Where were you when Team Ninja made the best Tifa to date?
Where were you when Team Ninja made the best Tifa to date?
Other urls found in this thread:
laughing at you
Give me the card.
Where’s that from
Watching Tifa hentai.
>implying HS goblins can look like that
it's a headmod
I recognize that background.
Best iteration of her face is still Dissidia FMV
Honey Select!
the leggings are so dumb
lmao get out kiddie
Ah I remember when I thought HS was the pinnacle of porn
Such a nostalgic time, I almost wish I could go back
Is it made by that mentally ill chink who can't make facial expressions worth a damn
If so yikes and oof
Those are some nice tits, I don't see the problem
either you like tifa or you dont, fucking faggot
I like Tifa. The real one, not your shitty nu-Tifa.
get a load of this fag
the leggings look dumb honestly
No you don't. Nu-tifa still is tifa, even if you like or not like her thigh highs.
nomura just tried adding as much black to her as possible because he's a 50 year old teenager
Reminder to not get dragged down by nu-Tifa posters and always respond with an appropriate Tifa file.
>you HAVE to like a shitty poorly-designed censored version of a character you loved before the Ethics Department got to her
Nice argument, shill.
I guess I don't like Lara Croft if I don't like the 2013 version as well, right? Fucking dumbass.
Holy fucking based
Cloud too.
shut the fuck up retard
that Cloud looks retarded
Please give me more so I'll be ready next time, friend.
And to maybe salvage this terrible fucking thread.
>Less-expressive less-revealing nuTifa isn't censored.
Nigger she's the motherfucking poster child of the nu"politically correct" industry of gaming
If you like tifa just for her design, you don't like her at all. Just fuck off and have sex, teenager.
Reminder to not give in to NT plastic doll Tifa.
how so
But I want to.
When he singled out the censorship to try and question, it became obvious it's either a redditor censorship apologist or a legitimate paid shill.
Either way, arguing with these "people" and giving them attention is a waste of time.
>fanart tifa
you...are not that smart, are you
>have to wait for a PC release for the real Tifa
Hope they don't take ten fucking years this time.
If you don't care about tifa getting her design changed so drastically, you don't like her at all. Just fuck off and have sex, teenager.
In other words, they nailed it.
How can she be best when she don't even have a personality?
Reminder that even Japan hates Tifa's new design
That doesn't look like Tifa either
who fucking cares about modern Japan's views
>BL game which was full of garbage aimed at the [fujoshi] audience called FF15
Fucking savage.
>cowmilk boing boing
japanese is such a lovely language, i hope i can become proficient someday
her tits look retarded here
I like Aerith.
fucking perfect
Dabbing on trannies.
That's usually what happens when physics occurs
where can i download it? i can only find the ff mobius mod by roy
nufans arguing true fans lol
Not a fan of Aerith's new dress. Old one was simple and practical. This one's too frilly and looks like the whole thing would fall apart if somebody stuck a sword through it.
Generous fanart
oh yeah because tifa fanart is so accurate
>Jenova/Sephiroth gives it to Aerith from behind
>Aerith's clothes explode Senran Kagura style
also no leg window
The truest irony of nu-tifa; her proponents claim she's a strike against sexualization but the fanartists who draw her greatly exaggerate her chest and outright disregard various parts of her outfit, while the ZR fanbase fetishize yet another character based solely on what she's wearing.
do you know what simple and practical actually means? if anything her new sundress is way more simple and practical than a complete buttoned dress
I like that face
Tifa fanart is pretty accurate
They did a good job with her.
RIP in peace, prostitute outfit
that's not tifa. that's some goblin in bad cosplay.
tell that to the man who created her
I can't get over how much Remake Tifa looks like a cosplayer. It really should not have been that hard to make Tifa, for fuck sake; she's the simplest design out of the entire party.
blame nomura for wanting to overdesign her
Just you wait for the Yuffie reveal.
Doesnt she say Shilly Shally?
You sound so stupid and Final Fantasy NT is a shitty game
What do you think? He has to be aware of how people feel regarding Remake Tifa, especially compared to Dissidia Tifa. Do you think he'll double down on his design or actually do some tweaking/rework?
i love honeyselect
Can't rework now without every """journalist""" under the sun jumping down his throat, which might not matter much for the man himself but it sure fucking matters for the people actually making these calls aka the Ethics Department.
The only hope is really just wait for a PC version and hope people are able to mod things in there.
