>cat asleep on lap
>unable to assume efficient pc gaymen posture
>undock switch and play that instead
Yeah i'm thinking Nintendo won.
>cat asleep on lap
>unable to assume efficient pc gaymen posture
>undock switch and play that instead
Yeah i'm thinking Nintendo won.
Other urls found in this thread:
Why will Ys VIII never fucking drop in price
I recently bought a fightstick and have been playing the shit outta KoF 02 and Double Dragon II
I can't wait until Fire Emblem. It's so close.
>those sullen as fuck eyes
Absolutely made for suffering.
She needs cheering up. She's been through a lot.
>Valkyria Chronicles 4
>God Eater 3
>Dragon Quest Builders 2
Which one should I buy and play first, Yea Forums?
do you know if VC4 runs okay?
Valkyria>Dragon Quest>God Eater
DQ has performance issues on Switch while Valkyria runs great, so maybe consider that too.
She looks dead inside, would she mind if I raped her?
>bayo 2 never drops in rpice
>xeno 2 never drops in price
i just wanna play a good game with lewd in it
Anonymity doesn't mean you need to act like a piece of shit. That's fucked up.
Literally not true though. XB2 was on sale earlier in the year and Torna was just on sale not even a month ago.
But yeah, super stoked for LM3, LAR and NMHIII next year. Wish Platinum would do another Madworld though.
I had the most fun with DQ Builders 2, just beat the main story earlier today and there's still loads of post game stuff to do on the main island.
Valkyria Chronicles 4 was OK, not as good as the first one in my opinion. Haven't played the PSP ones so I don't know how it compares to them.
Also I've never liked God Eater and the new one felt like more of the same, regret wasting time pirating it.
>Nintendo game
>drop in price
i want to use my switch more, whats a ""comfy"" game to play in handheld? please give me a list. hopefully i can find a solution to my analogs drifting too if not ill buy another pair
Is anyone getting Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 soon?
is blaster master actually good?
games i've enjoyed so far available on switch are:
travis strikes again NO MORE HEROES
mario odyssey
the messenger
virtua racing
candance of hyrule
mario maker 2
TSA is absolute kino
Yes it is, try the demo if you don't believe.
Gal Metal should be mid tier at least. Game is great
Will Nintendo replace the voucher deal with something else next month or not?
is it ok to keep your switch in perpetual sleep mode? i've had mine almost 2 months and i dont think i've turned it off once.
Probably not.I don't see how they could even offer a better deal anyway.
Yeah it was pretty much designed to be in sleep mode forever
is this the first in the series? the latest one announced looks tight
Does it end this month? Shit I should go ahead and buy another pair of vouchers in that case. I buy digital anyway so it was pretty good saving 20 bucks on Super Mario Maker 2 and Dragon Quest Builders 2. Hell I probably wouldn't have even bought DQB2 unless I had a spare voucher in the first place and I'm loving it.
Should I play first Valkyria Chronicles 4 or 1? They both have a discount now and I'm considering getting them... Is also the anime worth watching?
In second hand shops you can find sometimes good ir decent deals at least for some games... for examole I saw that Bayo 2 was 35€ in a shop last week
Play 1 first, they're both good games.
They could make it better by not having expiration dates
It's the first in the sense that TSA isn't an actual No More Heroes game, rather a new IP with an NMH coat of paint and anniversary celebration, but as far as the narrative goes NMH1 -> NMH 2 DS -> TSA NMH -> NMHIII
Fucking zoomers
is there much difference in gameplay from one to the other?
thanks for responding but sorry for not having control over what year i get to be born in. 1999
Yes, both Zero and the sequel.
1 and 4 have basically identical gameplay. 4 has a couple new classes if I recall correctly but aside from that it's basically the same with a different story and characters.
2 and 3 are very different but those aren't on Switch. 4 was a throwback to 1. 2 & 3 have melee classes with swords and shit.
Nothing personal, my man, I'm glad to see more people take interest in NMH but seriously, it's common sense. If TSA NMH is the first game and came out this year and they just announced NMH III where is NMH 2?
its like fallout 3 bro everyone know that game came out before the first 2
i know nothing of this series neither did i bother looking up tsa. i just assumed tsa was like an hd port version for the switch
Do you think the switch is worth $100?
