Fire Emblem Thread: Depressed Girls Edition

>Fire Emblem Thread: Depressed Girls Edition

>Which house are you going with first?
>Who are you gonna fug and why?
>What’s your hype level?

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Other urls found in this thread:

No good MLM supports no buy.


What the fuck is a MLM

You know there's a general on /vg/ right?

I wanted to do Blue Boys but they have the least number of interesting girls it seems to me. So rip them I guess

No idea
No idea


I hate that you people support this pandering to the lowest common denominator horseshit. Fanservice is a bad thing, if all your media has is which senran would you kagura it's bad


Blue Lions
No one

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>blue fags
no thanks
only non gay team is the way to go.
Claude is the only non-faggot leader, sis

can't wait for the game to release only for the fanbase to hate it

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We aren't supporting Fates user

>Which house are you going with first?
Black Eagles
>Who are you gonna fug and why?
Petra, because of pic
>What’s your hype level?

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I already hate it. it's enabled /pol/ and /lgbt/ over the same brown twink

people are positive because EVERYTHING about this game looks good (besides actual graphics, mind you)

You mean 2/3rds of last thread wasn't about how people wanted to knock sothis up?

fuck yeah, that's my fetish.

Twitter bullshit for male gay shit


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It's already been happening for two days.

So, how are you going to heal Dimitri anons? With power of pussy, or with power of cock?

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Golden CHADS
>who fugg
Marianne the based french waifu
>hype level
8/10 looks pretty rad

>lowest common denominator
Except that 3H is much LESS fanservice-y and has less of that fates anime shit. Absolutely brilliant post user.

It unironically wasn't


>Which house are you going with first?
The gold guy I only ever watched the first trailer so I have no idea which characters are in which house
>Who are you gonna fug and why?
Nobody I just wanna be a good teacher to my students
>What’s your hype level?
A little high just because I have nothing else to look forward to.

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Sothis better stay a loli

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Amassing Dimitri porn as we speak.

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it was not you delusional faggot

Multi-level marketing

>wahhh the cishets are talking about penis in vagina sex again

With one that has greater power of course.

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a-are fundans allowed?

Fuck off to /vg/

I-i-i like the story I swear

They're getting uppity again, otomestacys post THAT

this is incinaroar all over again

the more Yea Forums seethes on a leak and calls it fake, the more real it is

Based, reddit, we did it again.

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Why does the word edition trigger so many people?

>MUA3 this week
>FE 3H the next one

Fun times ahead

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You're only making yourself look like an idiot, user. Everyone knows that pic is fake. Male Byleth doesn't even have the right colored hair in it.

Catherine IS a CUTE knight wife! Give ME blonde knight wife! She IS like Valerie! (She is! She is!)

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I hope she lives.

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Why are they dragging based Claude into this? He's the only who got confirmed straight, without a doubt.


be sure to post it on /y/

Is MUA3 gonna be good? I’m looking for something to play until FE

I'm not too into FE but gonna give this one a shot. Prob gonna go with the Blue Lions first just cause I wanna see what happens to get the main guy to that eyepatched 'kill everyone' state

Bros, I just want to skewer Lysithea on my dick...

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The only girl I would go gay for.

Good point. On my way.

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Is FE a good game to play for story or is it generally boring?

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I hope so too

How romantic of you.

I don't follow.

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I want to F U C K Lysithea

video game stories are inherently boring

I am NOT gay BUT gay IS okay! I am male!

Read this thread and judge how many people are talking about who they want to skewer and how many are talking about new weapon triangle stuff, new magic details, plot stuff, whatever.

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Is there marriage/kids in this one or will I be passing on it?

Depends on the game, but for the most part they're okish.

>Yea Forums was making fun of fujos how much they were seething, coping and reaching because Claude wasn't gay
>they are doing the same at mere possibility that Dimitri might be bi

Valerie user?

In general, no. But some FE’s has alright stories.

marriage yes
Kids no

No, but I will.

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I collect MANY wife! Catherine IS a GOOD wife FOR collection!

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Only marriage
>But what's the point of marriage without kids
Support bonuses

I'm latching onto the nostalgia of the first two games and the cast being good overall, minus a few exceptions (3 spidermen). I'll wait for a few days after its release to make a final decision.

seethe harder, fag enabler

The all mighty otome stacey!

Come on man. Where's the source.

This just further goes to prove that homosexuality is mental illness because Dimitri had to become insane to be gay.

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>Except that 3H is much LESS fanservice-y and has less of that fates anime shit.
>Half of the game is literally a fucking anime high school

It's already in that /y/ thread, a few posts up.

>anime invented school
american education



>Blue Lions
>maybe savescum to bang all the guys (except Dedue) and possibly poach some carpet munchers
>very high for the game I bought a Switch for
I am more excited for the gameplay than for the romance options, though.

What went right?

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They have a leader that looks and acts like a fag, but is the most straight one out of 3.

and... here we go again...

Being a commoner ain't gay.

>most the best girls

>most the best bros

>second best lord

And best maps apparently.

Well, it’s basically halfway a VN now. Fates’ fanservice was pretty tacked on without any depth, not sure if I can even call 3H fanservice anymore when the genre has changed to become more of a dedicated social school simulator.

Found it, biialter for anyone else

Realizing that these threads are full of women.
I actually believe that at least one in ten posters is a woman.

kill Ignatz and Leonie and replace them with Ingrid and Ashe you'd have the perfect house

I made the right choice going with Golden Deer

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The rest of us are gay

Lorenz and Lysithea. Everyone else is just sweet icing.

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So, all the women are seething for the last few hour over fakes?

Leonie is NOT my wife BUT she IS cute! Give me strong wife! Give me tomboy wife!

these threads are full of /feg/ posters posting the same bait between threads

they are the ones posting gay shit. Some are otomefags seething about said fujoshit

>thinking heterosexuality can stop the fujos

Fag enabler? I'm saying that Dimitri isn't gay. I don't want him to be, either.

It's just gays stirring by pretending to be fujos

>only males can take this class

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go back to fates aqua

>Having a school as setting automatically means anime

>most the best bros
>those three retards

Blue Lions.

It's quite simple really. You let your fag units die and recruit straight units to occupy their positions

she's a bow knight anyways

What will you do about their leader then? He goes homo after his time skip.

