Is anyone else worried that Splatoon 3's plot is going to be too serious or convoluted because of this Splatfest? I'm afraid they're going to do something really stupid with it.
Is anyone else worried that Splatoon 3's plot is going to be too serious or convoluted because of this Splatfest...
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Nah, Im sure they'll find a fun way to do it like they did with the octo expansion
Salmonids did nothing wrong.
Splatoon 3 will be an SMT game
It’s not like it’ll really even matter anyway. Remember when people were freaking out about Callie being revealed as the “main villain” even though they did literally nothing with this and just put her near the end? It’s gonna be exactly like that so don’t worry, but don’t get your hopes up either.
I doubt they're going to rush the singleplayer of this one considering how popular OE was.
Casual splatoon fag here, hardly ever played during splatfests, how is the new one serious?
For now it all looks pretty much the same in game.
No, not at all. I do think people are getting way ahead of themselves already deciding exactly how it's going to effect 3.
Because they're going all out with this one, and the theme has been "what kind of world do you want to live in", even doing character showcases on why characters want to live in a world of chaos or a world or oder.
>inb4 its deciding the plot to a spin-off
If this is the case, what genre would splatoon work also well in? Something like XCOM would be neat.
I want to see a Splatoon racing game.
Wasn't octo expansion's plot about octo genocide? How do you think they will somehow go too edgy with this?
minecraft clone
>Something like XCOM would be neat
Fuck, i didn't know i wanted this, it could work so well
>splatoon 3 introduces squids that adopted ancient american culture to make their own faction
Those are the salmonids
even better
>Telephone & C.Q. Cumber: Team Order
>“These failed prototypes, endlessly warring for turf…”
>If we assume that chaos already reigns and that order needs to be restored, who decides what “order” actually looks like? These two likely have their own opinions on that subject, and they probably don’t include the words “free” or “will.”
I thought C.Q. was just a dude doing his job. Wonder if the Japanese version doesn't imply C.Q. as supporting Tartar's plan.
Damn. I knew CQ couldn't be trusted.
Well, judging by machine translation, he does.
>Members of the mysterious Kamabo Corporation, who seek to carry out the will they inherited and restore true order to the world. But perhaps something like will doesn't exist in they call Order.
I wonder if they're going to show up again.
God damn I love Splatoon's lore, it's so mysterious
>Ancient America Culture
>Not an anti fascist group comprised of both inkling and octolings that rebels against Pearl or Marina's authoritarian regime.
I can't believe you're still here
A lot of it isn't really thought out much.
It's just the right amount of handwaving. There's enough depth to be really interesting and the stuff that gets waved away isn't distracting. The nebulous nature of it just adds to the allure.
How the fuck do I get an official Chaos shirt? I don't want a stupid bootleg.
Time travel back to the past and get one when they were available.
Are you a cringe enough dude to buy a shirt?
>only small size still available
Chaosfags confirmed FAT
Chaos is clearly way more popular, so I kinda expect Order to win. That sucks. I want Mad Max inspired Splatoon 3.
With the current Splatfest system, the most popular team is usually the one that'll win.
I'm taking Friday off from work so I can collect clout all day.
>me want boring, uninspired post apoc beige wasteland
people like you need to be fucking culled
>He doesn't want to be a Smegmacrazy
What are you gay?
>small available
What, where?
don't reply to me anymore, chaosfag
So the Splatfest actually starts Thursday morning, right? What a weird time.
It's worldwide, so guess they're starting early for Japan.
Don't global Splatfests start and end at different times for each region, though?
Wait, Thursday morning? I thought it was Thursday evening. That's way better than I thought, now I have all day on my day off for it. Also if there's a shifty you guys want to play make sure you keep the schedule in mind.
Not for this one, at least. I'm pretty sure this one is simultaneous.
And the last 24 hours will be the new shifty.
What is Oz?
Im literally wearing this right now :(
the front isn't bad but having FINAL TEST plastered on your back is kind of weird
>bought Splatoon 2 a few weeks ago
>didn't even know Splatfests were a thing; now I can't enjoy a lighthearted Splatfest
Oh well, at least I get to experience the last one.
I need a break, spending a week trying to get something accomplished and being unable to do so through no fault of your own is beyond frustrating. Save me squid thread.
Why are they even ending Splatfests this early? Are they seriously gonna release a 3rd game next year? If so, it seems like a poor move unless they seriously overhaul the game and add a ton of new things for a sequel.
Here's a pearl then
They have lasted about two years. It's long enough honestly.
Pearl received, thanks friend
I'm just confused because I can't imagine it takes much work to even organize a splatfest, and it seems only logical to continually support/host events for a multiplayer game to keep selling. Even if they were to announce a 3rd game, I can't imagine all the millions of people who bought the 2nd game will readily jump over to the new one so soon.
Maybe I'm just underestimating the work involved though.
Well this final one in particular appears to have had a significant amount of extra effort involved with it, and not only just in the game itself. We've gotten lore dumps from secondary sources as well concerning the characters and the sides they chose to represent in the final fest.
I feel like something new squid related will be announced within the next year, even if it's not Splat3.
It'll be some predictable shit again
>Chaos wins
stop the troublemakers, bring back order to the world
>Order wins
overthrow the corrupt system, bring back chaos to the world
keep in mind that the main drama for this splatfest (in the japanese version) is the possibility that pearl and marina might have a falling out due to different opinions and the idea that pearl might just get bored of OtH
its not going to determine whether or not splatoon 3 is bladerunner or mad max, dont read into it so much
Fuck that, they better not do the whole "oh they'll split up" bullshit again.
