TIE Defender, Standing By

TIE Defender, Standing By.

Attached: TIE Defender.jpg (400x463, 56K)

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TIE Advanced, standing by.

Attached: TIE Advanced.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

best shipfu

X-Wing is a good board game.

Tie Defender best ship

>ion cannons
>shitloads of guns
>best design

Yeah, kind of stupid OP though. It stopped being fun after wasting about 20 X-Wings in a row.

It's the only thing I like about Starwars now.

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It's expensive as shit though

Your command, sir.

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The t65 x wing is the fighter that killed the death star. A perfect balance of speed, maneuverability and firepower.

Time for droids.

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too bad it came after the jedi were long gone so only a handful of retards could use them well


space marine, standing by

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TIE Fighter is the best video game.

How pathetic, allying yourself with those Rebel criminals Rogue Squadron. You and your so-called Rogues helped in the absconding of my AT-PTs and the plundering of my Research Facility. My retaliation shall be swift and just. Do you no longer harbor any loyalty to our Emperor? Defecting to the rebel terrorists shall be your undoing, Kasan. Unfortunate to lose such a fine officer, but the weak will die out to make room for the strong. It is the way of the universe. Farewell, little rodent.

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you guys can thank the cartoons for making this thing canon again, and giving it attention.

Jedi would end up just using a really beefed up A-Wing. Jedi love being glass cannons with their ships because "the force protects them".

>SW: Rebellion
>The mighty Star destroyer 1v1 any ship the rebellion has.
>Gets destroyed easily by x-wings because they can't track them and use photon torpedoes, TIEs are weak af and are like fodder like in the movies.

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Why didn't they stick to traditional RTS for the ground battle? EaW could've been really something else were it not that shitty and awkward ground battle.

They may have gone too far in a few places.

More like Moff Seethedon. Kasan a cute

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Literally the only thing Rebels did right was jerk off the Defender.

that is an ugly looking starfighter

I like Armada

>tfw crossed my brother's T with a fleet commanded by Ackbar

What's your thoughts on 2.0? I haven't bought in and we just keep using our old cards instead since we don't play often.

I always thought the Defender looked silly. The Phantom is a better attempt at the three-wing style, in my opinion.

>small and maneuverable
>only has cannons
The A-wing basically is the spiritual successor to the Delta-7, for chad pilots with top-tier reflexes and no fear.
*blocks ur star destroyer and ends the whole battle*

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>forgetting that it only happened because the entire rebel fleet focused all of their firepower on the Executor, and the imperial fleet wasn't allowed to engage.

THAI Food, standing by.

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Not that user but I like it a lot. The conversion kits are decent and you get lots of cardboard. The game feels a lot better. Good flying really feels like it matters again. I don't think I could go back.

The executor was purposefully out of position to bait the rebel fleet into range of the death star

Everything that went wrong is Sheev's fault.

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>It's the only thing I like about Starwars now.
Give it time. Disney will ruin that too.

Why haven't you pre-ordered me yet user? I'm over 2 feet and only $200

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What's that pacman tie fighter?

oh its a spearhead

Mining guild TIE. It's a modified/stolen TIE fighter that the scum faction can use

Modified TIE because the Empire is fucking retarded and think giant solar panels blocking a pilots peripherals is a good fucking idea.


Use corvettes.

They cost only twice as much. Well worth it.

>there will never be a Star Wars strategy game with the depth of Rebellion but the graphics of Empire at War.
I wonder how hard it would be to mod Empire at war and quadruple the scale of the space battles.

I've always wondered: how much is a credit in SW supposed to be compared to USD? It would have to be worth at least 100 USD for these prices to make any sense.

Tartan cruiser reporting

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I'm not sure whether the Vong or the Ssi Ruuk had the most retarded looking ships.

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Not like your view is that wide with the TIE's canopy anyway.

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So now that the dust has settled, we can all agree the battle of Endor is the GOAT space battle of all time?

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I think so. Yavin was great but next to Endor it seems like the ships were maneuvering in slow motion. Nothing has been quite as spectacular as seeing the battle of Endor for the first time.