so who was in the wrong here?
So who was in the wrong here?
Not video games.
Not straight
In a perfect world..
there was nothing either one could do. that is what makes the tale timeless.
I've never seen an argument in favor of the knight
The shopkeeper warned him of the potency of his potions. Unless he had proof he was the strongest in all the land he would not be able to handle them, and as such the shopkeep would want to avoid such liabilities.
it is, you fucking idiot
that's because Yea Forums is an edgy cesspool of contrarianism who makes it a practice to never root for the underdog. which is ironic because Yea Forums itself isn't exactly host to the most powerful individuals, either
Threads like these would not exist. But this is not a perfect world.
1. he's the hero.
2. he's heading into battle.
3. he needs potion seller's potion.
that's all the justification you need right there.
Potion seller literally saved the adventurer's life.
He proved the potion seller right by crying like a bitch desu
the potion seller said, repeatedly, he could only sell his potions to the strongest
the knight produced no proof of him being strong enough to handle the potions, thereby he had no right to demand them
potion seller could have lied and said that his medium strength potions were his strongest
But if he gets a potion. Drinks it, and it kills him what then?
How the fuck could the potion seller even tell the adventurer couldn't handle his potions? Did he have a scouter? You don't judge a book by its cover.
It's a free country. Potion seller had the right to refuse service. Knight was just butthurt he wasn't strong enough.
And the guy's a knight, not some level 2 squire with a wooden sword and torn clothes
Oblivion is a video game you fucking newfag
His potions can kill dragons, and the dude was clearly not more powerful than a dragon.
All you retards that believe that the potion seller is right should be shot against some sort of wall, blindfolded.
(By nerf guns ofcourse)
The Knight has wavered his rights and understands the consequence of taking the potion, he will not be taking the potion inside the potionsellers store and due to the perceived time period i doubt the potionseller will be put in any legal trouble for selling the potion to the Knight.
Also the Knight is heading into battle to do good and he really needs that potion to keep peace in the realm.
It's like when Grommash drinks the blood of Mannoroth, he knew it was gonna fuck him up but he needed the power to provide unbeatable power to the orcs.
It's a moral gray area but the potionseller shouldn't be the gatekeeper of the knights destiny especially as the potionseller (and the audience) doesn't know what potential evil the Knight is fighting.
For all we know, the evil within the realm may have slain millions of innocents because of the potionsellers hoarding of the powerful potions.
he still needs it. he's going into battle after all.
The knight has the right of it. Who is the potion seller to judge what potions the knight can drink and can not? A lowly merchant should be subservient to his betters, especially a member of the realm's chivalry
fpbp, seething trancels ITT will keep denying the facts
How many dragons do you think buy potions?
Then what is he doing even having an open shop, shouldn't he be off killing dragons or at least arming dragonslayers? Potion seller's full of shit, he just won't sell to the knight because of racial bias.
Yeah let's have more threads about some pokemon characters feet.
That's extremely video games my dude.
we're discussing adult matters. please leave the thread.
Not an argument
What if the knight just wanted to poison his sword so it could kill a dragon? Ever considered that?
Only he knows if he’s strong enough for the potions, the potion seller would have no idea. And if he wants to kill himself with potions, let him do it and make the buck.
You are discussing not video games. Please leave the board, trancel.
By definition an argument.
Go to trash and jerk off to some weird shit instead of gatekeeping boards you monumental giga wiener.
You know, sometimes, I wonder what it would be like if he'd used the potion seller's strongest potion. If he had sold it to him. Maybe then he would have survived the battle. And maybe John wouldn't have survived. John is great, I like John. John is really great. He's a good guy, he's got a good job, good, good, good... attractive, I like him. He seems really happy about living. But sometimes I wonder about how crazy it would have been if you know the potion seller sold that guy his strongest potion and not John. But I like John. John is so great. I'm so happy for him. I mean the guy is doing fine, he's dead, just you know, not alive. It's nothing serious. But congratulations to John. I'm just so happy for John. John seems great. John seems really, really good. I like John. He's a good guy.
>(By nerf guns ofcourse)
Not video games, please take it to a non-video game board, trancel.
would probably melt his sword or something
Correct course of action:
>Potion seller, I require only your strongest potions
>You're not strong enough for my potions
>Bullshit, I killed a dragon last week and just finished eating it yesterday, I know what I'm doing, I even have a signed referral to you from the Archmage acknowledging my personal capability along with my need for such a potion and offering to take full responsibility for any side effects. Here's a giant sack of treasure from the aforementioned dragon's hoard in payment.