She IS good WITH a lance!

I just want a cute tomboy grappler
>she'll never roll up her sleeves before pinning you to the ground and locking you with her thighs

1) The Blue Ones.
2) Don't really care.
3) Warily hype. I've yet to buy a Seitch and don't know when I'll buy one.

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im going in so blind all i know is you choose between three houses

what went wrong
>worst boys with the lord as an exception
>lord is clearly gay but not an option as one
>yellow/gold is shit tier color
what went right
>princess pink pigtails
>jailbate prodigy

As long as I could rail Dimitri and Mercedes using FByleth I don't really care if fujos seethe for days for not getting their homo fantasies

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>yellow/gold is shit tier color

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t. Donald Trump


My hero!

>Fates got rid of most of the gender lock class boundaries
>3H goes back and gender lock classes
for what purpose

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Enjoy having bad tastes
>b-but he has a wife and kid
He'll be my daddy too

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>Kill Leonie
I'm afraid you are not my nigger.

How could this be bros? They made this game. It's their game and Claude isn't a faggot. How did this happen?!

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You got Lindhart and even Dimitri. You should stfu now.

I honestly like the return, as consistency feels nice on my autism.

golden deer
with the minimum i know about the story it seems like it will be the "canon" good path. Also has best 2 girls

>no kid units

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Gold is only good when combo'd with other colors. If gold isn't with purple, blue or red, it's wasted.

Except aren’t all enemy peg knights still male?

I remember for awakening if you did
>Defense bonus Avatar
>Nowi marries Kellam
>Nah marries Avatar
The Morgan you get gets a base 50 defense.

wtf its lego

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Redpill me on this game

I stopped caring when it looked like they were trying to sell me a fucking Persona or Trails of Cold Steel game

user you can Annette's dad and you will be Annette's step dad

>golden chads
>nobody because everyone in 3Hs is boring as fuck
>on a scale of 1 to 10 it's a 2.

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I did it guys. I gave in and bought it digitally. 30 minutes to download

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maybe but i liked freedom it had like being able to make female fighters and male pegas etc. Not sure why they made the Dark Mage and Hero class male only

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5ch is a riot.

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same here

What did I miss?

woah it is
i just looked at the thumbnail thats crazy

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It turns into SMT in the second half.

you missed a photoshop

Some user made a photoshopped support of a punished Dimitri being a faggot and Resetera latched onto it as hope that Claude is still bi.

It DOES have CUTE knight wife Catherine! I will MARRY Catherine! You SHOULD marry Catherine TOO user! (You should! You should!)

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I hope we all have fun user

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So apparently in China they broke street date. Leaks incoming.

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Never speak to me again.
Less models to make? Or maybe the locked classes are worth limiting access to, somehow. There's probably no reason at all.

>Nips are mentioning Edelgard and Dimitri regarding fagggotry
OH NO NO NO! So much for that thing being a shop.

How shitty will the story be? Just run of the mill mediocre like most of the games, or terrible? Looks fun tho.

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Oh shit.
Where's chinaman when you need him? I need my 40 hour streams.

Better than fates

Looks like I'll be needing an 11 day vacation soon

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So, Dimitri thing is correct then? Judging by how that badly translated post looks.

School shit is only the first half at most, then everything goes to shit in a continent wide war. Each house you pick has their own motivations and flaws, so no one is definitively on the moral high ground
>Black Eagles want to reconquer the territories that broke away centuries ago and their leader is a control freak tyrant
>Blue Lions want to uphold honor and justice no matter what the price may be and their leader is a knightly prince who turns into Punished Snake for some reason and has no qualms about killing everyone in his way
>Golden Deer are an independent League of nobles and merchants who may be trying to profit off the war economy and whose leader is a shifty fuck who's all about schemes and putting on masks to gain people's trust

she looks like my girlfriend

>Male Byleth
>my feet hurt
>tfw just want to fuck old men but you have to put up with these shitty kids
>tfw you just want to sleep but you still have to check grades after this
>just want to go home

>Female Byleth
>what the fuck is going on
>i'm tired of dealing with this bullshit every single time
>how long do I have to stick myself with these kids
>I never wanted to be in this position

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Isn't it saying that it's impossible for him to be gay?

yea i doubt there's a reason for it.

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>Never speak to me again

>best boy and best girl are once again the same character

From what I'm seeing Nips are bitching that leaders being gay don't make sense because they can't have heirs and they only mention Eda (Edelgard) and Dimicro (Dimitri?) in their bitching about same sex marriages.

Have they never heard of a concubine in such a case?

That does sound based desu but I really don't like the school shit, I don't know if I could deal with 10 hours or half the game of it.

Since when was Lorenz a girl?

At worst mediocre and at best the best FE story ever

Fujos won, confirmed.

As far as lessons are concerned you can auto that shit and let the game handle it for you at the very least.

>tfw I'll never have a knight wife to defend my honor

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Looks like I'm leaving the threads I don't trust 4chin

Uh user it's possible they saw the shop and are talking about it.

I want everything to leak.

They don't seem to be happy about there being gay shit, in general. At least judging by these posts.

So is Dimitri going m!playersexual?

>their leader is a control freak tyrant
Perfect. I know where I'm going.

No. They are reacting to the shopped image.

Japan is way too conservative. I was disappointed in how they butchered Luka's route in Steins;Gate over being ashamed of anything outside the norm. I'd have thought they would grow out of it by now.

"Leak" says so.
Nips are bitching about him regarding homo shit, so ... I don't know desu.

It's not beating 4.
But if it somehow does, I'll eat my shirt.

>Nips are bitching about him regarding homo shit
talking out of your ass, faggot

Nah they're only reacting to Ega being lesbian and saying why the rest can't be gay.


I hope so. I don't want to play as Femblyeth.

>Japan is way too conservative.

good the last thing we need them to do is go WOKE

>my switch jig arrived today
Awwwww yiss, gimme the nsp

Gimme a link to this bread so I can read the moonrunes for myself regarding this thing.

Blue lions
everyone eventually annette first prob
at least 5

They're weird. A game was localized a while ago and the nips wanted the cute pure prostitute in it to be changed because they disliked the idea of having a prostitute shown in a good light. They didn't care that she was supposed to be a little girl lel.