Oh, so like Final Fantasy VII? I should've known better
NMH1+2 emulate very well, avoid the the PS360 version of NMH1 and get to it. I recommend actually using a wiimote for at least a bit. The finishers and phone calls feel very satisfying
Just got an 8bitdo controller. Nice to finally have something other than the joycocks and the GameCube controller
I enjoyed the gameplay in Travis Strikes Again much more than the gameplay in the original 2 games. 1 & 2 had more memorable music and characters though.
>Want a comfy game to play
>See recent Fire Emblem marketing
>Realize how nice and comfy it would be to play Persona but you're a teacher instead of a student
>See Dragon Quest Builders 2 streams
>Looks like minecraft but with actual character and comfy as fuck
I'm leaning Fire Emblem if only because after the comfy school stuff it'll be cool after the timeskip to have my heart torn out as I have to kill former students with my students.
Yeah, TSA is probably the best "game" out of all of them. That said, the core NMH gameplay is pretty satisfying, if simple. If they start adding even the basic skill chips like dashing and the force push though, I'll think NMHIII will end up being something pretty special
I just bought captain toad. I wanted to play it since the wiiu but never did. I'm so happy right now
>xeno 2/bayo 2
At least Bayo2 will get you Bayo1 for free if you buy it brand new, so it's worth the full price.
Xenoblade 2 is also worth it imo but it's pretty divisive, so I'd say look around eBay for a used copy for like $40 or less
im honestly hoping for a badman bad girl duo boss
True. I like all of them though. Very stylish games with good music. I still randomly get some of the tracks stuck in my head years later. Philistine from NMH 2 is my favorite.
this pic only confirms how shitty Yea Forums's taste is
genuinely shit game that does nothing to paradigm shift the series
>tetris 99
flash game trash
>xenoblade chronicles 2 torna above xeno 2 base
literally makes no sense. torna added nothing useful to the game
>botw mid tier and not god tier
nice fucking meme. botw is objectively godlike
>mario maker 2 top tier
buyer's remorse: the game should be under shit tier actually
I'm expecting D3stroyman
I finally tracked down a copy of the NMH2 OST. I'm ashamed at how much I paid, but my collectorfag autism is soothed
>already in high school
gonna be a big no thanks from me
>LGE above LGP
Anyone wanna play tag climax with me? I’m not very good but I’ll try!
Eevee is more broken than Pikachu thanks to Sappy Seed, Baddy Bad and Glitzy Glow
>cat owner
>onions console
this stuff writes itself
My son Lulu is so cute.
>night elf
What are some good accessories to get for the Switch? preferably Splatoon related
The plot thickens...
Does a stronger Pokemon really warrant a higher place on a list like that though?
I thought Dragon Marked for Death was good? I was planning to get it, why is it in shit-tier?
Oh right, that released. How is it?
Just Builders and God eater
I didn’t care for VC4
DQ Builders 1st for Max comfy
Your son's a cock-gobbling slut and it's fucking great.
>Stick drift
Get a can of WD-40
Electronic contact cleaner
There saved you 80$
This list is terrible.
It's okay, I don't like the hunger system though.
Why would they the voucher deal overall ok
Don't think for a second that I don't recognize that nagi ichi elf doujin
Your son is my wife(male)
I spent more than that on the games for it
so the one in your pic? thanks bro will try this out
How's Dragon Quest Builders 2?
Is it like the first one where it's separated by chapters and I have to leave behind my previous creations?
uuuh name of her (his) game?
There's like 5 doujins featuring the character, the best is Soshite Bitch na Mesu-shota Elf ga Wagaya ni Kitara
Honestly that list is garbage and a textbook example on why there is no such thing as an "official Yea Forums tier list"
Yeah it’s real simple
Lift up the little flap under the joy stick until you see the white of it
stick the tube in the gap of the joystick and spray generously
Work in the solution by moving the stick around then recalibrate via the menu
Repeat if needed
Remember it’s a Nintendo you just gotta blow it out
>Is it like the first one where it's separated by chapters and I have to leave behind my previous creations?
From what I've heard: Yes, but you can go back to them post game. Is it a bad thing?
>brother got McDonalds and got some for me
>don't like them but eh its free food and haven't got my cheat meal yet during my diet
>now have gastric destruction of the ages
>8 hours later and its still happening
How is this related to switch, well I can't fucking play at all
Those read as the memories of a faggot, and you own a Switch..so makes sense.
>hack my switch
>achieve peak comfyness and ascend
God tier handheld emulation machine, any non-game homebrew to try out?
