Run into this bitch on quickplay

>Run into this bitch on quickplay
>Have a good lead
>Get hit by one uptilt
>I lose the whole stock
How the fuck do I beat this bitch? I main Joker and it feels like I can't do shit to her.

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People are going to shit on you for being a joker main, but non ironic answer is that smash is a bad game to be played competitively there is so much jank that cannot be dealt with. >But m-muh consistent pros
Literally a select few people who have played everyday for years

Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.

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Luci user is the best

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Playing Ultimate was your first mistake.

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Joker and Lucina are both huge cancer mains bro lol

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>main Joker and it feels like I can't do shit to her.

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And yet the top players are all literal zoomers who were 4 when Brawl came out.
I don't give a shit about any other Smash game, I only play this shit for Joker.

>there is so much jank that cannot be dealt with

>Literally a select few people who have played everyday for years
Yes. That is what being a professional in any kind of competition usually entails.


Japanese or English?

>main DDD
>win for free because the average marthoid main refuses to understand that my disjoints are bigger until they are 3 stocks underwater

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Joker vs Lucina is a terrible match up.

>Posting a character that's also high tier
Yeah for Joker

Unironically how do people even play online? The lag is insufferable. This is a whole different game, you can't react to or combo anything with this huge ass 500ms delay

>but muh ethernet cable
I actually tried with one, changes nothing. The online is P2P shit, it's incredible that nintendo dares charge for it

Lucina is just plain best

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Lucina, chrom and roy are the literal definition of unga bunga characters
Prove me wrong
Marth gets a pass though

It's usually impossible to play the game normally online in your region before 9 P.M.
No matter how good your internet is, chances are the latency will fuck you over, or you'll run into some insufferable faggot that is deliberately lag switching just to win.
Honestly try to stick to arenas, or alternatively, don't rematch people in quickplay.

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You main a crutch character like Joker and you can't beat Lucina?

>Main DDD
>Get easybake wins by unga bunga gordo and fsmash over trash connections
Who /notcarried/ here?

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I normally have no issues real latency but I only play Arenas now so that might be it.

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>Try to start arena after raging on quickplay
>some snake god is my first opponent

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>Joker is a crutch character but Lucina isn't

I don't actually play online, because I don't want to pay for a subpar service. I tried smash online with the free month some time ago, that's when I realized after trying with many opponents, ethernet or not, that the online is a laggy mess. I have much more fun playing against bots than playing with a huge ass delay.

What's different about arenas, connection-wise?

>What's different about arenas, connection-wise?
Terrible connections are less frequent, in my experience. Haven't played Elite in three months.

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You can't win trades vs a Lucina.

Best bet is always to just play the punish game.

Simple user

also get a better main lmfao

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Lucina is braindead, user, your best bet is to stand back and spam Eiha until she comes in, then you need to git really gud at parrying or spam your Down B for Arsene since her aerials and tilts are completely safe on shield.
>punishing a swordie
>on wifi

>>Get hit by one uptilt
>>I lose the whole stock
how many times do you have to lose neutral for this to happen. there aren't really combos in SmUsh so really the only explanation is you get flustered after taking the u-tilt and play worse

DDD is probably the easiest non swordie in the game just so you know. I don't know why DDDfags act smug running away and shitting Gordos that are 70 times more difficult to reflect on wifi. There's a reason he's a no show at local tournaments.

Roy has some cool combos.

I'm just tired of working my ass off just to lose to sword spam bullshit. Either this character needs a nerf or Joker needs buffs.

Learn to parry and learn your best out of shield options. Spam Sideb at her when you have Arsene house

They're also much slower. Hope you like never making it back to the stage against any competent FEfag.

Joker is high to top tier user, he just takes some skill to use Lucina is also top tier but is simultaneously extremely good and top 5 easiest characters to play.

Lucina has a combo that can do 60% damage off of one utilt and it's actually pretty braindead to pulloff, put that on top of the ability to kill as early as 80%. That said, every top tier in the game has combos like that, including Joker. Ultimate's high tiers are playing a different, easier game than the mid and lows.

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>This character needs a nerf
Yeah Lucina is bullshit strong for how braindead easy she is, arguably worse than Smash 4 Cloud

>Joker needs a buff


The more strongly people complain about wifi, the more strongly I believe they have no friends
The netcode is trash but that's not a problem when you're playing IRL

Good evening.
Luci's voice is her own, no one else's.