>its not going to determine whether or not splatoon 3 is bladerunner or mad max, dont read into it so much
Then why are they so focused on the whole "what world do you want" thing?
because its specifically highlighting the different idealogies pearl and marina have to drive a wedge between them
The whole point is that this entire thing is bigger than Pearl and Marina are. That's why nearly every named character has a showcase showing what team they're on and either why they're on it or what they think of it. Even in the Japanese version.
oh i fully accept the fact that i might be completely off the mark here, this is just what ive gathered from the dialogue for marina and pearl. its just that i dont see them drastically altering the setting of inkopolis for the sake of a gimmick with how much shit you would need to take into consideration, like the hub, game modes, returning gear and maps, etc
I need to post this on a drawthread, or any user could steal this idea
>One side with pearl and the chaos demons, the other with marina and the order ones, and a lone inkling as the demifiend
Post music to fit the apocalypse
Or just good SMT music
I wish I could get an official one.
I don't know, they seem to be pretty committed to changing things up. They've probably been emboldened by Octo Expansion's success and calls for 3's singleplayer to be as good as, if not better than Octo Expansion.
then go do it? don't know why you post it here.
For an order themed apocalypse at any rate
If I had the will and/or my drawing tablet I would make so much shitty SMT/Splatoon fanart. Your post made want to see a version of that one cool image of the Demifiend smugly manhandling an Angel and an Oni like nothing. But Splat Tim or Judd is demifiend and Marina and Pearl or other important Chaos/Order representatives are the Angel/Oni. one's going to talk about the great zapfish flying over the plaza?
I am copying your post and requesting it now
It does that occasionally. Nothing to do with the fest.
everyone wants to be me
Are there any WH40k edits yet?
Been outta the loop for a while. How’d they change the system?
Guess we burned through our squid motivation last thread
I did suggest a break, also it's night time (west coast) which is around the time activity slows down a lot.
Pearl finds out Marina left the mayo out of the fridge again
Oh hey, more. Octo daughter best daughter.
Son of a bitch cucumber, I knew he couldn't be trusted.
Sup dude.
It is currently sold out
And it's limited edition
nah, it's gonna be goofy and fun no matter which side wins. why would you think otherwise?
I got my shirt today.
You lucky son of a bitch. I'm so mad but so happy for you.
This week is your last chance to get night time photos of the maps.
Thank you?
I'm sorry, I'm just still salty as fuck I didn't get to buy my Order shirt.
I wanted to buy it too, but only had enough for one shirt.
I'm just mad as hell at how fast they sold out. Not surprised, just mad.
Top cute.
how's the quality and also lucky mine still hasn't come
I wish the fabric was a bit thicker. at least it isn't as bad as the shirts sold at Nintendo NYC
Why must you fill me with such sadness.
wtf i love veemo now
Maybe this will help
I lived, bitch.
I'm sorry.
It's too late now. The only way to repent is to post super cute shit.
I saw that.
They already went with serious shit on 2
Someone post that sad veemo comic where she tried to do fun things with her now sanitized friend.
no you didn't
But no octolings other than Octavio and Marina can speak inkling.
Okay yeah, that was super cute.
How would OE have worked at all if she didn't understand the others?
I said speak. Not understand :3c. At Least that's the impression I get from the octoling amiibos's broken english
She at least speaks enough to converse, and no doubt she's become fluent in the year since OE came out. This filled me with so much joy when I first received and used her.
just bring back jelonzo
we need to know what happened to him
They want their land back.
Octo Expansion was kino, so I’m sure it’ll turn out fine enough if the game doesn’t get rushed out for a third fucking time, but it’s always a possibility with Switch-era Nintendo.
He died after giving birth to Jelfonzo. His son carries on his legacy.
How do i switch my inklings to octolings? i have the dlcs
Do you think every midnight Nintendo has on stocks?
Best dlc
Beat it, you fuck.
I don't really want to, still didn't finish the storey mode.
So beat the story mode, it takes like a day.
It takes mroe than that, i feel bad if i don't collect the maps and anchovies
2 days, then.
Last thread kinda burned me out. Might take a break or something and work on platting another game. Either way felt I had to contribute at least slightly to the thread and bunp before sleepin
You're going to love the expansion then if you're a completionist.
Have fun.
The story mode is babyshit easy and the collectibles are super easy to find. Shouldn’t take you long at all
Good night, Callie lover.
What I thought it was just a themed Splatfest? Why are Pearl and Marina trying to kill eachother?
The theme is murder, user.
It's just you who has shitty imagination
This. Chaos front is really cool
So that is what Marina's fetish looks like
>Pearl: Team Chaos
>“With chaos, you never know what’ll happen next, which is AWESOME!”
>The Queen of Chaos won’t stand for a world full of the same old boring colors. What new hues will the power of her voice unleash during the Final Splatfest?
It's the last splatfest, the splatocalypse
>Highly inktelligent, knows more than you can possibly understand
>Expert sniper, splatoon's equivalent to simo häyhä
>Cool, calm, collected, classy
>Smelly armpit connoisseur
>Won final splatfest, canonised into the annals of history as eternal best girl
>a big dum
You can't refute this
Do not bully Callie just because she isn’t best girl.
Callie was made for being bullied
Just stop having autism
My main wishes for Splatoon spinoffs is a rhythm game with the Squid Sisters, Off the Hook, and some of the other musicians from the universe as the focus in some huge music festival contest. Just pack it with the official OSTs and albums then throw in some remixes, nothing but Splatoon music.
Do most console shooters even get support for this long?
>Chaos Victory vs Order Victory
>Woomystein II
Were the nyc ones made cheaper? I bought mine from the NYC store the day of the announcement and the gold glitter got all over my hands.
Then again I know for a fact they have a shirt printing press in there so it was probably just fresh mad without time to completely set in or something.
*Veemostein II
Wasn't expecting that
Go away.
Nobody likes Marie.
I don't understand people who claim to be Squid Sister fans yet do things like this.
Just because they prefer Callie doesn't mean they don't like Marie.
