Classes are gender-locked

>classes are gender-locked

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I don't wanna play as a female pastor.

a female cant be a bishop

>Genders have different max levels

Fuck Tera Online for this BS

Fuck you Blacked Desert

>cleric is a loli
>her underwear is see-through lingerie that gets patched later on
>she's actually pretty good at soloing

aika was a cool game

>all of the fun classes are locked to fanservice and pedobait races
I just want to play an old man

>female character
>int bonus

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>quest disappears forever before you meet the requirements to accept it
What the fuck fable

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>Dark Mage

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I think I remember this game, what is its name? I have been thinking about it as of late

I think a sorceress is generally female to be fair


aika online, it had little fairies called prans

>Character is by all means a tomboy
>People are impressed to discover the character is a girl
>One of the few personality types you cannot get naturally for the character is Tomboy

>Classes are race restricted.
>Quests are class restricted
I was never able to get a Monster Tamer seeq in FFTA so some quests were left undone.

That is the one, I remember it was a bit hilarious that of all characters the one who had visible nipples was the cleric.

yeah, it was great
god bless
I hear they patched it out after I stopped playing though, shame

>character creation affects gameplay
i want to make a game where if you play as a female sorceress, the larger breasts she has the more mana she has in reserves.

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I want you to kill yourself and stop having game devs put shit designs in for horny faggots like you

>classes are gender-locked
>changing a character's class changes their gender
>you can change your subordinates' classes
>and force them into romances

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Have fun playing your generic AAA cookie cutter game that looks identical from every other AAA game on the market. That'll be $59.99 plus tax please

>Subby little twink white mage and big rough tough berzerker lass

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i just want to play a female character that wears male clothes

>classes technically aren't genderlocked, but they play completely differently to the point where they might as well be

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>sorceress in BDO
>melee dark caster
>absolutely sick concept
>outright feels the best to play imo
>no male version
>forced to look like a cuck trying to play waifu dressup

Always felt this kind of love/hate feeling of BDO in general.
>combat is actually pretty nice for what it is
>pvp is a fucked mess due to fundamental flaws of retarded upgrade grind and pay to win/compete (mandatory pets and outfits)
>lack of pve content (ai is dumb as bricks, only world bosses break the lull of mowing down mindless mooks)

Hey Jason. Congrats on being the best game journalist. I'm sure everyone is proud of you.

Further amplified by the graphics. The world looks amazing when you're just standing around, but good luck moving around even on a low tier horse with all the pop ins.

It all has the makings of something great but the Korean MMO aspects start taking over the more time you sink in.

Aren't Brawlers available to popori now?

>female necromancer


too little too late


based but also cringe
It's only bad when literally every design is for horny faggots

just make it sorcerer then

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>Character starts out looking young and innocent, but their design becomes more mature and sexualized as they level

>the healsluts are female
what's the problem?

Dude character designers do what they do because they like it, not to appease the masses

The best character designs are people in full armor, regardless of gender

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I love them so much

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There was literally zero reason for the chaos Chosen to be gender-locked. If anything chaos is supposed to be the more egalitarian, all are equal under the gods.

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Sex sells. It always has and always will. What's the oldest profession? Figure it out lil bruises.

Dungeon Fighter Online's been trying to do better about that, but they outright make some of the female versions of classes leagues better than the males.

Fuck you, Neople. Make male crusaders great again.

don't mslayer and mfighter completely shit on the female counter parts though? mmage was also either completely worthless or absurdly broken depending on the subclass, although it's been a while since I've played the game
I remember the gunners being roughly equal