For Yea Forums, it's the Big Bird

For Yea Forums, it's the Big Bird.

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Other urls found in this thread:

For me, it’s Gebura.

For me, it's Melting Love.

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For me, it's The King of Greed.

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For me, it's the Punishing Bird.

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Wow this thread is so high quality you'd think we were actually on /vg/.

For me, its Black Swan

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For me, it's Laetitia.

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Previous thread's comments about Crumbling Armor leave me worried as fuck. Should I just have one dude do dedicated work on it then try to forget it even exists? Seems like something that could easily fuck up my entire playthrough if I'm not careful.

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one man on it

So I have heard... things about the plague doctor. He appeared in the training team, should I just leave him alone?

I'm memrepoing, fuck that noise. Thanks for the gear you piece of shit.

King of Greed certainly needs more great love

You're not gonna get any research done if you just leave him there user. Just get blessed.

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You don't have to fear the ticking clock.

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Clocks are your friend, as well as prudence with gifts~

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Don't worry about that. It's just a clock that keeps track of who's been blessed.

Why do I have a k-pop group that dreams of being a swan?

The swan is yet to come, user. Be careful.

For me its Wellcheers

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only if you have the habit of befriending abnos

keep it around, hes not hard to handle and his buff is godly. just remember you cant tell the weeaboo chads to do any kind of blue or purple work

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He's not an issue at all. Your blessed person gets a DBZ aura.

Just do instinct work only on it if you don't want anyone getting the buff.

for the Employee promotion missions, does that count juicing them with LOB?

ha ha ha ha ha
imagine if they happen to have a serious disease that melts them into green slime

Crumbling armor is a non issue.
He doesn't escape so feel free to ignore him during meltdowns.
Flames only appear when you do repression work, so do instinct instead.

No. You gotta grind up their stats to promote them in that day to complete it.

No. It has to happen during the day.

Do missions carry over if you start from day 1?


oh yes
ironically if you want to remove flames you can do one sin repeatedly until it gets replaced by the crown of torns

Oh, cool. Does wanting to start over because of QoH and the train make me a casual?

QoH isn't that bad. You do have the execution bullets, right user? Fuck the train though, definitely in my top 5 do not pick abnormalities.

oh god oh fuck manager what do i do now

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>the execution bullets
the what now

You'll get them by the time you unlock the Disciplinary Department, the one run by the thicc red edgelord girl

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Oh my, keep doing those mission then. Go as far as possible before restarting to day 1. Those mission rewards get better and better the further you go.

if you dont have exec bullets or a chad that can fuck QoH with EX stat every meltdown you literally need to let a abno out and see him kill 3 clerks every meltdown

just scroll down bro

ah fuck i mean up

Na, it's fair. My first run had train, parasyte tree and queen of hatred without knowing what's kept when you restart. Was absolute hell to manage.

hahahaha i had something similar but with schaze and burrow asides the train

juggling shit was not fun, 100% enjoyed the game more after getting rid of express train to a slightly better place

I have Der Freischutz but I keep forgetting to use him in case I accidentally shoot an agent.

something smaller like murderer or even schaze would be better

>Get Der Freischutz on my first run.
>Blew too much LOB on frivolous shit and ran out, couldn't keep going.
>He shows up instead of one sin after the reset.
Just fuck my shit up famalam. But after I finally stopped dying to him, he's on my insta-pick list.

I found the thread boys. Was worried it was too well hidden.

>have to complete ordeal of dusk
n-no please

Just prepare and plan accordingly and it isn't too bad. Unless it's Green Dusk in which you've got to plan and prepare harder.

It's dangerous out there.
Take this.

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Yeah, you have to. The rewards for core suppressions make it all worth it. Just make sure you got some waw boys and take it slow and you’ll be fine

You don't.
You could also just get gud and do the rollover method

what's up with black swan's lore? Why does it look like her brothers are choking her if she just wants to protect them?

its from a book afaik

>do this
>get 15 boxes

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why would you do this
who would you doom with this

is this true? last thread somebody said the effect remained even after getting a new hat

angela is a CUMBRAIN
tell your friends

It's more an metspher of them crushing her with responsibility since she has to care for her family.

>Enter Snow queen's containment unit wearing fire birb's armor
>instantly die
woooooow how was i supposed to know that

you werent

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at least you'll learn from it user

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I got that bug (Replaced the flame with another hat one day but the next one i suddenly had the flame again). Well at least I consider it a bug.
I fixed it by letting the employee die the next day and retrying


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It's part of DEEPEST LORE

Wait, that actually fucking happens? What a stupid easter egg

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Jokes on you my employees don't sleep.

>I am now proceed to pleasure myself with this living popsicle.


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Jokes on you, I don't even recognize this abnormality.

I'm going to pass on this one, maybe next time bro.

Easily in the shittiest tier of abnos.

>None of the lights are on
I'm fine.

None of my employees ever sleep, and if they are sleeping on the job they deserve to die.

People give other tools shit, like the Tree Sap, WCCA, or Luminous Bracelet. They have nothing on this piece of junk with which I literally can't think of a single reason to use beyond research. The effect is lame, the time it is in effect is too short, and when the time runs out it's probably worth a restart because actually suppressing the two retards is aids.

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Sometimes I feel like my employees are so slow to get to places that I assume some of them are fucking in a janitor's closet or something.

WCCA is unironically good compared to other abos cause it never melts down.

>restart run and reequip all my agents equipment
>lose 3 employees on day 8 from the friendly fire on Magic Bullet

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They literally are. So many gender bender employees, they're all sexually active.


Gotta live while you can

Their gender is "Korean"

haha i wonder what the insides of MoSB feel like lol

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Why are employees so cute! Why do they have to die so horribly while looking that cute! Its horrible!

This might be the first time I've seen the agents depicted in art as the short nugget people they're displayed as instead of more a more typical animu look

He is a double edged sword, alruine on the other hand is 100% douche essence condensed

Who in the FUCK gave you the wifi password?!!

To be honest most of the tool lineup requires a complete overhaul because most of the shit ones are practically just a really small buff for insta-death of an Employee.
>Tree Sap, a shitty heal that you can get similarly by walking an Employee to any main Department Room at the cost of having them instantly die and potentially cause collateral Red Damage. Trivalised even further by Netzach's reward.
>WCCA, energy at the cost of an Employee, there's no point sacrificing low level employees because you can make the same amount by doing one or two ALEPH works and there's no point sacrificing high level employees because why would you. You can literally just play the game normally and you'd be better off, but to be fair its more of an 'introductory' tool
>Mirror, actually one of the few well-designed tools, fucks around with stats and allows you to do works you may not have been able to do early on with the shuffling. Prevents cheesing with the stat reduction for multiple usage
>You Must Be Happy, same case as mirror, high risk high reward stat fuckery, allows you to determine the degree of stat changes.
>Old Belief, you use it once or twice, get the upgrades then you use it another time and your weapon is completely destroyed, then you abandon it forever.
>Theresia, its a better Tree Sap for SP, where you use it when its conveniently within the same hallway as an SP damaged employee, but then you abandon it and never use it any other time. Might help some lower-level employees doing White-Damage works tank the SP damage.
>Heart of Aspiration, one of the best tools but design-wise its kind of shit, its basically just free combat buffs on a Chad
>Prophecy, free Insight gains on a low-level to do works better, makes everyone else more prone to getting insta-killed by White damage. The combo with SO's gear is pretty funny though.
>Behaviour, same case as Heart, slightly more risky
>Luminous, same case as Tree Sap

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ive been lurking in these threads for a while despite knowing absolutely nothing about the game
these threads have made me want to check it out, but i would like to know what the game is about, or if the game is fun

You do good, is comfy
You fucked up, you ded

It is fun. Basically a Korean SCP and Cabin in the Woods ripoff - though that doesn't necessarily make it a bad game. It's a management sim that becomes a clusterfuck of horrible things going wrong later, and part of the hilarity is managing things as best as you can then watching it all come TUMBLING DOWN after one slip or mistake.