The 1st island is basically the playground and you go to other island to dick around and help the villagers then build up your 1st island playground.
It’s just nice to have some direction and the game just lets you do what you want
>barely any good Switch deals on Prime Day
Anyone have any luck finding anything decent or is it majority trash?
Buy used you stupid niggers
Got bayo 2 for $25, BotW for $35, MK8D for $30, donkey Kong for $30, diablo 3 for $30. And this wasnt even recent either
Prime day is always ass
Prime day never has shit, especially for games. I bought manga volumes cause they had a hidden $5 off code for books.
Meant for
>Shopping at Amazon
Only if you support modern day slave labor.
What are the best lewd games out for the Switch right now?
Plus I used the voucher when I couldn’t find any used copies of mariokart or BOTW.
3 fucking GameStop within a 20 mile radius and fucking 0 used copies
I worked at an amazon warehouse in 2012. It fucking sucked. I still buy from amazon. Also everything you own is made by chinese kids anyway
Besides mm2, what else is worth getting. The eshop has so much shovelware
Moero chronicles is unironically good
Though I wish there was a “silence MC” option
Literally the worse character is the faggot you play as.
nice, wagies keep seething
That's too much gameplay/plot and too little lewd
I'm talking about stuff like Senran Kagura and their new pinball game, or Reflexions.
What are you into guy?
I'll never understand how conservatives like video games.
Get back to work.
SK reflections is pretty lewd
I do like how it has the foot massage option
botw isn't even the best Zelda game let alone God Tier. I still don't understand why people say this game is so amazing when it is average at best. The dungeons get tedious after awhile and all are just gimmicks. Cooking and other crafting is just tacked on and simple. Combat is a step up but ruined by such low durability in weapons. No the combat isn't hard, it's just too weird to see Link swinging a big wooden thing in every encounter since his weapons break.
The exploration is decent but nothing special in the grand scheme of open world games. The story is your typical Zelda tale with a small twist. Overall the game is okay but I wouldn't call it Godlike by any stretch.
What a stupid post
I haven't worked a single day in my life, because I'm not a slave.
>When threatened with the facts, the conservative lashes out with name calling.
I've noticed the prices going up, Hyrule Warriors was about $20 and that's gone up $5
anyone can enjoy viddy gaems
Anything less than 40k a year in America is basically slave labor these days so might as well buy from Amazon. It's not like the alternative Walmart is any better.
Picked this up earlier today, I know there are fps issues on switch but handheld mode has been good. Also I depleted the switches battery for the first time in a long time
This. Rated E for Everyone.
So I was gonna buy a switch lite, so I’d have my main switch as a console and the lite as a handheld, but then read on Nintendo’s website that if I want to use my digital games on the lite I have to be connected to the internet at all times during play cause it’s not my “primary switch.”
What the fuck were they thinking? I was gonna double dip for maximum comfy but Nintendo shot themselves in the foot. There’s no reason whatsoever for a switch owner to buy the lite.
Doing my best to hold out because since its Dragon Quest it wont keep its price for long. I also just have a shitload of switch games and MH Iceborne to play the rest of the year and I'm such a huge DQ fan that I want to give it the space it needs. Gonna hopefully grab it in November when I have nothing to play to get comfy
When I got to the farm island I made a big ass house that had multiple floors but was ugly as shit since it was all just wooden planks.
Had to scrap it cause it took up too much room for the things other quests require. Was kinda bummed. Also pro tip: building is way easier in first person view.
But the regular is also a handheld, are you retarded? the lite is literally built for newcomers and to fill the 3DS void
Why not just make it your primary switch?
Sounds like you planned to keep the other one docked as a console, so it'll always have internet.
I wish there was a way to travel alone. Having Malroth with me feels like training wheels.
can you make the lite your main switch instead?
Also does it have the reversible cover to Toriyamas art?
this for
It’s a lot more portable than the original switch.
And it has a longer battery life.
you're wrong
Yea that sounds like a good plan, I personally finished my switch backlog and am not interested in anything coming out between now and DQXIS so I’ll just play builders until then
ah alright I did feel like building took some time to get used to
Make your Lite the main and the one that's always at home and around wifi the secondary that requires internet then.
The second account needs online at all times is how PS and Xbox handle accounts too.
Great counter argument. Here is mine. You're wrong.