I’m impressed, you fucks kept this thread alive for like 8 hours with about 40 posts. Is Yea Forums really that dead while the burgers sleep?
Maybe because I frequent other boards more often but 8 hours doesn't sound like a lot
On this board 8 hours is well over enough for every thread on the catalog to be replaced. If it’s a fast day more than once over
>it's a three stingers all spawn at once and no one was looking episode
What's the matter, user? You mean you don't understand the average "fan" in these places who treat Callie as nothing more than a sex slave for Marie, who also treat Callie like a completely naive moron who's too dumb to even know what's happening to her when Marie fucks her (which we typically call rape under any other circumstance), who also treat Marie as having no character traits aside from "smug bully", and who treat Marie as nothing more than a conduit to their fetishes, and then present this whole situation as a loving and cute relationship, and then treat you like the crazy one when you point out how fucked this is? What are you, nuts?
activity dies down a bit but also it shifts elsewhere. People are more focused on shitposting and breaking rules than anything else more than usual
That’s a good one I didn’t have, coming by serious Callie images are a bit more uncommon
Yea Forums is the fastest board that isn't Yea Forums or /pol/ There is a functionally massive speedgap between Yea Forums and the next speed/size-tier of boards like Yea Forums. A thread staying alive this long usually involves:
>starting at night when Yea Forums slows down and most Americans that aren't the chocolate pudding crowd are asleep
>getting bumped the bare minimum of times from the bottom of the catalog but not fast enough to hit bump limit
>not doing anything to trigger an autosage or get 404'd
At least it's ostensibly about a video game.
I’m still waiting for them to sell the shirts in Europe :(
that happens a lot in porn, nice characters become brain dead morons, and characters like Marie become major assholes or psychopaths
People can enjoy things differently than you do. You're not a better fan just for autistically preaching about canon.
Reminder to vote if you haven't already.
It's gotten old
The overwhelmingly vast majority of porn artists are just attention whores anyway. Getting kind of sick of it.
Give me a break, 90% of discussion about the Squid Sisters here devolves into this bullshit.
I knew these two would be the extreme SMT law pair of the order team.
>preaching about canon.
user, that just tells us all you're a secondary.
That's whatever, but if you're trying to shit on canon in favor of some flanderzation, that's when things get tiring. It's half the reason Yea Forums is so full of gatekeepers.
Chaos, baby
I love the aesthetic of this game so much but I get bored with it quick, I haven’t played it in forever ;_; how do I make it fun again
Not him, but I don't mind sub Callie and dom Marie. I just hate it when they turn Marie into a cold bitch who abuses Callie. It's best when she's doting and caring and sweet towards Callie.
Any idea when they are going up on the UK store?
You might be one that can improve in this regard. The rest though are a lost cause.
Do you play ranked?
I'm not shitting on canon, I'm saying getting upset about them not being "real fans" because they don't strictly adhere to canon is dumb. I'm very picky about works that feature my husbando to the point where I'm not a fan of official spinoffs that laser focus on certain personality traits, but it's pointless to get fussy about people who like that sort of thing or imply they're somehow not worthy of liking the thing you like. It's fine to get a little loose with entertainment.
Ah lighten up. I guarantee you there's more fans like yours truly who like it cute and sweet instead of memey and retarded.
>not worthy of liking the thing you like.
Never said that. Just a little cautious is all. There's always that particular brand of secondary who has no real investment in [thing] and pops up in threads about [thing] spouting memes and bastardized versions of what is seen in [thing] in hopes of feeling like they're "in." Take for example, people who post about Jojo and call Kakyoin ":le epic milf-hunter XD." Nothing wrong with milf-hunting Noriyaki jokes in and of themselves, but when you use those to pretend you know anything about Part 3 and get lippy and obnoxious when people start calling you out, then we have a problem. Not saying you're doing that, btw. Just voicing concerns and clarifying.
I'm surprised CQ got paired with Tartar. They're apart on the main art so I thought they'd have separate reasons, and CQ didn't seem like he was into the whole burn it all down thing.
Didn't think so either.
And to think, I used to defend him with "he's just doing his job/he isn't aware of what TARTAR is doing" etc. Little bastard won't get anymore sympathy from me.
post yfw they rig the results of the splatfest so it's a perfect draw and the message is that both chaos and order should co-exist. And then Pearl and Marina have hot sweaty lesbian sex live on TV
CQ is the biggest stickler for rules, it's a bit surprising that they are actually associated with each other but it totally makes sense that both would have very similar views on this matter.
Fun fact! He's the only NPC in either of the singleplayer campaigns (I'm pretty sure) that, when you put your reticle over him, it changes to the version used for destructibles and enemies instead of the one used for aiming at the ground/walls.
Not even DJ Octavio in his snow globe has this property.
I'm just sick of it all, and every attempt I have tried in the past to make them stop, to take it somewhere else, or to even consider an alternative viewpoint have been met with failure, no matter how polite or well-reasoned. And I'm not the only one who's tried. I might just be sick of this one dude in particular who I've come to recognize who spouts this shit regularly. But it's hard to tell in this anonymous environment.
>I guarantee you there's more fans like yours truly who like it cute and sweet instead of memey and retarded.
I hope so. I haven't seen much of this, honestly.
It’s all so tiresome
Callie Amiibo gives superior outfit.
Lil nigga's a monster, that's what he is.
Well, don't absolve yourself of responsibility just yet. You are a big part of why things seem this way to me. Perhaps you meant no harm, but the excessive lewdposting and the like didn't help in this regard. But I believe you can improve. You actually seem like you have morals for starters, and you have toned it all down significantly within the past few months.
I’m not them. I’m just your resident callieposter in these threads
Ah, well the person I was talking to previously was.
I know, I just had to chip in about it being tiresome because I agree with your sentiment
I hate things like this. Characters that are good/nice are the usually the ones that get fucked over in fanart
Why can't Sony make fun IPs like this...
