Yea Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous thread >Post character name/franchise and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW: (current) (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in

For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites: or

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky

Drawing Books and drawing programs:!vp5hQCbQ!oCNGOUgaVeK1pHs3qasJDQ

Attached: 1563230122564.png (1208x844, 2.48M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1563216989352.jpg (552x475, 96K)

Sayatia with big boobs please

Attached: Monster-Monpiece-Sayatia.jpg (500x1176, 113K)

Never made it to a thread this early before

Attached: metroidcreature1.png (969x890, 873K)

sick work

here ya go

Attached: Tomoe Pole.jpg (960x1268, 250K)

Hey everyone! Summer is upon us, and the Summer Collab is here! The chosen theme was characters at the the Public Pool! Jacinth is working on background.

To keep it interesting, instead of one group shot at the pool, he's doing different pictures in a Summer Scrapbook, to show off different scenes. He's already worked out a few ideas, but please include suggestions!

Any specific character interactions are up to the artists, but if you draw your character(s) a certain way and want them in the water or in a certain scene when things are more concrete, please specify in your submission. Jacinth is more than willing to help as well; if you draw your character sitting but don't want to a draw a chair, he'll place them in a chair or raft upon request, for example - but feel free to add your own props! Be Creative!
Also if you can please make sure to have your submissions have a transparent background, if you need help on doing so then ask.

Here are all of the entries currently:

The current deadline is July 31st; Can't wait to see what everyone submits and hope this is a cool Summer project for everyone!

Attached: Scrapbook.png (7921x4950, 3.76M)

/r/ Isabella Bandicoot wearing a little black dress.

Attached: isabella_request.png (976x840, 387K)

Requesting more Bazooka Fuuka

Attached: 1414963106720.png (1810x1827, 768K)

Requesting Yaia like this

Attached: 1530132976293.jpg (1800x2400, 401K)

Pelleas on the front page!

Requesting Ladie (white bikini) with a tan, lifting her sunglasses from her eyes, smiling at the viewer.

Attached: 0E7F9DA5-838E-4A7D-9974-957163B834FE.png (480x320, 217K)

Oooooooh, very nice

Its time for a Miriam anchor picture. Like using it on a chain like a whip.
And, Miriam accidentally wrapping herself up with her own whip

Attached: miriwhip.png (222x318, 141K)

Cool stuff.

Wow, a hybrid? Neat.

someone asked for more headcrab art

What brush is that? This looks real great

Good shit borv
Hows commissions?


You sure find the most random boards to spam your art on.

The free inktober dry brush set in sketchbook. I have no idea why but I get better results much faster in that than photoshop. Probably because it feels so noncommital due to the minimal interface.
Thanks to you all for the compliments for this and the Pelleas and May anchor! I'm really happy so many of you enjoy them

Satania is too perfect

Why don't you ever include your pictures on the post?

Requesting The Wumpa Store with Tawna on the left and Coco Bandicoot on the right.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 97K)


Requesting Katerina from Croixleur Sigma in this wedding bunnysuit
Also requesting reaction images

Attached: best genki collage.jpg (3953x3128, 1.63M)

can someone draw some Yea Forums tan that accepts trans and lgbt?

Requesting KH3 Olette finally showing off her swimsuit for the beach since Roxas never got to go but since they're back now, it's possible.

Attached: Olette_KHIII.png (1690x4496, 3.94M)


Requesting Honolulu in a cheongsam, akin to St.Louis' skin

Attached: Honolulu.png (732x1024, 570K)

Attached: nomeltingtoday.png (395x448, 55K)

Requesting a cute Meitenkun who sitting cross-legged on the ground like in the reference

Attached: Meitenkun-ref.jpg (1784x820, 426K)

Taking some non human waifu requests

Attached: heart window panty gobbo.png (2000x2000, 384K)

That's just a small green human though. Do real nonhumandiod and put your money where your mouth is.

Stop samefagging, Maldraw

Drawthread has unironically been really good these last two threads

I love it but could you make the suns face a "?" for the metaphor
cute maddy

utterly seething

There has been some really quality content and good ideas that's why.

Don't you ever got tired drawing once per thread?


From suikoden

Attached: ST_Neira.png (325x464, 151K)

That's Borvar, retard.

Yea Forums drawthreads are a goldnugget in the ocean of shit that is Yea Forums

Dead By Daylight

REQ: some lewd art of Kate Denson from Dead by Daylight sitting on top of a Jigsaw box, with her jean shorts shucked down around one ankle, masturbating.
(panties they are around one ankle - or see below)
Perhaps with the Pig standing next to her watching her holding and and sniffing Kate's panties through her mask.
- - not quite the pose in the lower right. but it gives a good ref.

Attached: Kate bate worksafe3abc.jpg (1914x1184, 716K)

Draw sexy traps!

i just dont want to draw some anime girl user

>30ish seconds between posts
Really makes you think
Besides, Borv is capable of drawing an uninterrupted line longer than 15 pixels

How so?

everyone's Maldraw these days.


Requesting this thing as boss enemy. Which game is up to you.

Attached: 1562316540823.png (1280x1154, 877K)

Just a lot of deliveries and good drawings. Shitposting has been at a minimum.

Requesting the Furisode Girls from Pokemon XY, all completely nude at the beach please. If four characters is too much, then drawing any two or just one of the girls is fine.

Attached: 1562497486154.png (1384x516, 1017K)

Not him but what do you mean by this?

Well it is monday, I'm sure a lot of anons are minding their business.



Attached: question.png (395x448, 54K)

Requesting Astolfo wearing sexy American flag panties like Ricardo Milos.

Attached: Rider_of_black.png (1598x2400, 2.6M)

Attached: 1426796275295.png (500x264, 78K)

>comparing that jaggedness and scratchy stuff to borv's smoother and softer lines
Nice mutated abomation, user.

Requesting Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors throwing away his halberd aside, pulling out dual pistols, and pulling off a larger body count in his new Musou mode, which is like Reaper's Death Blossom.