You forgot Portrait, that can kill random people by redirecting effective damage onto them. Mind, it doesn't prevent any damage. It just makes it much harder to mitigate since you can't choose who the damage reflects onto.

To the guy who asked about the PMoon tweet regarding goods from cafe, what they posted is about preorders for the limited goods they will sell at the cafe. For now there will be no shipping nor delivery, they must be acquired on site, either by the buyer themself or a substitute with proof must arrive at the cafe to get it. The 'no shipping' part is apparently possible to change and they will notify should something happen on that side.


It is fun.
The main gameplay look is sending the cute nuggets you are not supposed to get attached to but you do anyways to work on world ending abominations while the game throws a wrench into your machinery every couple days to make sure you never feel comfortable.
The "tutorial" segment of the game is really long though, might wanna pirate in case you don't like it and can't refund.
Newbie managers are cute! Post your stories if you get the game!

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>Meat Lantern gets a meltdown.
>Whatever, let's get this over with.
>After the work is done, he teleports onto the door to his containment cell.
But it's the same department as Der Freischutz, so meat lantern just kind of whiffed the bite.

Yes, it is fun. You have to play a while and get comfortable with the flow before you begin to enjoy it, though. Once you start to experience facility wide meltdowns, and have the tools and expertise to deal with them, that's when the game becomes really enjoyable.

The beginning is fun too, just for the overall creepiness of it, but the mid and endgame is where it really shines.

Can the weapons that apply 'vulnerability to x damage" make targets immune to x damage suddenly able to be damaged?

Finally discovered how to deal whit the mountain shit! All I have to do is literally put all I have outside of his cell!

You forgot the Note from a Crazed Researcher, which is mostly okay but has a complete nonsense limitation to it that seems... Weird.

What made you feel like pic related for the first time?

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>Several employees will die for a small buff of one employee

Totally worth it

is that a mouse mat or a poster? id really like that as a mouse mat to the point i think i can make one

Any and all Core Suppressions make me feel anxiety and tension like nothing else in any other fucking game has. I imagine it's the feeling you have to hold down while doing fucking surgery, that ever present "what if I screw this up?"

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You have a facility, side view like X-Com or fallout shelter.

You have anomalies. You want to study things, to use them to generate power and get upgrades from them

You have employees, which you use to research the anomalies, level them up, and give them fancy gear.

then an anomaly breaks out of containment, one of the employees sent to fight it panics, and causes several other people to go berserk. One of them lets another anomaly out, which causes even more problems, so you call in an elite black hops team to suppress them. They die to a man.

sipping your coffee, you tell your beautiful, hard working, intelligent Secretary who you are fucking on the side to rewind time to try and do it right this time

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scarecrow made me feel dumb. the fact there are abnos that require those kind of thing are extremely counterintuitive, specially with abnos like all the trees or blue star

It's even easier when you have Nothing There's set, a single gigachad can practically wall the mountain before it gets out of the hallway

>Have Twilight and 2 Justitias
>Shitlent orchestra dies before it can complete its first movement
eat shit you fucking breaching faggot I'm now going to get Paradise Lost so I can dab harder on you

I know it's you, Angela.

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stop shitposting Angela and get back to work

I tried to suppress Nothing There last run but i accidentaly tunneled and ignored WhiteNight

me everytime I forget someone at the shelter/flesh idol/Yang


Doesn't it take like 5 minutes for WN to breach? c'mon manager step it up

>xcom fucks SCP with the direction and UI of dwarf fortress directed by yandere girl protagonist
this is good description

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I forget to get a train ticket during or after ordeals

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hell when i had ticket, he would doom my facility more often that midnight ordeals

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WCCA is a fun tool. It's not super useful, it's a noob trap, and can be a sucker to research, but it doesn't need to be changed because it's funny and thematic. Maybe make it give a bit more energy though, maybe 2 per damage dealt. Behavior Adjustment is also pretty well designed, the risk is great enough that you need to think about how to use it.
Other than that I agree. Mirror and YMBH are great, while Theresia, Luminous, Tree Sap, and OBAP, are all just crap, while the Heart is too useful.
You also missed a few. The Clock is perfection, the Shelter and the Portrait are decent, the Notes are gimmicky but they work, and the Train is unique. The Altar isn't always useful, but if you time it well it can actually be incredible for keeping agents alive on dangerous guys.


>get big bee bitch
>dont know what she does
>do some attachment with my level 5 chad
>its ok she didnt break out atleast haha
>shoots jizz around her unit
>the 5+ cl*rks in the central hub all burst into bees
>everyone dies

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All hard core supps have legit made my hands tremble as I finished them. Best game.

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>doing attachment work with fucking bees

>Bee in central
Memerepo stuff right there man

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now ur boned
hope you have loads of red resist gear

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>an elite black hops team

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Looks kind of ss13-y.

I was at the edge of my seat with my shirt wet as fuck from sweating so much when I finally beat it


When you finally beat what, user?

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do I memerepo? does she give anything good?

The problem with buffing WCCA like that is that due to the way the Shelter+Portrait exploit was patched, you'd get 840 PE at the cost of two 1 LOB employees in around two minutes.


>UI of dwarf fortress
woah, let's not throw around slander here. this is still a better UI than DF

>he doesn't like high risk, low reward things

not the first time something like this gets pointed out

literallly complete the codex and go back to the previous week

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why he not round??????????????

Day 49

Same man. That shit is absolutely insane.