Nope. If you go to the newer replies someone says it's just a shop some foreigner did.

4 and the game is going to be a disappointment

It's just strange that in some ways they're open and honest about sexuality, but in other ways they censor themselves heavily and refuse to talk about non-traditional relationships.

>Each house you pick has their own motivations and flaws.

I've never heard of a game that does this well. You will end up with a clear good guy side, or everybody being a piece of shit in the worst way possible. Chances are there will also be a badly written side that clearly wasn't meant to be a "canon" route. Hero vs Hero stories are generally a recipe for disaster. You're just asking for bad writing.

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Nigga the fucking creator of Yuri on Ice went on to rant about seeing a gay couple holding hands in public. Shits wack, yo. Even the jap lefties are right.


>If you go to the newer replies
I don't even know how to 5ch, senpai.

Only degenerates find soapland woman in a good light.

Tbh I'm not sure any of the three lords can be considered a "hero". They seem like anti-heroes at the best of times and straight villain protagonists otherwise

It's fucked up. Is that the main public opinion, or is it just the aging Japanese population in control of this stuff and refusing to consider change?

U.S and Europe is banned from 5ch anyway. I just found that thread (at least I think it's the same one) and they're saying Dimitri being gay is a shopped image. And now they're talking about Ega's height in comparison to everyone else.

>in some ways they're open and honest about sexuality,

Relinder that Anime Industry is filled with Liberal types just like Hollywood. All these "honest sexuality" writers is their H.K Rowlings that are writing, usually stuck on dead-end time-slots. We just don't usually realize in America because streaming sites got Popular Anime and Unpopular Anime side by side on the same page. No such thing as dead-end time slots, and usually the DVD version that is completely uncensored.

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>power of cock
More like the power of boipucci, this guy is a top for sure

So what's the cultural rationale behind it, anyways? Obviously in the west it's largely been religious influence, but I can't say I know enough about their dirty pagan ways to say the same for them.

>holding hands
>in public
fucking hell get a room. Physical content in public. Disgusting.

People don't really care, user. They had a big gay parade a couple of months ago in Tokyo. Being a fag is not particularly weird anymore, a lot of dudes straight up look like fags.

japan is actually pretty pro gay marriage. at least, a lot more than it used to be. thing is japanese dont really change their laws unless there a BIG uproar about it. so people are like "yeah, gays should be able to marry" but its very passive. There's no real large protests. And thats why its not really censored but its not legalized either. Ironically, popular western media is influencing japan in re-evaluating their laws. but the influence isnt that strong. its very much just waiting for the younger generation to grow and 'decide' to legalize it. give it 15 years tops.

Hahaha! Dimitri is a huge bottom. Too broken to be a top. You need to heal him with the power of cock. Maybe after he is healed he might be able to put his dick in you.

Why is it still like this in the vast majority of japanese games, then?

it's true, went to Sapporo near Susukino area and saw a transvestite walking hand in hand with a young boy in broad daylight


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To be fair, hand holding is very lewd.

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I fucking agree but i have hopes theyll just have everyone being actually equally evil as shit, i dont want the game to pretend Edelgar is actually a good person when her country has the continent by the balls

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Parade was started and done mostly by non Japanese pretty sure last I read.

Playing Blue Lions first, but I'll do the grind for my birthday buddy.

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No way is it getting legalized there before all of the U.S no fucking way lol. Once U.S fully does it everywhere it's going to pressure the other countries to do it.

O.k. This was amusing at first, but I had enough of this damn thing being dragged, and since there are too many unironic brainlets who can't figure the obvious out, and resetera, reddit and this thing somehow made it to Japan as well... that thing is a photoshop.
I'm the one who posted Dimitri's S support and baited it as "spoiler" regarding his sexuality after time-skip. (Not this edit on this thread. That one isn't mine. This one alone was my edit and my post . Whoever made that other edit, was obviously using my own)

In-short: Dimitri isn't gay. There is no S support between him and male MC. I just made that shop to fuck with Yea Forums and see how many will unironically fall for obvious shitpost. Case closed.

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You're very wrong, his younger version might bottom a couple of times just to experiment but in his punished form he does nothing but rape both the women and the men of every town he conquers

Edel is obviously the "evil" character, if they gave her any good qualities at all other than being a strong leader I would be impressed.

The Justice retard is going to get all his shit whitewashed.

sadly. Because USA fucking sucks and loves to enforce their garbage culture on the world even if it isn't compatible,

sure thing Yea Forumsro

Gay marriage laws should have no bearing on things like gay/bi options in games and situations like . There's obviously still a sizeable conservative chunk of the population in control of making these decisions. It's not as if it's 50/50, barely any Japanese games deal with this stuff. The closest they have is otome, and that's still straight.

people are more inclined to stupidity than you think

Nice try bub.

Delete that before unironic fags see it. Let them delude themselves some more.

because even the west, the most liberal place next to Canada, still has a lot of shit that is traditionalist. We only got two major gays protagonists recently (tracer/soldier come to mind). Women protagonists havent been frequent prior to 2016. And even the dating sim elements in western games have their gay men shafted, if non-existent (andromeda). It's going to take Japan another 20 years before they adapt their changing values into their entertainment media.

90% of Fire Emblem is some naive blue-haired lord befriending a bunch of bandits, knights, mercs, and enemies to fight an evil sorcerer who's trying to summon an apocalypse dragon. Every story like that is still miles better than Fates

Do cavalry and fliers get canto in this?

Out of the three Dimitri is the most "good" one pre-timeskip and even then he has that psycho smile.


>trying to trick us into thinking that this was all just a ruse
Nice try, Sothis.

>Is that the main public opinion

There's a big divide between the older generation and the younger generation, bur Japan is comformist by default so the younger generation emulates the old without battimg an eye. There's usually a bigger lag in Japan when it comes to change because of this, but the good news is, this older Japanese generation doesn't get in your face like they do in America. They have a live and let live attitude and don't particularly hate anybody. Still very Right-wing, though.

U.S loves to bitch about whaling but if it were discovered that Whale blubber ended up being 100x more efficient than oil or some shit they'd be all over it.