>60% damage off of one utilt
I wanna see this

That combo is not true at high percents and she can only kill you at 80% if you don't get out of it. Jesus why is Yea Forums so bad at Smash?

Reminder that Lucina's English VA cheated on her husband at a con and posted photos of it online.

>why is Yea Forums so bad at vidya
Fixed that for you

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Yeah but any multiplayer game brings out the worst of the retards for some reason.


Go fuck yourself. Lucina is a sweetheart. Her voice warms my heart.

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wario requires actual thought and precision.
Just spamming his short ranged aerials gets you punished.
He seriously drops like a tier in wifi

that doesn't answer the question

You're forgetting the part where she can still kill you if she reads your option choice. Everything Diddy did in his reign of terror in 4 was a 50/50, yet we still had the crowds shouting "Hooha" every other set.

He throws are garbage

Lucina does not have a 60% true combo chief, learn to sdi


I want to hug Lucina

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Congratulations, you listed something every character in the game can do. I play K. Rool who can kill you off a single read from his downthrow, are you gonna tell me he's OP too?

Lucina is unga bunga at lower levels but hard af to pilot if people know the matchup so i disagree. No character is as degenerate as smash 4 cloud. Fuck Cloud in this game to and his damn near instant up b

Not related but I nut when kill with Rool's down smash

Are you really that bad? What makes things like that too powerful is how accessible they are, landing a utilt is easy and safe if wiffed. Grabs are not.

Your waifu isn't real and even if she was she would fuck football players and rappers instead of you.

What I'm saying is that I'm not talking about her voice actress(es), but herself.

>Be Bowser Main
>Most if not all top tiers just keep him in disadvantage or combo the hell out of him
I dunno if I just don't know the match-up or what but it feels like Bowser has to work so fucking hard to beat Joker

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Ok, so when you hear her voice, what language is she speaking?

Play awakening and impregnate her, that's how I beated her.

>Are you really that bad?
>When your DI is so shit you die at 80% to a character with no kill confirms
You should probably work on being less predictable. And just for your information, I can also take your stock off a tilt if I read you well enough. Every single character in the game can do what you're describing. If you want something to bitch about you should be complaining that she has the best up B OOS in the game, extremely strong footsies tools with downtilt and some of the best tech chase options of the whole cast.
Boo hoo, poor Bowser mains. Meanwhile my guy is combo food for the whole cast and you don't hear me bitching.

Well, my first time encountering her was dubbed awakening, so naturally it'd be Laura Bailey, but that's besides the point. It doesn't matter what variant it is as long as it's still her.

Bowser is fat. Fat people are combo food for fast fuckers.
t. DK/Ridley secondary


How fat are you user? I can smell your armpits from here

Wifi is not a proper indicator of the game. Every heavy and zoner is top tier in wifi and every technical character is low tier.

>I main Joker
Take the L you cunt

Here's your (you) go shit up another board now

just hold her down across your lap and give that ass of hers a spanking

Just don't get hit by one uptilt

>Makes money doing it
>Not professional
Do you need a dictionary?

Yeah, he's probably the best fat character but still hella fat. At least his pros justify his horrible disadvantage state

What ass?

Not every character can force what boils down to a coin flip for the stock as consistently and safely as they can. Ganondorf can take your stock at 50% if he goes balls in for it, but he's probably going to lose his own stock or take critical damage if he's wrong about it, Lucina doesn't have to worry about that.

>tfw isabelle main
can I get a crumb of buff please

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Ultimate is so fun to play against my actual friends because everyone plays a range of characters. I hate playing online because I feel like I'm just playing the same 12 characters and everyone just plays safe and campy. I haven't bad many problems with the actual connections or rules though.

Is this anyone else's experience?

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You're right, she doesn't. But that's because she's designed to be a straightforward easy mode character. She's still not killing you at 80 unless you're playing Kirby or some shit. You're also wrong because Lucina's disadvantage state is very bad, if she messes up her read I can armor through it with nair and then put her offstage for an easy ledgetrapping situation.
It feels great, almost makes it worth it all those times when you miscalculate and hit with the outer hitbox and they survive.
That's every online fighter user, just means you get extra matchup practice. I'm never afraid of playing against Roy or Mario ever again because they're so common. As for safe and campy, that's just the nature of the game.