Nomura was more involved with the Dissidia design, with Ferrari designing her Remake incarnation.
generic anime face needs not apply
fuck this low-cost anime 3D model and fuck you
Hasn't he already blamed some of the design decisions on an ethics committee? They're most likely staying the course IMO. Dissidia NT Tifa already made up for remake Tifa anyway.
It's like saying if 5 retards here are complaining about Tifa it means America hates the redesign
Well Nomura better step in and fucking do something about that design then. I usually like Ferrari's designs but there is so much shit with it not working well together.
Dissidia Tifa is hot, but even Dissidia Locke is
hopefully he doesnt change anything, otherwise people here will think they have some power over the remake, and they'll start bitching over the minimal thing and make the remake to bend to Yea Forums's will.
Xyth? The guy that makes dead faces with fish lips? Fuck, waiting for Roy.
Reminder that nu-Tifa is an objectively shit, cluttered up, cluster fuck, mess from a design point of view.
Low IQ Nigger.
why people use the "muh design" argument when they say they dont like remake tifa, when in the end its just tits and legs they want to see to make their peepee hard
just accept it, the other design was hotter for you and you just want to fap.
Sorry but Roy only does obscure-ass FF girls that nobody particularly likes
Also there's that busted mobileshit Tifa
there's just too much black added
No the designs the worst part. Her being an anorexic goblin cunt is second. The tits are just the salt on the wound.
Fuck she's so perfect, once you see this you cannot find remake's design good, it's impossible, you're in complete denial if not
You're a fucking imbecile.
I want to see her barefoot
It's a shit design on its own, the fact that it's being foisted on top an iconic existing design in a much anticipated remake for retarded reasons is just the diarrhea frosting on the shit cake
Dilate and then 40% urself tranny
nice argument subbie retard.
If people wanted tits then no one would be praising Dissidia NT Tifa. Her chest is perkier, but not bigger. Is it really so hard to believe that people liked the original design and find the new one too busy?
The new Tifa tells me nothing, dead, like the pic is empty.
This instead gives me not just a mild boner, a boner like I could literally fap to it with the loop.
There is just no comparison.
It isn't?
Nomura will be forever based if he doesnt change anything so this board can seeth for eternity
I usually love ZR but nuTifa completely botches it
>model was already ripped and ported to various model formats like xps
He'll just loose square more money, people will pirate it and mod it.
>pls play my game, we have tits and sex: the game, the webm
they didn't have the decency to give her any skindentation or even proper thighs, the fuck is wrong with this team.
>keeps it ps4 and ps5 exclusive
fucking based
I've never seen a designer in my professional life use this as a tool for their work. Am I supposed to be mad that there isn't enough skin? Retard
Sounds like you're unironically seething already
Yea Forums enjoys shitting on things and always have, this is actually the preferred outcome considering the remake was never going to be good in the first place. I mean come on, it's Squenix
Quite a few of us consider FF7 one of the weaker overrated entries in the franchise so this is extremely amusing. NuTifa really is garbage though.
there is no PS5. and there's no point in playing an unreal engine game that's supposed to loo good on shitty hardware with nerfed settings and frame drops.
They should put Yoko Taro in charge of things
He'd make a huge mess but it would be the most amazing and sexy trainwreck of all time
And yet none of you dumbfucks will play the game anyway so it literally doesn't matter. You are nothing, you don't exist. Remake Tifa is the superior design by far and the sales + the reception of the game will prove it tenfold while you'll be crying like a bitch in the shower thinking you are right and everyone else is wrong.
They should bring Tifa into DoA.
I will now play your game
>someone saved it
Have another, tifabro.
im fucking tifa with her skirt hiked up, loser. haha
>pls play our game, we kept the design people actually wanted
she looks like those shitty models from porn sim games
Tons of people are upset about nuTifa. It's not just a Yea Forums thing.
Yeah, just like XV was kept a console exclusi - oh wait.
Seethe harder, marketer-san.
I just hate her soulless face.
>caring so much about other people's PP getting hard
Can you do this, but with more buff arms?
lol shut up kid you're not a designer.
you can plainly see the colour placement is random and incoherent. the top no longer compliments the dress. the shoes and gloved no longer form a solid rim composition. the it's just overly busy and basically overwhelming black.
yeah because it's got some shitty default shader and bad rigging.
hang on, I'll try.
you too can pose your own tifa with deviantart.com
of course you need xnalara but there you go
How's this?
also yeah, what this user said.
