what are some vidya franchises that died too soon?
What are some vidya franchises that died too soon?
Other urls found in this thread:
Vampire Savior.
Silent Hill.
Those are probably two franchises where I would pick up a new game even if it was dogshit.
decap attack
Bloody Roar
Max Headroom
Quit posting this dead roastie on here and go back to /r9k/ please.
Everything made by Bullfrog.
Evil Zone died a week later after its release, its so underratted it has not a sequel nor a fanbase.
kek but based
post dead pics pls
Dead Space
Several Megaman series.
Legends and ZX both ended in cliffhangers after their second entry.
Been waiting for those conclusions since 2000 and 2007.
Rocket Knight Adventures. We got a Sparkster sequel but then whatever that abortion on PS3/360 was.
that's just bad karma, m8
So which one of you retards slit this bitch
who dat she cute
Jet Set Radio
still not justification for her death and you’re a faggot if you think she deserved to die.
*drops knife on the floor seductively*
post it
I know this is a meme thread but unironically the Condemned franchise
What did /r9k/ do this time?
have you played psycho fox on master system? it's the spiritual predecessor to that.
got an innocent white girl killed by a dumb spic
she didn't deserve it but if you're going to be that much of an insufferable bitch to everyone around you, it's bound to bite you in the end
so did she deserve it?
incel rose up and killed the e-girl he was orbiting and posted a pic of it on her discord
An attentionwhore pissed off one of her orbiters and he killedher . Guy posted her dead body in a discord server. He nearly beheaded her.
I've been on Yea Forums long enough to know that "what are some games" is code for "this is a poorly veiled off topic thread." So what is this thread actually about, since it's obviously not about video games? Presumably it's about that girl, so what did she do? Did she kill herself, did she ruin her career prematurely in some way, did she start doing porn? What's the story?
>The beta uprising is real
>my ultimate fetish is to die
NOLF. RIP Cate Archer.
>white knighting retarded and dead e-thots
lmao holy soi
Type in "r9k bianca devins" into Google and go to the kiwifarms thread
Absolute degenerate
Why didn't she overpower him? I thought women were strong and incels were weak?
Rhythm Thief.
Kind of it’s own fault ‘cuz some of the shit had nothing to do with rhythm.
no. but you cant just treat people like shit and not expect nothing to happen to you
>.hack//Legend of the Twilight
>.hack//AI buster
>.hack//AI buster 2
>.hack//Epitaph of Twilight
>.hack//G.U. Rebirth
>.hack//G.U. Reminisce
>.hack//G.U. Redemption
>.hack//Guilty Dragon
>.hack//G.U. Returner
>.hack//The Movie
>it died too soon
She was literally a sociopath
>constantly fuck with deranged idiots on the internet for drug money and attention
>get murdered by someone you mocked and manipulated
How could this happen?
Incels are weakminded
what did she do?
Unless she killed someone she didn't deserve to die, edgelord.
>murderer was a drug dealer
>she was a sociopath
Any proof?
Lost Planet
Magic & Mayhem
Trenched/Iron Brigade
But the incel defeated the thot
She literally sent nudes to men, then blackmailed them for money because she was underaged and threatened to go to the cops if they didn't pay
Look at the kiwifarms thread. There are archive posts from r9k of her telling guys that she was flat out manipulating them for attention.
wonder if she got off to the stab wound in the neck right before death claimed her
Plenty, and not the kind that's up to interpretation unless it's literally all fabricated, which isn't the case according to the people who knew her.
I'm not spoonfeeding you though.
And? Assholes deserve to be treated like assholes, but you can't kill someone just because they're a bad person.
>Silent Hill.
There are eight mainline Silent Hill games and multiple spin offs. And most of them are shit. It didn't die too soon, it died far too late. It was already an utter shit franchise 10 years before they stopped making games for it.
thats jail wothy, not death worthy
Whores lives have no value
There was probably a moment where she realized that she's actually not into her garbage fantasy at all and was just a dumbass.
She was mentally ill underageb& that successfully baited an also mentally ill dude into killing her by pressing all of the buttons you would to trigger /r9k/. He then posted her corpse on discord.
What are some websites where mods rangeban redditors who make offtopic threads?