I need Sothis-sama's feet on my masochist lolicon dick right now.

but gay marriage is already legalized in the US everywhere.

>Your choices matter!
Every time Fire Emblem says this and every time it's a fucking lie. You're just doing the same shit as Fates and giving 3 routes.

Stop saying this, you won't cheat me again, ISIS.


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she even has this red dress with horns and shit, i actually impressed cuz it turns out sothis is the real main girl and not edelgar

A man of taste I see

You aren't fooling anyone here with this, Dimitri.
I dunno user, it seems like the nips are fine with it.
Like what? Not having a fuckton of gay characters? It's not uncommon at all, FE has had fags before. They just don't have half the cast being fags.

>Still very Right-wing, though
No wonder Journalists hate them so much. Once Japan becomes Left-Wing what country can they target next?
Many states don't recognize it.

definitely true


Why are Jakob and Felicia the best things to come out of Fates?

>Many states don't recognize it.
that's not even close to true at all. you aren't from the US, are you?

I think he meant they started it but then Moons kept it going.

>*teleports behind you*: The Game
I loved that shit.

C-cc-canto? like you mean, kaga fe canto? W-w-w-with m-mm-mounted units an-an-and fl-flyers?

some states do not have state-level employment protections regarding homosexuality, but that's it. if you are married, you are entitled to marriage rights and benefits regardless of sex.

>Dimitri trying to convince us that he isn't a fag
Sure thing bruh.

the good news is, this older Japanese generation doesn't get in your face like they do in America. They have a live and let live attitude and don't particularly hate anybody.

Same goes for their LGBT members. America is a fucking shitshow, and thanks to that, LGBT acceptance actually dropped from 60% to 40% in the past 3 years.

Outrage culture has ultimately destroyed a good chunk of goodwill and turned public opinion against LGBT crowds.

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My fake Bandana Dee leak was more convincing

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Post the pdf and your editing processes or your a gay

>Edelgard says the Empire needs you
>Dimitri asks you to walk the path of justice with him
>Claude flirts with you
Golden Chads keeps getting better and better. I don't like Raphael and Ignatz that much though.

As if we would fall for this, Dimitri. Just get out of closet already. There is no point in hiding anymore. Both west and even Japan are aware about your ... preferences now.

I'm completely supporting of people expressing themselves and being whoever they want to be, but I don't identify with the LGBT movement either for the same reason, it has negative connotations. It's like being egalitarian vs feminist.

weird, that guy is using simplified chinese but in mainland china the switch isn't available yet
not that there's anything stopping them from importing it, but I wonder if he got the game from HK or Taiwan

Glad I moved out of that shithole.

>Edelgard gets salty you didn't choose her

Cute! I'll reject her just to see that.

So I heard there's a fourth path? Is that like Revelations and you get everyone?

At least they started a conversation though!!

Byleth face is perfect
>need to go gay to calm my old student
>teacher job never end

I'm going into this game without ever playing another Fire Emblem I also haven't watched anything about it other than the trailers

We don't know. The spanish reviewer only mentioned that there where four branches.

Doesn't matter, plot is totally unrelated to other FE games.

Is this the first time FE had a global release? Would like to see this happen with Persona

According to the leaker it's a variation of Eldegard's path, but the Spanish preview makes it sound like it's something completely separate like the other 3.

Trump winning the election, and the resultant shitstorm from both sides caused each of us to say things I deeply regret saying. I would confess here, but I figure it's not good at all to bring bad blood back into the table. All I've got to say is:

I made a mistake, user. I'll never go back to being an edgelord, and looking at you, when you're happy, makes me regret ever trying to steal that happiness away from you.

I'm deeply sorry.

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Chinks need to hurry up with those goddamn leaks.

Here's the paragraph so someone can make a better translation than the one I did with google translate
>A partir de cierto momento las cosas se tuercen, y lo que nos espera después son hasta cuatro ramas de un argumento que no se limita a reciclar escenarios y acontecimientos desde diferentes puntos de vista. Desde Nintendo hablan de líneas argumentales completamente independientes, de escenarios nuevos y a fin de cuentas de hasta cuatro (repito, hay sorpresas en este sentido) juegos en uno, y a tenor de lo visto hasta ahora, de la complejidad de los diálogos, la cantidad de actores en juego y el inmenso trabajo que traspira cada detalle del mundo la sensación es que no bromean en absoluto.

Welcome to the series. Check out these three videos to get a brief overview of the three houses.

Most FEs are self contained outside a few references anyway.

>I'll never go back to being an edgelord

Honestly I kinda feel the same way. The constant political shitposting, starting from gamergate, to Trump, and beyond has genuinely made me weary of trying to troll people. It's just tiring now. I don't know how people can be stuck in that mindset for so long.

Me too, user. We should have talked this out, and instead I mocked you, starting a spiral-down into hatred that I've only recently crawled out of. Looking at what I did, it was all a fucking mistake.

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it's Nintendo that's pushing for global releases
it might be possible for SMTV to get one too but I don't know if Atlus wants to do that with Persona

I will play with the female character for the first time. I can't handle having a MC with a grumpy face for the whole fucking game

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you may be shitposting but i said some pretty cringe shit back in 2014. GG ruined me. Anita wasnt a devil like Yea Forums insisted. There were a handful a things that were reasonable, even if some other stuff was ignorant.

Ega is cute! CUTE!

Attached: Ega.png (2845x2074, 2.38M)

You're growing up, you should be proud of yourselves. There's no sense in mindlessly shitting on others to make yourself feel better, yet so many rely on it. Learning from it and not repeating the same mistake is the best possible outcome.

>Bleagles is apparently the easiest route
>filled with gays
Is IS implying that homos are casuals?


Only for like 6 people

His dead face is great though

>but I don't identify with the LGBT movement

Are you implying they are not?

I'm expecting this acceptance to rise back again when people pinpoint the real reasons behind their anger.

I know I did. Turns out gay people was the last thing I was actually angry about. I guess I just couldn't tell because I'm an idiot.

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There IS peace IN wife user! All anons SHOULD have wife AND peace! (They should! They should!)

It's not the gays I get mad at but the people who keep speaking for them. I've seen gays be mad at them too.

>I'm expecting this acceptance to rise back again when people pinpoint the real reasons behind their anger.
lol no, guess what's coming next year. We're in for a wild ride again.