The gift is /fa/ as fuck if you give it to an employee who has the bee’s ego armor
Just do Insight no more than 3 times and you should get good work results

Was in the process of typing the rest
>Note, its an alright management work buff but the fact that there's no way to track damage that results in the insta-kill and collateral is too much effort for its worth. Alright on low-levels I guess but you're potentially leading to them getting killed
>Shelter, monster-mashes are the entire reason why its used not because of the healing, pretty thematic lore-wise though in relation to Geburah. Haven't tested it but I'm going off the wiki right now and I think it fucks over Claw's 'pssh nothing personnel' move because it removes marks, so you just cycle through all your employees. Fun but not really practical, unless its cheese.
>Portrait, unironically probably the best management work helper even though it seems designed for combat. Personally I have some bias towards the tool because it helped me deal with CENSORED's bullshit and transition into the end-game ALEPH pool.
>Express Train, risky as hell to keep but could potentially lead to some massive heals when you need it, depending on your ability to micro and keep track, it's either a second Department Room heal/Facility wide heal or the constant paranoia of getting train'd.
>Yang, basically get SO levels of white resist and SP healing that's unnecessary because of it, at the cost of having two fairly tanky Abnormalities that deal decent damage and are a fucking damage range check rather than type breach if you wear the tool for the duration of half a management work. Depending on their locations, you've also just practically turbo train'd a bunch of your Employees and released Abnormalities to deal with as collateral.
>Clock, hands-down the best tool in the game for its usefulness in the final stretch of the game. The ability to unfuck your entire Facility in 10 seconds at the cost of a Level V employee which you should have plenty of to dispose towards the end, is a godsend.
>Flesh is like Train, word limit sorry

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>tfw your magic tranny is the chaddest chad among the others

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you need stronger abnos manager

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I thought the gimmick on Malkuth's core suppression would be deadlier. I honestly thought for a minute it was making me pick random options when working on abnos, but turns out it has an order on what gets picked.
It changes every time a meltdown occurs, but it stays like that for the remainder of the bar. The effects include picking one correctly and next one will be opposite sideways, or the same, but up/downward; picking the one with your lower stat (for example, if you pick Instinct and your lowest stat is Temperance, it'll pick Attachment, or if you pick your lowest, it'll pick your second lowest instead), picking one will turn into the next one clockwise (Instinct becomes Attachment, Attachment becomes Repression, Repression becomes Insight, Insight becomes Instinct) and probably some others I was unaware because I figured them out after some time.
If it wasn't for GREAT FUCK YOU noon doing a chain reaction where Army and Mountain got out, and then Melty and KoG because of them, I would've beaten that shit first try.

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its honestly impressive how the game goes from safe and chill to sensational spetacular slaughterhouse with no chances to save the situation at all

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What exploit are we talking about here? If you put the guy with the picture in there you will just end up killing all your agents, and the bug with the Shelter was patched. It doesn't really need to be changed or anything, but if it was having it give a bit more energy would be the way to do it so you can have the option to complete a day without risking yourself on some abnormalities.
Shelter does have some uses if you're clever actually. I like using the Magic Bullet late in the game, and I've accidentally shot the Punishing Bird a couple times, but just dropping him in the Shelter for a second de-aggros him instantly. Also it was quite convenient when I had it next to Melting Love in Central, because I could just leave the infected agent in the hallway to guard it, and if anyone needed to go through I could just put him in the shelter for a bit.
Did you really save every animation? I'm flattered.

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I do have a lot of aleph gears. I've just sent all the guys to flank the green dusk in the lower corridor and this motherfucker was the only one who decided to go straight through the bunch of machinegunners.

Well, at least it was kinda based.

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Is it possible to suppress Silent Orchestra

after geburah supression

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I have a gigachad whit that set and that did not work he would run like a sissy and eat a coupleof clerks and come back to kick his ass!

Yeah, read the last manager tip to find out how.

>get fluffy looking white beenbag abno
>do insight work and get a good result
>look around for it
>error 404 not found
>suddenly my only lvl 5 gigachad dies instantly
>clerks die in droves to it
>everything starts breaking out now
so how do I keep this beenbag dude in his room?

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Meat lantern is a cute dog! And he's impossible to keep in his room!
If you do the work too quickly it breaks out.

Deploy the temperance 1 clerk my dude, he has purpose now.

Please groom it gently.

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Love that guy, made the first discipline team mission easy as long as I remembered that Red will try to kill literally everyone twice that day.

I want to shank whoever was responsible for GREAT FUCK FOR YOU

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Unlock those tips, and use those cool powerful weapons you got.

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dont worry user it will only get worse from here!

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>Day 19
>deal with the dawn ordeal, the one where a single blob spawns in 4 areas
>send 4 agents to finish off the last one with the single high level guy in Security to make sure he doesn't die
>Funeral of Dead Butterflies proceeds to breach in the same hallway the last blob was killed
>watch him get stomped with all the pale and black damage and recontained within a few seconds of breaking free
Goddamn I cannot wait to get giga-chads with Aleph gear and bully all the HE and Teth abnormalities that have me so much trouble in the early days

Fuck off, Punpun, you twisted little shit.

fruit of understanding does a allah akbar move and triggers all abnos in the department

likely hte purple poop popped on procession of dead butterflies

this is funnier if you think on them as random european guys screaming nippon bonsai as they are turned weeaboo by the armor buff

It was patched in an unconventional manner. Every time I've tested, sending the "linked" to WCCA and the "linkee" to Shelter always kills both and produces 420 Energy.

Yeah, dawn ordeals are pretty easy now. I just wanted to highlight the bullying of Funeral. Noon are the ones I have trouble with now, like the first time I got Great Love For Us, it proceeded to murder all my agents except the single level 1 guy I was training on One Sin, as I didn't know it fell in the central rooms

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Happened to literally all of us.

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>the virgin bunny
>The Chad Rhino

What happens if I do plague doctor on day 12, do I just get an unwinnable situation?

just repent bro

you can memrepo or Day1 him away. Plus you know not to pick him next time!

You'll have 2 agents left at least, but there's no reason to imply they'll survive without ALEPH gear, at least for the weapon, because of how obnoxious the defenses are.

What exactly happens when I repent and what do I miss out on if I do repent?

Call upon the Chadest of all abnos.

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>Suppress DIFFERENT abnormalities 3 times

I'm a fucking retard. I kept suppressing MOSB

Wtf bros, this is going to be hard.

At least based bro is close by

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>beat Melting Love easily if you can do a controlled breach without getting a heart
>white shield and call in Rabbits on Blue Star
>dogpile Nothing There with literally everyone and pray to god you DPS him down in phase 1 or 2
>breach Silent Orchestra at the start of the day so that 4th movement doesn't steal much energy
>call Rabbits for CENSORED or be very careful to not let it meet any clerks

Threadly reminder to read the manual

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I'd read Malcute's manual if you know what I mean.

What, like turning him into the big W? If you have one level V agent it might not be, but if you're on a super fresh start with 0 gear then yeah there's no way.
I got Plague Doctor on day 13 and didn't turn him into WN until day 42 when I had to (Binah's quest, meh). Just a funny story.

>read the manual and play the tutorial
>don't really get it
>finally clicks a few days in
Now I'm on day 9 and realizing this may be too high IQ for me

MOSB is my only Aleph right now. I had Blue Star and Melting Love, but to be honest, I don't think I would have been able to suppress Blue Star. I can probably handle Melting Love, though.

I don't know too much about CENSORED, I have execute. Can I just pile on all my chads and make sure all the clerks are dead wherever it's going?

I've heard white night is good for dealing with gerbura, so I might wait for that or Binah

Fuck the manual

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>when you do repression work on One Sin

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>someone capped my shitty post
i hope you meet your energy quotas user

No. Read it to me. Sensually.

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Please give me any pictures of Angela wanting to fuck the manager

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Get back to work Angela.