You can always tell when Yea Forumsmblr posters are around when they jump at first opportunity to white knight a roastie
She literally said she didn't like it you absolute brainlet
Call of Duty
Resident Evil
Final Fantasy
Street Fighter
So the typical woman?
>you can't kill someone just because they're a bad person.
you literally can, and it happens all the time, like this very case for example. what you actually meant with your opinion is that you "shouldn't" kill someone just because they're a bad person.
The lives of anyone born after 1950 have no value.
You have done nothing but consume, and you have nothing in your life aside from consuming.
Seething incel
Have sex
Clearly there aren't any.
she's not gonna fuck you in the afterlife, incel retard
>typical woman
>coming to Yea Forums
Those are only Amerimutts, and Americans are lesser beings.
image related
It was a good game and I have no idea how it didn't sell at all.
she might have ben a slut, but selling nudes and sleeping with a lot of guys doesn't mean she deserved to die, and it certainly doesnt mean she's a sociopath
men sleep with multiple girls in a single day and we all approve and wish to be able to do the same and never once we say a guy like this is a sociopath, it's not different if a girl does it.
Same goes for making fun and using incels, alpha males do it all the time and we call them chads, especially when they make fun of the girl who thought he loved them.
she might have been a manipulative whore, still didn't deserve to die.
and if an incel can't stand the idea of being manipulated by women to the point of killing one, it's nothing but his fault and there is literally 0 faults on her side, the same we never attribute faults to a man who does the same shit she did.
Hating women? Sure, i hate them too
Thinking they have it easy? Sure they do
Attention whores? Hell yes.
Deserving to die for this? No, and if you think differently you're the sociopath.
Good, beta orbiters need to get BTFO.
I hope everyone who followed that bitch end up with their neck cut just like her.
yeah, fantasies usually suck when brought into reality.
girl who got murdered by her stalker and now is being used as a starter to a thinly disguised shitpost thread on Yea Forums
European women fuck refugees and hold up airplanes trying to deport rapists. Don't even start eurofag.
The lack of self awareness here has reached a level where noy only a 4channeler, not only a frogposter, but a Yea Forumsedditor, is calling others virgins lmao.
This website is the biggest concentration of subhuman virgins on the internet.
Thanks for the grammar lesson, but you still haven't made a case for why she deserved to die. Or for why assholes deserve to die. My "opinion" is one accepted and shared by the vast majority of the human race so I like to think it holds a little bit of merit.
Why does Hiro insist on having /r9k/? It's nothing but cesspool.
i'm not saying that she deserved it, i'm saying if you treat a large amount of people like disposable trash, something bad was bound to happen
no one "deserves" anything but you should reconsider your priorities if you're going to mourn such a blatant piece of garbage
And let me guess American, your proof is a bunch of cherrypicked webms and pics, but no actual stats, am I right?
After all, the American creature is a rabid dog who lives on confirmation bias.
I wish they deleted it and allowed them here just to see your reaction
welcome to earth life. its not like your CW shows. humans are animals and you need to not forget that. you NEED to not forget that. no amount of programming will make the world the way you want it.
It's a containment board
And in America even the far right are a bunch of racemixing, anti-white subhumans.
And lets not forget that the US has a huge hand in sabotaging Europe.
The USA is the biggest enemy western civilization has ever faced, the biggest traitors in human history.
>it's nothing but his fault
You're judging on the premise that these are both mentally stable people.
They aren't.
You don't put a snake on trial for biting a human because a snake doesn't have any real agency, especially if the person who got bit just jumped right into a fucking snake den.
its cute that you think getting into debates will change the world. you sound like a Californian
>allowed them here
Why would they come here?
It isn't deleted yet you're already here. Fuck off and use the appropriate boards for the appropriate content. Only uncultured swine can't follow simple rules and posting etiquette.
I was actually hoping she would die soon and your post is such a relief
Thanks for being the bearer of good news, white knight, I guess we can always count on you after all
I think that a franchise that died too quick was... wait a minute. That picture, these posts. This isn't video games! Hang on just a minute here. This is NOT video games AT ALL!
Damn, generally I sympathize with incels but that's pretty fucked. She didn't deserve that, man.
