Day number 163 without Red Dead Redemptions 2 on PC

Day number 163 without Red Dead Redemptions 2 on PC...

I've started taking... desperate measures.

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user, you just have to accept that you need to join the PC + PS4 masterrace, you cant just have one or the other.

PS4 for all the big budget Triple A games and games that are dead on PC
PC for indies, mods, and better performance

Surely it'll come someday, just gotta have faith

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You better take that back op, fist full of fags is one of the best fps ever made.

And the community is more red pilled than tf2 pre f2p

the game is fucking terrible man. im serious when i say it has some of the worst controls and gameplay i have ever experienced. it plays like absolute dogshit. i am not kidding. even simple actions like walking up to a room upstairs feel excruciating. you won't believe it, but you'll see what i mean when you play it

If you want an open world cowboy game so bad just play Gun

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Pass the whiskey

Who cares, this game is a movie.


*runs towards you*

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>tfw got banned from every active server for abusing bhopping+break rifle
Fun while it lasted at least

This game is a ton of fun.
Killing everyone with the tiny two shot woman gun was great.

ps4 is dead
wait for PS5 and retrocompatibility

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>30 fps

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>Playing a game at 30fps when it launches on console
>Possibly playing a game at 60fps 3 years post launch on PC

The industry is dominated by consoles user, its a sad fate but its what it is.

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Nobody is actually concerned about RDR 2 coming to PC. Cuckstar is going to port it to PS5/Xbox4 then PC just like GTAV to get people to at least double, if not triple, dip on it. The sad part is it'll work. Again.

Red dead is shit OP. Modern open worlds are shit. Skyrim and gtaV etc suffer from the same kind of cancer. It’s basically a very limited sandbox made on a shit engine where very little is designed as a complete thought out scenario to be experienced by the player. You make it all up and the points don’t matter