The big problem with Censored is that it's easy to get into panic cascades if it's allowed to make minions. Only allow Level 5 gigachads into the suppression area, and use those sanity bullets because the initial 60% SP reduction makes its black damage hurt that much more.

That's just any picture of Angela.

Me on the desk

If you can't handle BlueStar don't ever try to get Censored.

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I've been having some fun trying to design some new Abnormalities. Here's one I like a lot:
>Communion of Souls
>Pale damage (3-4)
>Bad 0-6, Normal 7-11, Good 12-18

>Managerial Tip 1: Success rate is increased the lower the agent’s HP percentage at the start of the work.
>Managerial Tip 2: If the agent is at full HP and SP upon beginning the work the Qliphoth counter is reduced.
>Managerial Tip 3: When breaching the abnormality pulls the dead souls of nearby killed employees to fight alongside. This includes employees killed by execution bullets.
>Managerial Tip 4: If the agent dies during the work the Qliphoth counter is increased.

>Instinct: Low/Low/Low/Low/Very Low
>Insight: Low/Low/Low/Low/Very Low
>Attachment: Low/Low/Low/Low/Very Low
>Repression: Low/Low/Low/Low/Very Low

>Qliphoth Counter: 3
>Resistances: Red (0.4) White (1.1) Black (0.4) Pale (1.5)
When breaching it deals 3-4 Pale damage per second to enemies touching it. Upon entering a room it will spawn a HE ghost at the location where any agents or clerks died, and every 5 seconds will spawn a ghost from itself if there are less than 2 ghosts following, though it will not spawn multiple ghosts from the same corpse. Ghosts have somewhat low health and will attack agents for 5-7 Pale damage.

Attached: Distressed Angela.jpg (1280x720, 526K)

>Weapon: Medium
WAW, max 1
Requires level III, Justice III
Pale (10-12), Long Range, Normal speed

>Armor: Medium
WAW, max 1
Requires level III, Justice III
Red (1.0) White (1.0) Black (1.0) Pale (0.5)

>Gift: Medium
Face. +4 SP.
Heal 2% HP per second for 10 seconds upon taking Pale damage.
I haven't seen this one posted before. Not OC.

Attached: Lewd.jpg (700x1142, 87K)

I can handle Blue Star when he's contained. I want to do Gebura's Suppress 3 different Alephs. When Blue Star gets out, he cluster fucks an entire department and lets out Big Bird and MOSB. As mentioned, I don't know much about CENSORED, maybe I'll try and avoid him. I don't have the damage for Nothing There, so I'm going to go ahead and avoid that. Maybe Silent Orchestra is the guy I want.

How is my facility looking?

forgot pic

Attached: unknown.png (1905x3153, 2.79M)

Lads I'm going to cross the line with Malkuth, I don't want to go back.

Attached: 16486.png (415x367, 142K)

Why do you still have 1 unknown?

Silent Orchestra is a full DPS check and I can't recommend him at all unless you have a wide range of Aleph Gear + Judgement Borb's weapons.
The go-to suppressibles are MoSB, Melting Love and Censored. Censored is slow as fuck, can be kited easily and so long as you have SP bullets or fall back to recover, it's not a big challenge. You should take a couple chads with weapons against Censored's weakness and let it breach.

I don't care enough for the item to research it, it's a music box that heals SP and also insta-insanes sometimes.

>6 ALEPH's
jesus christ user

You gotta observe them all, user. The limit to listening to it is 20 or 30 seconds. Less than that and there's no adverse effect. Now get your employees on it.

>manager is willing to fuck a box instead of his sexy, dependable, and beautiful assistant

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God I wish that was my facility.

Get back to work, Angela

Okay, thanks bro.

The more ALEPHs, the more fun to be had!
I'm kinda sad my run didn't have AiB and Melting before Day 45, if I knew how to edit what was already in my facility, I'd probably kick out the safer stuff and include them, with the button too for epic memes.

I only have ONE fucking aleph, holy shit how does he do it.

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No, fuck you.

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Why are all the upper Sephirah's such colossal fuck ups?

This is fixed by getting an employee to the level needed to lock ego gifts, locking the head will prevent this from happening.

Because that's what they're supposed to be. At least they're cute.

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I need more cute employee art, they are just too adorable.

But why just the upper ones?

I have come to say the C word

The manual have a recipe to cook something for my favorite abnormality?

For me, it's the Big Bird.

Glad to see others are appreciating him.

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Their trauma is a reminder to A about how he messed up.

So day 29 and I think Gerbura wants to fucking kill everyone!
I chose the slow bullet over the execution ones because The Mountain of smiling bodies just keeps running away from my Gigachad in Nothing there armor, 2 hears and knight of despair blessing, but I do not have enough WAWs to fill her insane request (only one is escapable) should I just keep going? And meet the blue guy next?

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The WAW quest doesn't specify different abnos, you can suppress the one you have multiple times to beat it.
I used Judgement Bird, personally.


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In allowing their recruitment? Malkuth died by retardation, Hod's a traitor, Netzach's a depressive emo, Yesod's so OCD he scratched his way to sepsis. They really should've hired someone competent for HR.

For you, It's the big bird.

Good instinct and attachment trainer, aesthetic gear. Aside from being a dumb fucking asshole, Borb's not bad.

They may be stupid but I love them all the same.

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As long as you hate Hod, it's fine to love the retard-gang.

>Still have to do the Dusk Ordeal.
>Have Big Bird, which hadn't been a problem up to now.
>Just got Army In Black
I'm almost afraid to try it out now.

which one day 18

Attached: Capture.png (1879x820, 704K)

>Doing my first core supression
Holy fucking shit what the fuck

Is it worth completing even if almost everyone dies?

>Finally get to day 46.
>Haven't done a single core suppression.
>Suddenly white noon.
>60% of my staff goes crazy and half my chads are dead in a matter of seconds.

What fresh hell have I walked into today?

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Spoilers, but whatever.
They were competent when they were normal, it's just that they were working with experimental tech. Malkuth simply volunteered as a test subject the same as Tiphereth and got screwed up for it. Yesod isn't OCD as much as he got PTSD from Malkuth's death. Netzach didn't even work there, he was literally a childhood friend who tried to sacrifice himself in a hopeless attempt to save Carmen.
Hod thought she would stop the killings by ratting them out, which makes some degree of sense (I mean 4 people did die for this) but she didn't expect them to send an army of killers. She did mess up but it wasn't out of malice.

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The middle one.

A lied to Netzach to get him to participate in a useless human trial and left Malkuth unsupervised which led to her death, which traumatized both Yesod and Hod. They're dumb, yes, but A made it all worse.

>sacrifice himself
He also volunteered and didn't really know it will kill him.

>no core suppressions
Go to the main menu, click on Day1 and do all the core suppressions as soon as possible.

He only volunteered*

>They were competent when they were normal, it's just that they were working with experimental tech
Nonsense. Malkuth violated safety protocols and died because of it - complete incompetence.
Yesod's OCD got worse due to it, still his OCD.
Netzach was, as I said, a depressive emo, who agreed to take an extremely experimental and dangerous substance because he couldn't handle Carmen's death.
And Hod's a traitor who ratted them out to the leadership of an incredibly dystopian society. Doesn't matter if it wasn't out of malice.