Idea based off Reaper's Lu Bu skin.

Attached: lu bu goes john woo.png (2062x1200, 2.74M)

thanks cool
more exploitable although originally I thought about the old anonymous

Talos wearing a baseball top (maybe with 33 on it for a number) with a baseball bat and i guess hitting a ball and yelling HOMERUN, since thats one of her battle yells in-game when attacking.

Attached: Talos-i_087.jpg (1280x1810, 394K)

You can tell an artist more from their line quality than the style of the artwork.
That's the same artist who did Hex with the headcrab, which seems to be maldraw.
Borvar has much, much rounder shapes and gives a fuck about line weight.

yeah that's allbeatnik. he posted that first on twitter.

requesting rina and my kyoot self! maybe like an instagram post of us or anything cuute, even lewd! maybe us in lingerie, cuddling! or us beating this awful heat somehow!

bonus rina ref here

Attached: A4790C9B-0FC6-49AA-8D2D-C031975CADBE.jpg (803x997, 89K)

Requesting Minerva bench pressing a huge amount of weight with Marth in the background lifting a small dumbell

Attached: 1547700289714.jpg (810x917, 108K)

Attached: Rina and Cute self.png (3200x2800, 707K)

how are you still alive

Requesting Kyoko from River City Girls disco dancing outrageously with her funky 90's self.

Attached: request.jpg (1129x480, 172K)

Tied up Rouge the bat getting her big fat bat tats fondled?

Don't worry, maldraw and rina-chan are here now so singapore will ruin the thread screaming about them again

Requesting the top two pictures being recreated with Jeanne Alter as the left character and Mythra as the right character.

Attached: TsundereOff.png (1154x1717, 2.06M)

Eight brandishing his dragovian sword like a samurai or some other cool warrior battle pose

Attached: Eight Dragovian gear.png (1232x926, 1.54M)

the recent update broke the banner on my twitter art profile again

Attached: 20190712_095705.jpg (480x468, 81K)

Well shit, was going to play doom for a bit but you got a ref pic for that?

Noire dressed up as Fran please

Attached: noirefran.png (1924x1860, 2.18M)

You gotten to the point that I just laugh at you and your silly miserable posts. At least you do that right kitty cat.

i saw this and thanked u!!!
whatcha mean? im totes healthy except for this heat

Requesting Ly the fairy as the Doll from Bloodborne.

Attached: 1559489408437.jpg (2002x808, 509K)

Requesting the Stalker from Deathgarden straddling someone she's caught. Explicitly lewd or not. PoV is important.
the game is lame, don't get it, I just want this huge elk lady to tuck me into bed, raise the spooky helmet for just a bit, and kiss me on the forehead before giggling sweetly

Attached: stalker request.png (1346x1052, 778K)

requesting fusions of Misty, Patra and ankha

Attached: 2019-07-10.png (824x640, 164K)

Requesting a sexy pinup of Sylph from Monster Girl Quest. Probably with emphasis on her cute butt.

Attached: 1525807368667.png (640x480, 345K)

malodrw is dead. if youre talking about the allbeatnik guy hes just drawing here and minding his own business.

Requesting Doomguy fucking any vidya girl of your choice


Counter requesting with Doomguy teaching any would be damsel in distress vidya girl self defense

Attached: 342342465456456785.jpg (880x880, 115K)

Attached: 157532907502.jpg (593x540, 67K)

Requesting Helena Douglas ( DoA ) and Elizabeth (KOF) wearing their tight white leggings and jacket outfits posing like in the reference with Ash and Zack taking photos to their butts exposed.

Attached: 1557453436.jpg (3110x988, 815K)

Cry more catfag!

gave it a shot

Attached: bridal lucina.png (536x543, 56K)

the regular spastics here keep bitching about the allbeatnik guy being maldraw. maldraw is some kind of super mind rapist or something, he lives inside the brains of the faggots he infect eternally causing them to throw temper tantrums at the slightest thing that remind them of him.

requesting an actual MILF, appearance wise, Mistral wearing a "super rare bikini" armor

Attached: Mistral.jpg (1200x1200, 852K)

Attached: baseball.png (523x640, 160K)

Requesting a hypnotized/tranced Jinako

Attached: Karigiri.Jinako.full.1616316.jpg (4273x5197, 3.36M)

Attached: Flashmaster Raha.png (634x490, 129K)

does drawing in a video game count?

Attached: Rust-HarambePainting.webm (960x540, 2.45M)

Oh now you can spell his name right

How old are the posters here actually? Adults dont behave like this.

Requesting Manuela from Fire Emblem Three Houses recreating this Krabappel picture.

Attached: 1563199368935.png (1532x657, 857K)

Thanks It looks great!

You sound like a newfag with this post.
Stop asking the same questions to yourself.

Attached: tintin and haddock.jpg (498x441, 74K)


oh, theyre adults its just most have stunted childhood. common issue around here.

Requesting Rozalin showing off this swimsuit to Adell with like half of her face switched over to her Zenon side with a Yandere smile.

Attached: rozalin request.png (2000x2000, 3.2M)

Requesting Wu-Ruixiang wearing her hair in big poofy fancy decorated hairbun covers instead of that hairloops thing she has going on right now.

Attached: Wu-ruixiang_request.jpg (2564x2292, 1.3M)

Nice, someone did it

Nice biceps

Requesting little Arle Nadia from Puyo Puyo riding a guy like this.

Attached: 3E70DADA-BB36-44E8-9A78-35CB8CA51E54.jpg (249x350, 31K)

The pose is way off though, to my defense I just skimmed the request, feel free to keep requesting

Requesting the popular Nemesis and Brad artwork pose but with Bea (role as Nemesis) and Allister (role as Brad).