I want to Splat, but I'm not buying a Switch for one game
Just a reminder: this splatfest is a referendum on Pearl and Marina. Even if Marina wins, Callie is no more diminished than she was in any of the splatfests in 1 where her side lost. There are no big stakes for the Squid Sisters. This one is just for fun.
She has been redeemed in 2 and balance has been restored to the Squid Sisters for all time
Just wait a couple years and you can splat on pc with the power of emulation
If she loses it doesn’t matter how things are in game, the shitposting will be terrible about her losing a second time
Xcom is too slow
I'd rather have an expanded co cop war game like Salmon Run
salmon run borderlands edition
I doubt it'll be that intense. This Splatfest has a lot more things going for it than just the Squid Sisters. And if it truly gets bad? We'll just fight against it like we always have been. That being said, I have confidence Chaos will win.
>wants to fight for Order but that means if that wins, Callie loses a second time, thus more shitposting tenfold
Fuck this cruel Earth
I like this picture.
>Splatoon shlooter spinoff
I'd play the shit out of that
>orderfag irl
>lived in gang-infested areas as a kid
>but I love Callie, Pearl, and Agent 4
This. Pearl has essentially been this game's Marie in the way that she has the lions share of victories.
>The Squivision 2
>nothing but Splatoon music
I love this game but my fucking god the Music is easily the worst part of it.
Please no.
It’s not as though Callie has never won splatfests before. She just lost the only won that had consequence from the first game. There’ll be people taunting no matter who wins.
But this one affects the new idols. Not the Squid Sisters. To them it’s just another Love vs Money or Cats vs Dogs etc
I know this feeling. I'm way more inclined towards Order. But I want Callie and Pearl to win, and I'm kind of sick of the things way are currently and Chaos represents change.
Which would be cuter, the splatfest ending with Pearl asking Marina out, or Pearl announcing they were dating already?
I guess you’re right
As long as it keeps splatoon’s writing and humor and not borderlands’ style I’d also play the shit out of it.
Why do Callie and Marie have to be on different teams THIS ISN'T FAIR NINTENDO WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME
>the Music is easily the worst part of it
Get a load of this guy.
Everyone else on the other side combined wouldn’t equal the Squid Sisters together on one
>like borderlands dlc characters would come down the line
Who would you want? Who would the characters be to start with? Just random squidkids/new agents or old and established characters
Look at this fucking plebian and laugh.
Ahh yea,
so good...
>old and established characters
Introducing too many characters would turn it into Sonic-lite.
>he doesn't like this
Holy fucking shit taste Batman!
I will never not be mad.
Nigger that's great, especially for a game like splatoon.
The fuck do you want, Mick Gordon?
>Not loving that crunchy opening guitar riff and that SEX melody that comes in 50 seconds in
You're hopeless
What are Agent 3 and 4's stances about their alignment choices? I can understand why Agent 8 would choose Order.
Yeah it is
>He links one of the better songs in the soundtrack as a example
you might've had a point if you showed something from ink theory
this is great though
>The fuck do you want, Mick Gordon?
don't tease me like this
Inklings being hedonistic and willing to see as much excitement as possible, I'd be surprised if there are any Inklings outside Marie (including PCs) that would canonically choose anything other than Chaos.
I said that jokingly. I love his work in DOOM, but hearing BFG Division during a rainmaker match would feel a bit dissonant.
That has to be at least a 3XL, that plush is not small
>hearing BFG Division during a rainmaker match would feel a bit dissonant
They should've got this instead
Agent 4
>Agent 4 is the type of squid who goes with the flow, even when the waters are raging. This silent squid values freedom and flexibility more than anything, and while it’s rumored that Agent 4 helped Marie save the world or whatever, I’m pretty sure that was mostly Marie’s idea.
= Team Chaos
Agent 3 and cuttlefish
>“We’re on duty today, whether you like it or not. Can’t sleep while the enemy plots!”
Agents 1 and 2 are generally busy with their own problems these days, so these guardians of order protect the denizens of Inkopolis from the shadows.
=Team Order
>the new splatoon game is of an inkling destroying salmonid hordes called WOOM
>I have confidence Chaos will win.
lmao you better hope the good players on your team are REALLY good because Chaos is gonna be full of kids.
Reminder that the team that wins will be the protagonist's side in Splat 3
So if Order wins, Splat 3 will be about everything getting too chaotic and needing to have some order brought to it, while if Chaos wins everything will be too orderly and need some chaos. Choose your team accordingly.
Based posts
Yet you're defending someone that constantly preaches muh best girl which inherently doesn't respect alternate opinions.
Using a character for sex fantasies or because they enable you to project a false sense of superiority over others is inferior to a true(er) fan.
I've been through the wringer of Splatoon 1/2 and I just don't see where that fear comes from. This is smalltime. There isn't really any focus on any one or two characters here. It's all diluted so negative posts will also be diluted.
>Agent 3
>Captain Cuttlefish
>not liking ink theory
what a pleb
not really fear, more of a here we go again mentality
They're nerds who don't know fun.
For some reason I just assumed Nintendo just had like some inkling vocaloids and stuff, just a voice bank that shit was heavily modified to suit whatever they wre trying to make. I knew every character has their own VA but it was still weird to see this in action.
And apparently furries
The new system likes the team with more players in it.
pearl's va is cute! CUTE!
>Chaos wins
>world becomes a Mad Max hellscape.
>at the end of the campaign, your character sacrifices themselves to save the others from the big bad
i would've been worried if this were the old system.
My cursory wiki research leads me to think that that system seems very easily rigged. The computer picks who I’m matched with and very easily could choose a bunch of people dressed like myself and put us against a team that is not matching at all
>DJ Octavio stops your sacrifice
>He takes the final boss' ultimate move, tells everyone he realizes his mistakes and gets splatted
>The final phase has a mix of Octavio's, Off The Hook's, Squid Sister's and the new idol's songs in a reprise.
