When are we getting a successor to Zoo Tycoon? The one on Xbone/Steam is pretty shit.
When are we getting a successor to Zoo Tycoon? The one on Xbone/Steam is pretty shit
Heard about a zoo management game coming out in November I think that looks pretty good
I played the ever loving shit out of Zoo Tycoon back when I was like 6, would love to do it again
Ooh, What game is it?
Look up planet zoo, could be cool.
As for zoo tycoon, it was my favorite game as a little guy BUT the aquarium expansion terrified me for some reason. Something about the way the tanks were and the noises they made really put me ill at ease and that's stuck with me through my whole life, I find large bodies of water sort of creepy, I always feel like there's something lurking in there.
>look up for info
>animals dont attack guests
Didn't Frontier say in a Q&A or something last week that aggressive animals will kill guests if they escape.
I can't recall the actual source but bestinslot talked about it in his most recent planet zoo video
no idea why the entire genre is so neglected desu
Am I the only one who could never manage to run a successful zoo? Even when I came back to this fucking game as an adult I could make a decent profit and kept getting shut down
I've been meaning to play ZT2 but apparently the widescreen hack only works when you have all of the expansions, which I don't have.
Who else had Zoo Empire?
That's good. Half the fun of the game was suddenly introducing bold new interactive exhibits.
>"Video games are more popular than ever!"
>Simulation and edutainment games hardly exist anymore
I loved that expansion because you could get mermaids with the statue if you knew a trick with naming the tank.
Lowkey have always had a fascination with them and wanted to be one when I was younger.
Does this run on Windows 10?
Why did the animals only kill and eat adult male guests?
There are a ton of simulation games on Steam.
Gay shit no one likes.
I think that's normal. Had fantasies of being a mermaid when I was a kid, but I mostly wished to be Spiderman.
The Trail games were great and so was Math Blasters. You're just a fag who never got a spot in the elementary computer lab.
>tfw you were a kid and didn't know how sex worked but played a fuckton of Zoo Tycoon 2 so you assumed that babies were formed when you laid down facing your mate and made a circle shape
>tfw it gave me a boner somehow
Gay. The only people I've known into mermaids or even mermen were women.
Wanting to be Spider-Man is pretty hetero though.
Anyone ever play the Wild Life Park games?
Ur a fucking adult now lol just make ur own fucking zoo lol u get actual money out of it
Fucking neet incels lol what a joke
They were installed on a bunch of my elementary school's computers for some reason.