Heavy pro-Nintendo anti-Xbox bias killed Rare.
Heavy pro-Nintendo anti-Xbox bias killed Rare
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both of those are shit games anyway
it's just the Nintendo Bonus
Perfect Dark was almost unplayable on the N64
Conker xbox also massively improved everything about the N64 game
It's obviously not like DKC2 tier or anything but Ghoulies a good game. DK64 is basically torture
>barely playable
>9.7 masterpiece
>8.1 bcuz no halo or gears of war yet and xbox needs a launch shooty shooty game so it gets a boost
>the actual good game, remastered and highly playable for a cheap price
>five year wait for rehashed lttp formula for the xth time, now for drooling handicapped people and with waggle. full price on decade+ old tier hardware
>eight year wait for a completely unique and good game on relevant hardware for $40
>standards change overtime
actual bullshit, skyward sword should have been 80 at best
This is probably the most accurate thread I've seen all day. All of rares ports and remasters were amazing but why are their scores lower. It's not because of in depth critical bias, its because the system they exist on. Nintendo sits on a a high horse because of nostalgia even though they've had nothing going for them since the SNES. The n64 had shitty technology, less games than the ps3 meme and is still highly acclaimed.
>cock tease fans for years with Banjo Threeie
>show of a teaser for a new Banjo game
>it's not Banjo Threeie and it's a fucking racing game
>"hurr durr nintendo bonus"
I'm sorry you were tricked into buying an xbawks 360, user. But it's time to let go
I usually take 15 points or so off any Nintendo game.
it has nothing to do with standards their critical reception changed overnight after the sale. grabbed by the ghoulies on the gamecube would have been an 8/10 and conker live and reloaded would be looked at as the REmake of conker
Wasn’t Live and Reloaded more censored than the original N64 version?
>DK64 is basically torture
Nah, you just got casual filtered
>REmake of conker
No, if it were on a nintendo system people would be exclusively posting it as proof that "nintendies" can't handle adult humor and need everything censored.
it wasnt a teaser for banjo threeie it was a teaser for a banjo-kazooie remake
your expectations also = irrelevant to the actual game
grabbed by the ghoulies sucks
>REmake of conker
theres hardly any censoring. its just a few more bleeps, the n64 version actually IIRC had a scene removed by nintendo (tho it was never put back in)
its literally a pure improvement unless you need worse graphics, controls, and audio quality and less bleeps
REmake wasn't just an improvement, it was a complete re-imagining
>theres hardly any censoring
It fucking butchered the games most iconic boss.
People would have torn that alone apart if it were on a Nintendo system.
People would make the same videos and reactions people made to the OOT and MM remakes, it would be considered the worst remake ever made today.
tooie only sold 40% as many copies as kazooie and the fanbase constantly says its worse despite having more work put into it and being more intricately designed
gregg being the hideo kojima of banjo had every right to make the third game however he damn wanted
Yeah but it's mostly just more bleeps
Lol. Point to me where in this trailer is says "banjo-kazooie remake"
I'm pretty sure fans would think "BANJO IS BACK!" at the end of the trailer and "You just wait until Banjo Threeie" at the end of Banjo Tooie would make them think Banjo Threeie would be coming
>t-that's just what you think
Here are even older versions of that video from 2006 where both uploaders and commenters think it's Banjo Threeie. Nobody on the fucking planet thought it was a Banjo Kazooie remake
only autists care about that. the general gamer audience gives no shit about the MM/OOT remakes but its like a standard culture meme that conker is definitively worse on xbox
>According to designer Gregg Mayles, the first idea was to create a remake of the first Banjo-Kazooie for the Xbox 360
>Ed Bryan revealed that the next idea the team wanted to conceive was a game "where you could build stuff." Initially, Rare co-founder Tim Stamper suggested that game revolve around an "interactive lego set;" the team designed a prototype sandbox which involved the player putting blocks together to create vehicles.
>According to designer Steve Malpass, the prototype was set in the first level of the cancelled Banjo-Kazooie remake
>but its like a standard culture meme that conker is definitively worse on xbox
Because Conker is a shit game once you get over how fucking edgy and weird it is.
Which worked on N64, where it was new and uncensored.
But had absolutely overstayed its welcome a full console generation later.
Which is pretty much true for all Rare games, impressive for the N64 generation, but not really timeless.
2005 was only fucking 4 years after 2001. nobody barely even bought conker on the n64 because it was already the ps2 generation
I've played both of these. The original Conker is absolutely horrendous by todays standards. It's REALLY tedious and controls like dogshit. The XBOX version still isn't good but does its best to improve the game and make it more playable; it's the definately the definitive edition. For anyone interested in playing Conker, play the XBOX version or just watch an LP of the N64 version. The original version just isn't worth slogging through.
