ITT: aesthetics you wish we'd see in vidya more often

ITT: aesthetics you wish we'd see in vidya more often

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cute! what game?

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Velvet Assassin

in a bunch of years when my computer could properly deal with it of course. I wouldn't mind a The Crew 2 with worldwide shit of this level

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>ME is dead
>JSR is dead
we'll never see it again

Attached: Mirror's Edge Screenshot 2018.11.11 - (1920x1080, 3.32M)

>2019, a decade and a half after Wind Waker first released
>It's STILL the best looking cel-shaded game out there

Haha, fuck this industry.

Attached: DaCIxhm.png (1920x1080, 1.74M)

Ever hear of Okami, dipshit?

cel-shaded doesn't crack with age, but wind waker is far from the best example

Isn't BotW also cel-shaded?

Post some better ones than tough guy

It is, but I wouldn't say it looks better than WW

There's that awful fog, and even removing that in Cemu just exposes the awful pop-in and LODs it was concealing

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just give me more clay games

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Ever since I learned about how much effort went to to designing recognizable characters through their silhouettes, I've fallen in love with the TF2 art style. Completely changing what I think about when drawing characters, and have come to be disappointed when playing games that don't focus on character design.

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What game is this from?

JSR is the obvious choice for aesthtic overload
this, too
dragon quest 8 if you like the toriyama style

That game looks like a fucking mess these days

whats up with this wierd low poly render of Aloy?

>Oh let's draw them in different poses, equipment & weapons
>Me smart, me make recognizable silhouettes
Fuck off.
Make them dress the same and having same pose and weapons.
Then you can't differentiate them except for heavy.

Honestly a lot of games with "realistic" human characters would look better in a style like this, they're still recognizable, the quality of the art still shows through, you free up more processing power for other stuff rather than rendering a 400 borgillion pixel face, and the character can still emote across a wide range.

>if you change all of their silhouettes than you cant tell them apart via silhouette
are you classically trained in stupid or are you just a hobbyist?

It's almost like they wear different clothes and use different weapons for that exact reason? Get the stick out of your ass user

Woah, holy shit user almost like it's a game based around playing on a team where each character has different equipment and weapons!

>Make them dress the same and having same pose and weapons. Then you can't differentiate them except for heavy.
And that's why Spy exists.

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Aloy is cute! Cute!

Hand drawn or colorful stylized graphics dont age. If you look through old PS1 titles, the best are super stylized like klonoa, or hand drawn sprite RPGs like hoshigami, Ogre battle, FFT etc

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Man I forgot how shitty this looked.

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>car game
>giving any amount of shit on how realistic the water physics are
truly, car fags are the most autistic and retarded of all boomer gamers

ArcSys exists

Bro there's Dragon Ball Fighterz and Lethal league blaze.


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yes, those are using cel shading, but its just in support of the anime art style. Anime cel shading is a different aesthetic completely and not really one worth caring about. Its JUST anime, it has no artistic merit on its own. At least WW, okami, etc are visually distinct, unique and impressive on their own. What can you say about any of the """cel shaded""" fighters other than...yeah...they look like the anime.

Shame they threw that design philosophy out the window with their hats and other cosmetics.

>Skyrim: Wet Edition

>Generic white girl.

Ya, this demographic is really lacking in video games. I rarely see generic white people!

I get a kick out of people who are STILL asspained by Aloy being an awkward 6/10 teenager instead of some inhuman 11/10 sexdoll.

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Shut up, you stupid nigger

I bet you're white.

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I still get a kick out of retards like you thinking you have any idea what you're talking about, while trying to act morally superior for being absolutely clueless.

The only games I’ve seen come close to JSR and JSRF in terms of aesthetics are TWEWY and Splatoon. I need more, dammit.

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Which part? The tribal aesthetics, or the tendon-y, vaguely organic-looking mechanical stuff? Or the modern-stuff-swallowed-by-nature environment?

I liked them all.

14 year old me dumped uncountable loads to that game and it's marketing material.

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Exactly my point. OP just wanted to post a picture of an example of an artstyle that he thought would be nice to see in video games, and you decided to use it as a launching point for "reeee incels mad"