Remake Tifa is fine.
pic related
disgusting. she has the limbs of a fat woman.
her limbs were perfect in dissida.
i prefer tifa keeping her personality and to see her fight rather than legs and tits.
Tifa's personality doesn't really shine until she becomes the leader.
I'm not a fake like you. I want everything about tifa to be good including her design. she doesn't even look good fighting with those small anorexic limbs, tiny shoes and gloves.
>taking the SD version's popeye arms literally
>I'm not a fake like you.
You are right desu. I never liked tifa, or at least i never thought of tifa when i thought of ff7.
FF7 was more a world map, great RPG and aeris death comes to mind the first time i think about it.
Im a ff7 fan, not a tifa fan. Yet i've always used tifa because her ultimates always looked great and she was a great character. Never cared about her about "Muh waifu" and shit like that.
limit breaks*
Would you a real life Tifa?
It's gonna sell well. But the remake design is shit. I bet you are one of those plebs that think Batman looks better in tacti-cool gear.
no. insects are disgusting
>a complete buttoned dress
It was a completely unbuttoned dress.
Just imagine her putting you in a headlock, pressing your cheek against her sweaty boob...
>looks arab
What did they mean by this?
We're not talking about her personality you dumb bigger. We're talking about her design, which is shit, and was made to suit the needs of stupid trannies who don't give a rats ass about the actual game itself.
Reminder that Youtube blocked Tifa from search auto complete.
Unethical. Get this shit out of my face.
it's four letters so who cares, if you can't type tifa then either you're a phoneposter or a genuine retard
this but unironically
It's so petty it's hilarious the point.
they do this stuff so often like it's nothing now. was it some random google employee who didn't want square seeing the negative reaction? what could be their motivation?
Well it's super weird that they did it that's why. they know the team watch youtube reaction videos so are they trying make it so they're less aware of the backlash?
Not that guy, but the implication is that they're actively trying to decrease/lessen visibility on the character for whatever reason. To me it's more of an odd thing than a big deal, just really weird all together.
I SAID THIS WOULD HAPPEN. You all laughed and laughed. Now here we are!
>it's four letters so who cares
Typically it's good to start caring before it becomes a real issue
Plenty of reason to be critical of Google/Youtube
people arent bitching about the algorithm saving you a milesecond when you look at tifa, but completely hiding tifa, even if it is actually meaningless.
Writing Lockhart may feel good, but it takes time and is therefore inefficient.
For you, user
That said, I don't think I'm going to keep using this scale for her arms. It looks a bit weird at the elbow joints
Alright, now have her punching Aeris in the face and laughing about it maliciously.
that's censored too. so are countless variations such as FF7 tifa.
never ever did I thought it would be possible to do Tifa justice in a modern game. Dissida actually pulled it off. She looks so fucking fantastic.
This is extremely weird. Could it be some automated thing because of videos talking about her tits associting her with adult content?
Tifa is a nice girl, she wouldn't do that
First they came for Tifa
It's a friendly, sisterly headlock. She'd never hurt Aeris.
I hated her remake design but over time I warmed up to it. NuTifa has her own charm
I know right
upload the mod
>that's right, bitch
>keep squirming
>Team Ninja
Everybody here knows thats HS.
Probably. I dont think its the "muh squeenix paying youtube to censor tifa" conspirancy shit, but just more of an algorithm problem.
H-haha yeah it's just the darn algorithm acting up again
Funny how it only acts up against things that whining libshit trannies want people to stop discussing
Use her normal body and make her bully Cloud
The model itself was ripped from Dissidia NT though.
I posted a HS shot because I knew it would garner interest :B
how are they hiding tifa? i can still find tifa stuff on youtube
that's not hiding anything, that's just not letting you type t, hit down arrow to get "tifa", hit enter, and seriously
are you telling me they're attempting to hide tifa from people who weren't even trying to search for her?
like "hmm *types t* HMMM tifa that's an interesting name in the search field i wonder who that is" lmao
10/10 good job NT
make him cry like a little bitch
Does ripping models from other games and converting to HS works?
I know theres some of Dead or Alive girls but I thought that was the only game.
that's what i meant with actually meaningless. If you want to look for tifa, you will get tifa. Yet they still did this shit.
As i said, my guess is that its just some algorithm problem and not actually "censoring" tifa because they are literally censoring nothing.
