nobody asked for this
Nobody asked for this
Only shitty boomers, who smash shouldn’t be aimed at anymore, so to those shitty boomers.
No I am not going to cope
He’s going to be dogshit tier
He’ll be cut next game
He shall not ever appear in another game after this.
Go fucking kick the bucket boomers.
t. assblasted minecraft zoomer
Real talk, why the fuck Is banjo playable? He’s an irrelevant character from a dead franchise
Actual iconic characters like Bomberman, who has over 70 games mind you is only an assist trophy, but these ugly eskimos who have only 1 game, gets to be playable?
Unfucking acceptable, you can't seriously defend this
This is terrible bait, steve
Look Stevefag, I know it's rough that Steve is not in the game and everything, but you shouldn't go lying on the internet like that.
Steve is reserved for smash 6
I did
Hang yourself
>Bomberman fags going all out still
Does Bomberman have the worst fanbase of the 3rd parties?
That's just not true.
Yes, where he replaces a banjo and banjo is demoted to an alt for Steve.
Imagine the fucking salt. ;)
My worst peeve is that their southern style banjo music is not the same.
Really? so you are telling me that more people would be excited for Bomberman than Banjo-Kazooie?
I have never, not once seen Bomberman in Top 10 fan polls, if anything top 20.
Burgers did
It would be glorious, but Steve is gonna get into smash one of these days
Zoomers are fucking fags
Steve would’ve been more hype then banjo
zoomer boomer zoomer boomer zoomer..Is that all you nerds can say?
This endless cycle of fake outrage is getting old
No, that would be banjo, his disgusting fanbase full of smelly boomers don’t deserve to be alive, they should be dead, like the bear.
Hang yourself boomer!
They watched too much spongebob to listen to anyone.
Either you are the one I replied too who completely dodged my question or just some random fucktard.
I have only this to say:
Cope and Seethe.
>I have never, not once seen Bomberman in Top 10 fan polls, if anything top 20.
That’s cause he was dead, but super bomberman R changed that, now he’s showing up a lot more in polls.
Of course their not going to appear in another game after this, this is basically Their swansong.
one last time on Nintendo then gone forever.
And yet its guaranteed replies. I always wonder if its samefags on computer and mobile.
>Thats cause he was dead
Thats pretty hilarious because Banjo was long dead before Bomberman and look where we are now.
Gex the gecko is next, anyone remember that guy?
Quick reminder: It's mid-July and no Hero in sight. The website still has "new" logos on the fighters and music from E3, meaning he isn't coming any time soon either. We're 8 months into the 14 month release window for 5 characters and only have 1 of them. They're shitting the bed.
You mean the boomers that are more willing and able to spend lots of money on video games, instead of trying to hope normie kids convince their normie parents to buy them a "Pass"?
Blame fat autistic boomers for their satanic ritual that revived their bear and breegull, bomberman doesn’t need one cause he’s still relevant.
Agree, Banjo threads are cancer by meme spouting fags
He’s staying dead
Don’t they have anything better to do than waste valuable money on video games? Do some of them even have a job?
Alright man, whatever you say.
Just remember to keep items on to stay happy.
This dev cycle has been weird as fuck. Would not be surprised if 4 and 5 get delayed to summer.
autistic rosterfags did. fursuit bear is only in the game because those zoomers screeched loudly enough on twitter.
>this fucking copypasta again
No, that would be Minecraft.
A delay seems likely at this point. Otherwise, they'd have to release Banjo early in the fall with character 4 no later than December, then 5 in Feb. That's a way faster pace than they've done with either Joker or Hero so far (and even this is assuming Hero came out tomorrow, which he obviously wouldn't).
>No-one wanted Banjo! No-one liked Banjo!
>Ignore that he got into Smash based on popular demand...
>or that they literally funded a spiritual successor to the game on Kickstarter in 4 hours
>or the huge reaction to him getting in
banjo’s last good game came out before 100% of zoomers were even born
I hope not.
Yes, I too want pic related in my cartoonish kid-friendly brawling game.
Gen Z
Platforming collectathons are boring
more relevant than bayonetta or shulk. Still don't know why they were added.
I did.
Most Nintendo seasonpasses tend to be backloaded, though. Look at XB2 or Zelda BotW.
Are you fucking braindead? Banjo is nowhere near as relevant as Shulk and bayonetta, characters from underrated games that deserve to be in smash over autistic boomer bear.
Slit your own throat, boomer!
the n64 is zoomer trash. us boomers didn't have to settle for shovelware like banjo-shitzooie because we had playstations and dreamcasts.
Nah, I'm good kid.
Have sex
Nobody asked for this fucking retard Gatornigger yet here we are.
Nostaliga faggots should KYS asap. No one gives two shits or knows about some faggot gator from 1935 when your parents weren't divorced.
Literally should have never got in smash. Bayonetta got in because she was relevant and a recent game release, not some literal who green shit.
>inb4 muh rob muh pacman muh duck hunt
Icon characters of different eras or mascot characters. No one gives two shits about literal who the gator
Cringe but redpilled. Collectathons CAN be boring much more easily than most genres, but if you legitimately found Banjo-Kazooie "boring" you have the attention span and taste of a fucking garbage disposal.
Nobody asked for you to butt in with your copypasta, just make a thread if you wanna hate on k rool, this is banjo’s thread.
Nobody knew about that game before smash
He is correct.