If you haven't already played DQXI its a great fucking game. Played both jap release and western release both 100+ hours.
I’ve had shit luck on the switch with internet. I avoid games like splatoon because of it.
When I do endless challenge on Mario maker I usually only get 3 courses in before my switch disconnects and I have to put it in airplane mode for a second to get it to reconnect.
I don’t want either switch to be tie to a forced internet connection. I’m just gonna used the money I had ready for the preorder on a big SD card instead.
no, you are.
Is a screen protector really necessary? I hate how the glass ones look on the system.
It's a necessity. The dock is shit and would scratch your screen even if you were careful
Yea I actually did sink in about 110hrs on the ps4 version and felt the same way. Yep, switched it asap cause I thought it looked neat
I am not a Conservative, I am a Fascist.
I'd say so. I mostly kept it docked and I noticed some scratch on my protector a few weeks ago.
Whoa didn't notice this. Switching mine right now.
same shit
you guys are retarded, the dock doesnt scratch the glass
>Had to sell a bunch of shit to gamestop so I had the money for Astral Chain, Daemon X Machina, and Fire Emblem Three Houses
Three Houses better not fucking disappoint
>selling ANYTHING to gamestop
>all for fucking FE
Yes it does, retard.
Don't listen to this user . There's multiple reports of the dock scratching.
Either get a sleeve or protector.
Could have probably made triple the amount on Ebay my dude
Good taste user. It's shaping up to be the best in the series, I hope we both enjoy it.
post proofs then
Don't worry. It looks great.
A lot of things could scratch the switch, dimwit.
A fucking banana could scratch the Switch.
The reports of the dock scratching it were exaggerated, but it could still scratch the switch.
Hey Yea Forums, I'm downloading pic related, what are you guys playing
Don't get dizzy!
I was told that the Crit Hit animation is GBA-tier now
I got the 8bitdo super famicom controller for Mario maker and it is one of the best switch purchases I ever did.
Playing the castlevania collection with it is pure nostalgic bliss.
It’s even got gyro for games like splatoon.
I'm playing EDF while waiting for my switch to charge, AKA your daily life aussie
What's breakers about?
Out of curiosity what did you sell and for how much? Gamestop is a scam a well known one at that. I use Craig's list and meet in a populated area like a Starbucks to sell my shit. Everyone wins in that scenario...well except if you get stabbed and murdered for 50 dollars, in that case only Craig wins.
Is Naruto popular in Australia?
Yeah. It could, user. The switch isn't scratch proof.
>nice and cozy in bed with the ac on and playing
it's a good feeling also I am surprised how nice it feels to play darkest dungeon on the switch
I will never give them any of my money ever. Ill pirate it tho
Just buy the Japanese version then. It’s in full English and Nicalis doesn’t get a cent of it.
Dragon Quest Builders 2
> dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy
You are right but sounds like both sides these days. Politics is just fucked and so we should just stick to video games.
I am about to lay in bed for the night and play some DQ Builders 2 for a bit and go to sleep.
very few things are scratch proof, whats your point? What I said still holds true, the dock isn't going to scratch your screen
>waited all week to check game deals on amazon prime
I just want BotW to go on sale.
More than FE bitch boi, I done sold enough to get two games, I can pay for Daemon X Machina now
I’m not waiting for eBay to give me money, I only need video game money. I’ve got a specific budget for that and I’m set on everything but my Switch
Well I actually figured out that the trade in based off some sort of perceived demand type thing.
From what I can gather, how much credit you get is based of three things
>Original price of the game
>How current the system is
>How popular it currently is
Now, any one of these can bump up a game’s price by a lot if one thing is abnormally high. For example, a copy of Super Mario Odyssey will go for 30 bucks in store credit, but Pokémon White 2 will go for fucking 25 despite it being 2 and a half generations behind because it’s just that popular. DQ9 went for 10,
I ended up getting a cumulative 125. 15 of that was from a DSi XL.
>whats your point?
If the switch isn't scratch proof, then the dock is able to scratch it if you are careless. How are you so dense?
Been playing wargroove.
It makes me feel kind of stupid with how long it takes me to beat a mission.
Also it’s the first game I’ve ever turned voice volume off because my god is it obnoxious.
yeah if you go out of your way to scratch it it sure will
But a second hand bayo 2 wouldn't have bayo 1 included.
Anyway how do I get good in Bayo 1 I'm shit at button combination in the heat of the moment and playing Bayo for more than an hour makes my whole arm sore.