What, you want even more threads in Yea Forums and Yea Forums of idiots talking endlessly about women, how they are all whores and how they totally don't care about them despite seething at them at the least opportunity?
None anymore because any beloved game series has since been dug up for the purposes of releasing a disappointing sequel that neither new or old fans like. Dying too soon would be a luxury for these franchises, rather than being dug up, desecrated, and then posed as living
Baldur's Gate ... oh wait
Well no shit whites are obsessed with the US, your objective is to kill all whites.
She deserved to die because she was a manipulative sociopath purposely creating nothing but harm and damage in the world, also because she literally wanted to be murdered and expressed this many times.
Its a double edge sword as are most containment boards. On one hand it serves the purpose of having the pathetic people who want to be sad and hate women in one place where they will stay. On the other hand it gives mentally ill people the chance to meet more mentally ill people who will enable a bad lifestyle and possibly turn people who werent like them in the beggining like them.
>triggered europoors
lmao your governments give your replacements pamphlets on how to fuck your women and you don't have the balls (or the guns) to do anything about it.
Rent free. The future is brown.
she was asking for it tbph
curious how men do this all the time with both women and other men yet nothing bad happens to them due to it
normal humans don't kill each other for these idiotic reasons, those who do are not normal
No, im judging on the premise set by these comments that if a girl is a slut and treats others like shit then she's not mentally stable, but if a man does the exact same thing we look at him in awe and admiration aspiring to be like him and never once we consider him mentally unstable.
he was mentally unstable, she wasnt, as much as a man who does the same shit she did is not mentally unstable
because this is the most popular board on the site, and because video games are the primary hobby of incels. they're already here for that matter, but they keep most of their incel shit to their containment board. without the containment board they'd go full incel on other boards, mainly this one, instead, and there just aren't enough mods to keep all that incel autism rage suppressed.
i agree she was creating too much negativity.
The retards on this board are attacking her for what she said to pedophiles when she was 15. Dont take them seriously. Theyre also defending her spic scene manchild turbofaggot murderer
>/r9k/ makes two males kill/kill themselves
>Site shuts down for a while while cops gather information
>/r9k/ makes a girl die
>Nothing happens as a result
The patriarchy is behind this
Even if she was kind of a skank, she didn't deserve to be murdered, bro.
>tfw can't even bring myself to look at the pictures of her corpse
>she literally wanted to be murdered and expressed this many times.
first time i hear of this
men are victims of violent crime like assault, battery, and murder at a higher rate than women, except for rape
normal humans don't chain post
The killer was actually reasonably attractive too, far from the stereotypical incel. If anything, he was much closer to a Brad.
In any case i commend his actions, hopefully more can rise up in his place to toast some roastie scum.
Well, the future of whites does rely on brown people. After all, the best chance Europe has against the US is just letting South Americans keep flooding you and turn you into a nation wide favela.
As opposed to Americans who willingly pay monthly for a platform where every single show has interracial couples?
America is the source of this modern leftism, and it will die as soon as the US dies.
No US, no Israel, no enemies of white people.
Hell, at this point i'd rather side with Russians and China.
>dabs on footfags
based roastie skank
It's just interesting. You can't say
>tee bee h
Are just fine.
nice evidence and statistics to back up your claims
>all the time
Because it wasn't /r9k/
It was her boyfriend, who was a close friend of the family, and he was mad that she was whoring herself to neckbeards.
Humanity really needs to go extinct.
Can you post a photo of him so I can gauge how delusional you are?
bad things happen to abusive sociopaths who piss off enough people all the fucking time. read the news sometime. women in general take the abuse, though, and the kind of women who get into those situations are more often than now low class and low intelligence with no other support structure, so if you're only being abusive towards those kinds of women it's a lot less likely someone will kill you than if you're a woman who's being abusive to many men.
i didnt say men are never victims of violent crimes, i said said crimes arent the direct result of men treating others like shit.
when a man threat others like shit, we praise them and give them a raise, and elect them presidents
Shit like this makes me wonder where the fuck her parents/family were. Is she a foster child or something? That's pretty fucked up behavior but doesn't justify murder.
>curious how men do this all the time with both women and other men yet nothing bad happens to them due to it
why are white knights so fucking retarded
>No, im judging on the premise set by these comments that if a girl is a slut and treats others like shit then she's not mentally stable, but if a man does the exact same thing we look at him in awe and admiration aspiring to be like him and never once we consider him mentally unstable.