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Ppl play campy because of online and a lot moves feel safe as fuck in this game.

>The online is P2P shit, it's incredible that nintendo dares charge for it
All online fighting games use peer to peer.

Alexis Tipton?

Alexis Tipton is better than Lara Bailey btw.

Laura Bailey.

What would you buff?

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Why the fuck is the netcode in Smash games so shit? Melee and 64 have the best online being emulated

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Hello. I like Ike. That's all.

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This only applies to playing online.
Offline the jank is much more manageable and it really just comes down to getting better at controlling your character.

>She's not good because I beat one online with my main once.

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>look maw, I posted it again!

user, that's not what he's saying

>Lucina's English VA

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Ice Climbers are alright!

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Let me try it again
>she's bad because I can maybe achieve this very specific and unlikely chain of events with the aerial armor only my main has.

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Gotta disagree on that

stop this
who the fuck is who
also post the photos

>consistent pros
>select few people who play every day for years

Wow it’s almost as if you can get good by practicing at something

Arena up

Password 8008

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Hold up guys! Bayonetta wasn't broken because rest was frame 1 and could turn the carry off combo around!

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>Lucina's disadvantage isn't very good
>relying on K. Rool armor
Holy shit you're bad

Fug, joining in a few minutes

We await your challenge, warrior

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Not even close to what I'm saying. I'm saying that understanding the character and learning to play against them will make you a better player than just vaguely calling them OP. Is she too good? Probably. Will she get nerfed? Maybe. But there are other characters that are top tier, will you just wait for them to be nerfed too? What will you do when the game gets its last patch? You can't rely on nerfs forever. I mean shit, I'm trash at the game, but somehow I'm able to hold my own playing this fat fuck. If I can do it, so can you.

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You're just embarrassing yourself now.

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>tfw too busy to play a match

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No one in this game is comparable to Bayo. Try again.
You're right user, I am bad. But if even I can take wins off people playing top characters, what excuse do you have? I can tell you for a fact that her disadvantage being bad is something every top player agrees on and it's up to you to learn the best way to exploit it for your main.
Why, because I made an honest effort to get good instead of bitching on Yea Forums? Whatever user, just keep losing to scrub shit I guess. I tried to help but Yea Forums doesn't listen.

Apparently not so busy as too post on Yea Forums

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not him but lloid could hella use buffs

I'm on break for my online class right now

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Haven't you heard? All the pros got good by whining about OP characters on Yea Forums instead of practicing. I heard Tweek is a regular Yea Forumstard.

tiers only matter in higher levels of play, but I don't think you understand what disadvantage is, because

A. You being above is usually a disadvantage state. Luci can't handle things lie
B. if she keeps uTilting Rool Armor she's shit anyways.

Just wait for based Erdrick to drop so you can dab all over Lucina, while her mom and dad watch helplessly.

He better drop this month

>Psyche Up
can't wait to hit people with this shit

how high in percent do you have to be to die to lucinas uptilt as joker, sounds like you were losing already. get gud

>S-she can kill you at 80%!
>But only if she reads you
>Y-yeah but that counts!
>And if she fails she dies
>Y-you're bad!
>S-stop considering your character's tools!
How's 2m gsp treating you?

I'm actually a Lucina main but okay.

I wonder how the MP system will work

Jesus that Little Mac is CRISP! Extremely oppressive, I'm really impressed.

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>vs lucina/marth/roy/chrom
>feel completely confident already
>up tilt if they approach by air, block and best out of shield option if they run towards me to dash attack/full side special combo
>they try different things here and there, but generally rely on those sole two approaches so much, it works almost all of the time to assume it is how they will approach and react safely in advance
>even in elite

why thank you, that inkling aint no slouch either

probably only recharges after you die so you have to be at least a little careful with it and can't spam all those projectiles and buffs

>Run into a Ridley in Elite Smash (Go figure..)
>It's close, outplaying him left and right with my Palutena
>It comes down to a last stock last hit situation
>He spams f-smash and lands one out of sheer luck
>I smash my controller on the ground and punch my TV
>Punch myself over and over in rage
This game is complete trash, they need to balance it properly

scrub quotes

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>scrub quotes
>Elite Smash
I don't think you know what a scrub is, user.