I would be like that if I'm doomed to handle a lot of shitty teenager and being forced to be gay to calm the autistic Lion

Post yfw a 4th route got confirmed by eurogamer

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It is honestly so tiring to be so hateful for no good reason

I dunno, the more I get harassed for being "normal", the more to the right I go. I went from regular liberal in 2012 to centrist to right and I'm almost alt-right now and still going further. Maybe it's because I live in Canada but I fucking hate lefties so much right now.


His absolutely broken soul makes him the best MC by far

Don't worry too much about it. Plenty of people fall for the rhetoric. It's easy when someone tells you that someone else is the reason why you're unhappy, it deflects blame and focuses your anger on whatever the convenient target is instead of what is actually hurting you.

There's a reason why dystopian books always have an era of constant war, people are easy to control when you convince them that all their problems are someone else's fault.

i dont speak american can anyjuan translate

I hate how feminist is a derogatory term, especially on gaming channels. Yeah, there's crazies out there. But that does not represent the majority. I don't self-identify as feminist exactly because people get pre-concieved notions about my attitude and beliefs when I do so. Shit sucks man.

>repito, hay sorpresas en este sentido
No, seriously what did he mean by this?

Wife DOES help STOP anger! It IS good to COLLECT wife! Catherine IS a GOOD Fire Emblem wife! (She is! She is!)

“I have a penis that is made for slurping”

The problem is that the crazies are the active ones in public that get all the attention. Also actual real feminists don't care about "media representation", they are busy taking care of real people. "Media feminists" have become the face of feminism because they spend more time marketing themselves and asking for donations while doing no actual feminist work.

I repeat, there are surprises in this sense.

>finally win as a yurifag over the fujo menace
>cutest girl is straight only
It ain't easy

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As much as I regret my cringe shit from those days, I still think Anita is a bitch. If GG happened right now I wouldn't go so far as to shitpost about her, but I'd probably write a few paragraphs (that would go unread from most people) detailing why I disagree with a good chunk of her opinions.

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Shut up you retarded fucking faggot, you being so retarded and faggoty is making me angry.

I understand that, but what does he mean about surprises regarding there being up to four routes?

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>>Which house are you going with first?
Fuck if I know, probably Black Eagles?
>>Who are you gonna fug and why?
Bernadetta probably, really disappointed she and Lysithea aren't gay options. I guess I might fuck Linhardt instead though.
>>What’s your hype level?
Really high, but I'm disappointed both of my favorite girls aren't lesbian because I didn't want to play as a boy. Whatever, that's like the least important part of the game anyway. I guess I could still fuck Sothis, if she stays loli I might consider it.

>but I don't want to fuck Dimitri
>I'd rather fuck his dad

You SHOULD find wife! Fire Emblem DOES have CUTE wifes to choose! You SHOULD choose wife! (You should! You should!)

Last route is god king Byleth killing Edelgard and crushing the entire continent with his bare hands

Didn't the leak say Edelgard has a "normal route like Dimitri/Claude" and a "I'N NUCLEAR I'M WILD I'M BREAKING UP INSIDE" route?

hilda just got confirmed to be golden deer only, does this affect your decision which house you're picking first?

Attached: hilda axe.jpg (650x966, 86K)

Go back to fucking Pathfinder threads, asshole. Your shit posts are actually usually on topic there.

Never stick your dick in crazy


Normally, I find Hilda to be a comforting, if unarousing, presence around the school. Like a well-watered fern. But, today, she has tapped into this vengeful, violent side. And I'm like, wow... Hilda has kind of a good butt.

Still not doing Golden Deer first.

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Well I was already going deer for Raph, so, no not at all.

No because Hilda is trash

They didn't go into specifics, just that the fourth route wasn't a "everyone lives"/happy end

Yeah, but from the article it sounds like you can trigger the route from any of the Lords.

>I hate how feminist is a derogatory term, especially on gaming channels
To be entirely fair, which ones are the face of feminism right now? Zoe Quinn who had "business" sex to further her career, Laura Kate Dale who isn't even a woman, Anita Sarkeesian who is begging EA for money and threatening CDPR to give her money. The media latches onto these clowns while ignoring the women out in 3rd world countries fighting for actual women's rights.

I agree with you. She wasn't actually a part of the original controversy, she just spoke the loudest and rallied a bunch of people together. It started out as a discussion on the issue of disclosure in games reviews. Disclosure of previous relationships with developers, of bribes and incentives, and of any kind of personal interest in the success/failure of a game. Unfortunately the issue derailed after all of 30 seconds and quickly became gamers vs women for some ridiculous reason.

Not really, just that I'll for sure do Deers second after Lions.

I'm already going Deer to bro it up with Claude and Lorenz and to protect Marianne's smile, but Hilda is an added bonus.

The Anita Kickstarter controversy was before Gamergate, user.

I'm doing a female playthrough first, anyway. Golden Deer will probably still be my last.

>Also actual real feminists don't care about "media representation"
I would have to disagree with that. It's not "you care about either severe cases or less severe cases." It's true that Hollywood still treats women as propping tools and eye candy. (There was the whole issue of James Bond actor quitting because he was in his 50s and they kept pairing him with young women to be his partner). And even more modern movies like Marvel still suffer from lack of women role models (Captain Marvel was the first notable exception, although the writing was poor. Wonder Woman did a better job IMO). Point is, it's perfectly valid to want to put women role models in more authoritative positions in media. I still struggle with self-sexism regarding authoritative gaming, writing and movie critics and will actively avoid any speakers if they are women (even if they are qualified with PhDs). Now there are many reasons for biases like that to be (lack of educated women prior due to limitations, social expectations, etc.) But media was certainly one of them. I have actually come to realize (by accident) that in my top 10 favorite games of all time, 6 of them were women protagonists and the rest were custom characters. So I still had a desire for these kinds of things, I just had psychologically pushed myself away from them. Its like when you see a box art cover of a woman in gamestop, most people don't like it. So more companies are trying to 'normalize' women on game covers so it becomes less 'undesirable' and more normalized. It will feel aggressive at first but it will settle down over time. I don't mean to berate or anything. That's just my feelings on the subject. I just hate that I make unfair judgements because I was raised in an environment that didn't really expose me to different kinds of things. Does that make sense?

