Biggest economy in the world

>biggest economy in the world
>billion of people that works almost for free
>cant make good games

what went wrong?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China.svg.png (1200x800, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:


No creativity or critical thinking.

They can only copy.

they are busy building islands out of nothing. games are for children

>biggest economy in the world
is this 2100?

Mao Zedong made sure to stamp any creativity and spirit out of the Chinese people and their culture. Now all they do is plagiarize things they see are popular to make money selling bootleg mash-ups of expies.

They're too busy having sex with the hottest asian girls.

dilate american tranny

No freedom of expression/artistic freedom and heavy censorship greatly limits the quality of what they can produce, it is very hard to create something good if the government limits what you can do and say with your product

Because the Chinese have had their soul torn out of them.

>Mao Zedong made sure to stamp any creativity and spirit out of the Chinese people and their culture. Now all they do is plagiarize things they see are popular to make money selling bootleg mash-ups of expires.
Mao is indirectly responsible, in that he did not modernize the language and writing system.
Chinese is tonal and the writing is logographic. It is impossible to use. There is no grammar. The language causes illiteracy. It is stupefying.
China should adopt english as the official language, like india.
Mandarin is a total disaster and completely non-functional. there isn't even a real mandarin language. there are thousands of dialects and nobody can understand each other.

Censors stifling creative output. Seriously, fuck being an artist in china.

do you really think they're smart, creative and innovative?

Attached: 400.jpg (400x400, 108K)

Reminder that the Chinese are fucking leeches and there hasn't been an original thought in that place for thousands of years.

For hundreds of years, the French language was synonymous with civilization. You know the term 'lingua franca', where do you think it came from?

How is French regarded now?

Written Chinese is the same among all Chinese dialects, so it's not too hard to communicate between them.

9/11 Larry Silverstein The Westington House Scandal Latin American Puppet Dictators Operation Condor
Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein CIA Agents The Clinton Chronicles Waco Siege The Clinton Blowjob Scandal Nixon Watergate Scandal The Fake Tibetan Protest of 2008 Staged Coup of Colombia Kandahar massacre
The Guatanamo Bay Illegal Occupation 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état United Fruit Company The Cuban Missile Crisis and the Turkish Missile Crisis Operation Northwoods Iran Contra
American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse MK Ultra Tuskegee syphilis experiment Cointelpro The Bombing of Libya Yemen and Syria The Intervention on Yugoslavia The Philippine Genocide of 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears North-South Agent Orange and the Loss of Vietnam War Area 51 Richard Nixon Andrew Johnson the Illegal Colonialism of American Samoa Guam and other Pacific Islands the Economic Embargo on Mexico The Rape of Okinawa

Anyone else feeling sleepy? I think I'll be going to bed now.

sleep tight, user


Sleep well, user.

chinese people are fucking stupid

Mihoyo could, if they weren't trapped in mobage hell. Just look at genshin of the wild

No, they're just not good at being creative. Chinese culture is about conformity and obedience, not creativity or imagination.

>Mao is indirectly responsible, in that he did not modernize the language and writing system.
i don't what kind of retard you are, but mao is chiefly responsible for pushing simplified chinese

>there isn't even a real mandarin language. there are thousands of dialects and nobody can understand each other.
mandarin is intelligible between the mainland, taiwan, singapore, and foreign diasporas. there are many dialects of chinese, but that doesn't make them all "mandarin". idiot.

They're actually a democracy now

They seem to be getting on well in spite of that

Its unironically fascist

Fuck off baguette, you're even too entitled and/or retarded to speak proper english in RL situations

Too much work. Not enough play.

user, I don't think you know what you are talking about. You should drink less /pol/ propaganda. Or fact check with google.

Well you can still vote as long as you're voting for the person in charge

Just because you have quantity doesn't mean you will suddenly get quality. Twenty billion niggers aren't going to invent nanomachines. More Chinese doesn't mean more creativity it just means more output. At least fucking Indians are somewhat creative they just happen to be fucking cretins but they have the potential to be great. Chinks are just eternal bugmen though so no matter how many of them you have you will always end up with the same shit.