Attached: Bea&Allister_Nemesis+Brad-Pose.png (2671x1639, 2.66M)

Requesting Sirius themed smug drill-haired Bombergirl

Attached: Sirius ref II.jpg (1778x1000, 286K)

im boutta be 21 but im emotionally growth stunted!!!!!

Attached: CA7F5850-880C-4584-91A1-982153999400.jpg (640x468, 97K)

Requesting Damon Gant, half of his body resembling Helel, and the other half of his body resembling Lucifer as he stands in front of a pool filling with blood coming from crying and prostrating statues going "Care for a Swim?" with a smile

Attached: DemonGant.png (3026x1300, 3.52M)

OR here. Woke up to this and by god you just made my day.
Can I have more?

well excuse me
i just wanted a free drawing

no need to bring how old i am into the equation

This only has replies because its borvar not because the drawing itself is good

You monster.

Stop replying to yourself, beatnik

Draw a cute Salix!

Attached: Salix.jpg (2636x1092, 911K)

Only kids and niggers beg for free shit.

While she's not hitting a ball with a bat, this is stupidly adorable. Thank you so much user, I love it

Why monster?

Cute! but her left (our right) hand seems to be backwards.

Requesting Claude dressed in a Ra Yellow uniform

Attached: ClaudeFETH.png (848x1344, 848K)

Sirius with her sword out in front of her, hands on the bottom of the handle, wearing a set of full maid-armour
Think the Famicom cover of Soul Blader

Attached: Sirius.png (906x1026, 904K)

Huh someone else did it well hope OR likes two cakes. Nice job user.

Requesting Himiko Yumeno from Danganronpa making the pose on the right

Attached: Himiko and Mono.png (2077x1123, 3.06M)

Riki using a rifle, like Sharla's
Inspired by his in-game lines of being good with rifles

Attached: Riki_2.png (325x279, 130K)

Refia as a catgirl (like a cute/sexy Cait Sith inspired) outfit/class or dresses as nu-Tifa

Maybe it'll help if I put these for an idea, since I just looked on the booru and saw them

Attached: Refia FF3.jpg (682x1188, 133K)

Requesting Luna from Lunar Silver Star Story wearing radiation-resistant ballet flats that are protecting her from the nukage floors in Doom

Attached: luna nukage.png (672x600, 337K)

A Prone Female from Xenoblade Chronicles X?

Attached: Prone_female.jpg (756x443, 116K)

Requesting the Sorceress from Dragon's Crown comedically pulling out various objects from her cleavage as she looks for a potion. Can have her pull out unwieldy weapons, skeletons, various reagents, etc.

Attached: 1539310216633.jpg (797x1200, 626K)

Requesting Seraphina from Disgaea 5 wearing this devilish swimsuit:

Attached: Seraphina.jpg (4040x3646, 1.9M)

Her original game is effectively a ero game except she just gets beaten up and drained of magic when she loses instead of rape.

Requesting Shizune Hakamichi from Katawa Shoujo dressed as the Phantom of the Opera

Attached: Shizune and Phantom.jpg (695x508, 76K)

requesting bridal Mym

Attached: mym.png (400x400, 150K)


This looks fucking great. Loving those titties and biceps. Thank you so much

Attached: 1542320616411.png (408x408, 104K)

borvar draws good though. he isnt /ic/ level sure but he's one of the best regular artists here.

>beaten up and drained of magic
God why is good energy drain stuff so rare?

Attached: 016.png (526x533, 345K)

Already done. Check the booru.

Do we have a ranking of best drawfags?

requesting shantae drawn in pc art style wearing the left and right outfits in link.

Attached: Pirate's_Curse_Shantae_Portrait.png (1024x1692, 542K)


Requesting some coloring.

Character reference:
Armor reference:

Please and thanks!

Will Mariel ever give up?

Requesting Sayori from Doki Doki Literature Club wielding a Gravity Hammer from Halo.

Attached: Sayori and gravity hammer.png (769x1052, 540K)

Doubt it.

I don't get this crossover. Too random.
im way too lazy, keep requesting.

How does Rinafag stay alive?

Requesting Shantae wearing Trigger-chan/Luluco's outfit

Attached: 1471931591735.jpg (3810x2714, 2.18M)

Requesting Sonic fighting the Egg Dragoon, preferably something involving its drill arm.

Attached: Sonic and Dragoon.png (2908x1191, 2.5M)

Attached: takehimaway.jpg (480x360, 20K)

current active prominent ones:
ether core

id put allbeatnik but the i dont want to start shit with his haters.

those arent mentioned are defunct, rarely shows up or ditched the threads such as csr, borv, jadf, teevo, setz, etc.

Setz delivered a gravity rush Kat 3 days ago

The thumb is away from the viewer, there's just one line missing under the little finger to properly indicate which way it's turned

3 days ago. that's a long time ago. summon him now and see if he responds. hes too busy to keep up with these threads.

Requesting Opera Kranz but she's 7ft tall.

Attached: 746560.jpg (1125x1920, 600K)

>3 days ago
>a long time

no wonder I always get forgotten when I usually make it more like three months between taking requests

Requesting a humaned Marina. Basically wearing an outfit similar to the right with her making peace signs, possibly with some human guys surrounding her.

OR here. That looks better than I was hoping, thank you.

Damn image didn't attach.

Attached: Marina humaned.png (2940x2040, 3.14M)

I guess it’s both games that are his favorites. So maybe that’s why?

Requesting the virgin Dimitri and the chad Claude.

Attached: Three Houses boys.png (2592x2720, 3.43M)

Hah, good thing I stuck around a bit to see whether you'd catch it. Good to hear that you enjoy it.

>id put allbeatnik
Shut up maldraw

Welch Bunnygirl, the top being a tight fit for her chest
Video reference with 3d model at the timestamp until 0:36 or
And wedding dress Welch

Attached: WelchVineyard03.png (1024x1024, 320K)

Shh, don't give it attention.

shut up iggy

Unless its not tagged at all I don't see it.