To be honest, it's all because of Carmen's retarded hiring standards. She even brought kids into it, for crying out loud.

lads why is hokma so cool

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Netzach wanted it and Malkuth is an adult. Why the hell should she be constantly monitored just so she doesn't sneak in somewhere dangerous? Why is she even there in the first place?

He was aware of the risk, obviously, even wanting to die, considering that's his whole shtick as a Sephirah.

>To be honest, it's all because of Carmen's retarded hiring standards. She even brought kids into it, for crying out loud.
It really baffles me that so many of the Sephiras still have such high regards towards Carmen.

Can we stop and reflect who LCs real victim and hero is?

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>It really baffles me that so many of the Sephiras still have such high regards towards Carmen.
She's really good at blowing people's minds.

Another one out of the way.
It seems every single ALEPH I have will keep breaching during these missions, so I'll think of a countermeasure for it before attempting the next one tomorrow.
Goodnight, m8s.

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Well, despite all her faults, she's the one person working towards mankind's salvation, with an actual solution to boot. Considering this is a world where Lob Corp's better than living in the outskirts and back alleys, I can see why they would hold her in high regard.

fuck chesed

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if the "this man is not related to me, but he will always be my brother" type is one you like, Hokma's a perfect fit
dude just wants to be at his best bro's side and keep him away from conniving thot AI
plus the greywashed aesthetic is nice and his clerk uniforms look great

i wonder if carmen was really good at blowing too haha

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Oh, yeah. Before I go... I think I recognize this one.

Should I fuck my shit up?

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>Geburas schlong was too big so she tried haggling with her
It all makes sense

Yes. Good gear, hardish to break out.

It's got great gear and as long as your dedicated gigachad can do decent work on it without dying, it won't be breaking out.

Someone post the quote where Angela says that Chesed will always be a loser

Carmen didn't even give A so much as a pity hug.

Attached: saved the facility.jpg (957x719, 423K)

Alright; as long as it doesn't break out every time a cl*rk dies like the other 3 aleph fuckers I have (and the monk, I guess), everything can be controlled.
See ya later.

>fuck chesed
That's pretty gay bro

Attached: sip.gif (850x600, 883K)

One thing to keep in mind is his bad result range is rather huge (only beaten by CENSORED, and via mechanics, Melting Love) and a bad result won't end well for your chad, but if you trained them well enough, it won't be a problem.

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Manager, I'm Daniel
Umm, you don't get to bring clerks...

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Tell me about the Red mist. Why does she wear that mask?

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This is the most stressful game I've ever played, I hope I can push through it

>pushing through to the ending
>thinking he's seen stress
*blocks your path*

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I'm only on day 27 lamo

As attractive as this old hag may be, you haven't seen stress until you've tried to deal with her bs
Regardless, you can do it!

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>This is the most stressful game I've ever played, I hope I can push through it
Learn to enjoy the action and excitement, feel the music.
I'd pay to feel that kind of stress while playing video games.

More than stress, Binah's suppression is extremely satisfying if you've managed things well so far and have learned good enough micro to be prepared. It's the first obligatory moment when agent division, positioning and training really pays off.

Binah herself is not so much the problem until both oldtimers team up.

Feels bad that my first time reaching her was with plebs and a handfull of chads, surprisingly the plebs managed to not all die.
Second time bunker thought it would be funny to release WN when all of the blessed + normal agents were on Binah. It was fun regardless though.

I wonder if A put some sort of fail save in Genutlras and Binas metal body in case they went rough.
It would explain their weak points that completely contradicts their story mode powers, at least pre Lobotomy.

>scorched girl breaches
>immediately send a cluster of employees after her
>realize one of them is her target
>call them back the same moment her and the employee enter a door
>nobody comes back out either door even after a couple seconds
>hit the recall button on every department
>suddenly an explosion of clerk bodyparts erupts out of both doors
>scorched girl reappears in her containment, employees are all unharmed

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What are their weakpoints? I thought Binah was also using EGO in the fight as to test it out herself.


Gebura the abnormality killer gets increased ab abnormality damage, while Binah, the woman who fancy herself to easily break barriers and enters stuff, can't get past the rabbit teleport barrier

C'mon user
Do it for her

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Gebura did canonically fail her job through the use of anormalities though, which seems to be the base for her "trauma", considering her supressionboner and Binah's lost her powers, as Myo herself notes. They're not really contradictory weaknesses.

For me, it's Red Hood

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Cant wait for these to get ported into DD

For me, it's this fridge she installed

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I really want someone to see how many things you can get to chase you into an Abnormality's room.

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What would happen if an abno worked on another abno? A benefit is that abnos can't eat shit and die like employees can.

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>Gebura did canonically fail her job through the use of anormalities though
Protecting the others should rather be the job of the Security department but for the sake of her story lets say this bugs her: Why should this make her weak against abnormality attacks?
She killed all the abnormalities during Binahs rampage.

How are things looking?
I know training team is a bit light.

Attached: rk.png (1593x921, 554K)

>only two things above HE

Make sure you train your chad insight and instinct so you can work with the first Alpehs that hit you.
What is Unkown?


Just some cute girl.

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Geburah was explicitly brought on to protect everyone and she seemed fond of the idea. The security department as it is, is a later invention. She'd be weak to abnormalities because they killed the people she was supposed to be protecting, likewise kept her from stopping Binah, from saving Carmen and that's the trauma her character is built on as a Sephirah? They're essentially her nemeses.

Depending on what your strongest weapons are, you can bumrush him in one a the three first movements. When I know he's going to escape, I pretty much stop everything and send any availabe black-dealing agent in the room next to him to prepare for movement 2.

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Judgement bird's weapons + any chads you have = easy suppression.

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It would be interesting. Imagine QoH working on Nothing There

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Hey, I'm at 98% for the codex and I have no idea what I could have missed. As far as I know, I did Don't Touch Me "properly" so I'm at a loss for what I am missing.

Attached: 1562023404045.gif (270x275, 559K)

>98% codex
>i don't know what I missed
>doesn't post a screencap of his codex

Attached: 1533464669889.png (400x549, 120K)

Post codex, dingus.

Borb is not really a problem breach, he can't deal damage so he's easy to suppress with some micromanagement.
He will kill clerks though so he oftens provokes a chain breakout with MoSB and RRHM in my facility.

When does he attack? Can he only attack possessed people?

He waits for them to walk to him, then chomps their head off. Other than that he just walks around.

You need more WaW abnormalities soon.
I know it is very luck based but feel free to return to repository a rechoose.
Else the ordeals and Alephs that you surely will get in Central Department are gonna be a pain in the ass.

Can other employees die if they Borb chomps the possessed guy, but they're in between?

I don't think so. He's only ever killed one of my agents and that was when he possessed hes in melee range.