>I've been through the wringer of Splatoon 1/2 and I just don't see where that fear comes from. This is smalltime. There isn't really any focus on any one or two characters here. It's all diluted so negative posts will also be diluted.
I believe this too, but you never know with some people. My biggest fear of this Splatfest is, well, detailed in the OP post. I also don't trust them to write it well, and I'm certainly not looking forward to what NOA does to it all. They've already fucked up so much.
>Based post
I had to get that shit off my chest. Despite me already railing against that sort of thing in the past, people apparently didn't get it those times. Maybe they will now.
Hold on. I did not wage two campaigns against Octavio to hand him the world with a Splatfest
the ending of Splat 3 will be "the real world i wanted was the world where you and i could be friends"
it'll be super sappy
Son, no matter who wins, one of the villains also wins. And Octavio is nothing compared to fucking Tartar.
I made one, can i post it?
He's a total jabroni against an ancient AI that has both the will and capability to end all life on earth.
Damn you’re right
And if I do nothing, Mr Grizz wins
The world is fucked
Salmonoids are literally mexicans then
>Kicked out from they lands (Mexican-American war)
>Live on a diferent social-technological level
>Assault the "wall" constantly
Dawg you know damn well furries are basically just a big umbrella for all kinds of other weird fetishes and niches.
Look at the Sonic fanbase alone, you'll find all kinds of weird deviantArt-tier fetishes like being shrunk down or stepped on a giant or inflated or vored, and every gamut of lifestyles from BDSM to homosexuality and transgenderism to hardcore evangelical Christianity with crudely drawn pictures of Sonic praying to a cross.
Furries'll be into chaos, but you know damn well there's gonna be a /pol/ expat Nazi larper whose fursona is a German shepherd in a Wehrmacht officer's uniform fighting on behalf of Order.
>a /pol/ expat Nazi larper whose fursona is a German shepherd
You have no idea how many furries are /pol/dancers
>My biggest fear of this Splatfest is, well, detailed in the OP post. I also don't trust them to write it well, and I'm certainly not looking forward to what NOA does to it all. They've already fucked up so much.
I agree, and you know even if your side wins, what they decide to do with the results and the ramifications to your favored character, may not be what you envisioned or would agree with. At the end of the day they will just do whatever they want and NoA will enhance any stupidity that is there.
Yeah but they stand together more often than not when it comes to picking sides.
I’ll start thinking it’s an even split when I start seeing an even share of ‘Furries for Order’ art in the lobby
It makes way more sense as the opposite though.
Here you go.
Not when you remove yourself from the game world. Why would you fight so that your side could be the bad guys in the next game?
The story could very easily follow a
>the winning team makes a few minor changes and the losing team goes crazy and threatens to snap the world back to their extreme
Is it good?
This. Theyou went on sale on the 9th, not mid July lol. By the time I checked on the 11 they were gone. Knew that shit would happen too. I'm pissed AF
No, it's just obvious you wanted a You.
It's literally the same turmoil I'm having right now, i still haven't picked a side
Because it makes sense that fighting for an extreme because of its good points would backfire spectacularly.
Oh. Well, thanks...?
What sucks is that I think Splatoon would work very well with well-written, character focused stories. But the devs don't seem to care and NOA takes what little there is and destroys it anyway.
>I agree, and you know even if your side wins, what they decide to do with the results and the ramifications to your favored character, may not be what you envisioned or would agree with.
That too scares me. And one of the reasons this gives me an uneasy feeling is that I have no idea what's going to happen. And we'll have to wait a long time before we even see what they're going to do with the results.
But again, you don’t know that that’s how it plays out. It could be that:
>if Pearl wins:
>Pearl starts to experiment her musical career with other acts for fun (not even leaving OtH, just on the side)
>Marina gets resentful and due to manipulation from Tartar, starts to build an army/world to get take her friend back
>if Marina wins:
>Marina convinces Pearl to keep things the way they are
>Pearl becomes resentful and due to manipulation from Octavio builds an army/world to shake things up a bit
I don’t know for sure either but I’m saying no one does
yeah now THAT scares me
I just wanna play as the jellyfish and the salmonoids
Besides, why would Calliefags want Chaos to win if it means that she joins the villain side again?
But they can't make ink
Salmon can make that slime of whatever, but that's about it.
Just think. We could possibly have to wait for two or more years before we even get the first hint of what the Chaos vs Order Splatfest did for Splatoon 3.
Hold me, user.
But nobody knows what will happen. That's the thing.
They probably also don't have a way to swim in ink, either.
I thought about that but Maws proves it wrong
Oh yeah, shit.
Well, what about the jellies?
If chaos wins, next game will have a mad max setting
If order wins, next game will have a deus ex setting
Pick your poison
No matter who wins, aren't people on both sides going to feel really bitter sweet about what the Splatfest results in?
>Millions of people became super attached to Pearl and Marina
>Both characters might actually reinstate horrifying regimes
>Whether they actually DO rule Inkopolis or not doesn't matter, because they're still possibly responsible for what might be years of suffering in Inkopolis
>Basically, Pearl and Marina have been megalomaniac assholes this entire time
grizz co wins
Jellies are the people in the shadows making things work. They don't run everything. They just ensure that everything is running properly so that society doesn't implode in on itself.
Not what I was asking about, but ok
God, I don't want this. Pearl vs Marina would've been better than this.
They could handwave something.
I think the real problem is that neither have any aversion to water which would be an advantage to them over the Inklings/Octolings
They can just make up a random reason for why they can do those things now
I don't think anyone would really care if it broke the lore or anything
This might be the reality we're facing. Pearl and Marina have been corrupted by their fame, and will both be directly responsible for whatever shitstorm happens in 3. It sucks, but I like the idea, in a weird way.