Draw Gene wearing an American Flag bikini, to celebrate PSO2's official english release

Attached: CARD-00006339.jpg (437x600, 95K)

How long do you have to draw to get on this level?

Requesting void termina in his buff owl form wearing the noid suit, with the mage sisters as vocaloids, and hyness as scott, the president of dominos

You have to break your hands first, then fuck up with resetting the bones

Rent free

Grant me death

also i forgot to put in speaky. speaky is much better than you thought its just hes really fucking lazy to get anything proper done.

Regina from Dino Crisis hiding, from the Jurassic Park Spinosaurus, behind something while reloading the Anti-Tank Rifle from DC2.

Attached: 6153adb391237563bb521bdceb58fa4b2.jpg (1863x945, 278K)


Attached: 139483627945.png (892x1106, 859K)

Remember the brawl Diddy Kong image where he was inverted cause of how annoying he was to deal with? Requesting a drawing of that.

I wanted to request shulk looking like an engineer/researcher doing engineer/researcher things

Attached: Shulk.png (374x600, 251K)

Requesting draws of Ryza's perfect ass and thighs, like bending over, climbing a ladder, doing

Attached: 1563069392467.jpg (800x800, 162K)

Requesting delinquent Daisy hitting a home run

Attached: 1548798348567.jpg (700x964, 620K)

Amelia using the SSG from Doom and slaughtering enemies or gone full-Berserker and using an axe to rip and tear

Attached: Amelia.png (720x1280, 351K)

Requesting that one cool image of the Demifiend smugly manhandling an Angel and an Oni like nothing. But Splat Tim or Judd is demifiend and Marina and Pearl or other important Chaos/Order representatives are the Angel/Oni.

Attached: FA7154BF-CCAC-4317-BA65-B53F494BE177.png (1085x608, 405K)

Like a combo of this

Attached: 3818B50A-0CFF-4528-8C5B-B296C1EA8CCF.jpg (350x493, 35K)

Requesting Chihaya Mifune trying on some lingerie and asking if it makes her boobs look big.

Attached: 7ec45b2fa30a1cff029bcf0b86bc9a47.jpg (453x800, 95K)

Foxhound Kai wearing a Canada-flag bikini

Attached: FoxhoundKai.png (912x1024, 1.15M)

and this
Also, artists’ choice if they want to make it serious if one of the agents as demifiend, or funny with splat tim

Attached: 410AFF6E-1105-4A7E-94E5-E54013DF0718.jpg (554x554, 38K) with Light Cruiser Demon, kind of like she's on a date
I'm adding in an idea like this is too

I'm up for anything else of her like giving a thumbs up or dressed up in a bunny-girl outfit

Attached: Light_Cruiser_Demon_Full.png (636x924, 681K)

Requesting her doing a downward dog pose

Attached: blade_kitten_by_gen8-d3d6auo.png (242x350, 90K)

Mecha Eli-chan eating a golden apple

Attached: Mecha-Eli-Chan_FGO.jpg (1528x2488, 1.04M)

Requesting Glowworm doing a rocket headbutt like Luigi in Smash Bros, ie could be hitting the "Commander" from the back

Attached: Glowworm.png (971x1024, 730K)

read thread rules

Cloud in a wheelchair.

Attached: 4cd94c3c4ca811c5fe7baf2bbbc4be47.jpg (222x300, 9K)

Well hope you like this dumb sketch

Attached: undyne and majima.png (2000x2000, 856K)


Arfoire wearing a cute flow-y white dress please, or dressed in nothing but a straw hat, gloves, and denim overalls and sweating from hard work.

Attached: Arfoire.jpg (684x1000, 325K)

This but the Golden Axe from the game Golden Axe.

Requesting chubby Shulk!

Attached: 38477EA5-2D4B-4BE7-8B49-E8150C0201AE.jpg (3218x1536, 787K)

Requesting Melia bathing, nude, in the Shimmering Pool (Makna Forest, Xenoblade) please

Attached: melia shimmering pool makna.jpg (1962x1302, 825K)

Today is my birthday, can I please get a picture of the Regis?

Attached: 1553570695277.png (1600x704, 2.19M)

This but with party hats.

Requesting maid (bikini-style optional) outfit Monica

Attached: Monica panther e.png (1024x605, 1.11M)

dude it's my birthday too! for another 32 minutes

Request Ken Marinaris from Zone of the Enders 2 wearing a bikini unaware that the top had come off in the water.

Attached: image104.jpg (1200x1729, 347K)

Requesting Velvet Crowe from Tales of Berseria fighting Suzuha Amane from Steins Gate, whether with any sort of weapons or not.

Attached: Velvet and Suzuha.jpg (734x596, 94K)

Requesting Airy version of Lee the World Chalice Fairy (card on the right)

Attached: Find the World Legacies.png (1310x694, 1.03M)

Requesting Mia wearing a Tapu Fini themed Kamui looking very nervous.

Attached: Mia Finiketsu.jpg (1282x1686, 361K)

I'd like a picture of the Regis celebrating Regigigas's birthday.

seaside summer Aradia please

Mephistopheles doing cocaine or meth and either shouting from a hard but good hit or seriously tweeking out, think of

Attached: Mephistopheles .png (605x749, 554K)

I don't know if someone as pale as her would be at the beach.


Requesting Azure lane Blanc raising her dress to reveal her main cannon.

Attached: Hyperdimension_03_Blanc.jpg (800x449, 181K)

no. This is gay

cowgirl Hornet and/or riding a rodeo machine

or a Hornet monstergirl

Attached: Hornet.png (984x1022, 960K)

Requesting Dominique paizuri, licking the tip, big cumshot

Attached: Dominique Baldwin.png (639x987, 375K)

You mean because of the multiple posts?
it wasnt my intention to bump my post, but I see your point. My mistake.

Requesting ecchi Mecha Miku/Fei Yen-HD

Attached: VR-014 Miku.jpg (1878x1050, 722K)

im sad draw mado pls

Requesting Hoppou's little sister in a Peng outfit.
While she has an expression of wanting to get out of it, twiddling her little flappers.
But she doesn't have the courage to ask.

