Looking back on it, was this the prelude to lootboxes? They're randomized and the cards you get effect gameplay
Looking back on it, was this the prelude to lootboxes? They're randomized and the cards you get effect gameplay
considering there was no gameplay if you didnt buy cards no
The cards have value and can be traded, now fuck off you corporate shill
if i could sell my skins later on then maybe, valve funny enough has a good system
I can't think of anything that was a prelude to lootboxes. Lootboxes being a randomized non-tangible item that you have no actual ownership of.
Pokemon has always been really fucking jewish. They still make like 2-3 versions of the same game even today.
Did any kid actually use the pokemon trading cards to play the card game?
anyone want to see my collection?
pokemon card game is ass yugioh was better now its ass too
You don't think those were the first instance of opperant conditioning to be used to sell stuff, do you?
No they don't, they take like 19% for every trade for fucking nothing
if you tolerate this, when your children will be next
Anybody here ever cry because they were disappointed with what they got in a pack? I was 8 and had my heart set on a holographic Mr. Mime (one of the last cards I needed) and instead got my 3rd Kangaskhan
you could just bypass buying them and buy single cards from the gameshop to make a deck
and when you get bored you can sell the cards, maybe at a loss or maybe even profit depending on many factors
"Affect," you illiterate baboon.
You can resell them.
Card packs predate Pokemon.
The Predate Magic.
I'm sure they predate Baseball cards too.
This isn't a prelude to shit.
Pogs were the shit.
>for nothing
based retard
no you moron
1. cards all have the same value as dictated by the TGC
2. all off market value is dictated by the playerbase with no input by the TGC
3. sellers market is not run by the TGC at all, they do not make any profit off of sales
Yea Forums supports preying on kids when it fuels their shitposting
500 IQ post.
>Online Card games are hot shit right now
>Pokémon is an household name
>Aready established card game
>Assets all ready to go
>Billions of dollars at their disposal
>Can't be arsed to revamp their online card game to look better than a 2005 flash game
Baseball cards came first at the very least. Even then, there is something else that I'm sure predated baseball cards.
What the fuck are card packs?
Sealed packs of cards, like in the OP picture. Same thing as 'booster' packs.
You actually think these predated baseball cards?
No I don't. I'm not the one you replied to.
because you dont even play the game
difference is you can trade and sell them second hand without being banned.
try doing that with hearthstone "cards"
Pretty sure Pokémon wasn't even the first cardgame with booster packs...
>had lots of pocket money
>buy a couple packs
>give friend one of them as a gift
>he opens it and gets shiny charizard
As you can imagine I was quite seething that day.
>The cards have value
*blocks your path*
Yeah but i can trade or sell them and in a couple years some increase in value by a lot, dlc just takes your money and the value is gone once you finish the game.
legally speaking no because according to the companies each card is worth the same amount whereas, for example, in overwatch items have fixed amounts they're worth if you buy them in credits so you can see by the numbers how much less you get back on the average loot box compared to one that has the "good" stuff in it.
their card game is unironically the only good official card game on PC right now (though YGOpro shits all over it in the grand scheme of things, of course this is assuming you like the games involved to begin with.)
>Yeah bro just open the cards, don't play with them, get this one particular card that might have value in the future, and also make sure it has no slight printing errors or misalignment or problems with the colors :)
>You might make money in 20+ years!
>dad lets my two siblings and I each get a yugioh pack during a shopping trip
>sister gets one of the exodia limbs as her rare
>brother gets the goddamn head
>I just got some random shit I don't even remember
in retrospect I realize those things are utterly worthless to a couple of kids that didn't have the money to grind out packs to get all five pieces or the knowhow to buy the rest of the parts secondhand but goddamn I was salty that day
Life is the prelude to lootboxes. It's randomized and the genes you get effect gameplay
It's like the world exists purely to spite us user.
This ^^^^^^
only old, rare cards ever have any real lasting value because of how limited the printings were and in many cases because few people realized they'd be worth anything as a keepsake 20 years down the line. Between the "invester" (aka scalper) market on any collectible since the 90's that's popped up and just the fact that things like magic packs are printed in far greater numbers these days, anything with actual value is exclusively limited to tournament-viable cards. As soon as they rotate out of standard that drops significantly unless it can hack it in stuff like vintage or at least modern. even then it'll still be worth less overall.
you know you could always just make fake cards
its what me and my friends did, why spend a fortune on a deck when you can just write down the rules on a bit of paper
When do we start banning life?
The point isn't that the card is worth a lot, it's that the card is worthy anything. Lootboxes are worth nothing the moment the company that sells them shuts down their servers.
it's hilarious how many autistic little intricacies can doom a card's value even if it's mint condition just from print defects. you'd make way more money from OP's card packs if you just didn't open them and sold them as-is in the future.
How could God release Life in such a buggy mess and do nothing about it?
>Buy a pokemon card pack for $10
>Get shit cards that go for At least the pokemon company wont be able to take the cardboard from me eventually
Yes. Just because Nintendos cabal does it doesn't make it okay.
Card games are notoriously shitty with their RNG, and lootboxes are just as bad.
>Actual physical product that you can own and can never be taken from you by a server being shut down
>Can trade it
>Can sell it
>Can STEAL it
>IS the game itself
>Can just buy the card you want without having to deal with RPG elements
>Buy a pokemon card pack for $10
nigga what those things are like $4 at most
You actually get something physical though and if you want a specific card you can just trade or buy it off someone instead of opening fucking boxes until you get what you want.
>create solid base game with good crafting and physics engine
>release first patch that adds new features
>works ok but not too interesting
>starting adding more features in patches
>new features are buggy and require new patches
>new patches are buggy and require newer patches
Honestly, the best thing to do would be to remake the entire game.
