>game has a crafting system
>it's shit
Every single time
Game has a crafting system
Liberals are not human
the fuck is wrong with his HAND
people joke about onions or whatever, but I tried one of the ones in OP and my left hand gripping the bottle tore the wrapping off due to the torque required to remove the cap.
Are the onions bottles actually hard to open or are they just regular bottles some people struggle with?
That device has to be a joke, right?
what hand? all's i'm seeing is a gamer claw
guy in op is clearly crippled
>guy in op is clearly crippled
thats a funny way of saying "liberal"
>le liberal xD
Bloody americans
>99% of nintendo fans
>pinky "supporting" the bottom
holy fucking shit
Fucking soy boys.
The dude is clearly disabled
Yeah, fuck crippled people who can't open things.
you could probably get swole enough to not need that machine in the time it takes for it to get the cap off
cucked europoors
It's how they get them. Make the bottle so bullshit to open onionsbois are forced to buy bullshit bottle opening gadgets and tools as they soon lose more and more of their muscle mass.
why cant we just talk about video games instead of screeching about liberals all the time
he plays a lot of MMOs
In what way is he "clearly disabled"?
this unironically
he's augmented
my friend who bought some ironically said they're actually surprisingly tight but otherwise you'd have to he a woman to not be able to open one
mentally, sure
Because you cant undo the damage 2016 did to this site, phoneposting zoomers who live on outrage are the new majority. Welcome to Hell
word filters. how do they work?
Oh I have one of these! They really make those onions bottles too hard to open and its the only way I can open it. I couldn't live without it!
>avocado hand
>texter's thumb
>chicken scratch handwriting
>actual limp wrist
First world problems or some shit.
There’s no preservatives.
Has to be sealed
Wtf i typed basedboy not basedboy
What does onions taste like?
Based filter
lmao who pays for onions then when you can get the same thing for free.
why can't they? instead of injecting shitty politics into games
I actually bought one, it actually was pretty tight. And I think this was after they made them less tight
I mean I was able to open it, but it wasn't like opening a coke or ensure (I guess ensure bottles are a better comparison).
Drink was fucking nasty
>that word filter
people who can't get enough and need entire bottles of the stuff
I don't understand why in the fuck I would want to craft anything it seems like a goddamn waste of time
Election tourists.
how long until hiro takes away sneed, bros?
The hands of a person that plays videogames. I'd kick any of you limp dicks teeth down your throats.
I tried replacing onions in the url but it just says the community got banned
theyre not, this obviously for people with arthritis or fucked up hands like the guy in the video
I wonder what soilent tastes like
palm meet face
s o y l e n t
and apparently it's a popular thread to brigade. No clue why.
clever(?) engineering for a petty purpose
nvm I'm a dumbass you're supposed to use add -lent
well he only has four fingers on his hand for one
Never because it has been forever since a filter was placed
Crafting has always been shit in any game
Can't have gear better than raid stuff
Its not for able bodied persons
Its for your grandma with arthritis
is he missing his thumb? I thought it was just hidden in the perspective
it is likely that we will still have 5NEED
Nigga you blind
cute asuka (male)
why not just engineer the bottle so you don't need an extra device just for a single purpose
these people are trash
even if it were you'd still be the bigger joke, champ
What kind of crafting system? If it's optional like in witcher, then it gets a pass from me. If it's the base mechanic of the game like in minecraft, i agree it's shit. Also Anything with building in it goes to the trash.
Everyone has four fingers on a hand
"onions" wasn't that long ago, bud. And before that tbqh, famalam, and I think a third I can't think of right now were taken. Feels like that was very recent.
Path of Exile has the best crafting system of any game
that's why his pinky is like that.
why doesn't he just ask his boyfriend to open it for him like every other bitch does
Scandinavians aren't people
prior to the last time i opened one i was bedridden for literally years
it opened easily enough
i do not have the words to accurately express how weak that person is
we're talk has literally never done a single day of labor in their life
Cringe baka desu my onions senpaitachi
not if I hold the hand of a cute girl
I bet none of you even remember the day it got filtered, or why. Go on, ask your resident oldfag. Meme knowledge is granted to the willing.
Was it "baka"? Guess I'll find out in a second.
It isn't just one bottle
That's what it was.
you're probably definitely literally a retard, but more importantly, there's not doubt that you are certainly one of those worthless fellows who goes around and makes claims that black isn't a colour "it's the absence of color".
fuck off
What the hell drives a """man""" to unironically regularly consume a drink that calls itself sóylent?
soicuck liberals are so fucking weak they're helpless when it comes to opening their precious basedmeal
That actually makes a lot of sense, thanks.
checks out
dang I was literally thinking the same thing but decided it wasn't worth it to type
hates eating. simple as. were it cheaper i'd do the same damn thing.
I don't get this. There's nothing wrong with diversity, but you shouldn't make things diverse just to be diverse.
good point
Wasn't it when the switch came out and the neckbearded so-yboys posted their O-face on social media attention whoring how happy they were?
>99% consolefags
Fixed 4u
He can just put the bottle between his thighs and twist the lid between his palms. The bottle's rectangular so it won't spin. T-This totally won't end up in soiled pants by the way.
>Yea Forums doesn't even know how many fingers are supposed to be on a hand
>those names
>tfw just realized those are trannies, probably married too
s.m.h. t.b.h. f.a.m.
God of War launch date. Mods eternally butthurt.
The key for opening jars and capped bottles is to push down on the top and twist.
they're going to have to build a robot to hold the robot that opens the bottle
use soiboy or sΩyboy
I dont get this shit at all
Take a blunt knife, place it between the two seals, twist. It requires zero force.
Now you can open it. This even works with metal sealed cans which get stuck.
Drank too much soilent, now his bones are twigs riddled with osteoporosis.
it's just not the same
>game has a huge and complex crafting system but it's so unbalanced that only 1 thing out of 10 is worth making at all
I hate wasted potential because nobody bothered to run the numbers and make a balanced item progression
or just use unicode black spaces...
What is it about this drink that attracts the absolute lowest demographic? I tried drinking some, and it's nasty as hell.
onions has calcium in it though...
covert as fuck.
what kind of people do you expect to like a product whose purpose is to take the fun out of eating?
I just owned myself. These zero width spaces don't work anymore.
That is what they want you to think
Even if it did calcium actually makes your bones brittle. You want a balance and magnesium too.
will it be filtered to chuck? that would kill it for sure
>product whose purpose is to take the fun out of eating
Wait, this is no-joke actually supposed to replace your food? How do you live off of doing nothing more than drinking the same chemical abomination for more than a few days, let alone the rest of your life?
imagine not knowing how to say soy
Based filter going over on ya jabronis in this Battle Royal
Based user avenging them by getting a win himself
Onions knows that the type of person who buys their product is often extremely weak and incapable of exerting effort so why not make the bottles easy to open.
Dude look at his fucking hand
I might not have noticed it until I was looking for it but it's not hard to find.
What would you consider a good crafting system? Personally the one they're aiming for with Chronicles of Elyria looks fucking awesome, if it ever gets released.
what device do you use to open your onions? here's mine
meal-replacement drinks have been around for ages before onions. you're not supposed to make your entire diet out of them, either.
its designed so each bottle has 25% of the nutrients you need (fats, proteins, carbs, vitamins), if you did nothing but drink 4 bottles a day you would be perfectly healthy.