I'm just sad we ended up with Chinese winning and becoming the industrialized power instead of India. Indians are fucking disgusting but at least when you look in their eyes you see a glimmer of humanity.

I prefer neither. This is like saying that one pile of shit is better than the other.
At least vote for keeping japan in power or something.

Literally no creativity allowed under the CPC and Xitler. Their corruption and lack of civility means that a city like Shanghai or Beijing would be perfect for a Yakuza styled game, but that would get banned instantly. So it's just more ROTK ancient China garbage since it doesn't affect the party's image.

If the Japs could have fucking kept their dicks in their pants, a Jap run China would have been so much better.

China is rightful nip clay, but history is not so kind the majority of the time.

Attached: 1486262221392.jpg (423x644, 34K)

But the Chinese made a great game.

Attached: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSC2rtzSFxmJCkSWJg1eiWtfVdzCCN0RMxQ1mN3BQUv4zWBwnUsNQ.jpg (300x168, 8K)

Don't make me fucking laugh. They're getting more and more authoritarian.

Yeah, at least the Japanese haven't completely erased creativity from their culture.

yes, like a giant ant farm


Attached: intermarriage.webm (540x960, 2.72M)

only correct post here

>post this in Burgertopia and you get a (you)
>post the TIANAMEN SQUARE one in China and your ass gets swatted

Attached: 648B4C29-7C16-4D6A-B3C6-61F7063E5765.gif (400x296, 443K)

>Taiwan made a good game

The real China made a good game.
There were a lot of pretty good games in Taiwan when I was little. Too bad the market was not big enough to support a healthy growth of the industry.

Attached: 320px-Flag_of_the_Republic_of_China.svg.png (320x213, 3K)

why does she look so upset?

Thanks for making bootlegs though. The AAA replicas from taobao are great

it's a forced marriage

The Cultural Revolution.
People refer to mainland chinks as insects for a reason, user.

Because now she has to fuck a small asain dick

I think genshin impact seems promising, it's like botw but not total shit.

Imagine being in Hong Kong right now.
>going from being British colony to Chinese hostage
I'd take the anglos back myself.

he did the opposite please read a book not /pol/


The communists taking power in that country is one of the greatest injustices in human history.
>Chiang Kai-shek's nationalist forces do almost all the fighting against the Japanese's while Mao's communists hide in the countryside and sometimes stab the nationalists in the back
>Commies come down from the mountains after the nationalists are exhausted from the war, take over, and metaphorically rape the country harder than the Japs ever literally did

Attached: Mao and friends.jpg (450x335, 22K)

keep talk shit about China laowai. All of you will see very bad credit score

I thought Jews lower credit scores?

What kind of execution method would you prefer for Xi Jinping, getting stuck in a hole in a wall and left to starve or being lowered head first into a pot full of honey?

He's talking about a social credit score.
If you thought China was already a nightmare, hoo boy.

Isn't the Chinese economy massively inflated?

The Second Sino-Japanese War really obliterated all of the progresses of the Nationalist government. Land and tax reform comes to mind. Chiang even had to throw his own soldiers to be killed by the Japanese, which made him more reliant on the warlords he nominally controls.
Now those commies are pretending they are the ones who fought the Japanese.
Blame the commies that China is so hated today.

What went wrong? More like what went RIGHT. I don't want these fuckers having any more influence on the world than they already do.

This. Fuck China. Its vision of the future is horrifying.

so communism

Gotta thank Nixon for that. I wish he had been shot instead of JKF. Then maybe pandora's gu jar wouldn't have been opened.

glad that in america you can speak about history

retarded braindead faggot
Because they have spent the last 20 years making communist rip offs of AAA games. Also they think Pay 2 win is acceptable.

They're smarter than white people, though. They're not that genetically distinct from nips.

>Real communism has never been tried!