Irrelevant, you can often trade lootbox items too like in all Valve games and its still cancer.
I was able to buy a 50 pack on amazon for 5$
They're not considered gambling because they have no assigned value
They have more value now than ever. Even back then when Pokemon cards were popular you could easily sell them. Fuck off millennial.
>At least the pokemon company wont be able to take the cardboard from me eventually
yes thats literally the point shithead
If you buy a bulk product online of card packs that isn't a sealed booster box (honestly if you buy card packs online in general) it'll be weighed and you're gonna get jack fucking shit. and honestly if you're getting it THAT cheap it's probably a dogshit set with absolutely nothing good in it to begin with anyway.
you could trade in Tf2 retardo
you can't, asshole.
you can't do that in EVERY GAME that isn't on STEAM
fucker asshole
>pokemon tcg good
> if you dont play with GX pokemon your fucked
I'm not some autistic /vp/ soiboi but I have to admit I still get excited seeing those booster packs.
Not him but this is such as stupid argument. The issue is putting content, whether its cosmetics or cards, being a RNG paywall in order to charge consumers more than they really should be charged.
Its a nickel and diming tactic used to hide the expensive nature of the items by breaking it down to smaller cheaper purchases with low odds of getting what you want. It doesnt matter whether you buy 10 crates hoping to get that one item, or 10 packs hoping to get one card, both systems are bullshit and unfair on consumers.
The fact is people are (slowly) waking up to the fact these RNG systems are bullshit, so hopefully if it doesnt get banned it will just die.
Weighing packs hasn't been a thing since the 90s, at least for pokemon and mtg, searching is way more common or even straight up resealing
Anyone collected marbles? I remember thats where the collections started, back in lower elementary. We'd trade cooler marbles with each other, and make up games to win each others marbles, like a kiddy version of bowls.
That's because that card came out before the series became as massively popular as it is. That charizard card isn't even that rare but finding one that has never been played and is also perfectly printed is stupidly rare. Nowadays people collect the cards with the intent of doing this in the future. You'll never see any other pokemon cards sell for this kind of money.
I never said every game, but the fact remains that even in games where you can trade/sell items its still a cancerous system.
Lootboxes are cancer. Cards are cancer.
End of thread.
>no YGO online card game with classic ruleset before Synchro/XYZ/Pendulum power creep
Didn't they add a new card type recently on top of all that shit, too
i used to, not anymore but i still watch that marbles olympics on youtube, shit is cash
It's probably for the best. Every time he got involved with the game shit got turned up to 11 as well as hitting the fan.
You could only buy so many cards and they were a lot cheaper. Lootboxes are way more dangerous.
I played one game against Mewtwo EX and another game against Guzzlord GX. Each of those decks were full of energy and one pokemon. No thanks.
This is what you are currently trying to do.
i dont care leave me alone
you know what I meant
no phoneposter, the point WAS the fact that the card had value reread what people respond to before you blindly jump in and start arguing with people
he's being a genwunner about it but links (and to a lesser extent pendulums) are cancer
>unironically liking the new yugioh layer of bullshittry
xyz, from what i hear, broke the damn game.
syncs didn't, you have shittons of cards that kill them or fuck with them.
ie, i stopped playing in like 2010-11.
I was kidding
>first edition premiere rare card that's nearly perfect sells for a decent amount
no way!!!
you could sell them loose or trade them
Me and my friends just thought the card game was picking a pokemon and using its attacks. No one could beat my Zapdos and its 100 damage attack
YGO today is unrecognizable, the pace of the game increased like 20-fold, last time I played it my opponent beat me in two turns
His cards were activating chaining effects so fast I don't even know what happened
Which is why no one went to the government for them. Retardo
Who the fuck that plays TCGs buys packs to actually acquire cards? Only children and the mentally Ill do that. Singles have and always will exist.
Packs are for drafting. That's it.
>got a reverse holo in barely used condition
>see thread, check online for laughs
>people selling it for ~$200
not bad, probably more than I ever spent on cards
Me and my friends never ever played the actual card game. We only collected the cards based on rarity. It was pretty nice actually.
Also remember having both blue and red because of my brother. Managed to get a full pokédex on my pokémon blue. Was super proud of it and showed it off to my friends who were amazed.
Simpler times
>They banned marbles because kids would steal them.
>They banned baseball cards because kids would steal them.
>They then banned Pokemon cards because kids would steal them.
The worst part was me and a group of kids went to the principal to ask if we could have an after school club for playing Pokemon cards, the art teacher said she wouldn't mind hosting it for us. The principal didn't even take a second to think about it, said absolutely not, and kicked us out if his office. That fucker. Also, we were in there 3rd grade, not fucking highschool in case anyone was wondering.
A lot of kids just made up rules. A common one I saw was shuffle your deck, draw 1 card and battle like that.
I wasn't allowed to because my parents thought prize cards went to the other player.
>make sure it has no slight printing errors or misalignment or problems with the colors :)
in some cases this increases the value of the card
I’ve been thinking that forever. TCGs are made so whoever has more money to burn will win. The fact you need to run multiples of the best cards means you’ll need to open as many packs as you possibly can or buy individual cards if you want to seriously compete
only if it's a really bad fuckup, stuff like the sides being slightly missized or an attack number being a few pixels to the left are rarely gonna move the needle. You need stuff like pic related for it to make bank.
>can't make a custom deck to battle NPC players
>no older cards despite presence of "Unlimited" option
>still incredibly slow
>F2P and can't just purchase entire game experience outright