I said if you are careless, but also yes, if you go out of your way to scratch it. Like I said, the switch is not scratch proof.
So don’t be careless, you’re handling electronics
I didn't say I was the careless one. I was telling you if you are careless the switch will scratch. Because the switch is not scratch proof. Do you understand?
It's like that every year.
>selling your vidya
>going back to MH GU
Life was better after I stop playing. I hope I can stop before I put 1000 hours into it.
You could tell yourself that, but there will always be careless people
should i give a fuck about dqb1 or jump straight into dqb2
If you're in it for the Minecraft experience, DQB2 is a better jump
September is going to decimate my wallet
>Astral Chain
>Daemon X Machina
>Link's Awakening
>Gunvolt Chronicles
Nah, you could jump right to the second one.
imagine being cucked out of video games by a cat
I picked up pic related for SF 30th, ultra sf2, and samsho2. Gonna grab KOF 98 and Garou soon.
>Still can't find any fucking RCM switches in the wild, pawn shops and local listings had jack shit
>Might have better luck finding a used one if I just wait for the mini to come out and for people to start selling their old switches but that's a fucking month of not being able to play astral chain
That doesnt solve the problem at all. Maybe for a single week it "works" but the problem is that the graphit layer under the sticks get damaged over time. The measured resistance of the layer is changed which results in stick drift.
Has there been a game you regret purchasing?
What a garbage stick...
Literally for half the price you can get a Sanwa stick.
Sleep mode or off, it doesn't matter. In both states the console is basically powered down to such a degree that it won't do any damage to it, even if you keep it that way long term.
Playing Mario Maker in bed is maximum comfy by the way. I can't stop making levels.
>Fire Emblem:Three Houses almost here.
>Dragon Quest 11 on it's way.
>Trying to complete Octopath Traveler.
>JUST got done with Tales of Vesperia.
>SMT V probably coming.
>Astral Chain sneaking around the corner.
>Still got the Shovel Knight and Shantae DLCs I still have yet to touch.
>Tetris 99 too hard to put down.
>Still got 7 games on my 3DS backlog.
>Won't stop playing TF2.
Video Games are going to fucking kill me.
How is Dragon Marked for Death? I was hoping to get it someday but I have heared it’s very focused on multiplayer, does it support couch-coop?
I mean going by that logic you can just say any portable machine won.
>cat asleep on lap
>unable to assume efficient pc gaymen posture
>play the Vita instead
> played on my phone instead
> played on the 3ds instead
> Played with my dick instead
how's the performance for Dragon Quest Builders 2? i don't really trust most other places saying its 'smooth' and 'runs just 'fine'. does the full game as many drops as the demo?
>buying hot glued games
There's a demo out...
>does the full game as many drops as the demo?
Something tells me he knows that already
Dawn of the Breakers. Free to play 'action rpg' with gacha stuff. Also on Steam.
I don't know but I would assume the demo should be a good indicator how the full game performs?
What are some nice anime games on the switch
Mine is collecting dust since almost 3 weeks. Still waiting for Fire Emblem Three Houses to play with it again since I don't like builder games
Senran Kagura
He said good.
Never said the dock was the one that scratched my protection. Could be, who knows.
>dead company's system from 1999
>56k modem
>Quake Team Arena with 8 players
>runs fine without any lag
>Nintendo 2019
>can't fucking run a 4 player Mario game without shitting the bed
Someone explain this shit to me.
Because it was literally an afterthought. They slapped it together at the last minute after the outcry.
I remember playing PSO and Bomberman Online on this thing with no issues. I'm lucky if I can make it through one match of Splatoon 2 without being disconnected.
idk man, it frustrates the hell out of me. After playing it on PC, I wanted the comfy experience. The control scheme just isn't that intuitive and feels super arduous in comparison. Very rustling purchase.
It's got to be a limitation in whatever wifi card/device they're using. The fuckers couldn't even be assed to have dedicated voice or anything. Idk the rest of you, half the fun of online/multiplayer gaming is the real interaction between players. When I play MK8 online I want to shit talk and banter with other players. Having to use a phone app for voice is fucking AIDS.
Digital or physical, Yea Forums?
I'm thinking of just mainly going digital while having a few of my favorite games physical.
Make Lite your main one then. Also, you don't need to be constantly connected - it checks online every 2 hours or so.