nice b8

>Run into a Banjo-Kazooie in Elite Smash (Go figure..)
>It's close, outplaying him left and right with my Leon
>It comes down to a last stock last hit situation
>He spams f-smash and lands one out of sheer luck
>I smash my controller on the ground and punch my TV
>Punch myself over and over in rage
This game is complete trash, they need to balance it properly

>Run into a Palutena in Elite Smash (Go figure..)
>It's so easy, I let him smack me around left and right to make him feel like he's winning
>Carefully allow the game to build to a last stock hit situation
>Stop pretending to be retarded out of nowhere and space a f-smash against his predictable approach
>I whip my pants down and grab my cock
>Jerk myself off over and over in ecstacy
I am completely based, I need to be sucked off properly

>Palutena losing to Ridley
If you do main Palu you're a pretty shit one, I'm a Palu player and Ridleys are free real estate. Big body for nAir fun and Explosive Flaming, easily zoned out, can be gimped without issue...fighting Ridley is great

Nintendo has especially shit netcode.

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You can’t beat us Lucina mains we are too good.

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I am disgusted by how many FE characters i see online. You know it's not because they like FE because nobody plays that shit. You know it's not because they like the playstyle because swordies have the most bland moves. You know it's because that way they don't have to learn how to fight properly because they have a sword that is 1 kilometer long which allows them to land easy and safe hits.

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I just wish Falcon were better in ultimate

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who here also mains best shota?

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>Either this character needs a nerf
Yeah, any character that simple should not be that stro-
>or Joker needs buffs.
Ok man, you need to calm down

>get beaten real bad
>teabagged and toyed with for final stock
>outside of obvious lag switching, admit to myself he was the better player, instead of getting mad
>rematch and get destroyed again, but pay close attention to his playstyle and wonder how I can deal with it
>rematch yet again and put it into action, begins to work
>eventually I am the one who keeps winning

This is the best feel. It's also a good feel when it happens the other way around, it makes you realise how predictable your playstyle is and it feels good to see the other player learn and adapt before your eyes.

Anyone know how to approach a fuck ton of projectile spam as Kirby? Its a pain in the ass to approach but I know once I get in there I can land a fuck ton of damage. But if they knock me away once I have to start the cycle all over again. Young link's the rhythmically cycle through their items are the biggest pain in my ass.

>having that level of chill when playing
i envy you
and since i do i never will achieve it

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>Joke mains

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He can't duck under them?

>No problem playing against high tiers
>Dread playing against low-tiers Jigglypuff and Kirby

I don't know if it's WFT's kit or what

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Great false flag, user. It's one of her worst matchups, if not the worst. He can outspace her with every move, and he can kill her extremely early in comparison to the amount of work he needs to put in.

It's because all the tiny fuckers don't work well with WFT's weird hitboxes

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they're floaties, so they have more defensive play.

This isn't for Kirby, but universal advice against projectile spammers. By spammers I don't meant to talk down to projectile heavy characters, but to players who run away and use projectiles endlessly from a distance until a follow up is confirmed or you get close. Stay far away from them, and don't feel bad about it. They're choosing to play in a 'my rules' manner, so turn it on them. In my experience this causes them to start teabagging, but just stand there and watch them. Eventually they have to approach, but they're accustomed to approaching when you're at a disadvantage (like for Young Link, when you've been hit in midair by his boomerang), and will usually do something predictable and clumsy like a dash attack. Sometimes they come closer and start spamming from a less safe spot, where you have an easier time punishing them. In any case, refusing to let them set the rules of the game takes away their advantage and usually reveals they don't know how else to play, exposing a great weakness. You just have to have the patience and the faith that they will grow restless and start approaching.

Opinion discarded

>Be villager
>Run into lucina in elite smash
>set up tree and chop it once
>she runs up to it and spams counter
>grab and fair chain across the stage since she has no concept of DI

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Might sound very silly but just imagine a bubble around sword characters, or any character really, the circumference of their longest ranged move, like forward air for Lucina and compare your character and their own bubble and current positioning to the enemies

This is a weird but good way to practice spacing against sword characters

I have an absolutely foul temper, I can throw very embarrassing tantrums and harm myself or break property, so I had to start training myself to stay calm. It's really hard to do at first, but the best advice is having the mindset that you need to swallow down your own ego. For me at least, the wounded ego is the main cause of sperging out. You can start to feel like the bigger man for not reacting to aggravating behaviour like tea baggers, and I would call this positive reward for the ego, which feels better than being angry about the ego being wounded does.

