For one of the best FPS ever, the maps in this game sure are dogshit

For one of the best FPS ever, the maps in this game sure are dogshit.

Attached: 220px-Call_of_Duty_4_Modern_Warfare.jpg (220x314, 21K)

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t. zoomer

The maps were pretty kino. Nice and simple with good cover and lines of sight.

MP maps nowadays are just over designed cluster fucks that fell for the 'vericality' meme

>For one of the best FPS ever
Pic unrelated, right?

I played it the other day and while I liked the mindless quick playthrough action blockbuster appeal it's not a good game. Lots of fun, zero depth. The friendly AI is dogshit too.

Attached: ModernWarfare2-02.jpg (2641x1541, 1.16M)

>game that led to fps games to drop game design doesn't give a shit about level design
no fucking way

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Fuck off quake boomers. This game had a few good maps mixed wirh mostly dogshit ones

The only objectively bad map was countdown

Nope. You're wrong. They were all good.

this. I loved the maps for the most part. The nadespam and some of the perks were an issue, though.

CoD3 still had map design but by MW1 came around it had all be reduced to linear hallway gruel. You're delusional if you think any shooter after 2005 is worth your time.

Explain how cod4 is in anyway bad.

>For one of the best FPS ever

Attached: 1312453641119.jpg (250x250, 19K)

Nah, everything I say is bad you'll just say is good.

cod4 was loved here. Most virgins just got jaded over time, not having sex makes people angry.

Nah, this was back before Treyarch fucked everything up and made it so every area a 3 way flankfest, basically making run and gun the only option.

are nostalgic boomers really this delusional? kind of sad

yes they really are this retarded

Cod4 had the best maps of any cod by far

>not 64 man shipment spawning 3 people in every spawn node every second

>RPD red dot with bandolier, stopping power and deep impact
>Rape everyone by spraying like a retard

t. MW2 faggot

>Not RPD with grip taking advantage of its naturally good iron sight in exchange for less screen kick.

ishiggity diggity doo

>12 years ago

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what's the name of that song?

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