Nobody admires a guy who cons people out of money and treats people like shit, give me a break you dumb fucking white knight.
My friends and I loved evil zone.
If you somehow manage to breed, your descendants will be brown.
Remember when we told you to not be a fucking cuck? That's why.
It's not just to avoid enabling women, but it's for your own good.
Even in this very thread, people think they can have a culture of roasties being worshipped by lonely depressed autistic permavirgins, donating for "content" aka paying for their date in real life with chad and tyrone. It's literally as in literally
crowdfunded cuckoldry. If anything we all should be happy it only happened like twice in total.
look at teachers pet over here running to the cops
she literally had a tattoo that stated her ultimate fetish was to die, with a bloody knife under it. she also alluded to it on various social media personas of hers. and that's just the examples from the image of her interactions in this thread
show me ONE news of a man being murdered due to being a chad and sleeping with multiple women
He looks like a black veil brides total faggot user is just a faggot too
Nice projection, Jose Manuel Tyrone Parker.
She's hot and seems like good pussy with those daddy issues n all
fuck you for killing her
>parents/family were.
Do your parents hover you after you're 18? I mean they'd assume she's fine if they haven't seen anything out of the ordinary.
I'm not projecting anything Mohammad
>Nobody admires Donald Trump.
uh....yeah right
wow, and edgy tattoo, such proof
Single mom and her dad touched her and wasnt there
She was 17
Even a probably right winger American can't think of nothing but interracial cuckoldry.
The American is a tool of the jews.
fuck america we are allies and you tried to stage a fucking coup here in the 70's eat my dick you worldstage dancing faggots
Now post yourself
is this the cunny thread?
Rival Schools
Megaman Legends
Jet Set Radio
make the case why she deserves to live
I'm getting scared.
What if an femcel just guts me like a pig one day?
She might not have deserved it, but at the same time there's absolutely no reason to care that it happened.
>wow, literal proof, such proof
kill yourself you dumb roastie
God you're a faggot user
>being a chad is the same as being an emotionally manipulative cunt with fucked up abuse fantasies
you're an actual mongoloid
>whiteknighting some dead whore
jesus Yea Forums, i knew you were a pathetic sack of shit, but not THIS pathetic
seething, how does it feel to know even an incel is hotter than you lmao
kys loser
Fuck. This context makes it a depressing tragedy. Fuck all those people on Discord if they knew that about her.
She didn't, she's collateral damage of a fucking retarded society you helped create.
Your legacy will be brown and there is nothing you can do about it loooool
too old
>justifying pedophiles and then blaming it on the minor
So if someone ODs to death then that's the dealer's fault?
Yes you are.
Even in the highest case of immigration (even though it has slowed down to a crawl years ago), even Sweden by 2050 it would still be a 70% white country.
You are 56% today, and in 2050, you'll be Brazil 2.0
And when the USA becomes that, then Europe will finally be able to break free from the leftist load it has on it's back.
(afterlife, tower, ants)
This is the ugly mutt user is cumming over
It's just the post-gg leftists who took up camp here to shill every day.
Us OG 4channelers dab on this roastie.
Nope you will be brown.
>whiteknighting some dead whore
How do you think this whole shitshow happened? There's people who still think whiteknighting actually gets you laid.
Guess who's pushing for a culture of fake nice guys and whiteknights? Yeah.
What legacy do you have, Manuel?
Watching Marvel movies?
this is the only reply i got that has some merit in what it says
it's Yea Forums we're talking about, so yes, a man that sleeps with countless women, manipulating them to do so and making fun of them for even thinking they had a chance for love with him is exactly what a chad is
he looks mexican
whiter than you mohammad
No, we will be fine because America will be dead.
You were a pretty funny experiment, but seeing just how low can a human fall has clearly gotten off hand, and now it's time for you to die off.
>normal humans don't kill each other for these idiotic reasons
beg to differ. my evidence? Human History.
I have children and you are still living with your mom lol
Maybe not, but it's much harder to shed tears for her when you know what she was like and how her behavior directly lead to her own death.
Um, no sweetie, he is clearly white.