>posers dropped him when joker was shown
>even more when hero was announced
>there will be more when banjos are on high
who here /planted/ until the bitter, low-tier end?

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I use him to dick around every now and then.

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Aight Vivi, good games, see you around sometime

Kill yourself you pedophile porn addict

>Palu's worst match-up
holy shit you're terrible. Palu can keep Ridley out and easily go in to deal with his ass if she needs to.

Palutena's worst match-ups are the Electric Rats, without question.

Also according to my smash tags we've actually fought before. Thought I recognized your tag

Woomy is 14

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>Upper echelon of Elite Smash
Pick one.

I thought so as well! Good games, let's play again sometime.

I'm going to hunt you down, beat you within a few inches of your life, let you recover, repeat the process until you're barely alive, then slowly rip your nails off and cut you into little cubes that I'll feed to stray animals you fucking pedo freak

they were 14 in one and they're like 16-17 in the new one since a time skip happened and it's three years later

Reminder to always bully Lucina players. If it's not a 2 player match, target them over any other player. If it's a 1v1, cheese the fuck outta them.

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I've been in elite with him ever since he came out, to me he's always felt great. Not even the top tier players understand how absolutely amazing his down special is off stage. Position yourself correctly and it's near impossible for the opponent to dodge. His neutral special is also completely broken but nobody has realized it. Once your opponent is in kill range, just keep throwing it out at random times, and they will eventually kill themselves; not (probably) by moving into it, but by just playing as normal and having it fall in them when they attack you. It's like a psuedo counter move in that sense, except you get launched too.

I'm the upper echleon of Elite Smash too faggot
>Elite Smash
>meaning jack shit
how I know you're a casual

>Calling me a casual
>When you're so quick to defend le reddit space dragon
Some people lack self-awareness, it seems. If you don't think he's Palutena's worst matchup, I think you're either delusional or baiting hard.

How the fuck do I get better with this guy? I'm so tired of placing low at my locals. And don't say to pick another character

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Not that guy but she isn't even real you fucking mongoloid. Faggots like you who can't differentiate real fuckinng life from a fucking video game make me sick.

user, this guy baits all the time with the Ridley/Palutena shit. Literally dodged me in a recent thread.

Yeah man, jacking off to drawings of kids totally doesn't mean you're attracted to kids.. right? Loli is just drawings, bro! You're not obviously at risk of diddling kids because of your latent attraction to them that you offset by jacking off to drawings instead!

>Based fellow luci main

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this but unironically

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don't get hit

I've played him before, he's actually very good

No you fucking retard. Real children are fucking disgusting little imps. 2D children are not. It's that fucking simple

Pacmen always destroy me online, they do weird shit with the water pushing them from the fire hydrant. They seem to specifically use each fruit for a different purpose at different percents (my percent). When the hydrant is out, they seem to have a deep understanding of what will cause it to launch and the arc it will bounce in. They seem to use the bell for stunning and killing, and us the spaceship at low percents to throw out, grab back, and keep annoying me with. They never seem to actually use the key. That's all I can say about the ones that beat me really hard.

Shoulda added and fought me then. Don't even care if I lose.

Sure thing pedophile. Maybe ease off on the porn before you rape kids.

Teach me about the Woomer, why is she said to be top tier?

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Holy based

Little fucker racks up damage and is pretty fast. Also, has good aerials and a retarded bair.

oh god fuck off already. you don't listen. Just criticize. Absolutely certain of your self. And also certain of who I am as well. you label me something that I'm not. You a fucking idiot son

I always forget about the Ink damage boost. How major is it? I know I cheesed stamina battles in WoL with it.


they shouldn't deliberately program in combos
they should program mechanics, and it's up to players to find their own combos

1.5× damage multiplier if they are fully inked

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>In Smash Ultimate
Yikes, besides a few matchups there's only 2 hit strings and neutral wins

>Lucina is just plain


Bayo is not a perv


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>good westballz
I miss it bros

Delete this. Bayo would never do that to a child.

fire emblem swordies need to be genocided

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Why is this board full of unironic pedophiles?

