how many GOTY awards will The Last of Us Part II win?
How many GOTY awards will The Last of Us Part II win?
Why did they waste time modeling that schnozz instead of her rack?
nobody's played it yet you fucking sperg
> The Last of Us (249 GOTY Awards)
> Grand Theft Auto V (146 GOTY Awards)
It will probably win at least 400 this time, since it doesn't have GTA to compete with. Unless BOTW 2 comes out
breasts are problematic and triggering
because normal people don't have crippling autism, go back to your carer
Lesbians working on the game don't want little boys to get boners.
All of them
>nobody's played it yet you fucking sperg
>implying that fucking matters when it has critic bait all over it
Retard detected.
Cyberpunk, Death Stranding, Final Fantasy 7.
I don't feel BOTW 2 will be as big a deal since it is essentially a very big expansion pack to the previous game. TLOUpt2 is going to be built from the ground up for hardware a generation apart from the last.
But as said it will have very steep competition regardless. (Death Stranding will release in 2019 so it will be in the running for awards in 2019 mostly)
Why does it look like her right quads are bigger than her left?
bigger priorities
>says this while on Yea Forums
*watched it
Normal people don't work in the games industry. Its full of weirdos. I work in the Pharmaceutical Industry and there are no sjw type people whatsoever working for these companies.
Whoever greenlit TLOU2 needs to be taken out behind the studio and beaten to within an inch of their life. They've taken an extremely well-crafted story about a man seeking redemption and a young girl seeking salvation and turned it into a story about hatred, sexuality and gender-politics. And I'm not even talking about the story of the game, I'm just talking about the story of the game's development.
TLOU2 is the second-worst kind of sequel. It's one that not only didn't need to be made, but making it actually takes away from the game that came before. It exists purely because the first game was so incredibly popular that Sony and Naughty Dog absolutely HAD to capitalize on the success for as much profit as possible.
Will TLOU2 be a good game? No clue. Will TLOU2 be a game I'm even remotely interested in? Not a chance. If I want to recapture the amazing experience that was The Last of Us...I'll replay that game. No need to spend money just to watch Sony and Naughty Dog piss all over something I enjoyed.
How can someone have huge titties and no curves at the same time? She's like a rectangle with tits
If you think you don't work with any weirdos, you're the weirdo. Sorry dude, that's just how it is.
I know Yea Forums loves to shit on gta v because it's popular, but this was a fucking disgrace. Babby's first soap opera beating out a technological feat with a shit ton of detail was pandering
Knowing how fucked awards go the game will win awards it has no right to win. Like best Strategy and RPG.
I’m a lawyer who works with the pharmaceuticals industry. I agree they aren’t very weird!
GTAV was a disappointment. I don't care about 'muh technology'.
Who even is this girl. I'm oddly attracted to her.
She's cute though.
I don't care how much Yea Forums shitposts about this game. They will never convince me that he giant nose is unattractive.
It happens all the time. Why would Big tits guarantee a nice rest of the body?
kikes are disgusting
>It will probably win at least 400 this time, since it doesn't have GTA to compete with. Unless BOTW 2 comes out
Who cares 5 yeast later GTAV was more relevant. Awards don't mean shit
She's denounced the accusation of jewish heritage, and has identified as italian.
Besides. I don't care how anti semitic you are. Doesn't change the fact that she's cute.
TLOU is more popular on Reddit, And Reddit is arguably the most popular website in the world. So by default it's more relevant
Yeah for real
Italians have big noses too
Facebook, YT, and Google all have way more traffic
Reddit isn't even top 10
Only because the whale-hunting multiplayer.
Reddit is 11th
she is jewish
many italians are jewish
>Besides. I don't care how anti semitic you are.
Yes you do you fucking kike.
Her nose is more Greek than Jewish. She hot regardless.
>interactive movie winning 100 more awards than GTA V
This is proof that these "GOTY" awards are bullshit
dude we know, Dragon Age Inquisition and The Witcher3 won those shitty awards too.
>many italians are jewish
What retard logic is this
Many Americans are also jewish
>not wanting to see your semen draped across some Jewish slut's beak
Why is Yea Forums so gay?
all of them
absolutely disgusting
I'm calling it now, it'll suck.
Look at those ape hands
The majority of the stuff shown in the trailer will likely not be in the game like the first. Not like it matters since your average "gamer" revels in eating shit.
>woman has a big nose
>gets bigger airbag boobs to stop running into things with their nose
Dios mio... La narizona
oh gawd khazar milkers
It'll be given every award possible and then promptly forgotten by the gaming world about as fast as the first one. Not even r/gaming brings TLoU up to any regular degree.
>monitoring reddit enough to notice trends
I'm guessing you have the Part II pre-ordered and are properly dilated yes?
Anything that makes men happy is bad.
No, I don't play shit games. That should be pretty apparent when I called TLoU a forgettable title.
She's unironically cute.
>that nose
With Jews, YOU lose.
>Reddit that high
>go and check Yea Forums
>high 300s, 4channel is double that
what's her instagram
she's got a big shnozz but it's straight, she's not a jewess
Damn, that’s somebody’s daughter.
But it could be your wife
My mom says we are important
La creatura. Wish she did porn.
That's because your industry makes moneypigs out of those weirdos instead.
lmao at least it has gameplay compared to TLOA which is basically walking forward between cutscenes
75% of Italians are roman catholic