>pink tharja
hard pass

>twin tails
>pink hair
>pink eyes
No. Don't give a fuck for her.

>Unfortunately the issue derailed after all of 30 seconds and quickly became gamers vs women for some ridiculous reason.
All the news media pushed it as that, the scummiest but most effective way to win a fight is to discredit your opponent.

Like how all the news these days says "there are two political sides, normal people and nazis". If you disagree, you get labelled a nazi. It's a dangerous game to play though, call people nazis for years and they might actually become ones.

Who are the other exclusives.

My only solace is that you jack asses don't actually play video games, and will have moved on to discussing your opinions on genitals in some other thread once the game actually comes out.

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>still suffer from lack of women role models
>self-sexism regarding authoritative gaming
Yeah, I really don't care. If SJWs wants the media they can have it, I just won't give them any money.

hubert and dedue

Hubert and Dedue

This is best girl, say something nice to her

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She's axe Serra

Nah, Felicia is a shitty moeblob.
Jakob is based as fuck, though.

If it were separate what would it be? Siding with the Church? Becoming butt-buddies with the evil cult for "reasons"? I'd like to believe the leaker at least got the part of it not being the definitive 'everyone links arms and joins together in song' style best ending.

No, because Hilda's design looks like shit and the best girls are neutral anyway.

So the consensus seems to be that the leak is real then and dimitri is bi?

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Dedue in Blue Lions, Hubert in Golden Deer.

Did you miss Pillars of Eternity Deadfire? All of us were the ones that bought the game, the game's gay-friendly subreddit died when the game came out because the fags didn't buy the game while /v did.

you posted the wrong girl though!

That's a fair way to handle it, user. Genuinely. If the games don't sell despite efforts over a long period, thats a signal that the approach is wrong and needs to be changed. I don't believe more women in itself is the deal-breaker, rather the execution. After all, Nier Automata kicks fucking ass.

>best girl in the FE with the worst girls in the series

not impressive.

>mfw best girls together

Is she related to Rhea?

Wrong image

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I refuse to get my hopes up after they've been so thoroughly crushed. If it's real and Dimitri is bi, then that's a win for me. If not, at least I went in expecting it to be fake so I wouldn't be even more disappointed.

That's my entire point.

>148 CM tall


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But they're literally Golden Girls?

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So nothing of value was lost.

Ah, was wondering which jackasses you were talking about.

No but this is her brother

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>inb4 all house leads are romancable and the spurg out was for no reason

I'll probably pick her in my Black Eagles run cause I don't really care for anyone there honestly.

I hate same hair/eye color combo so much. It makes character look boring.

based autistic snape mbyleth

cute and funny

All the facial hair in this game looks so tacked on.

>We live in a world where even Xenoblade gets worldwide releases
Remember back when Pokemon wasn't worldwide? Thank God that shit is over with.

but they're best boys

Yurifags are just as bad as yaoifags. Even worse on Yea Forums actually.

It's an evil route like Soul Nomad.

Can't wait for the Catherine copy pasta to be turned into a full smutfic

real talk, how do you write about relationships of the opposite sex without appearing as fujo-y or yurifag-y? I want to write about a same sex couple of the opposite sex(these characetrs were written far in advanced) but I feel like that alone qualifies me as a malicious degenerate. should I give up and change the sexes?

Just write it the same way you would a straight relationship. You don't need to change your writing style.

>all dimitri porn is gonna be gay
>all dimitri fan art is gonna be gay
>all dimitri fanfic is gonna be gay
>all decent dimitri media is now going to be gay
Feels great to be an otomefag

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That's my secret, very stupid wish that I wouldn't actually say to other people, because I know there's zero chance of that being the case, and I know people would think I was dumb if I told them.

is there anything I should especially avoid doing that would set off fujo flags?

Pretty sure the fourth path is the Church curbstomping everyone because Byleth doesn't leave them for one of the three factions

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Super Mystery Dungeon (2015) wasn't even a worldwide release

Prepare to be drowned in the sea of CANON, like a sack of gay kittens.

Please don't get my hopes up

I don't think so personally. Even if it does, why does that matter? They're just people with preferences too. Write what you want to write and enjoy it. It'll be much more obvious IMO if you write in an unnatural way to try and appease an imagined demographic.

If you have characters that feel like actual humans then you should be fine. Same sex couples are just like, and should just be like, normal couples, except you have the benefit of writing about the societal pressure on the relationship if you want to lengthen your stories.

When it comes to fan content, nothing can stop or top fujos. Tons of gay Dimitri would have happened regardless.

I’m one of the few who plan on picking Golden Deers because I agree with the leaders thought process.

got it. thanks user

It's better to have a grumpy face than an ugly one like the female version has.

I'm choosing between this game and Dragon Quest Builders 2 this month.

Both seem pretty comfy (DQB2 obviously moreso). But I think I could end up invested the the characters and ending up playing at least 2 routes. But on the other hand this game could disappoint me, and for some reason a lot of the students look pretty bland.

Do we know how much of the game is post timeskip? If 90% of the routes are just the school days I might pass.

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good point. thanks user.

about halfway. 20 hours then 20 hours

>which house?
House Ordos

I’m not really catching your gay kitten analogy, I’m just bummed that once again the whiff of anything slightly homo is what all the good artists and creators are gonna flock to over m/f protagonist pairings

IS doesn't have the balls.

Early info says roughly half and half, tilted slightly towards post-timeskip, but to be completely honest nobody knows for sure.

I never cared about her so it doesn't bother me. Still going with Blue Lions.

>Edelgard is literally an Evil emperor to be, while her right hand man both looks evil, and regularly carries a chloroform laced handkerchief with him
Man, I'd be disappointed if he couldn't encourage her burgeoning villainy

Goong golden Deer to play as glorious Fantasy anime England fucking up fantasy Holy Roman Empire and fantasy Medieval Feudal Celts with longbows.

I'm saying fujo content is going to be drowned out by a the comparative flood of canon related fan content after the actual game comes out, and Dmitri becomes an actual written character, not a nebulous, eye patch wearing receptacle for head canon.

He has more otome (straight) art with female mc vs. male. Claude is another story on another hand.