The algorithm probably noticed that tifa and tits/ethics are a controversial shit and hide it.
I'm a designer and I honestly think there's something wrong with her anatomy.
Maybe it's the angle, but her proportions look like these articulated figures, which is not something ideal for a modern game
I suppose that's doable. Hold on, I gotta find the model...
well that would fall into datamining/ai/machinelearning/general fuzzy logic territory
and yes, datamining, the actual kind and not the one thing you think datamining probably means
Not an expert, but that's generally how it works AFAIK. Most dudes who do conversions take existing models and fix things up after porting them.
well this semester i took a class on information technologies so i know what you mean with data mining.
Someone should be in charge to fix the algorithm tho.
There is no way that she won't look a lot more like her Dissidia self the next time she is shown. Since the fan reaction was literally overwhelming positive.
that shot looks fucking hot tho
>colour placement is random and incoherent
fuck yeah, nigga
It's a relatively minor thing, but excluding phrases from autocomplete means you have to be specific in your searches so you won't see Tifa related content that's currently popular/trending, even though you may not be looking for it specifically.
They look so ugly in this shot. Nip's felt for hyper realistism meme
What always turned me on about Tifa is that she uses her fists. Even a giga nigga three times her size like Barret relies on a huge ass machine gun. The Tifa comes along and with a punch and a kick does the same amount of damage. Always though her strength was bonerific.
Was really surprised to see Tifa was the queen of hentai, as I liked her for a very specific fetish.
Was also very disappointed to see most of her hentai had her being overpowered by random mooks. She fucking beats up colossal apocalyptic monsters with her fists in the game, all hentai artists had to do was be faithful to the game.
I like her too. I'm satisfied her design in the Remake but it would be better if she looked like pic related nonetheless
what is this from?
That pic has almost 30k likes on his twitter. I think people are really excited for her design.
Ripping faces works and there's even an extremely obtuse tutorial for it, but you can count the people who do it on two hands and the people who do it well on one.
HS is kinda dying down big time lately from what I've seen, wonder if people are...migrating.
Animation is a bit stiff, but her model is bonerific
Dissidia NT. Where you been my man?
fucking this, waifu faggots try to convince themself that the girls look good in the Remake, but 99% of the time they look like dog shit
no they don't rofl
You people want to stop being called incel and have sex and weeb and shit, yet you make posts like this showing that you overreact to a model not having animu-tier design and never seen a woman angry or in the middle of a fight
>just accept it, the other design was hotter for you and you just want to fap.
Yes the old design was hotter and that is one of the reasons it was superior
well fixing a learning algorithm is just feeding it different data, otherwise you're just tweaking the analytics which are the decision trees and statistical analysis and data classifying/transforming, and other assorted table stuff
I love Tifa's redesign in FF7R.
Honestly, I was not that mad about the new design. I mean, I thought it was not that good, but I was satisfied.
What really bothered me is that an "Ethics Department" found it was necessary to remove boob gigglying, implying it is unethical.
These companies are afraid to do things that appeal to men and that's what really pisses me off.
>swapping the dumb head with the NT version
perfection right here
>old Aeris design
>people are excited for her remake design!
>You people want to stop being called incel and have sex and weeb and shit
I don't mind people yelling stuff like that at me, personally. It just makes it easier to separate the bigots from the normal people.
No love for Yuffie? Where are my Yuffiebros?
If you like Tifa for her discount Rosa role and personality in the plot or her retarded Gambler's Limit Break on her game play, YOU don't like her at all.
Chestlets need not apply
Yuffie a cute too
rosa was muh cecil all game, tifa wasn't muh cloud
the worst part about Aeriths remake design is that she looks almost asexual, I don't understand what Nomura was thinking
user, save your energy for when they show her redesign. For they might button up her shorts.
Yes she was (And that's a good thing)
what are you even talking about holy shit
They're going to murder Yuffie, you've been warned
Based Artgerm drew Tifa again
is this patreon exclusive shit?
Are you serious? Look at her, you can't even tell that she is supossed to have a figure. You fucking retards would eat up every shit served to you by SE
>no tits
>no ass
>huge dress
>retarded jacket
>fat head
hurr durr
Admittedly kind of half assed it, but here you go.