>Very good sir, please drink responsibly, have a pleasant day
Incorrect course of action:
>Potion seller, I require only your strongest potions
>You're not strong enough for my potions
>Fuck off and go to the potion section of the Walmart down the street, weakling
not video games. fuck off.
Why does this read like trumps twitter
The knight knew full well that the potions would kill him. but he also knew that he needed them to be successful in the battle. he knew he needed to make the sacrifice. the potion seller was in the wrong for denying him his victory, when the knight was willing to pay the ultimate price. this is why the night becomes so emotional. his heart is heavy, for he argues for a fate that he does not want, but he knows he must have. He will see his duty done
Not all of us live in burger land my overweight companion.
Donald Trump is Justin Kuritzkes's finest character, his magnum opus is Trump's entire life. The absurdity yet realism of his characters is mirrored in none of them more than Donald Trump.
Oh it's mentally ill trancel (tranny incel) lefties making these threads. It all makes sense now.
Who's to say the potion seller is just a prick? What does the potion seller have to lose besides selling his strongest potions?
The potion seller doesn't want anything to do with the knight, so why not sell him the potions and let the potions kill him from being too powerful?
>he's the hero
citation needed. nobody knows who he fights for or what his cause is
user exposes Knight using FACTS and LOGIC
If the potion seller was caught selling a potion that killed someone in as high a position as knight, he would have been held accountable for poisoning a noble, "yeah wuh I warned him" is unlikely to hold up against an inquisitor.
A True hero willing to down a deadly potion if it mean saving his kingdom
This is a valid point boys, we have no idea where his allegiance lies. The potion seller was justified in not giving over his strongest potions
Because it's incoherent, meandering, and devoid of substance.
i cite the fact that he is a knight. if he is a knight, he is noble, if he is noble, he is heroic. do you really think this is some modern grey-area interpretation of the medieval epic? it's clearly authentic to its source material, probably the most authentic examination of the medieval world to date.
The potion seller. The knight's confidence is clearly wavering and he seeks to abuse strong substances to give him the edge instead of dealing with the underlying cause.
>Heh. Heh heh. This is the internet, right? I can say anything I want on the internet, right? Heh heh heh. Nyeh. Nyeh. I think that user's a tranny. Hyeh hyeh hyeh hyeh! Heh heh heh. Heh heh. This other user's an incel. Heh heh heh. Heh. Uhh... Uhh... Uhh... The trannies are all uh... uh... uh... infested with uh... AIDS. Heh heh heh heh heh heh. Uh... Uhh... Uh. Uh. Uh. OP is uh. Uh. Uh. Seething. Heh heh heh heh heh heh. I can say anything I want, right? I can say anything? Yeah, cool.
because you're obsessed, you pathetic faggot
>I need your strongest potions
>My potions would kill a beast, let alone a man
>Knight starts fucking crying
He couldn't handle the option sellers potions, he wasn't even a strong man, he was weak. Still not sure who potion sellers demographic is though if he can't sell potions to humans
Well, it was only his strongest potions that could kill a dragon. Presumably, his weaker potions are at least tolerable to dragons.
Everyday we have this thread, and every day I read it trying to get closer to the truth.
the stubborn idiot knight didn't want to settle for a weaker potion that was more suited for him, he pestered the potion seller about only wanting his absolute strongest potion
The potion seller is more of an artisan, he takes pride in his work. He probably has one or two hero-adventurer types as regular customers twice a month who buy one of his awesome potions for a mountain of gold and spends the rest of his time honing his craft or speaking with other enthusiasts. This situation is like a hood rat going into a super high class jewelry store, he'd be turned away at the door even if he had the money because they couldn't be seen selling to that type of customer.
>Still not sure who potion sellers demographic is
He doesn't make those deadly potions for anyone to drink, he makes them simply because he can. The Potion Seller is twisted, harboring a very unnatural definition of chaos.
It's illegal to deny sale to the King's men. It's also illegal to sell potions to non-humans. Having potions so strong that only non-humans can use them would be a violation. Potion seller should be arrested and put in the stocks ASAP.
I've never known a dragon to buy potions but okay.
This seems most likely, thank you
But he proudly wears the title of potion seller, clearly he is selling potions to some one or thing
i think the origin of the disagreement is most apparent when you examine that each man is a product of his profession, consequently neither of them can examine the situation without it being colored by their experience and understanding. similarly, this very thread shows how we cannot arrive at an understanding. they may as well be speaking different languages. interestingly enough, it is apparent in this thread that even we cannot bring about any formal resolution: we are no less foolish than the characters we are analyzing!
typical royalist bootlicker
How strong would a knight need to be if he wanted to purchase one of the potion seller's potions?
