Heh, you might've win this round banjokes, but guess what? My reign of terror has just barely started...

Heh, you might've win this round banjokes, but guess what? My reign of terror has just barely started. The grand shitposting carried out by fellow Stevefriends will be thoroughly remembered but their efforts were not in vain as you can only guess we're coming to DOMINATE the next Smash roster! Winter is coming and all of you faggots be better prepared for it.

>vacant 2 DLC's
Not really important.
>hiaus between the next Smash game
Hmm, hmm. I'm on it.
>the next Smash roster
You can count me in!

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just stop

fuck off

It's over Steve. You're an abomination and must be erased.

Why did steveposting universally die after banjo was revealed? Theres still 2 more slots.

Steve, we all know that your posters are just teenage zoomers who grew up with Minecraft and desperately want to be accepted

Because it was never about Steve getting in, it was just about Banjo not getting in.

To be fair, Minecraft is the best zoomer game.


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I like Minecraft and Im cool with Steve...

but please PLEASE stop posting images of this disgusting model. You have so many fucking pictures to represent Minecraft but you fuckers had to ruin EVERYTHING by using this ugly ass render.

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mmmm yesss.... what a delicious character slot

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because the microsoft spot was already taken and watching the tourists from discord seethe at the prospect of minecraft in smash was half of the fun of steveposting

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>nincels STILL don't get the point of steveposting

Yeah, we'll probably get two microsoft reps if there's a Smash 6 without any cuts.

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>unironically thinking they'll enter the license hell again to keep up the "everyone is here" shit for smash 6
tendies laugh at cutfags right now, but they'll come out on top when smash will get inevitably rebooted and rosterfagging will become more intense than ever

Yeah, third party wise I'm sure that Sonic, Megaman and Pacman will be around still. Ryu probably going to return too but up in the air for all the other third parties.

steve, let me ask you a question.
do you want to have a bad time?
because if you keep on posting, you're really not goinna like what's gonna happen.

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That is implying Nintendo would actually bother rebooting it tho. I really doubt that will happen, most realistic scenario is that Smash 6 will just be a port of Ultimate. But as of means to keep the allusion that its a new game it will
>Have the characters introduced to Smash Ultimate as DLC as part of the base game.
>Add in at least 8 more characters like Waluigi(lets be real he's a definite shoe in for Smash 6), Geno, Dixie Kong, Shantae, a new IP character, Isacc, Shadow the Hedgehog, and probably some surprise retro character such as Excite Bike guy.
>Have slightly refurbished mechanics and a story mode.
>Be retitled to something dumb like "Super Smash Brothers Champions" or "Super Smash Brothers Infinite".

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