It was supposed to be a next big monster hunting game.
What went wrong?
It was supposed to be a next big monster hunting game
A developer that had no idea how to make a game made it.
Then they passed up the perfect chance to release it before PC version of MHW released and they didn't.
Then epic bought the dev.
It never had a fucking chance.
Seems it was shallow, repetitive, imbalanced and grindy. But I never tried it because the aesthetics and "pixar-like" cartoony style really disgust me.
>shallow, repetitive, imbalanced and grindy
so just like Monster Hunter, then
>announce it at pope awards
>looks awful but hey a mh game on PC they can probably make some cash due to basically God Eater owning that space
>Oops MH World drops
>nobody cares even more
>Okay we are finally "releasing" the game now that MH hype has died down
>Oops Iceborne on the way
>t-ten million people downloaded the game!!
>t-ten million people
I like how this is suppsoed to be a bragging point. Me and several friends installed and uninstalled within a week. Its fucking free so no shit
It plays too much like a f2p game.
No weight or feeling to the weapons. Baby level skill ceiling. No aesthetic or relaxing things to do. Horrible design - monsters are boring and have retarded hit boxes.
Fools normies into thinking its a bigger deal that it actually is. When the game released a few months ago I remember generally a good amount of people talking about it. After month one I heard absolutely nothing. It will be further nothing when Iceborne hits, and whenever they decide to drop Iceborne on PC
even more shallow than mhw and when your artstyle is the opposite of easy on the eye why bother
Why do devs keep using this fucking atrocious artstyle for characters?
Everything else in the game looks okay except only for the atrociously ugly humans
> Epic BAD Steam GOOODDD
This thread.
>How she looked in the tutorial art
She was a cute but then they made her into a tranny on roids
I'm pretty sure that I got more enjoyment out of the Monster Hunter demos than this game.
They forgot to put it on the switch.
The one place that didnt have monster hunter world. Don't give any bullshit like the switch can't handle the game.
Their online marketing budget must be huge. I see banners and ads for the game on practically every gaming website.
the switch can't handle the game.
Ran like absolute dogshit when I played it long before release. A game with this artstyle has no business running that badly, had barely any content to offer and feedback on attacks and the moveset in general just weren't enjoyable to play. It's "indie MH" in every bad way.
No one even mentioned Steam yet it's living rent free in your head
it sucked it looked ugly and was not fun to play and monster hunter world also ended up coming out before it completely defeating the purpose of this game ever being made
Lowest effort artstyle that is simple enough to run on the maximum amount of machines while still looking like it was made in the modern age
Constantly stutters, I don't think the game preload anything in the memory
It was bad.
They did a huge beta that showed off to anyone interested how bad it was.
Then they managed to not release it until after Monster Hunter came to PC.
Once that was done they went Epic exclusive to try to kill off any remaining players still logged in by mistake.
The monsters in Dauntless are at least more creative than MHW where everything is a dragon.
But dragons are cool
Hi Todd
The game was fucked the moment Monster Hunter World was announced for pc
not true.
Iron Galaxy is working on the port as we speak.
People underestimate the amount of work that goes into making a good combat system like in MH, DD and Souls games. Even with all their flaws, its a metric fuckton of work. This game was all about combat, but couldn't even come close to compete.
No it wasn't you fucking faggot.
I'm not Todd I swear, just buy the game
jesus christ how could a game be so cucked by such a superior product... Its ok Todd, keep shilling the Great Value MH that you bought out