Ok, but I think the real question is what is the potion seller’s alignment? If he truly is an artisan and not doing this for justice or monetary gains then is the knight justified in using his nobility to simply take the potions from the seller without permission?
Well, that's just one guy. Considering that the potion seller is not only still in business, but smug enough to deny this rando knight his strongest potions instead of pawning off something weaker on him, he probably has a decent enough set of clients to work with.
Well, sometimes dragons like to diversify their assets. This guy's potions are clearly worth quite a bit given their potency, having some of this true craftsman's works is something any dragon could appreciate having in its horde.
>It's illegal to deny sale to the King's men
So what you're saying is it's legal to sell a potion to one of the King's men even if it makes them fucking explode twenty seconds after they leave your shop? And this is what you'd claim to the very angry inquisitors kicking down your door because you murdered a royal knight?
The potion seller strikes me as a man of great contingency, he probably treats the water supply to the city such that if he were to be arrested or killed, the PH levels would rise to undrinkable or lethal levels. The potion seller is a very powerful man
You render under to Caesar. If you don't like it, go live with the animals and beasts in the forests. You will honor the will of the king and his men.
The knight was not of the strongest and was clearly of the weakest. We know this because he admitted that he needed the strongest potions if we was to be successful in the battle. What kind of knight *needs* potions?
AH, but so many of you are arguing that the knight's tears are evidence that he is not strong enough for the potion seller's potions. HOWEVER, it can also be interpreted that he is crying for the people he will fail should he not secure one of potion seller's potions and enter into battle. the knight cries out of compassion, not out of cowardice.
There's plenty of legends about dragons being able to shapeshift into human form, if these potions really are all that then a dragon would certainly take interest. And if they really can kill dragons there's no reason to risk trying to take it by force - gold is replacable, so it's much easier to just get it the legal way.
He sells them to the strongest beings
>always discussion about potion seller and perfect world
>never talk about the kino music about banging your girl on her period, sleeping with the mother of your child, or dancing to remind you of your dead wife
Do you think the potion seller and the ice cream seller get along? The potion seller is obviously very impolite and short, but he recognizes a good buyer vs a bad one, whereas the ice cream seller appears to be very eager to sell his wares
>why respect knights... when my potions can do anything you can?
It takes a great deal of bravery to stand against your enemies, but even more so the people you trust. The knights compassion is evidence of his strengths.
The fuckin bridge to the chorus of dance you back to life is unironically one of the best lyrical pieces of our time
>My feet are on the edge, noones here to pull me back from the ledge
>The guns against my head, noones here to stop me from pulling the trigger
Post the original not the smash version
This argument is very likely and unfortunately it's possible the potion seller was absolutely fucked from a legal perspective the moment the knight put his foot down and demanded. Either he sells the potion and is guilty of murder through gross negligence (there is absolutely no way that the Crown will accept "b-b-but I warned him" as an excuse) or he refuses the sale and is guilty of anything from obstructing a royal official's duties to outright treason. However, that's not what we're taking about. What we're talking about is whether he was in the right - and he absolutely was, considering the weight of the crime on each side of the scales. He made the right choice, the choice any reasonable person would be forced to make under the circumstances. He might even have an out, if he can convince the judge that a less scrupulous seller would've sold the potion and robbed the King of a loyal knight he might just get off with a slap on the wrist and a day in the stocks as opposed to being hanged, drawn and quartered which would be an absolute certainty.
>Potion seller was legally correct
>Knight had the moral high ground
i've posted his music stuff here before. he seems like a really talented guy all around, and I've been thinking of getting his book too
Why the fuck does the potion seller make potions for the strongest?
Why would you need potions if you're already the strongest?
Clearly it's a hyperbole OR the Potion Seller has no idea how to run a business and should accept any sale offered to him.
>didn't link his best one about being an online beta orbiter
i can't imagine potion seller working within the laws to start with. he's clearly a rascal.
he only sells to the strongest because he wants to cement their rule over the weakest. because he is a rascal.
The best part about this is always how he starts to get legitimately IRL upset that he can't buy the potions
well he is selling potions and not sword oils
>4 minutes
Already made the mistake of watching the potion seller one. Not going to watch another four minutes of the same recycled 15 second gag
>i can't imagine potion seller working within the laws to start with. he's clearly a rascal.