Attached: Little Hoppou.jpg (2042x1024, 832K)

Goodnight drawthread!

Remember, no lewd allowed, only SFW vidya.

Why do I get the vibes of portal from "You monster."

....there needs more portal art

requesting portal related requests


Chell putting the Companion Cube into the incinerator and GLaDOS telling her she just burned the script for HL3 that was stashed inside of the Companion Cube.

Requesting this but also with Northern Water Hime (Russian Hoppo) in an emperor penguin outfit.

Attached: northern water hime.png (1753x666, 1.2M)

Goodnight bro! Also taking simple lewd requests to doodle

im going to take you out to the woods and hunt you for sport loser

Attached: 2E400E7B-AC42-4536-80F9-4F36EB819B86.jpg (297x499, 63K)

Attached: rsb.png (548x666, 103K)

Why the CP?


Thanks mate

Attached: 1435616092996.gif (194x293, 2M)


Attached: nes-link-png-8.png (1032x928, 820K)

>cross sign
censor it!

>censoring the letter t

Requesting Hoppo dressed as Island Link and hoppo (sister) as Aryll.

Attached: (1220x1108, 1.12M)

daily grind eh

She's a 1000+ year old demon :^)
Or did you mean some other CP

No, gotta do some extra hard grinding to battle fire Bonito.

the one she's eating. Why is it so happy?

>fire Bonito.
Wait what?

Attached: D_hdl3tUcAAOkEs.jpg large.jpg (301x211, 33K)

That was the request
Or is "plain pizza" even more plain than cheese pizza and I misunderstood

curry > pizza

What about curry pizza?

Requesting Tifa hugging concept art Cloud

Attached: Concept Art Cloud Tifa.jpg (1392x905, 161K)

Requesting this villager laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling and her brain is making her think about stupid shit and she can't go to sleep

Attached: 357px-AC3DS_Girl.png (357x599, 187K)

a good request

Attached: meitenkomf.png (2742x3191, 2.4M)


Requesting Jill Stingray holding her favorite Keanu Reeves plushie or nude Keanu dakimakura and a box of Cyberpunk 2077

Attached: jill stingray and her husbando and dream game.png (1418x493, 783K)

how to do we fix the loli hate in our drawthreads Yea Forums?

Making more loli request, duh!

Get these people and force them to love little girls.

Requesting Lilina getting fucked by some big bandit dicks

Attached: S_LilinaDamage.png (1684x1920, 297K)

>2 commissions this week
eh, its still money


Thats not bad for a newbie. most drawfags here had to draw for months before someone asking them for comms.

Expose them, of course.

Attached: anti loli fags.png (369x1600, 481K)

Requesting a child corrin crying at a fairy tale when the dragon gets killed.

Requesting a redraw of the reaction on the right, with Touko Fukawa from danganronpa

Attached: huh.jpg (320x300, 29K)

yea i was thinking about getting 3 comms per day and make $50 on each. should take about 6 hours to do all if im fast and talented enough. keep it up for a month and im making 4k not bad of an income especially here in the third world.

I remember when he went by bardan and drew for this place. Good to know he's stayed based


Attached: Avatar_FE14_Female.png (2469x3500, 3.15M)

>4k a month from comms
God i wish it were me

Remember, SFW vidya can be lewd, and thus, is allowed!

Attached: Lewd requesting is best.png (1200x1200, 377K)

$50 is a lot to ask for a comm though, especially if its colored. I recommend building a name for yourself and getting into projects (ideally paying ones) so that you can drum up interest in your art

>$50 is a lot to ask for a comm though
for newbies that just started and trying to make a name for themselves, sure. established artists charge $60 on average much more if they're good.
Gerph for example charges $150 for full color work and that's considered cheap for artists on his level of popularity..

good luck kid you're gonna make it.

Requesting the right image but with Sherlock Holmes from Ace Attorney

Attached: Holmes and Tokyo Dark.jpg (1744x785, 275K)


Attached: Duqj37UUYAAESfy.jpg (410x724, 49K)


Requesting characters implanted for the future.

Attached: 2019071610754.jpg (1440x2050, 962K)


Rad. gonna suck even more for people without arms.

I can see that. For artists like those I wouldn't rush a commission - I'd have to think out exactly what I want

out of the 3 kings of drawthreads past, teevo fucked up the most with only 1k followers and still charging $40 for full color comms. setz is established and borv constantly gets people offering him $100 to be pushed up in his comm que.

Lunatic is back!

Silly posting is back on the menu boys.

Attached: 1436498601779.gif (400x400, 310K)

Whos the current kings?

none. these drawthreads are filled to brim with shitposters constantly trying to remove good artists and worship absolute ngmi crab shitters.

Iggy, Lunatic, and allbeatnik

They sure aren't taking peoples money, but at least they're taking peoples hearts around here.

>putting maldraw among those super meme master b&r epic kek approved shitposters

lunatic and iggy have very based and good art worthy of bupiti's money.
allbeatnik is a fucking shit no talent drawfag and samefags replies to his deliveries.
fuck off

I mean really Albeatnik should be a status above king like a god or something.

Sauce?!!! Also silly

>worthy of bupiti's money.
I love this standard.

Attached: 76787888888.jpg (800x450, 61K)

>maldraw trying THIS hard

hey thanks for not forgetting me, but you give me too much credit

>he doesn't know Zankuro in 2019

Attached: 5816211.png (500x541, 252K)

The absolute and literal STATE of the federal constitutional monarchy of Malaysia

Why don't you ever sleep? Do you work graveyard shifts or something?

I agree, you get too much credit. You will never achieve anything, the way you are going

you need to draw harder. youre wasting your talents by doing all those Yea Forums tier doodles

playing vidya, specifically rising storm

Exactly what I needed, thank you.

