for those of you who have played new vegas, would you call it a flawed masterpiece, or a buggy piece of shit?
For those of you who have played new vegas, would you call it a flawed masterpiece, or a buggy piece of shit?
buggy piece of shit
its a masterpiece and the only downside is the engine it was made on
its a very rough gem
Bethesda didn't make it. Therefore: it is good.
It's a pretty good game
flawed buggy masterpiece of shit
I have 1000+ hours
Buggy pos the first month after release, flawed masterpiece beyond that.
It’s a 8.5/10 for me chief
>Yea Forums in a nutshell
>it's either the savior or cancer of gaming
The game is a fucking 8/10, get over it
The parts that make it a video game are legitimately dogshit but everything else is some of the best of the genre. I'm surprised nobody's tried to de-make it by taking the writing and dialogue and sound design and world building and dropping it all in to an isometric engine.
buggy masterpiece of shit
its a pretty good game
No need to get all hyperbolic
it's just fallout 3 with a much better writer, but slightly worse world/level designers
It still often gets threads debating which faction is morally, politically and philosophically right so yes it is a masterpiece.
it's a 9/10
Neither. It's pretty good. A great improvement in the writing department of its predecessor, but it is still has the same lackluster gameplay.
The game aspect of it is fucking awful. I don't think I have ever played a game with worse gunplay and movement than NV.
I was actually wondering why nobody has ever brought that up just the other day. I think it could work very well if implemented right.
Got bored and quit by the time I reached freeside but it was pretty shitty up until that point.
I end up picking it up again and again and everytime it forces me to do combat, I drop it again.
Such a shame, I'd say about 80% of my playtime is just running around non-hostile areas, talking to people or reading terminals.
both, it would be one of my favorite games if the fucking thing could stay running for more than 3 minutes at a time
¿Porque no dos?
>Save game. it crashes.
>Load area, it crashes.
>Exit game, it crashes.
Okay this is based as fuck.
A buggy masterpiece