>NT trying to mimic an anime aesthetic
I'm sickened, but curious

>crumbling armor gets its own designated mega-chad that will never switch departments because fuck having more then one employee perma-banned from attachment work
Lucky guy I guess

This is where I'm at so far. Any tips? The Unknowns are a teddy bear, a ballerina statue and something that looks like a human trap

Attached: Is this Okay.png (1365x767, 474K)

Throw people into the trap, then return to memory repository once you have it on observation level 4.
Listen to the music box ballerina in short segments.

I have some bias towards Note because it partially carried through Hod's suppression with ALL the ALEPHs in the facility, it's an excellent tool. The actual problem is that it kills if you forget to work with it before even selecting "return." Would be better if it was if they actually put it back before then. Still a great tool though.

> return to memory repository
what does that mean? Am i restarting if i do that I'm only on day 19

Day 49

It goes back to the closest day starting either with a 1 or a 6, acts as a checkpoint. You lose equipment you gained in that time, but you keep the abnormality information. You should wait until day 21 to do the trap thing, that way you don't lose anything, but gain the observation level.
You can also Day1 in the main menu to start over with all the department upgrades and EGO weapons and armor. You will likely have to do this if you're doing a no deaths run and even otherwise.

I don't understand how his anatomy works

It's capable of moving through walls freely. That's just the top of its head.

I always try and do Pale->White->Black->Red when this thing comes up. Pale one is an absolute pain in the dick to deal with, and the white one's enormous sweep basically just relegates any non-gigachad to an elevator where I can safely just throw a white shield on them. Black and Red are usually nothing unless they're in a huge long hall, then they get Rabbit'd.

That violet midnight?

I've got all of them and it honestly isn't that bad. The gear and the gifts, and all the huge energy producers, they're usually just more useful than deadly.

I can tell that much, but when it opens its jaws, the thing doesn't make sense visually. I can see a couple of the eyes, but unless it's literally just a mouth under the ground there I don't get it

The jaws seem to be external, like an ant's. Who knows what the rest of the body looks like?

sort of like this?

Attached: ml.png (944x721, 23K)

Then how does the flower get between the jaws?

Rather, the entire visible thing is just its jaws and the flower is coming from inside a gap in those jaws. The eyes are not necessarily eyes at all.
If you look at it eating, you can see the entire visible part split in two and that's what you see in its chamber as well. Considering nobody has seen its full body, there has to be more.
I'd post a picture, but image posting rangeban.

Gebura at least knows how to cook your favorite abnormality.

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My heart's beating, my heart's beating
my hands are shaking, my hands are shaking

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Is there anyone who died as an hero?

Yeah, Mirabelle, who had to be sacrificed because my designated Backwards Clock fodder got Hokma'd
And Haru, my best employee who has been around since day 1.
And everyone else who died, F.
Pic related, Haru and his best friends

Attached: 1554405538901.jpg (1920x1080, 232K)

Yes. Just return to memory repo afterwards

Manager stop trying to fuck abnormalities.

>day x5
>complete hard as balls mission
>only one cannon fodder agent alive
Do I memrepo or not?

A surefire way to get me to do that is to dress them all up as Angela

Of you rebuy all your gear, yeah. If not, might be worth it to try again

How long should it take to rebuy shit?


No. There is no reason why anyone should die in any of the upper Sephirah suppressions.

When I forget that I’m working on burrowing heaven or schadenfreude

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Sending someone with Fairy Bird armor to Snow Queen.

The elevator episode of Geburah's Will it Blend - all the employees in the corporation.

I liked that episode
For some reason 25% of them survived though

Quick, how to beat white midnight without getting third trumpet?

Nothing but gigachads

I just steamrolled the fucker with my Chad squad
>You should be able to tank his normal attacks with your Chads + Healing Bullet spam + Red Shields + Netzach Reward
>You can legitimately tank his high-speed dash with a Level V Chad and whale on him with a deathball, using red shields if you want to be more secure. From experience it roughly half healths them.
>With his green heal orb and PSSH nothing personnel move, if you deal a shitton of damage whilst he's channeling you basically stun him and leave him open even further for your deathball
>If he does manage to get off his PSSH nothing personnel, just spread out your employees and have them constantly moving across the Facility, there's a chance that when he lands after each portal that he misses them since the employees move out of the hitbox I think. Higher level Chads should be able to tank it but you can shield your lower-levels if you want to be more safe.
He also doesn't fuck with Abnormality Qliphoth so you should never hear any Trumpets with how piss easy he is. Pic related for validation.

Attached: 1558644624941.png (1600x900, 506K)

Sent one employee with portrait of another word to schadenfreude (first time I got it), proceeds to murder 2 departments from its saw attack (how am I supposed to know that you shouldn't ((look)) while working at it)

>lobotomy Corp cafe opening
>merch in person only
>can't be ordered online
I just want my gebura phone battery..

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Is there any way to reset Little Red's abnormality countdown without her breaching? Does her countdown stop if an abnormality breaches while on a request?
She still kicks my shit in when she breaches.

What the other guy said. He uses his coldsteel move at around 25% HP, so get him as close to that as you're comfortable with, then wait for him to use his green orb move and dogpile his ass. You'll stun him so hard he'll die before activating full edge mode.

It wont reset, but it will not be reduced when she is out and some other abnormality breaches.
Also get NTs armor, then she is a pushover.

>get an ALEPH to deal with a WAW
Get off those drugs user

>If he does manage to get off his PSSH nothing personnel, just spread out your employees and have them constantly moving across the Facility, there's a chance that when he lands after each portal that he misses them since the employees move out of the hitbox I think. Higher level Chads should be able to tank it but you can shield your lower-levels if you want to be more safe.
So you're not supposed to clump targeted agents together? Wait, I thought it was a single attack to targeted agent, so I gather up everyone to shield them up.

Just get into contact with local and buy it through him

That's the way to do it.

Attached: 67064037_p0.jpg (1050x800, 542K)

Are doing the cafe thingy I thought it was just a meme!
On one side I really want LC to raise up and their devs to get as much cash as possible on the other hand when an Indie game gets waaay to big his fan base becomes a cancer comparable to Five nights at Freddy and Undertale.

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you can shield several people ehit one bulled if they close to each other?

Yep, and it works on execution bullets as well
I've lost an agent trying to kill a clerk

I'd argue that Lobotomy Corporation will more or less remain niche, even if some youtube fag does bring it up. FNAF and Undertale are very easy to get into, they're a fucking jumpscare game and a relatively simple rpg mechanics wise. LC is a management game, so it's already lost that kind of mass appeal from that alone.

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>tfw have been hiring shitters with my lob instead of buffing my chads
How long did it take for you to stop?

Alternatively you can get him close to 25% HP then disengage all your dudes completely to either Extraction, Records, left Information or right Information elevators - or the hallways immediately next to them. Call the Rabbits on him after he stops the hi-speed dash and you know he won't elevator to cross departments vertically. Then when you see the RULES OF NATURE marks appear, immediately move your 6 marked employees to enter the 6 nearest containment units and pray their Justice is high enough to make it there in time before he begins to LET IT RIP.

He has a regular blue injection attack where he brings up a holomap of the whole facility in front of him, marks 6 dudes, then teleport strikes them with Pale damage. I find this one is easy enough to mitigate by Pale shielding your dudes and microing them to move constantly without stopping.