Attached: 5d053d70a3b8fcd5d5af0ee3cd70c36c.jpg (840x1200, 80K)

bupiti comms every artists that are based and redpilled.

I need to figure out a drawing identity soon if I want to take this "hobby"somewhere

Attached: 1537544391278.jpg (1639x922, 98K)

Go to sleep speaky! 2:23 am is no time to play vidya! You can play later in the day or something.

Hope you are still around user, it was fun the sketch

Attached: D2ACACD2-C992-484A-8D95-B50A41332414.jpg (1418x1994, 415K)

Just take a creature or character and swap out syllables and vowels to make a new word.

Here's the thing user: I do have a name, it isn't well known outside the thread / isn't connected to a consistent artstyle and I'm probably way too deep to change it

Artists who do well for themselves change names all the time. Pie, Tim, and setz all used to go by different somewhat known names before their current ones.

>finally bought a non shit drawing table
>too creatively bankrupt to draw anything other than porn

I might just give this tablet to my sister, it's a waste of money on me.

Attached: IMG_20190716_104202.jpg (4160x3120, 2.19M)

some guy in another board asked for a toadette

Attached: rider.png (892x684, 420K)

>shitters drawing on cintiqs
are you fucking serious holy shit why

he still pops by every now and then, this being the most recent one

uhh can you give that tablet to me im allbeatnik
i promise you ill be your best friend and comrade if you do this

Not today you filthy red

Requesting Sakura from Fire Emblem Fates dressed up as Isabelle from Animal Crossing.

Attached: Request.jpg (3800x2152, 690K)

3rd cake

Attached: minerva alt swimsuit.png (1748x2910, 704K)

no fuck off

What kind of drawing tablet do you use?

Stay mad poorfag


this one. its my first tablet and all the drawings i made was on it.

>uses the cheapest wacom on the market all his life
>draws like a god
what does he mean by this

Requesting Susato Mikotoba from Ace Attorney dressed as some sort of detective, preferably with a hat and a smoking pipe.

Attached: Susato.png (160x602, 123K)

Requesting Tempura fried wakcy sacks.

Attached: h71MGTI.jpg (839x912, 78K)

Kagerou needs to put that thing down. Its probably dirty and covered in germs.

Attached: rider.png (1131x1386, 559K)

Requesting Simon Blackquill from Ace Attorney being carried through the sky/air by his bird, whether holding onto its talon/foot, or riding on its back

Attached: PW_SoJ_Simon_Blackquill.png (687x994, 327K)



Looking for drawfags who will draw as simple 4/5-panel comic for bibeogames off their steam wishlist (pic isnt really relevant but I do have these as well; my current collection is about 1000 games).

Not furry, can be or not be lewd depending if you draw lewd, mostly humans and human-liek creatures from Bloodstained

Attached: 1557989394177.png (1152x771, 479K)

Not OR, but either way it's still a really nice delivery.

Cute work, thank you!

>simple 4/5-panel comic
>mostly humans and human-liek creatures from Bloodstained
I think more drawanons including me would be interested in the idea if you elaborated what you exactly want.

Does not look that way, been posting for a while.
Link wishlisit and your past draws? I dont need it to be 1:1 on-model but some resemblance still needed. Another drawfag from bloodstained threads already refused since he could not into girls

No I mean, instead of just reposting a not-commission request keeping most details vague, just say the comic idea and someone would probably be more interested and sure I could shill

Attached: 1450193224459.jpg (590x500, 44K)

Attached: linca copy.jpg (1673x1747, 301K)

I'm looking specifically for comission rather than request.

nice tiddy

Not OR, but that's pretty neat

Need ref and one other tag if you want.

Scylla and lana

Attached: 250px-VSLana.png (250x150, 15K)

Taking lewd requests.

Attached: 1547674764354.png (247x244, 47K)

Delivery from last week's draw thread, took me a while because I scuffed couple of attempts.

Attached: purple heart.png (750x1000, 287K)

real nice work
legit too good for nepfag

Summer QP being violated by 4 male or futa co-op players (because she's a co-op boss)

Or hotdogging

Attached: summerdog.png (325x353, 86K)

I'm not a nepfag, barely even watch anime.

I meant the requester

Requesting Princess Remedy healing the sun
Or if you are a weeb, her pursuing Junko from Touhou while carrying a first aid kit or a giant syringe

Attached: Princess Remedy.jpg (1408x960, 204K)

Kali from SMT getting hate raped by humans

Attached: 7e1da53b4dd47a19f13d96f5b9ebb3a2.jpg (477x668, 41K)

request again next thread i like this request

Are you here user? Sorry that it took 6 hours to make and it look like this, you're very welcome to request again, no hard feeling from me

Attached: bea alister nemesis pose.png (946x1435, 249K)

>draws like a god

Looks like she is going to play bowling with is head

Hey bro its up

Great technique and lovely use of color. The hands are a bit small but that barely registers.

>Iggy said to check his twitter for the alien thing
>Still fucking nothing

Attached: a6oR8xm.jpg (303x285, 14K)

Kek, I still can't into hands, but somehow I got better with feet, does that mean I'm a footfag now?

Still, some drawfags are rather specific. There are one or two coming to mind who are guaranteed to bite, depending on furry or not furry, lewd or sfw, how complicated you want the scene etc.

I see. Is Yea Forums still obsessed with Neptunia like it was few years ago? I only browses /int/ nowadays.
Ah shit, you're right.

He's probably sleeping right now, chill

not overly so, the waifu-game market is saturated enough that the neps don't stand out as much

rent free

the wait is on then

I requested the plain slice and you are right I just meant cheese which you did right. Thank you for making it

Requesting this but with punished snake as kojumbles

Attached: 30D88CA2-2672-4BEA-9978-56406873996F.jpg (480x640, 34K)

OR here. Thank you!

is someone here willing to draw my

Here, enjoy


sorry i zoned out

do you have a twitter that we can follow

Requesting Ibuki Mioda from Danganronpa dressed as Mayuri Shiina from Steins Gate

Attached: Ibuki and Mayuri.png (1621x1276, 2.05M)

>newbie artist with only 100 followers on twitter is getting comms left and right
>i have 2k followers and been on twitter for 2 years and last time i did a com was 7 months ago for $10
its so unfair bros

Attached: based autist.png (320x450, 6K)

Post your work.