He may be a rascal, but to trade or not to trade is his right by default, no matter if he's under any king's rule or not
He could've refused to sell his potions without the reason of them being too strong and he still would've been in his right to do so
>he only sells to the strongest because he wants to cement their rule over the weakest. because he is a rascal.
But reinforcing the status quo is the least rascally thing that one could do.
It's a song doofus
I'm not even convinced that guy was a knight. What kind of knight cries bitch tears just because some potion seller isn't willing to do business. Just find another potion seller...that knight was probably a knave
we could argue that if he does not sell to the knight then he is not selling to any of the king's men. if he is not selling to the king's men then he is selling to the king's enemies. the law cannot be on his side.
this is an interesting argument, but if the knight must go into battle then a disruption has already occurred in the status quo.
>tfw can relate to the ice cream man
The potion seller is just that alpha
Knights were expected to provide their own equipment, armaments and horse, and so were generally comprised of affluent landowners, as opposed to just being the strongest and toughest motherfuckers of the period. A nobleman's son who spent a couple of years as a page just to be knighted and grab some glory and has never been refused in his life is exactly the kind of person who would cry bitch tears in the presence of someone so unawed by rank as the potion seller.
A pampered noble kid that's used to the world bending over for him whenever he asks, an entitled rich shit.
It's no wonder he got so freaked out when potion seller put him in his proper place.
>rascals detected
>I would have given you the world, but you just wanted vanilla in a cup
You sound like a rascal. The man is invested in his country.
what a perfect businessman
ice cream man simply will not be remembered in the way that potion seller will. there is conflict, but the pov is so strictly limited that we can ever only truly identify with the ice cream man.
I see them all the time. Normally, it's something weak about it not being Potion Seller's place to decide who is allowed to buy what, and he should just give Traveler what he asks for as long as he has the money. Other times, people assign him some secret motive - maybe he wants to dilute a strong potion to make lots of usable ones, maybe he wants to poison a dragon with it, maybe he has very high potion tolerance, etc. Those are a little better, but they're based on conjecture at the end of the day.
The fact of the matter is, Traveler never makes any attempt to explain himself or why he won't accept weaker potions, so it's hard to defend him.
ice cream man is a good guy, but i think it paints the plain vanilla guy in a bad way. you don't know what's going on with that guy, maybe vanilla was his deceased mother's favorite flavor and he likes to get it to remember the good times spent with her. the woman sounds kinda bitchy though, why didn't she stay outside if she didn't want anything?
We don't know he's a knight, either. Literally all we know about him is that he's going into battle and he wants only Potion Seller's strongest potions. He isn't even wearing armor.
I am 100% certain that a frog wrote all of this
The seller was in the right.
The potion seller knew the effects the potions had could stack and he didn't anyone not even just a single man to wield such power.
>"so, you're out the door then?"
>"can you still hear me?"
gets me every time
what business does potion seller have selling potions if NO ONE can handle his potions?
Someone might come along that can.
who says he doesn't get business from the strongest people? the knight was very clearly not of the strongest, but of the weakest
Who says he doesn't sell weaker potions to weaker people? The knight was demanding only his strongest potions, but those are the potions that would kill a man.
I don't think the potion seller would deny himself business unless he had a reason. He must have done this in the past and lived to deeply regret it.
What kind of fucking retarded potion seller keeps nothing but deadly potions in stock that he refuses to sell? How does he expect to make any money?
That's not the case, faggot. The knight was absolutely insistent on only the strongest potions. The potion seller heavily dissuades the knight from the strongest potions, and even when the knight insists further on "only the strongest", the potion seller recommends he find a seller more suited to his level. For all the knight knows the potion seller has many potions suitable for general use, but he absolutely demanded the biggest and baddest potions at every turn. The potion seller was fully justified in his anger.
>go to a doctor
>tell him you need to chop off your dick
>he tells you that it wont be good, or solve your mental illness
>sends you out the door
Not trusting the professional opinion of the potion seller is lunacy
Mass Destruction is the edited one, not Reach Out To The Truth
Merchant won't deny himself profit for no reason. Potion seller could have just sold strongest potions to knight regardless of what they can do to him, but had genuine concern for knight's well-being, because he knows his potions and can see that they are indeed dangerous for this one. So he was not only in the right but also morally superior.
As of knight, why the fuck didn't he just asked for potions he can handle?
he implicitly stated that no one could handle his potions.