>when Gebura slams a door, she deal pale damage

Fuck that looks so good

Attached: 1560144435414.jpg (1280x720, 152K)

>vk has a russian lc rp group
So this is the power of autism... Interesting...


She likes friends.

Attached: O-05-47 small.png (101x101, 14K)

I don't know people


It took me as long as it took until I got to Hod which was a very long time, sad to say.
You should definitely have the DPS to do this, an easy way to kill him is to let him roam around until he pulls out a map of the facility and marks an agent in each area. If everyone's together, and you black shield them, he'll warp to your army, get pushed into being stunned nearly instantly and die just as quickly. I think it could work if you frag him when he begins an injection as well, but that's more risky than waiting for him to do his black damage nothin' personel attack.

No worries
I really doubt that's gonna happen
As for LoR, let's just hope any big e-celeb doesn't pick it up or it will be the end of our comfy threads

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Anyone know how to use console commands? I want to know what agents would look like if they had matching suits, weapons, and gifts from

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How to activate it is an easy Google search but I'll link it anyway
The other things for having fun with console are a bit difficult to find so I'll toss the links in here.
Console commands:
Codes for abnormalities (for whatever reason, Ice Queen's kiss gift doesn't seem possible to cheat in):

Well you gotta admit that the games whit horror undertones are the ones who get it the worst!
But overall is more about what the devs do whit it as long as they do not become attention hores or sellout (looking at you shovel knight) it should be fine…

Attached: 1562255425988.png (1920x1080, 1.99M)

Wait, what? He can't enter containment room?

Where is translatanon when you need him?

On scarecrow duty.

What the fuck is Tipherets suppression gimmick? Nothing has really happened and im at quliphot meltdown 5

disables all meltdown immunity.
The real threat is forcing you to go to meltdown level 10, which usually means you have to survive a Midnight.

Have you beaten a midnight ordeal before?

Attached: Tiphereth4.png (444x520, 118K)




Attached: 1558922419218.png (444x520, 118K)

Isn't the Tiph suppression around when midnight first unlocks?

In the process of seeing how silly an agent could look with certain gifts on, I see how AiB would work in only one department

Attached: army in command.webm (1366x768, 2.88M)

Nope. Entering containment rooms removes the marks. If he has nobody marked to RIP AND TEAR, he won't jump I think. Safest way to say no to his shit

Then use internet message boards, facebook, whatever and ask for people

RIP thread

We will meet again as stars.

This is fine Don't do drugs, managers, else this may happen to you.

Attached: Screenshot_130.png (851x528, 486K)

Looks cool


I'm retarded and didn't think it through so I thought it was literal randomization

how do you start without One bro?

There's a couple of ways, I don't recommend starting without him anyway but,
If you finish a day where you can unlock two departments, but when you unlock a department and don't get a new abnormality, Day 1 (since that abnormality is considered to be in some weird limbo while waiting for the second department to open)
Get a bad ending during the Day 46+ gauntlet (would result in holding two abnormals, and getting my screenshot)
Or console command aboose like I did after pressing Day 1 and waiting for the game to load Angela's first conversation.

Attached: 118.png (700x712, 448K)


>first time doing a noon ordeal
>oh boy oh boy here we go
>move everyone into one sector so that whatever it spawned I could mobilise the fucking murder ball against it
>they're all standing in control team HQ
>send some level 2 retard to go slap dicks with one sin and hundreds of good deeds
>go through trumpets so fast the music changes like 3 times in 3 seconds
>every death based anomaly in my base gets the fuck out of his containment
>Great Love For Us starts to reduce the counters of all the other shit
>one guy gets out of doing his work with one sin
>instantly goes mad from the piles of co-worker guts strewn about and the giant tentacle waving stone dildo in the middle of the room basted in agent intestines
I almost threw my fucking computer out of the window.

Attached: 1529560511615.jpg (400x400, 22K)

Imagine being the chad in charge of her
>Get to genocide all clerks in your department
>Endless slime waifu sex

Your work for the day is limited to harmless laetitia head-patting
at the end of the day, Gebura kills you by crushing your head with her thighs

Do you accept, Yea Forums?

No. No employee deaths allowed.

>but grimsby

I'm not seeing a downside


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Great job getting memed on on your first Great Love For Us. It's part of the experience. Now you know to move all your agents into hallways/elevators to easily dodge it. The black damage the tentacles do is like 1-2 damage anyhow and they're all chumps.

Can Good Luck Fuck You spawn in Central Command's main room? They seem too small for it to fit in.

Not the TLanon, but I know some nip runes

>1st panel
Little red: "There's no way I'd date a guy like this!"
Agent (idk his name): "Shut it, I don't want it either"
QoH: "Guys stop fighting!"

>2nd panel
Brown: "Fuhahaha.. That's it, keep fighting... entertain me more"

>3rd panel
QoH: "Brown! Is it really fun to you to say that stuff to people in trouble?"
Brown: "Yep"

>4th panel
Brown (whispering): "Wait, this is just an act! I really want to see you both to make up, but if I don't do this she'll feel down!"
Little Red & Agent: "Brown.."

It's a cute 4 panel comic, especially Brown is being antagonistic so QoH won't go into hysteric mode and 4th panel being so fucking small and I can't read that one runes (act) so I had to look up a dictionary and comparing it one by one. So forgive me if I had it wrong

Oh neat.

Only on the upper 2 floors, but yes. They do 100 red damage throughout the entire room too btw

Only the first two floors

>They do 100 red damage throughout the entire room
That explains it, I once forgot to keep track and my gigachad squad survived a GREAT LOVE landing right on their heads and cleaned it out with no casualties before I could react.

Thanks substitute Translatanon!

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Hey Russianons, why is this game so relatively popular over there?

The hopelessness and despair remind me of home.

Russianbros did it again

How do you survive this hellhole?

>beat Day 50
>day 1 reset

Attached: 1542864654050.png (772x598, 681K)

>day 50 rolls in

Attached: 200px-Th14Seija.png (200x353, 64K)

Which one?
Memrepo day btw.

Attached: CA1F6550-37B6-4D73-94FA-E7330003A614.png (1920x1080, 867K)

D-04-108, get the observation, then instant mem repo.


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Go for the D

user, this is memrepo day. I can't throw it out. Did you even read my post you DOUBLE CLERK

I don't trust that smile...

How am I doing?

Attached: Untitledvdfvdfvdfvdfvdfvvf.png (1920x1080, 602K)

Don't bully me. Take the middle one then.


Attached: 1563041989963.jpg (1100x800, 52K)

Left for blessing
Middle for blessing
Right for punishment-disguised blessing.

>Day 23
>Take only box I haven't seen yet
>It's a pink llama that escapes every other time I touch the fucking containment unit
>Teleports around, evading arrest while killing anyone that dares to touch her
>2 retries later and I still can't consistently keep her from escaping long enough to get her research done
I don't even care anymore I'm mem repoing this trash can fairy llama.

I'll take punishment.

Haha :)
You are quite blessed user :)

Left is a parasite piece of shit, middle is a blessing to have, right's just a pointless teth.