A lot changed in those four years, nobody was impressed by games like Conker anymore.
There is a reason the original is known for being edgy, and the remake only for its graphics.
everybody has agreed its a good game since it was put on rare replay. it was pure butthurt nintendo rage goggles why it got shat on in its time
didnt say it was a bad game tho did I
>A lot changed in those four years, nobody was impressed by games like Conker anymore.
and yet the nintendo nostalgists only want rare to ever make a banjo threeie to this very day and will hate on everything they make for not being that
and they keep doing this even after the playtonic children tried to do it without gregg and failed miserably
>didnt say it was a bad game tho did I
>basically torture
>but I didn't say it was bad guyz!
Yep, you're just a retard.
also the xbox version is compatible with xbox one x running at 4Kish, looks monstrous
>basically torture
>but I didn't say it was bad guyz!
>what is masochism
if other people engage in console wars faggotry to slowly destroy a good game developer im not going to ignore it
Perfect Dark looks great
>slowly destroy a good game developer
they are already dead, what the fuck are you hoping for?
No, you want want to rage about Nintendo and you believe this is a convenient way to shitpost.
you absolutely triggered nintendofag. botw is my goty for 2017 and nintendo is the best game developer of basically all time and still is
>they are already dead
youve been pushing this forced meme since 2002, enough
Viva Pinata is the best game Rare has ever made
Rare was losing their charm since before being adquired by MS
>you absolutely triggered nintendofag
Yep, you're just a consolewar fag.
Nice try attempting to cover that up, but you retards always fail to hide your autism when pushed just a tiny bit.
And yes, fucking dead.
They made 2 original games in the last ten years.
sea of thieves is their highest selling game since dk64, before including whatever the game pass revenue would be equivalent to in sales
>you are solely posting to rage about nintendo
>I love nintendo, but you personally are a fag
>see, console wars, you hate nintendo!!!!!!!!
its based
they released a 1-9 million selling game (or two) every year that was always an 8-10/10 from 1994 to 2002 and then it instantly stopped and everyone hated them after the sale
>They made 2 original games in the last ten years.
also yooka laylee and dkc returns + tropical freeze are literally iterative sequels of rare games we got in the same period
and the great XBLA remasters of BK, BT, and Perfect Dark
and we got diddy kong in brawl, k rool in ultimate, and now banjo dlc being literally the biggest thing at nintendo e3 this year
I never understood why people shit on grabbed by the ghoulies so much, it's really fun.
Grabbed by the Ghoulies was a fucking mess of a game, man. It's a brawler with de-emphasized brawling and some walking simulator sections, with weak characters to back it up.
Even then, 66 was too low. I think you're right, that magazines/outlets at the time had some major bias against Xbox originals. Most of them did pretty bad critically despite their quality being at least on par with their Nintendo counterparts. Might've been the fatass controllers, the lack of Microsoft playing nice, but it was something.
nintendo bonus really exists. they are like the disney of gaming and with that comes retards who says everything they shit out is perfect. its the reason why retards who bought a wii bought a wii u and then bought a switch. theyre braindead, see a familiar brand, and buy it.
I think its fine actually. not amazing but its good enough. a fucking mess to me is like >>>perfect dark zero, so bad its like a best of the worst vhs - but at that point halo 2 was popular and it was a launch 360 game so gotta give it the dudebro bonus to fucking 81
>Sea of Thieves
I keep forgetting that it was made by Rare
From what I have heard Nintendo was very hands on and super demanding they basically pushed rare to succeed. M$ was very hands off do your own thing and they lost their way. Also a lot of talent left
its gregg mayles baby. he kept putting pirate shit in all their games since he was lead designer on DKC2 and he finally got to go all out once all his competition was defeated within the company. the rise and fall of free radical and playtonic were just gregg mayles schemes
But Rare Replay and Sea of Thieves are amazing?
Then why did the Wii U flop?
because it was the least worst of the last three nintendo consoles. sad but true. look at the nintendo ds, zero great games and it sold 150m
>>standards change overtime
it doesn't seem to apply to Nintendo games, OoT 3D got a 94 despite being a lazy remake of an aged game
>zero great games
good bait
new super mario bros? zelda phantom hourglass? metroid prime hunters? lmfao
literally zero truly great first party games made for the ds
>shit tier: kinect sports rivals
not really. they only really collaborated very closely for DKC1. the different teams within rare weren't even allowed to talk to each other because the stampers were weird like that