Hubert looks 200% evil. They're not even being subtle.

20h/20h, though I have seen some sources saying it could go up to 40/40. A few things though, most sources confirm that it seems that it will be split up half half, and for the school section you do have the option to skip most of it.

I was going to say that Black Eagle seems to be the only house with this option, since it seems for Blue Lion we could only comfort him, but then it kind of dawn on me: If you pick Golden Deer then what would the endgame be like? Go full America and capitalize on the war with Claude?

I'll be getting the nip version. I can't wait to suffer once I don't understand half of it. At least that one screenshot is easy.

>carried again by my English Longbows
Based Age of Empires memes.

Apologize to this happy man

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Any recs for otome without a ton of extreme stuff? A lot of them seem to have fucked up gore or heavy BDSM, I just want a cute story.

Alright, if that's true my interest is considerably higher. I really hope all the the post 5 years students have nice designs. Getting rid of the weapon triangle is also something I'm interested to see how they handle. I liked Echoes more than fates partially due to this.

Cool. I think I'd prefer it 20/20 rather than 40/40, makes it easier for me to try multiple routes.

Is that better?

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>Pokemon promotes qt brown girls
>FE now Is just about Daddy fuck or Remove fags

Attached: Daddy.png (699x307, 309K)

>tried two otome games on the PSP
>in one, the men kept threatening to kill the MC, and in the other, the MC got locked in a cage, treated like a pet, and then got mindbroken and became a doting slave girlfriend
Otome games scare me.

>happy man
No, user. That's the face of a man that is daydreaming about his students' dads.

No that's considerably worse what the fuck?

>look into otome genre
>am really into adult muscle hunks, soldier76/xander/chrom types.
>everything is skinnyboy twinks with pointy chins
>anything else is bara where muscles look like boobs
its not fucking FAIR. The only game remotely close to my tastes in asthetic was Dream Daddy (the artist) but that game was shit.

The 2nd was Amnesia right?

>>in one, the men kept threatening to kill the MC, and in the other, the MC got locked in a cage, treated like a pet, and then got mindbroken and became a doting slave girlfriend
Wew. Reminds me of that rape dungeon eroge I tried.

>Hubert was influencing Edelgard to be evil or secretly plotting everything
>Dedue was only playing nice so he could get revenge for the destruction of his people
>Hilda was just pretending to be lazy and uninterested so she could back-stab Claude after he's back-stabbed everyone else and claim rulership for herself.

Yes. First one was Hakkuoki.

How much gay art do you think there is of the princes from Fates compared to straight art? I'll give you a hint: way, way, WAY more. Fujos don't really care about canon, they just churn out content like crazy.

>the more I get harassed for being "normal", the more to the right I go
This hasn't happened. Stop pretending that literally who twitter and resetera screenshots posted on Yea Forums are """harassment"""

I don't understand why twinks are so popular in Japan. Is it like me liking reverse traps?

My Hubert is going to be a dark knight

Tokimeki girls side series and storm lovers kai mayb. Most don't have that stuff because they have to be sold on consoles, no explicit gore or rape allowed. So besides a few infamous titles they're vanilla.

because feminine boys is considered 'masculine' in japan. anything more is considered homosexual. don't ask me why. it's their culture.

user that's not true at all holy shit

Arn't longbows overrated in that game?

>and in the other, the MC got locked in a cage, treated like a pet, and then got mindbroken and became a doting slave girlfriend
Reminder that said character in question is one of the most popular husbandos of all time in Nipland.

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You’re gonna be kind of hard-pressed for that depending on your language choice.

Check indie English games if you don’t mind somewhat atrocious art, the tokimeki series, storm lover series, starry sky series.

Honestly, most of the time you’ll have to pick and choose specific character routes from different games.

If you can read moon, check out Wand of Fortune.

My own "friends" turned on me for saying I don't care about progressive shit. I unironically think all of you should hang now.

recommend me an otome game where the guys dont have pointy chins and look like slim teenagers.

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Oh fuck, there he is, #5. And I think #3 was from that other game I played.

>an otome game where the guys dont have pointy chins and look like slim teenagers.
That's not an otome game then

Anyone knows how the language options work in the game? The North American eshop shows FE supporting Japanese, English, etc. Does it mean that you can change everything, including the interface, to the original Japanese language? Or is that only for audio?

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The Tokimeki Girl's side stories, they all have english patches afaik.

This isn’t really true unless there is some canon precedent; even then, there’s still art, just less good art, because some of the most content-producing Fujos are talented as fuck, that’s all.

Fags get the rope

>The Tokimeki Girl's side stories
>first result
point ass chins as fuck

Attached: Tokimeki-Memorial-GS4_04-13-19_002.jpg (600x338, 60K)

Sweet Fuse: At Your Side

The Bell Chimes for Gold
Warning The further down the list you go the more degenerate it gets

Attached: bell.jpg (640x480, 87K)

>none of the yuri options are cute

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I've been hearing that you can snipe people from other houses. Do we know any limits on that? Or the requirements to do so?

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It's been a while since I played them but I'm pretty sure not every one has them. If not, sorry mate, you're going to have to learn to ignore the chins

>Or the requirements to do so?
Stat requirements, all of them want two of a particular stat to be high.

>New tokimeki game coming out
>jjjewel is probably going to retire before patching it
>Konami certainly won’t do it
Bad timeline

This is from their new game that I don’t think is even out yet, never mind translated user.

then what is it called? non-existent?

pic related is def the type I am looking for. thanks user.

terrifying art style. I cant tell if its an anime trying to be a cartoon or a cartoon trying to be anime

nah man you dont understand. I cant get off to characters that look young. pointy chins looks young in my brain. It's why I'm actually eager to romance Gilbert in 3 Houses. He's my fetish

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So far, it seems as long as you (Byleth) has the required B-rank skills, and some interactions, you should be able to poach almost anyone. Minus Dedue, Hubert, and Hilda.

Is Nightshade any good? It looks like it might have more of a story to it, reminds me visually of Hakuoki. Hopefully no constant death threats.