>>It's a pink llama that escapes every other time I touch the fucking containment unit
I usually do attachment work with my chads on it, and hope it lands on normal
Thank god I already did tiphereth's suppression

>he doesn't like having a Silent Orchestra that plays hide and seek

Attached: AiruneInfobox.png (264x524, 150K)

This is the unknown

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It's shit, but not actively dangerous. Just send someone with a ZAYIN EGO weapon to it a few times to get its' research done and forget it exists.

Uh oh.

I sent in someone with a Zayin ego weapon and they just come right back out immediately

You need energies to do work with it

Need at least 10 PE boxes in the top left meter
Once you find out what it does, you'll be kinda sad you have this thing around

remember user, dont gamble the money you dont have

Honestly, your facility is pretty nice except for one single thing.
Good luck, Manager.

Is the one single thing the Doc?

Oh boy I cant wait to see what it does

Alright Yea Forums, it's time to make the worst abnormality ever, one info box at a time.
>Managerial Tip 1: On Good work result, Qliphoth counter decreased.

Attached: 1B937DEE-0942-49F3-8E44-700A10E5401E.jpg (381x239, 11K)

>Managerial Tip 2: When work on another abnormality was performed, Qliphoth counter decreased with a normal chance.

Tip 3: On Bad work result, Qliphoth counter increased and instantly killed the agent.

>Managerial Tip 3: When escaped, it is 2.0x weak to all damage types. However, it becomes immune to whatever damage type it got attacked by last.

>Managerial tip 3: On Normal work result all Qliphoth counters in the department decreased by 1 with a normal chance

>Tip 4: Employees with Fortitude higher than 4 died panicked when entering the cotaiment

>Managerial Tip 6: When breaching it enchants every employee that isn't on the screen.

>Managerial Tip 5: Abnormality changes the location of its containment room every day.

>Tip 5, if the work is faster than 40 seconds, Qliphoth counter was reduced

Qlipoth Count: 1
0.5 red
0.5 white
0.5 black
2.0 pale

>Managerial Tip 6: "When the work time is 40 seconds or under, Qliphoth Counter is reduced."

>Managerial Tip 7: When employee YumYum performed work on another abnormality after on O-69-420, that abnormality's Qliphoth counter decreased to 0

>Tip 8: When 20 employees died, the qliphoth counter increased

Managerial Tip 7: When Qliphoth counter increased, Qliphoth counter decreased.

>Managerial Tip 9: When there are hostiles in the facility for more than 20 seconds, it will activate meltdowns based on how many hostiles are present every 5 seconds

Risk Level: "Zayin"

I want a department that's not connected to anything else in the facility. No hallways / elevators connecting it, just a completely separated department. Abno's that can teleport can still get there.

Managerial Tip 10: 관리자가 한국어를 읽을 수 없으면 Qliphoth 카운터가 감소했습니다

When the qli reaches zero, it acts just like the baby but no sacrifices and the sound is heard in the entire facility.

Everything but level 1 Fortitude is "very low"

Attached: galaxy brain.jpg (400x300, 23K)

Attached: Nigga.png (1024x862, 710K)

I thought tools werent affected by qli meltdown

Attached: Untitledvdfvdfvdfvdfvdfvvf.png (1920x1080, 1.37M)

>everything that's not fortitude 1 instantly kills the employee and qliphoth counter becomes 0
>fortitude 1 is still very low

>oh this game sounds cool
>do some reading about it
>actual in-game text is littered with typos and poor english
Well nevermind i guess

You can let it countdown and it'll just give you a small energy penalty

Fuck off cunt

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>Meltdown starts.
>Would rather let the Meltdown finish than do work with the abnormality.
What's her name, Yea Forums? Heart of Aspiration.

>he cant get past a little Engrish

Attached: loboshiggy.jpg (1060x800, 171K)

Only WCCA and Backward Clock are not affected by meltdowns

You never played games with fan translations or what?

>pick it up
>put it back
>get a tard guard to beat the agent back to sanity

>each tip costs 7 boxes to unlock

i avoid incompetent fan translations because that shit is irritating to read

Giant tree sap


You're in luck then, it's an incompetent official translation

The devs got scammed off their money by a dude who just gave them a machine translation.

Maybe you should translate it, oh wait...

Thats disappointing
Whyd they do something stupid like that
Eat me

What's so bad about Laetitia? I use her to grind Temperance on newbies.

The out of tune music box sounds she makes when being worked on can get REALLY grating sometimes, to the point of getting stuck in your head.

Attached: 1562899037269.png (800x1000, 229K)

user please. All she wants are headpats and kisses on the forehead

Attached: 1562196248907.jpg (489x575, 103K)

Fair enough.

You don't like three of these playing at the same time?


Attached: 1451523487650.gif (413x333, 187K)

I actually took file of it playing at stuck it into my playlist

I enjoy it. It calms me down when I'm having a stressful day.

Attached: 319D704E-AD04-4FB7-8A5A-DF75896D3A32.png (865x1121, 296K)

Is the music box music somewhere on youtube?

Actually sounds pretty great
Thankfully youtube even has looping function inbuilt

Do you think you can translate pic related and ? Thanks!

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>there was once a limit to how many times you could work on an abnormal before a Qliphoth meltdown
There was a lot of extra shit to deal with before the game was finalized, huh
>art style was totally different
>no EGO weapons or armor, just slightly better pistols and batons for agents
>abnormalities operated differently depending on what personality, gender, and level the agent was
>if you didn't work on an abnormality, they would drain your daily quota and eventually break out as well
>ordeals were based on irl time instead of how many works you've done (the amount of LOB you got from a day was based on IRL time as well, in both instances the timer would pause if you hit pause)
>suppressing both of these were a bitch considering how shit your equipment was at all times, with one of the ordeals being based on you clicking things away before they killed your agents
Back on topic, I like her music, it's very nice to hear now. At first it really spooked me.

>QoH and agent swap trying to cover for each other
Somehow this seems really fucking cute

for me it's BaMBBW

T= Trauma
F= Fairy tale
O = Original
D = ???
where the fuck do D class abnos spawn from



Attached: oh no you feel emphaty towards employees.jpg (525x1200, 250K)

Attached: Oh You're approaching me.webm (1366x768, 1.18M)

>that random clerk who accidentaly walks into a jojo and DBZ crossover just to become statistics

Attached: 1563145317268.jpg (800x800, 65K)

>First time playing
>Get Crumbling Armor early
>Give everyone in the facility the buff because Im retarded and the tips are poorly translated
>Instead of memrepoing my mistake I just spend a few hours farming Ppodae until everyone has dog ears

Attached: 2int.png (188x264, 77K)

>being a furry
>a vore-liking furry
Good gift and suit though.

you can also farm one sin until thats gone

Based Ramirez using magic bullet to wipe out several filthy cl*rks while dunking on an ordeal

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Ramirez needs better armor to suit how badass he is

Way ahead of ya

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>that guy is dating Red

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last 4 netzach

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What a generic monster design

We will return as stars

no abnos past this point
that means your employees manager

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We will meet again as stars.

Here's your ticket, madam.

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suck my cock dude