Size isn't everything, friend
Yuffie the Cutie
Ehh, as long as she stays the cute petite thief
Pls no
she has a normal woman figure fucking overreacting retard, not every women is a fat big tits with a big ass and big hips, in fact a lot of hot women have her figure, she's just thin with a modest ass
In fact, aeris in her concept are have broad shoulders, why aren't you complaining about that?
Say goodbye to the shorts and midriff, friend. Too unethical.
Tifa's a chestlet now too, ya know.
concept art has*
Tried to do a POV shot but uhh
>remake Aeris
dumb waifu fag
Shoulders too manly
make a "I showed you my materia now answer me"
>I showed you my dolphin blow now answer me
Concept art Aeris hat birth giving hips, her remake version has literally nothing. Her body is a straight line
>old Aeris design
It's not. It's an amalgamation of her designs. She has her VII body and dress, AC's jacket and face but also her Remake basket, hair and necklace.
As such I designated her as 'Remake' and placed her in the appropriate folder. And yes I too mourn her body and am afraid of her CC-like Remake personality.
she also has broad shoulders. Concept art aeris is a tranny.
the only thing to be seen in this pic is her puffy dress. At least be honest user
This is what Tifa should look like
>Valentina Nappi
Her nu body is way too thin.
>You people want to stop being called incel and have sex and weeb and shit
Rather be an incel than a liberal.
We got them back tho wen NT Tifa was shown
Why the fuck Sony cares about Dissidia NT's audiences. The game isn't even PS4 exclusive
I wish I had a gf....
>Gameplay actually looks like the best possible version of ATB
>Immediately remember the game's episodic and will be an utter shitshow because Square can't stop ruining it's flagship series unless it's FFXIV
Holy fucking proportions, batman
How does this dude make so much money? This is a trainwreck, how the fuck did he look at that torso and neck and decide "yeah this is good to start coloring"
Add an elbow guard, color her hair brown, color her eyes red, slim her hips and we'll have a deal.
Damn straight.
Sad I wont be able to play my team this game.
she was always garbage so there is only room for improvement
Cute materia thief
Oh hai cloud
If I ever make a redesign and it appeals to resetera trannies then i'll i know i fucked up.
>tfw this is the real reason for all the new slapped on shit for Tifa
Honestly wouldn't be surprised. This is the same man who adds belts and zippers and shit to most, if not all, the characters he designs just because he thinks its cool.
That's what I mean. Most of them have some 10/10 pre rendered models then look like horsecraps under poor lightning
Hyper realism rarely works.
I honest to god want to fuck Tifa. I don't know what to do anymore
literally remake In a nutshell
What's really hilarious about this is that it'd be a perfectly fine design if it just had a normal front, or like, some more simple design instead of a fuckton of belts
time to visit blamb garden, bruh
It really is fine even despite that unfortunate element since you rarely see it ingame
Nomura like many artists who aren't bullied enough only grew more insane and exaggerated as time went on
My biggest problem with Lulu's design has always been her hair that is styled in different sections. Makes her look totally unappealing.
It's strange FFXV actually had a perfect balance between hyper realism and anime. The game itself was shit tho
It helped that adult Noctis left Nomura's Noctis's design behind. Wish he actually looked like that when he was younger.
user, as someone who thinks Remake Tifa has better shapely tits than the Dissidia version in certain screenshots, I'd like to point out how her clothes are not only even more impractical outside of the sports bra (loose boots for a kick boxer is automatically game over) but even her skirt which was changed for censorship but veiled behind 'being realistic' ends up looking like ass such as in pic related.
I'd like to see you argue against how stupid this looks.
They all look weird in that shot. I think it's the lighting
>lighting is responsible for making the skirt puffy like a Cinderella dress and her boots looking like they were made 10 sizes bigger than her feet
>Her nu body is way too thin.
Imagine not knowing what a woman looks like
she just has wide hips now
If she had the hips you are on about she'd look like a fucking chicken because her legs aren't of the same proportion. Nothing changes, it's ugly and you still haven't addressed her stupid ass clown shoes.
sounds like you are gay, bro
nu Tifa is a skeletor looking bitch. she doesn't have wide anything. the skirt is just made out of some ugly metal plate looking things that go out and puff up for no reason.
the shoes look fine in other shots, also I don't mind that Nomura gave her bigger hips
>SEETHING corpsenigger angry over the fact that Tifa got tits and hips now while his waifu looks like some 12 year old Chinese boy
Of all the girls we have seen so far Tifa is the most curvey one desu
>the shoes look fine in other shots
Yeah cherry picked shots. It doesn't change anything about what I posted, her boots are still ridiculously unrealistic compared to original Tifa and serves no purpose. To argue against this, to defend this, is to admit that any merit you had in defending Nu-Tifa on the grounds of realism and making sense to fall apart and reveal you for the hypocritical resetera tranny that you are.