Nobody asked for you to be a faggot who faps to irrelevant gators, Gatorfag
Keep telling that to yourself, Gatorfag
I didn't ask for them because honestly I didn't expect them, and I love the series. Either way I'm glad they were able to show up.
>"They (Nintendo) were surprised by how crazy it went. The E3 reveal seemed to be gigantic. When I was speaking to Nintendo back at their booth at E3, they were all saying it was a bigger reaction than they’re normally used to for Smash. So Nintendo did recognize that it was a big deal. They were surprised. And we all were: it was such a huge release for all those fans who’ve been waiting so long for a new game."
>big reaction by SMASH STANDARDS, meaning bigger than the normal fanfare
Steve would’ve been bigger
maybe they will add characters from your favorite game undertale next
It’s true
It is boring you can't change my mind boomer
>20 years later, Yea Forums is still crying about /our/ bear & bird
Kill yourself, my main man.
or they could stop adding shitty characters no one gives a fuck about and having their half dozen rabid fanboys strawmanning that "y-you must like u-undertale!!!"
ye but Isaac would've been even bigger
oh no no no no no no *wheeze*
I understand this sort of thing is common on Yea Forums but
>imagine being mad a character is in a game and even though theres nothing you can do to change it or get the character you want in you'll come on here just to complain
>imagine falling for this bait and typing out a long ass green text as well
Really makes ya think
No fucking way a retarded bear was able to top everyone is here, I smell shit, bull to be exact, and lots of it.
>imagine blowing your load to gator's fat tits 24/7
what a humongous faggot you are
Fucking stab yourself isuckfag! ;-)
Banjo Kazooie/Tooie was the only good game on the N64 so he deserves it
Cry all you want into the void, but you'll never ever be heard or cared about. Banjo is in the game, no matter how much you scream. He's part of history forever and ever, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.
Banjo makes Steve’s chances higher if you think about it
Not reading thread or replies, I did fuck you op
They were shit and boring, he doesn’t deserve fuck all
His part of history ends with smash ultimate, this is the last game he’ll be in...EVER
I wished for him and Ridley. I am content with life
Fuck you baby, I got mine.
Name 5 good games
>nobody asked for this
>thousands of threads have been made since Melee times hyping Banjo
Are you blind, retarded, or underage?
take a look at all these non-human cartoony characters that got in, instead of who you like.
Look at them laughing at you
>Anything that isn’t Banjo-Kazzooie or Banjo-Tooie
>Anything that isn’t Banjo-Kazzooie or Banjo-Tooie
>Anything that isn’t Banjo-Kazzooie or Banjo-Tooie
>Anything that isn’t Banjo-Kazzooie or Banjo-Tooie
>Anything that isn’t Banjo-Kazzooie or Banjo-Tooie
What would Steve be
crying in an empty room
>Superman 64 is good
Based nigger
Not for long
How did Banjo become exclusive with Steve anyways? They're from different games and would play different.
I really think they dropped the ball on the ATIBKOBT 3.
1 and 2 were great and 4 sort of brought back what made the first 2 ATIBKOBT.
However 5 can straight up suck a dick. Why the fuck did they think a realistic art style would sell more copies?
they are both owned by microsoft and its unlikely microsoft would get two reps
Why do Banjokids get so upset when someone voices their distaste for this character?
Like, we get it, you grew up playing Nuts & Bolts and you desperately hope Banjo's inclusion will increase Master Chief's odds of getting in. That doesn't mean the rest of us should suffer for your idiocy.
Mojang and RARE
you b8 fell apart with this post
It's just a representation argument? It's unlikely Fire Emblem would be 1/10th the roster, but it is.
Lol, coping
Also, there won’t be a “next game” retard.
If smash 4 came out in 2019 you'd say the same shit about Megaman, mark my fucking word.
Doesnt Microsoft own Mojang now?
You and the horde of brainlet faggots said the very same thing about Banjo-Kazzoie getting in, yet look at where we are,
You know what? Keep saying Never Ever, because whenever you say it, the opposite happens. So please, keep saying there will never be another game. Keep seething with all your might.
It's just Steve shitposters false flagging and desperately trying to create a new rivalry to keep the shitstorm going.
Why is Greninja and Incineroar in the game only people with IQs between 60-80 play pokemon
Sssshhhh..Don't tell them that. Let them hold onto hope, it'll be more fun when it's dashed on the rocks of reality.
>Steve is a never ever
>Also, there won’t be a “next game” retard
Yes there will, how deluded are you?
I guess Nintendo doesn’t want money
I agree one first and second generations were worth playing.
both of those are owned by Microsoft
Fire emblem is 1st party, people just don't think Nintendo is going to give a direct competitor 2 of the 5 dlc slots
Honestly there fucking won’t be, rare have no interest in making a new game, doubt they ever will, even they want banjo to die after smash.
What else didn't you ask for, to spawn in as Axis in a WWII shooter you absolute killjoy cuck?
Just because you don't want something doesn't mean nobody else wanted it. Furthermore, to act entitled about a fucking video game roster? How low of a human being do you have to be? Either you had a shorty upbringing to act like this or your a total disappointment to not only your family but re entire human race. You waste thread space on this board on shitty bait because you didn't get your way. Make like the basedridden, waste of human tissue that I know you are and join the 40 percent. Nobody asked for you rob shit up this board or the planet, but here you are.
2 games*
Never ever
arrest yourself
Who tf is Steve? He isn't even going to be in Minecraft 2
I asked for this. I also asked for Little Mac, Simon Belmont, King K.Rool, and Rosalina.