That dog could use bigger boobs

Dog? That's a Finnish autism lion.

>tfw calm and silence will always be associated with autism
tuntuu aika pahalta

Well, that lion could use bigger boobs

nice i like

Is he actually good at drawing?

No, only Sw*des have big boobs.

>It’s actually a homo lion
That’s cool I guess

do you do comms

Join the club.

You are thinking of Mikko, the boy. Mimmi is the girl. Mimmi is MS Paint, Mikko is anime.
No, but I do draw thread requests. Looking to do another purple themed character now.

Attached: cringe homo.png (432x500, 111K)

>Looking for dem purple characters

Attached: Rain.gif (207x210, 14K)

simon's WIP get it

Attached: rider.png (1074x995, 307K)

good one


Yuri from Doki Doki Literature Club holding up a book/spellbook, dressed as some sort of mage or general spellcaster

Attached: Yuri_Illustration.png (436x1045, 363K)

>good drawfag
>dont do comms

Endless Space request.

Requesting Horatio having sex with femHoratio to breed more Horatios.

Attached: endless-space-2-horatio-update-horatio-leader (1).jpg (890x501, 119K)

Hot lord, user, don't do this to me. I'm already melting in this heat. A super hot delivery, thanks a million buddy, i appreciate it a lot and glad you enjoyed doing it too

Requesting Fia (left) and Cierra (right) showing off their swimsuits to the viewer.

Attached: 9DC75EBA-51C7-4628-8092-EE8FA7211500.png (1000x657, 443K)

You faggot recently got something

Quacho Queen happily cradling an egg, hers and Lann's egg
Also I wanna see Quacho Queen wearing a white mage robe, hood up.

I'd love to see QQ like that, big tits and all, to try and appeal to Lann.

Attached: 1556357006703.gif (311x392, 1.65M)

You also got your cheerleader stuff, why you niggers have to be so fucking thirsty

Lookin' good!

Do you see a cheerleader being asked for?


Attached: Videogames.png (593x597, 140K)

Any requests for a girl sucking a big dick?

I know, but I had this request for a while.

Requesting Kay Faraday from Ace Attorney dressed as Magilou from Tales of Berseria, or vice versa

Attached: Kay and Magilou.png (680x625, 343K)

>tfw accidentally polished a turd
I wish I was better at drawing

Read those, and read the post you replied to.

Requesting a maid Heles please

Attached: heles.png (775x768, 253K)

Attached: 8A56D590-54E4-4BA2-B319-EC0FE8BA9CF0.jpg (1268x832, 230K)

Firis loves big meat!

Attached: Firis_Mistlud.png (614x1102, 766K)

That's Rivierafag, he's been around spamming his endless bikini requests of Riviera & Pokemon characters for a bit now. He's really greedy and doesn't care.

Airy sucking semen out of an oversized dick, straight from the dickhole.
Just like breastfeeding but instead with cum.
Lots of sperm dripping from her mouth, making a mess all over her.

Attached: Airy3.jpg (744x967, 105K)

servicing Toan

Attached: Xiao.png (190x300, 19K)

Requesting an Empoleon dressed up as the Hero Prinny from Disgaea.

Attached: Empoleon Prinny!.png (1092x700, 422K)

requesting musume ronshaku bullying a disgusting nerd, posting on lolcow, or quote-RTing some clown to make fun of them

Attached: 4E3408EE-5093-4024-B427-4C50C4FDE0CA.jpg (1920x2560, 856K)

Beautiful! The face on the pillow is really cute


Attached: rider.png (1103x1036, 674K)

Very nice!

Marie, while her spit oozes onto her tits

Attached: 1561943188918m.jpg (724x1024, 85K)


Attached: 17D07125-5D93-4DBB-8F66-5610C607E838.jpg (899x639, 140K)

Hey Rider, you should anchor your stuff so people see it more often. As in reply to (along with whatever you want) when you have art to post.

Taking new requests

Of course user, of course

Requesting Dhelmise in the pixelated style of Red/Blue.

Attached: 600px-781Dhelmise - Charmander_Pixelated.png (1078x648, 263K)

While she is sleeping

Attached: Chlorica_Normal.png (198x413, 126K)


Very cute purple

Why is that tuna so fat

Attached: 1563156087824.gif (250x250, 3.11M)

Yaia is very cute and silly.

That’s it, requesting butt fucking.

dammit i dont think i can take another commission

Excellent stuff, thank you!

Something broke?

its funny really after youve finished a comm going back to drawing whatever you want feels like a blessing
i dunno why the comm wasnt even that hard

okey ill do that next time thanks

requesting akuma dabbing on claw

Attached: svcdialogue.png (1263x672, 162K)

God bless smug SVC Akuma and his mad bantz.

game is a goldmine

Attached: ponce.png (1355x611, 1.33M)


Requesting Lyn from Fire Emblem cosplaying as Kasumi from DOA.

Attached: 1548365077543.png (1890x1011, 1.53M)

Shion from Akiba's Trip

Attached: Shion Kasugai.jpg (2154x1204, 675K)


Attached: 1546109393892.jpg (675x900, 136K)

post the bee one
i connect more with that

Is Yae from Goemon purple enough?

Attached: YAEANI.jpg (512x692, 101K)


Requesting this wideload struggling to walk through a door frame.

Attached: battleship_fullview.png (800x987, 922K)

Isnt that just Noire

Erina from Rabi-Ribi.

Attached: maxresdefault-5.jpg (1280x720, 168K)

It is her. She was in an Azure lane crossover.