>also I don't mind that Nomura gave her bigger hips
If you paid any attention to the other shots of her, you'd realize her hips didn't get bigger, I just played along and told you how stupid it'd be if it was true, because the rest of her body doesn't accommodate that range of hip width. But of course a chicken fucker like you would even fap to a T-Rex thanks to your brain being drowned in thicc memes.
Post other screen shots of Tifa having the same level of hips in oh wait you can't, it only looks like that because she's spreading her legs apart you dumb coon. The point is originally of how the skirt looks like ass, and it doesn't change no matter how her hips look. A miniskirt of original Tifa would accentuate her hips and ass, but you instead want to cover all of it like an umbrella.
>puffy skirt
Are you retarded?
wut? NuTifa is sticc
Are you? that's what happens when you move on from the tight mini skirt.
>literally SEETHING
not that user but you seem kinda emotional right now, nigga
They made her asian, she'll never get her soul back.
I've gotten that impression from Jessie instead. Both of the main girls look like sticks with the exception of Tifa's boobs to a degree.
>the skirt
she has more meat on her than the other chicks
post pic then
>drawing some fat redlines over her skirt
I can almost taste the salt
What do you mean? It's a feeling.
The trailers exist, so you get the impression from the people in motion. Jessie when she runs away seems like a female.
>HS tifa
time to make a scenario in the studio where I get turned into her and get fucked haha.
>Tifa has nice beautiful hips now
>Paywalled Honey Select mod
>shoes look fine in other shots
>Bigger hips
she has the body of an anorexic man.
that would be weird haha imagine getting then raped by old faceless dudes lololol
That looks strangely awful
ohoho nononono
No, she doesn't.
>man, I'm bummed out Aeris has the body of a man now...
>I know! I just claim the same thing about Tifa even though she obviously is more curvey
I have to be honest here nigga, it sounds more like you are angry over the fact that Aerith got nerved
>get raped by basically my old self
o ahm laffin
a little less sticc than others doesnt mean shes not a sticc too
that'd make no sense when the complaint is about remake tifa being a skinny malnourished ho.
slightly more doesn't mean shes in the clear shes still got nu body
your standards are too low. you should be mad about both of them being too bony.
What about Aerith then?
I'm angry that all of the girls got nerfed, but in this particular case I'm being a purist jackass that always refers to late game FMV Tifa, as such to me she shouldn't have much hips, so I don't want Square-Enix to have strayed from that. However truthfully my eyes do in fact say her legs go at a straight line to her hips, meaning she has no "nice hips" to speak of.
I guess it makes sense why Yoko Taro got assigned to mobile gacha now. His careless ideas about the female body simply cannot be allowed to mar Squenix's ETHICS
NuTifa is just Squenix testing the water. We're going to see some really amazing shit once they feel confident enough to take another step down the slippery slope.
Aeris body is worst than death tier. She doesn't even needs to be included in the discussion anymore.
I care more about tifa. aerith is covered by a dress & doesn't need to look strong doing punch & kick attacks like tifa.
but her ass could still use some meat at least.
She obviously has wider hips now
>some dead whore got a shit body
who care...
Aeris looks like she is straight from Auschwitz desu
I repeat:
>No, she doesn't.
>aerith is covered by a dress & doesn't need to look good
what about her fat head
Her dress isn’t that puffy
>still in denial
ZR is a shitty meme fetish
I love her head and her fuck me eyes.
wanting to fuck trannies is bad user
lost case
Everything about her body is a disaster zone. Tits, ass, hips, legs, outfit, arms, shoulders, everything.
I'm not too fond of her hair changes either, but they're not bad. They got the face right.
Kick are fun
>having the hots for somebody with gigantism
unironically BASED
>What about Aerith then?
boring as it's gets
where ass go?
to Tifa for some reason
poor Grug, trying to express his pain
she looks awfully soulless in this shot
nope even tifa has clear hi[ps much wider than her torso.
which you can see isn't really present in the remake.
That's what happens when you take the hyper realism pill. It's lion king all over again
is japan more about ass or tits currently? the remake seems to say neither.
