Most iconic couple

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Other urls found in this thread:

Makoto Yuki and Yukari Takeba
Yu Narukami and Yukiko Amagi
Ren Amamiya and Makoto Niijima

Why does Tidus have brown hair?


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Cloud x Aerith

/ss/ is GOAT

Ah so this is the power of SS

because the artist is trying to self insert for some reason

I'm just here for SHOTAed

where the loli version of this?

what is up with the decolored hair part on everyone? It looks bad

this and also if they're /bbs/

/ss/ is an abomination please do NOT post anymore

I think similar features by melissa etheridge is the definitive tifa/cloud song.

The jewels wrapped around your figure refers to materia.

the whole song is about falling in love with a person similar in appearance to your real love, and it's also about mental illness.

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It makes Tifa look bald

Because he does have brown hair in the flashbacks.


is that spike

Delusional Tifafags. when will they learn she's not the main girl?

not being main girl doesn't change the reality of ff7's story
your bitch dies and cloud plows tita

It's called a yarmulke you antisemite

they will never see the truth

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I wonder who's more delusional.
Aeris seeing another man in cloud and play pretend it's Zack until she dies
Or Tifa being the reason Cloud keeps going, as said in the lifestream.

>pretend it's Zack
play the game and pay attention

Cloud loves Aerith. Sorry Tifakeks.

Why is tifa wearing a jew hat?

>not pitctured Rosa, the only female love interest who actually gets to marry the protagonist and concieves a child with him

All you fanficcers are just salty.

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Can have I a link to this artist account? Is he active on twitter or pixiv?

I think the idea is that these are their sons?

Did you play the game? Kid Tidus has brown hair. Adult Tidus bleaches it.

Based, Cecil and Rosa are great

>not aigis
>not his harem
>not the used goods teacher

His hair is sunbleached/chems in the water

Post more /ss/

Yuna makes a nice mommy but rikku is the better wife.

But seriously, when is Square gonna make a mainline FF where the guy gets genuinely the girl in the end with marriage and all? All these times we got teenage dramas that went nowhere or at best marriages that were sabotaged before they could even begin.

From Ape Escape yes

FF XV was going there but nope!


two types of people in this world. those who can do that finger whistle and those who can't

Considering the original draft was supposed to be based on Hamlet, i was never convinced Noctis would have been able to conclude positively his romance story. I was just hoping it would have not turned out like the final product.

you should play lufia 2

FF? More like SS

That game took me completely by surprise with ''that part'', i don't even want to put it in spoiler text

Why dey all wearin yarmulkes

I can't

>Cloud and Tifa
Where the fuck this meme came from?

self-inserts wanna fuck the titcow



>Ren Amamiya and Makoto Niijima
>Most iconic couple
Bruh Makoto is barely in any ads for P5 and Atlus always pairs Joker with Ann. its clear who Atlus ship

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You shut your fucking mouth

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imagine getting cucked by your own sister. being so revolting that he would rather get a older more caked up version of you

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Why did the artist made them jewish.