I really don't want them to split up another idol pair, even if they do get back together in the end.
It’s less about the lore reasons and probably more about the fact that neither have a ‘humanoid’ form. This makes it tougher to make gear move correctly (although they’re probably already halfway there with the jellyfish)
Frankly I’d love to get the whole damn ocean involved in the fun but I just don’t see it
we'll get through this user
I hope.
Big. Fat. Ink tanks
Ink Glands*
That’s more scientific/clinical. I’m going for crass because that’s hotter
So how good is the undercover brella?
I want to like the brellas as a weapon type due to their shotgun-y firing pattern, but I'm not really fond of the shields (and, due to me being an idiot, that means i don't use them), and while the undercover brella seems like the perfect solution to that, at the same time I've got a feeling it's probably not that good compared to the other brellas (possibly even other weapons in general).
two of them are among the worst weapons in the game and one is stupidly good
Fuck the goo tuber.
Why? It's a trash weapon.
What a terrible opinion
>Why would you fight so that your side could be the bad guys in the next game?
That's the same as what you just said, if the losing side goes out of control then everyone who picked that side would have been fighting only for their side to become the bad guys. The only concrete information we have is that we are "choosing what kind of world we want to see."
Yeah because they lost. That’s the incentive to win.
Why the hell would I fight if my reward for winning is my side becomes the bad guys? I’d rather lose if that’s the case.
And they never said that the world you want to live in is the world that will exist at the start of Splatoon 3. It could very well be the world that exists at the end of the campaign
It will die down eventually
The world needs more crossover trainers.
I looked around to see if I could find a schedule in burger time and didn't see one so I made one myself for quick reference. Time is in EST.
Thanks user, very useful
Post weapon ideas for Splatoon 3
Uh oh, janny is not gonna like this.
Neat, thanks for posting this
I just want Salmonids/Grizz to play a large role in the next game's story. Cautiously optimistic they will, what with Grizz being neutral so viable in either scenario
God damn marina's STACKED
What about a bucket? I have never played Splatoon, just saw this post while browsing, does the game have buckets? Just throw a bucket of paint? Maybe large area with a long reload
Yes, they're called sloshers.
Yeah there's buckets and they're exactly like that
I'm dead certain Grizz is going to be a big part in 3. Given that a lot of in game mechanics actually have in universe explanations, there's no way the eggs we're collecting for him are just disappearing into the void. They're being used for something.
He’s creating his own Salmonling army by tweaking the DNA of the eggs to create future playabl-I mean an obedient race of Salmon creatures to take over Inkopolis
Fucking this. Christ, how much a boring, basic bitch do you need to be to want some shitty fucking desert wasteland?
Maximum over unf
How did this happen then?
I'd only wear them with a jacket or coat to cover up the back text.
Order looks really good.
no amount of imagination can make a brown, flat, empty desert interesting you absolute fucking clown
I love Splatoon, but I'm not paying Nintendo to use my own internet to play a $60 game where 95% of the content is online. I'm shit out of luck for the third game anyway.
Let's not do that today.
There is concept art of a sanitized octoling with a lab coat and a syringe charger in one of the art books
Answer the fucking question.
but it can make, say, a paint-streaked ruined city a great time
>rapture style broken down city of inkopolis
i want to see that now
>marie won in both popularity and battle
>in an age where popularity was a death sentence to a team's battle score, and the splatfest as a whole
I've got nothing against Callie, but best squid truly is best.
Everyone knows pearl is going to win and that splatoon 3 will be a post apocalyptic open world shooter with vehicular turf wars
Anyone who thinks Chaos winning must mean desert wasteland really does lack an imagination.
>thinking that chaos leads to only a desert wasteland
Orderfags everyone, why let them win when they can’t even imagine the multiple possibilities that come with Chaos?
jap kids
it really is baffling, especially considering what splatoon is as a game. Why would your first thought not be inkopolis becoming a giant turf war that's constantly getting inked and reinked by gang wars?
>play at night
>no one joins
>game starts with me as the only player
>get a pay cut for losing
It wouldn't be Mad Max. it would be The Division.
What baffles me more is why everyone assumes that Chaos winning is what leads to Chaos creating the next game’s problems when Callie losing Callie vs Marie is what led to her creating the next game’s problems, not Marie
Saucenao exists for a reason.
Because it's a classic story setup. Chaos wins, oh shit, it isn't actually as great as everyone expected, gotta fix it.
>plastic syringe
Fug I loved using those in water fights as a kid. Instant main.
>it still lives
>Callie losing Callie vs Marie is what led to her creating the next game’s problems, not Marie
Eh, it's complicated. That's how it worked from a meta standpoint (the writers chose it because of the results), but story-wise, there's a whole series of squid sister stories that kinda details how it all went down. In reality, the splatfest wasn't what drove them apart.
Well for one, it'd be a 'shake up' that the winner becomes the villain this time instead of doing the exact same thing as Splat 1.
On top of that, the setup leads itself very well to the winning side going out of control even if its not what pearl/marina actually want.
Did you even read the introduction dialogue, you brainlet?
Psst, the government is hiding Octos in Area 51
>That's how it worked from a meta standpoint (the writers chose it because of the results)
But that’s what I’m getting at. The writers are likely to make the winner of the final fest the ‘hero’ of the next story the same way they did the winner of 1’s final fest
That reminds me what else disappoints me about 2's story. After you defeat Octavio...nothing really happens. Even after 3.0, we don't really learn what the Squid Sisters are doing afterwards outside of being by that shack. We don't really get to see just how this event affected their relationship. And I think that's another missed opportunity. I think there should've been another supplemental side-piece after 2's campaign that explored this a little.
I think they just wanted to say that "they're back together again" and that's that. Kind of a waste, but what can you do?