I see you've never been to Yea Forums

If loving these squids is wrong, i don't want to be right

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Woomy is fun

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Please, please kill yourself.

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>a low-tier has ruined this man's entire life
>when he plays a top-tier


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>tfw people hate my character out of association with characters that have all of his benefits but none of his drawbacks.


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The issue is are kids being harmed or not, they obviously are not, so you getting offended over the fact that no children are being harmed is the ridiculous part.
You can't criminalize attraction or what you think someone could do, that is absurd.
So all you are left with is reality and the simple fact that no one is being hurt buy here you go going off about killing and torturing an actual person as if you are displaying superior morality because of cartoons.
And if you do think pedo act are being offset why would you remove the thing that is keeping pedos away from real children? Wouldn't that just result in actual children being harmed?

ITT: Unpopular Opinions
i think fighting against CPUs are cool

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>It's close
>outplaying him left and right

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>play the whole roster depending on what I feel like
>love seemingly unusual characters such as Bowser Jr, Plant and Duck Hunt
>Started with smash 64 in 99
>not actually all that great at smash
>still fun
>that desperation you get from people who have clearly dedicated study to one particular character and don't grasp how the roster works

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is there a single person in this thread that can give me a good tip on how to get better at Ice Climbers?

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Buff Toon Link

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I have more fun fighting against CPUs than people online anymore.

Well if you can get a good read on their double ju-
>I main Joker
Take the L.


With what?

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I like Wii Fit Trainer.

Everything. Make him the uncontested toppest tier in the game. I'm dead fucking serious.

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>play quick play
>rarely any lag other than the occasional shitter
>play in Yea Forums or /vg/ arena
>instant lag every time
really makes you think...

>Lag horribly when playing with obnoxious namefags
>Perfectly fine everywhere else.

This worked for me, now I never lose that matchup anymore.

Name a single better feeling that doing mad work with a shoto
It's literally better than sex

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Ganondorf main here.

How do I level out my power levels? I'm just too fucking strong, and I'm constantly shitting on other players.

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Winning with a shoto in Street Fighter 5 where they all suck except for Akuma

>Joker main complaining about anyone

But Ken and Kage are really good too, and Sakura is good until your opponent learns your tatsu memes
It's only ryu that sucks

Kage is pretty bad unless your name is Sako.

Is there anyway to get better with my juggling and ledgetrapping with lucina. I'm able to get hits off in neutral but my follow ups always feel mediocre, and I can't seem to pull off anything true. What should i be practicing? Also are there any essential things i need to practice in general don't know a lot about ultimate tech

For ledgetrapping you can cover multiple options with a spaced out nair or fair and then fast falling. If they jump, neutral getup or getup attack they will take the hit and if they shield you will be spaced out. For followups you don't have a whole ton, but if they're vertical above you they will be afraid of upairs and uptilts so you can look for an opening.

Yeah I'm able to snag a lot of kills by just nairing on stage to freak them out and then fast falling with a fsmash. I really struggle with people who do nothing but throw out safe aerials and tomahawk grabs, so often I find myself losing neutrals so its be nice to have more consistent juggling or combos

Falcon main spotted

The second hit of nair kills too, by the way. If you're getting hit by aerials and tomahawk grab you're not playing at your ideal range. They should be terrified of getting hit by any of your disjoint attacks, short hop nair and spaced out jab/ftilt especially can stuff people in the air.

Yeah well I'm tired of working my ass off only to have it fuel Joker's transformation into the best character in the game

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GSP or Gtfo

Braindead aeriels, especially it's bair, stupid powerful jab that also debuffs, it's side b requires little risk for what it can give, it can take you to 60% off a single grab, best recovery in the game allows it to go for deep edgeguards, retarded dash dance, etc. Tweek and leffen are right when they say this character is broken.


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>tfw I main Simon and beat a Lucina player at our last weekly
You unironically need to git gud

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Bro this is so epic! It makes me want to stop showering!

Why yes, I main Lucina. How could you tell?

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when is marth getting buffed so i can play him instead of lucina