You can't recruit Edelgard, Hubert, Dimitri, Dedue, Claude, and Hilda.
Everyone else is fair game, but Byleth's stats and skills need to meet certain requirements, like...
Caspar = Str, Brawl
Dorothea = Cha, Authority
Petra = Dex, Riding
Mercedes = Mag, Bow
Annette = Mag, Faith
Lorenz = Cha, Reason
Raphael = Str, Hvy Armor
Lysithea = Mag, Faith
Leonie = Str, Lance
Shamir = Lv
While Felix, Ashe, Sylvain, Ignatz, Flayn, Hanneman, and Manuela have also shown to be recruitable.

Thanks, but there must be some limit on this right? Surely you cant take all seven students from the other houses right?

non-existent translated titles. there's definitely a niche but western otome fans want ikemen.

Based. Thanks a lot user.

There's just no winning

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is there a word for the Xander-type? Hunk?

Try Wilder: Bahadur. It’s English indie, though.

My lesbian wife on the left

God I love knightly stoic men

haha yeah

Each house has a retainer (like Hubert and Dedue). Other than that, we don't know the limit, we have seen multiple recruitment before.

>Hubert is probably Eda's beta orbiter
>Hilda is either related to Claude and/or beta orbiter herself
What about Dedue? What's his deal with Dimitri since Dedue obviously isn't gay, so that crosses beta orbiter option out.

If you like SUFFERING, sure.

If looking effeminate attracts women in Japan, then it makes sense that it would be "chadly". As for the root, it could just be well-bred noblemen taking baths and shit.

If there is we don't know. However, you have up until the timeskip to steal units because once the war starts you can no longer recruit them so you have to do it before. Not to mention you're up against a calendar system so theoretically you can recruit as many students as you can within the time limit you have to raise the appropriate stats.

I wish there was a girl in this game that looked like that otome Stacey.

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According to his character profile on IGN, the place where he comes from is discriminated against, and Dimitri is just a nice guy to him

Golden Chads
Shamir, unless it turns out her personality really sucks in which case I’ll go after Lysithea or Petra if I’m able to recruit her.
Absolute hype, I can’t wait to go through all three routes. I hope there’s a 4th true route.

Same sex marriage is complaining complaining because it is troublesome, and pros are disgusting and negatives are disgusting

Otome girls are all cute as fuck

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Dedue's people committed regicide at some point and they got massacred in retaliation so now the whole country hates them. Dimitri apparently saved him for whatever reason and now Dedue has sworn a life debt to him.

Getting a B rank is not as easy as you think, 680 total skill exp, when
>Byleth starts with Sword: D+, Authority D:, Brawl: E+, and E in everything else
>outside of combat, Byleth can only get skill exp from Sunday Seminars (40 or 30 exp) or Faculty Training (30 or 20 exp)
So you'd need multiple NG+s to do so unless you infinitely grind out your skills on Normal difficulty.

Attached: file.png (154x434, 5K)

Ah that makes sense. Forgot about the calendar system. That puts a hard limit on the number of students. I bet the math works out that if you focus on other students yours will suffer.

Why do you want pyramid schemes in a fire emblem game?

Same sex couples are not like normal couples; they can't have children.

Dedue's people murdered the Feargus royal family and got massacred in retaliation, but Dimitri spared Dedue's life for some reason.

They can adopt, though. Lots of straight couples are unable to have kids too.

I would say bara but he would on the smaller end by typical barafag judgements. I think you just want more mature muscular oyaji men but not grandpas, so late 20s-early 30s. Problem is otome has a "draw a teenager, call him 30" problem.

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Is Dedue a romance option for either gender?

>tfw there won't be tomboy looking girl like this

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I am happy with Linhardt. All other fags who have different faggy taste than me BTFO

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Black Eagles

Fem Byleth

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>FE17: You play as Anna

Interesting. It kinda makes me like Dimitri. Ironic, since he's the one that E3 portrayed as maniac.

>video game reviews
>competent players


>S+ weapon rank
Wait a minute

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Let Anna rest


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so are Claude and Hilda going to conspire against Lysithea and get her killed?

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I'm actually in disbelief at how much hate Linhardt has gotten from the fags. I thought they were all for gay characters. Linhardt seems bro as fuck, they don't deserve him.

Has anything about NG+ been confirmed? For once it might actually fit in FE.

Why didn't they hire artists of these otome novels instead?

>too twink for western fujos
>not bara enough for western fags
we deserved Raphael

Attached: byleth.png (489x375, 268K)

Because they can't use the "we only got old guys" argument with him there. I've seen people argue that he's stereotypically feminine or something, as if making Claude bi wasn't a stereotype in itself

>sensei, I like you a lot
>that's sweet, Edelgard, you should introduce me to your parents then. How old is your father?

dude utapri lmao

Just please make a collage of all the pre and post time skip designs. It's the only thing I want to see.

Nice, thanks. I think I'll go fem with blue lions, then choose between Dimitri and Dedue once I get to know them more. There are tons of cute girls to choose from, but I'd still rather go for these two. At least I have a minimum of three playthroughs to enjoy.

>we deserved the meme character who talks about eating all the time

I've never seen anyone talk about his personality which is a shame, he's hilarious. He can't stand noble politics and just wants to do his research in peace.

Although it did get revoked, yeah.

Extrapolation on my part, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a thing though.

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They are super falseflagging with him.

>best maps
>best girls
>tallest dudes
>no homo shenanigans
Literally cannot stop winning.

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She's perfect. What game? I don't give a shit that's otome. I need to know the name of this cutie.

>Teacher’s pet feels she’s entitled to you.
Writefag was right all along.

Re:Birthday Song

Cocoro from Re:Birthday Song.

op of pic related here
shows Dedue next to Dimitri not Felix
This means it is further proof that the pic is photoshopped or nig is dead before timeskip which could be why Dimitri gone nuclear

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>FE stands for hero fuck
Please bring back some more, these are great.

The woman who did the fire emblem art is a good artist, mind you. I really know what happened here.

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>I've seen people argue that he's stereotypically feminine or something
gee almost like a gay or bi guy might be,l stereotypically feminine, imagine that

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>Edelgard constantly seething because you sided with the other houses

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Lunatic will be unlocked after beating the game right guys?


Aaaaaand I’m out.

This is never not scary.

Shut the fuck up you awakeningfetus.

Literal fake news you fag lover