>The writers are likely to make the winner of the final fest the ‘hero’ of the next story the same way they did the winner of 1’s final fest
See, that's the reason why people think the winner of final fest will end up leading to the "villains" of 3. The winner already ended up being the hero's side, so people are banking on them doing the exact opposite since it makes sense from a thematical standpoint. Personally, I believe they're going to do something no one sees coming.
They don't, I already checked.
>male Agent 4
Now that's some rare shit.
Is this game still worth getting now? Or should I wait for the possible third game?
But if they're just back together, and nothing changed, what was the point? What was the point of going through all that stuff if ultimately none of it mattered? I mean, I get it. It's a Nintendo game and Nintendo typically doesn't focus on stories. But come on, at least try.
Explain your logic and I’ll point out to you the leap you’re making. Chaos winning the final fest may lead to chaotic dystopia story but it’s not guaranteed. It may well be the opposite.
Just because you want the world to be more chaotic doesn’t mean you want the world to go to the far extreme. Pearl herself mentions that Marina is assuming she wants the far extreme which she doesn’t.
The question is not “what theme do you want Splatoon 3s levels to be?” The winner of the question of “what world you want to live in” may end up as the motivations of Agent 5 for Splatoon 3 as they fight against the Off the Hook idol who represented the losing side. We don’t know
Just do it. The playerbase gets bigger daily, and we're not losing any actual content after the final splatfest. The third game is going to be a long ways off because it's the Animal Crossing team and those bastard are still working on New Horizons for roughly another year or so.
I wouldn't count on a third until maybe 2022 or 2023. This one's worth getting now. Matter of fact, people still play 1, so you know 2 will have a nice, long life cycle.
Well, they would have to bring up elements from the squid sister stories and not as many people got around to reading those, so it would be kind of esoteric for those who missed out for them to refer to those events. But really, even then, what more do they have to do than acknowledge that they drifted apart and now want to make up and be close friends again?
Depends, you cool with a playerbase composing of nothing but tryhards?
...That's a female agent 4
Actually focus on the fact that they wanna make up to each other? There's no real resolution to the whole reason they started drifting apart in the first place as detailed in the Squid Sister stories. There's nothing that indicates that they're really doing anything differently when it comes to their jobs and stuff. My idea would be that they'd swear to each other to not work seperately again, and every new thing they do, they do together. Something like that, you know? But as far as I can tell, there's nothing on that front.
Alright cool. I know the story isn't important, but should I know anything from the first game?
I usually don't play shooters, so I guess I'm gonna get floored
>Grizzco takes over in 3
>winner of the splatfest is the hero of the game
>if Order wins, it's about trying to bring a semblance of order back into society after Grizz has torn it to shreds
>if Chaos wins, it's about freeing inkling society from Grizz's iron paw
>"What world do you want to see" will be about creating that world with your own two hands, not the actual setting of the game
The hair threw me off, people usually draw the good woomy hair styles.
Callie and Marie had a waifu war for their last splatfest, Marie won and they drifted apart. Marie is your CO for single player. Now go buy it and have some fun. Make sure to buy Octo Expansion.
Just buy the fucking game already, dumbass. Sick of this retarded question in every thread.
>but should I know anything from the first game
Ehhh... not really? I mean there's the fact that Callie lost and that'll effect your story line, but essentially the campaigns are the same: take back the zapfish. The campaign isn't really where the meat of the game is anyway. It's in multiplayer and the Octo Expansion.
>the losing idol is the one who let Mr Grizz out of the cage, not expecting things to go this far
and I could very well see it
through the sheer power of will and love we kept these threads alive i said id take a break but i just couldn't
>people usually draw the good woomy hair styles
You don't like the one flop hairstyle?
>draw the good woomy hair styles
Shame on you.
Post some tunes that reflect your chosen side.
Do I still have time to pick a team?
You are able to pick a team right up until the splatfest is over. You cannot change your decision but you can still choose if you haven’t as long as the splatfest is not already over
My goal is to carry myself from profresh 100 to 900+ before the splatfest begins.
It starts Thursday, and you can still pick a team even as the fest is happening. You're fine.
Yes. You have time to pick a team until the Splatfest ends.
It's a regular large.
Love doesn't take a vacation.
Plain don't like it, I'm sorry. I don't think it works for tentacle hair.
Why in the world is the suit jacket gear Japanese only? I wanna look like one half of the classy suited version of Daft Punk
Pearl's va is a rock vocalist, and Marina's va is a pop vocalist. They're even releasing a collab album sometime soon.
When are we getting solos for Pearl and Marina?
Octo Expansion.
We only got something for Pearl, and that was more of a joke song than a proper solo.
Holy shit, you're right. Callie and Marie got their singles in the first game, where's my Off the Hook tracks?
I don't think they will. Callie and Marie are bound by family and chose to go their separate ways, meanwhile Pearl and Marina are recent friends and are choosing to stay together.
We're so god dang close to the splatfest date, there's no point of stopping. Full steam ahead!
>Callie and Marie are bound by family and chose to go their separate ways
What? That's not true in the slightest.
Callie went to do drama acting, and Marie went to do late night study shows.
Luckily, they're back together.
Yeah, but it's not like they completely seperated, or never did anything together during that time. Even then, they've reunited and the solos had nothing to do with the Squid Sister Stories.
I just really like the dynamic of the family who want to do their own things, and the friends who want to do everything together.
>it's this fucking weekend
you were so occupied by your love for Octo Daughter that you forgot about the time.
Well, the Squid Sisters are probably going to continue to do things together. Especially considering one of the major points of the Squid Sister stories is that what they were doing wasn't working out too well for them. And about Off the Hook, there's a chance this Splatfest might seperate them come Splatoon 3. I don't want that to happen, but it's a very real possibility.
By the gods, you're right.
