve a purpose. But nah, the game's non-canon now, all the background you're going to get is from dumb event or skin media.

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Oh man I'd fucking nut
METAGOLEM was a billion times better than whatever the fuck we're stuck with now

How does dota deal with that?

Season 2 pre-Zed release would be a dream come true. I don't really really hate him either, but he was the sign of where the game was heading towards.

Nothing went wrong that wasn't wrong from the start. It's always been a janky mess. If anything the current game state is the best it's been overall ever. People who can't carry nowadays are just low iq degenerates who never learned to think past "can i 1v1 this guy".

Forced meta. Champions could only fit into a subset or role(s) that Riot wants them to settle in. Shit like AP Yi was an interesting way to play the champion, but now he is forced into a generic role every game.

>be a gold tier shitter
dude, we suck ass, please don't


Also, being bought by chinese which are worse jews.

You can buy or pick disables, and not everyone can easily get flash-like items or skills, so gap closing isn't that important.

That's not even the half of what they deserve imo. Fixing this game is really easy.

AP Yi was stupid and you should feel stupid for suggesting it. Hurr hit Q. if you get a kill repeat. If not stand there gormlessly doing fucking nothing. Wow what a fucking awesome and interesting way to play a champion. Really the peak of engagement and excitement.

the core failing of assfaggots is the introduction of limited rpg mechanics, because this makes them snowbally and everything under the sun gets tried to bandaid this design flaw so you can turn them into spectator sports

why are people like you too stupid to understand match-making
the match-maker tries to predict whether it expects you to win or lose a game, and uses your actual performance to reassess its confidence in how good at the game it thinks you are, and all of this is done with the intention of making games fair. you don't want to be in a high mmr game, because you suck and you will get owned.