Attached: partylview.png (900x1000, 814K)

cute kangaroo

Not OR, but thank you for drawing such a lovely Neptune.

Requesting a femanon in a wedding dress bridal carrying a tuxedo-clad Alex
Bonus if she's giving him a smooch on the cheek

Attached: alexref.jpg (1400x1496, 799K)

Leave me alone

Attached: 1562818882280.jpg (640x640, 36K)

more tiddies

here i fixed it..

Attached: rider.png (982x809, 178K)


Attached: longproko.jpg (1000x608, 43K)

Ok but where the drawings at

I was ordered to finish some WIP drawings today but now I just want to start drawing something new even more.
aaaaaaaaaaaaa why must this be so hard

Shut up and draw

Attached: 1563278442754.jpg (396x396, 28K)

>letting others dictate what you draw

>110 followers before posting link
>123 followers after posting link

make that 124

Shilling on Yea Forums drawthreads is like shilling your shit inside a black hole. Nobody here really cares.

Those will translate into maybe one like more per average on their art.

You mean just like if you were employed professionally as an illustrator, concept artist or any other viable profession that has to do with drawing?

12 of those 13 are other drawfags

wait until he notices that 90% of these are other drawfags because they all follow each other

The UN is even worse
Theyre obsessed with how "wrong" the objectification of women in japan is and how they sexualize lolis but numurous offices, around the would have been caught with 3D cp and sharing it with other workers. Multiple fucking times

Its almost like the most anti loli people are overcompensating

you just gotta find the right people
when i just started I had numerous furfags willing to pay me to draw their OC and believe me I was not at an acceptable level at the time

This. It's so sad.

not the artist but i found this in some Yea Forums thread and thought it'd fit
god i fucking love lammy

Attached: 1563281523592.png (394x635, 14K)

which right people?

Nobody will ever believe how true that is. It's plain fact.

Attached: 1559958880103.png (1132x594, 355K)

I know which thread was that
Really nice lammy

furries are generally willing to pay a lot but then you have to draw furry
Theres other fetishes or niches that have a lot of demand but not a lot of supply.
just of the top of my head, tickling, feet, monstergirls
furries are the most extreme example

But if you dont enjoy doing it it will get tiresome fast.

I mean, if you want maximum farce, look no further than the Saudi Arabian ambassador being the chair of the UN human rights commission advisory committee

teach me how to start? which website or threads do i have to go to introduce myself?
is there a guide
the furry one please

>Realized pose for drawing looks like shit
>Can't change it to make it better since not good enough yet
It hurts

sketch multiple versions of it independently and pick the best, it's a good exercise

I draw for fun

Very nice nep. Though her hands seem a bit tiny.

Good practice for it would be drawing some for free.
Like drawing Rouge the bat strapped into a milking machine that's harvesting milk from her swollen breasts, while also harvesting cum from her huge veiny cock and balls, with a tube pumping it back into her own mouth.

Attached: 1527815267003.png (705x1000, 466K)

followers arent important. getting people to be interested in comms and donating to you are much better. you can have 200k followers but your comms are still 20 bucks each and 2 hits per month there is no use. youre just a meme eceleb at that point.

remove the futa and this is a great request

where to post that work? are there threads on Yea Forums with huge amount of people who are interested in it?
how do you get noticed

>you can have 200k followers but your comms are still 20 bucks each and 2 hits per month there is no use
Said artist tend to have patreon accounts and similar shit which gives them a shit ton of money for less work than a commission.

here in this very thread. /aco/ and /trash/ also have large active drawthreads

>/trash/ large active drawthread
Nice one m8 legit laugh right here

k009 deleted his patreon after realizing hes only making $40 a month on it despite his stuff being massively popular and he got thousands of watchers on dA

Fuck this
I'm going to draw for Yea Forums
They seem more civilized

No surprise, his art looks pretty unappealing and like the sort of thing that becomes popular only for cheap laughs which doesn't really entice people to waste money on such stuff.

he also reported he only get 2 comms per month each selling at $60, full color work with full bg.

>another generic comic artist patreon
When will people learn patreon money comes from porn artists?


you know how the old saying goes, sex does not sell

You have the exact same retard beggars there

New thread

Attached: floating shades.png (492x362, 211K)

Really doesn't matter, I came here to look for ideas, I get most of my followers from selling out on Twitter and I go to /int/ to have fun.

Attached: finnish autism lion47.png (1100x840, 35K)

Most porn artists can draw only generic crap too
Drawing porn is like easy mode. I drunkenly decided to post couple of my NSFW works to pixiv (after refraining from posting them anywhere for months) and they scored upwards of 100 likes despite actually being pretty shitty while my real content hardly gets 5 likes.

Tell me how it goes.

Attached: AE97E3F5-0B74-4097-A7AE-CF2D367746ED.jpg (300x250, 10K)

Have you done America, Mexico or Canada?


You will eventually get fed up with all the bullshit that goes down here.

im gonna draw that dog and get furry bux

America, yes.

Attached: ebony and ivory.png (1200x1200, 54K)

Leaf and taco when

Would fuck.

>black girl and red head girl duo
unironically based

It's a lion, from Finland's coat of arm.

These are pretty damn cute.

wow even the lions are autistic in finland

>128 now
Not bad.

Any low-expectation dying thread requests?

Me playing fetch with this dog

Attached: 1562725125012.jpg (650x700, 57K)

So what's the most expensive thing you commissioned?

Don't do it, that's dunkfag

Like a couple hundred dollar mermaid pic.

I've never commissioned anyone, but I have been commissioned for around $300.

Private comission from Genzoman for a personal project. Cost me $750


Attached: 2025.png (608x1440, 566K)

Your project was about oil, right?

haha wee


Why? Fish shuck.

I think they're cute. Plus now I wanna have a pic of one shucking oysters.

Ill draw it for for only 749

I'm too fuckin poor. I need to wage slave for cheaper artists like awono