Fucking when are these going up, Eurochads?
oh fuck you're right. god im not ready
It’s necessary, user. If 1 hadn’t gotten it’s final fest, we wouldn’t have gotten 2 and with it, Octo Expansion
I don't think any of us are ready. Still can't believe it's here, though.
Yes you are! Believe in the you that believes in yourself!
Why must you rub this in my face, yuroop?
I'll say this, I don't regret any of what we've been through. It was all worth it.
what are these?
i don't either, its been fun. no matter what happens i love you autistic fucks
Gentlemen, It's been an honor fighting alongside each other and against one another
the winner proposing to the loser. marina wanted the stability of marraige and pearl wanted the chaos of the next step in their relationship
Love you crazy bastards.
Check it out, more things only a small group of people get to have.
>Attending San Diego Comic-Con? Visit the ballroom at the Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina and check in with your My Nintendo account to receive these Splatoon 2 Final Splatfest themed keychains, while supplies last!
Why the fuck do they keep doing this shit?
Gone. Reduced to atoms.
i can't believe splatoon is going to die
I'm just so fucking mad right now.
hey, I live in San Diego. Neato.
Not so neat when you consider you have to pay forty bucks to get in the door.
Physical posters.
>almost dead even with Order up only by 5
Shit this last splatfest is gonna be nuts.
>tfw they rig it to be a draw
Lucky fucker.
>Marina: Team Order
>“I just want to protect the balance I’ve found in my life.”
>Vowing to defend the stable life she’s created for herself, this determined DJ holds these thoughts in her heart as the Final Splatfest arrives.
Splatoon game where you splat Nazis when?
god fucking dammit
>the last profile isn't Marina or Pearl's, but Judd's
Really fitting.
>order wins
>We get Blade runner where we experience PAIN and die for others to save whoever the new idols are
Oh shit, we almost limit.
are they available in us? if yes, how to get?
As long as the gameplay is good, and the squids are cute, I couldn't care less about any other shit about the sequel.
oh wow you're right. didnt even notice
No, EU only.
And this is why team order is the only choice. These poor souls deserve their life they've done so much to earn. I'll fight tooth and nail for Marina and my little girl's new home.
Pretty sure this is referring to CQ making you pay to do the trials, hence "free" isn't his idea.
"Will" is referring to sanitization and Tartar since it wants to make everyone into zombies
w-whats gonna happen to these threads once the final fest is over bros? are they gonna continue like normal, or are they slowly going to fizzle out?
>Be forced to play Turd War for 3 days
>People are happy about this
Thank god it's the last one.
>No, Nintendo America is hacks
They probably will fizzle out, honestly.
i'm on chaos so marina and pearl can get married and adopt 8
how did they broke free of their oppression? through order? wrong
Octolings prefer Order. That's just how it is.
Splatfest isn't really a super appealing part of the game; it's just kinda there. That said, I don't think the end of splatfests will bring the end of threads, but there wont be the need for guarunteed monthly splatfest threads.
Fizzle out most likely, you will see them appear sometimes but not as active. At least not ones like these. I'm sure people who only care about lewds of the games will have a blast regardless of Splatoon 3's wait time.
>Callie will never floppinate you
why even live
Yeah just like octavio oh wait
The only reason Octavio's on Chaos is because he wants to overthrow Inkopolis.
well either way, if a thread pops up you bet your ass ill be in it
My heart feels like it's going to leap out of my chest everytime I see her crooked grin.
>no amount of imagination can make a brown, flat, empty desert interesting you absolute fucking clown
Fuck you cunt.
t. Australia
They're right there. Stop yelling.
You betrayed me
I sure as hell won't abandon Splat threads anytime soon.
>implying Marina's new world order doesn't start with her and Pearl marrying
The Squid Sisters, of course.
I think if Marie picked me up like that I'd have a heart attack.
I think if I picked Callie up like that, she'd give me a heart attack.
Adorable little squid.
It's been two years since release. I'm amazed they've gotten this far.
Yeah but Mexico barely paid any attention to these Northern Regions, the "Mexicans" there still identify as Californio, Tejano, or whatever.
I'd have a heart attack regardless of what she does because " Holy shit!, it's Marie from Splatoon!"
If Marie picked you up she'd probably break her back. Squids are smol.
No they're not. And squids are strong!
user, you vastly underestimate ceph strength, especially the squid sisters.
Because they're lovable scamps, not actual niggers.
Later, niggas
Using ability chunks is cheating.
Ah, cute, I never knew these were translated. Any more translated pictures from this artist?
Even without ability chunks, they're still strong. That's why they can weld Splatlings and the Dynamo.
I think I have one more.
arrivederci amici miei
australians aren't welcome on this website
I love Callie!
I love Callie and Marie! I will marry both!
This may or may not appeal to me on levels both pure and lewd.
ecco a te
Hey, no fair!
Thanks, user. I hope whoever translated these ends up translating more.
Cute lewds are the best lewds.
see you amazing fucks next time
>Hey, no fair!
But I'd feel bad if I only married one.
It sure is.
See you tomorrow, or whenever a new thread pops up
I'll always appreciate these two, even if I never bother to save. Too busy with veemo.
wouldnt be surprised if another pops up late tonight
Yep. I hope translator user can translate this bodyswap comic next time he comes around. You can see the rest at the Pixiv post.
You guys are just trying to squeeze in as many images as you can before it falls off the board.
well see you all next time on Most inkstreme eelimination challenge, and remember. DONT GET ELIMINATED!
Noooo...what makes you think that?
>Squishy Squishy
man page 9 lasts a long time
Oh god, my heart.
Oh god, my heart's dick.
Well now that's just preposterous.
how good i forget? please look at this beautiful man
Marie got the tiddy
I don't get it.
Nogami is a good boy
It's just a funny collage for a funny squid
>page 10
We're fucked! It was fun, though. See you guys around the bend.
What a wonderful man.
Not Everything Has to Make Sense