They're still clearly a tits country, but ass, pits and finally thighs have gained popularity recently. However looking androgynous, samey and cute is still the most important thing.
I want to give Tifa a wedgey
glad japs are still using the og design
hopefully it sends a message
tits obviously
It was difficult to appreciate her shoulders in the original with that pointy jacket.
if you take the jacket away her head would look even more bloated. Not a good idea
Monty Oum died too soon.
She is supossed to be the magician of the group which means she has the highest int stats. So if course her head is fucking huge
Sephiroth, now that's a name
I hope they don't screw up the design of the best girl in FF7 i. e. Elena.
Too Asian.
Add some more white genes.
I’m looking forward to the Turk fights with the new combat. That and seeing if they capture the same rather inconsistent tone they had in the original.
I liked those as VII's version of pauldrons from the previous games. Anyway the point is her shoulders made her look intimidating and ready to fight in the slums. Now she looks extremely frail with her shoulders clearly so close to her body and without those puffy jacket shoulders that probably had metal plates stitched within.
You have no idea what simple and practical dress is, do you?
where is the jiggly???
Is that Roy's mod or something else?
Would you be okay with them giving her the twintails from BC? Because I know in my bones that Square-Enix can't keep themselves from reinventing and they'll do at least that much.
Fucking liar motherfucker! The fires of hell were made for lying whores like you!
just saying her hips are bigger doesn't actually make them big bro. just giving you a heads up
>virgins are too autistic to realise that 7R and DNT models are the same
somebody who paid for it pls post it here already
I just want to give her a bunch of hickies all over her thighs
See this? This hair swept behind the ear? Why was this too hard for the Remake team?
Because they actually hate Tifa and want to change everything about her.
looks like Luna Amemiya
ig: @amemiyaluna
What's so bad about being sexualized? I wish girls would sexualize me 24/7.
Ugh sakimichan's artwork is hot garbage
Everyone of his pics looks like a dead chicken with freezerburn
Roasties are so disgusting
I bought Dissidia Nice Try for 5 bucks yesterday and it didn't even come with Tifa. Fuck you Team Ninja
her old design was perfect
No need to feel insecure user, we can't all have shoulders more masculine than a woman's.
>thread is still up
which makes it worse. as female artists should have a better understanding of their own anatomy.
Is that one of Roy's?
i will
Then give card AND mods
has "censored" become a new buzzword
I miss Aerith's older design with the shoulder pads and the button-down dress. Now she's wearing a granny frock and her jacket has a random belt hanging limp because NOMURA.
Tifa, however, is overdesigned, fetishized garbage. It's like when George Lucas would keep going back to the originals and adding more & more pointless shit to "improve it". Tifa's beauty was in her simplicity. All that new crap ruins it.
But the sad thing is her fetish design isn't even good fetish.
>going from symmetrical gloves and guards to asymmetrical when Tifa has never shown to favor one arm over the other in fighting
>tight leather miniskirt changed to pleated schoolgirl skirt but puffs up and has spats that aren't even of a different color unlike every schoolgirl who uses the skirt+spats combination making it look like a giant black blob of a mess
>skirt also has an annoying amount of ugly details like the random front zipper lining when there's no practical value to having a horizontal zipper in front in the first place for a skirt unless it's meant to have built in pockets on a pleated fucking skirt meaning it's canonically puffy as cheetos
>wears thigh high socks but there's no skindentation
>boots went from big chunky industrial boots for the purpose of kicking hard complete with short thick socks to cushion the feedback to loose wobbly rain boots from Old Navy, no thick socks to fill in space because thigh high socks were already used
>suspenders went from brown leather matching the tight leather miniskirt to military grade despite nothing else in the outfit of military grade making it look like Nomura decided to Coldsteel it one day after snorting crack
>people are still willing to argue when this is clearly blatant censorship + excuse for Nomura to go full retard with straps/belts/zippers
I don't even hate Anri Tifa, her body is good, she just looks retarded wearing that shit. The fact that half the fanart of remake Tifa ends up using the old tight leather miniskirt should be proof enough to anyone who isn't blind what is wrong here.
FF7 fans are the Smashfags of FF
>enthusiastic shitposters
Nomura is a literal faggot. This new wave of faggotry in the west gave him the courage to come out and it reflected in his designs. NuTifa represents his hatred towards women, Manface Aerith is him projecting his desire to become one.