Attached: 1556306570479.jpg (225x225, 11K)

Their only weakness is their tendency to turn on each other. That's basically the history of China in a nutshell

How did such a shitty country become a world superpower?

now that's a good joke

Attached: 1550383323598.jpg (600x477, 349K)

Making good games requires thinking creatively which is something chinks lack. Sure they crunch numbers and do plenty of manual labor but for anything that requires thinking outside the box or innovating they are fucked which is why they always have to steal from others just to get anywhere.

North Korea is a democracy. Deal with it, republicucks.

that is a pretty good joke, have a (you)

China's credit score is like that but only worse due to the fact jews are not able to lower yours if you play games with tits in them

Worst part is Chiang was just about to wipe out the commies when the Nips invaded which made it more ironic since the Nips generals justified the invasion to the Emperor by stating it was to fight commies. Granted China would never be a democratic nation or have the average standard of living when compared to the West, but it would have been less of a geopolitical nightmare.

>"number one nation in the world in everything"
>can't make good games anymore

what went wrong?

Attached: american-flag-1.jpg (720x514, 52K)

you don't know what fascism is

Both Chiang's government and Japan tried to work together to simmer down the Japanese militarism. Too bad it did not work out.
Zhang Xueliang's coup also made everything worse. That dumb guy got played by Mao.

capitalism unironically
eventually all of their business will get to who make more profits rather than who make better products (to make more profits)
It's flawed but still better that whatever communism offers

>"number one nation in the world in everything"
Total lie. Compared to the rest of the developed world, we suck at almost everything.

>what went wrong?
We didn't rid ourselves of the albatross that is the South when we had the chance. We should've just let the fuckers go.

creativity isn't a matter if being intelligent or not, it's something in the soul.
Which is why no Chinese will ever create anything of any inherent value.


>eventually all of their business will get to who make more profits rather than who make better products
Eventually? It's been that way for years.

>Total lie. Compared to the rest of the developed world, we suck at almost everything.
Provide a single fact to support this statement

Government has their heads up their collective ass

Health care.

yeah but to be fair Chiang Kai-shek wasn't all that great either.
In any case Mao's spectacular failures are fucking hilarious, so at least there's a positive side to things.

high speed train
public transport

>It can't be quantified!
You shitlibs are cute.

Health care is almost everything?

1. You can lose by three million votes and still become president.

2. The only reason that stupid system exists is to prevent someone like Trump from becoming president, but instead, it's what installed him.

I noticed you listed a bunch of shit you expect the taxpayers to pay for you and not things that actually matter. Those things are all memes.

What the fuck are you talking about? Chinese have no souls, thus no creativity. Prove me wrong you fucking faggot. You can't. Now go suck /pol/'s cock some more you fucking bitch.

Oh he was no saint at all.
I still believe China would have been better off with him than with Mao. No Great Leap Forward and no Cultural Revolution comes to mind.

But then we wouldn't have all our cheap Made in China goods thanks to based Deng Xiaoping

It's one of many things.

>Health care
>Doesn't matter
Are you out of your fucking mind? It's literally a matter of life and death.

I don't go to /pol/.
>Prove me wrong
I don't have to prove it. It's in my "soul."

Unlike other countries all students, including tards and people who can't read at age 18, must take the tests that count towards rankings. One special ed class wipes out an entire honors graduating ceremony.
US freight systems are top tier. The geography and distance between population centers means there are only three or four potential routes for high speed trains to make sense, and those are already so built up that it's a billion dollar problem to build the infrastructure.
No argument lmao, but same shit as high speed trains. There's no where that it makes sense to do it except for places that already have public transit set up.

Tell me how you're quantifying "health care." If it's life expectancy or whether people can afford it, those are inadequate measures.

>education doesn't matter
>a cheap reliable and fast method to travel doesn't matter
>fucking public transport and healthcare don't matter?????

I accept your concession.

There still would, like what went on with "Made in Taiwan." China is a huge place, and there are bound to be underdeveloped places that can be a part of the outsourcing game.
Plus, we can still get cheap shit from places like Vietnam.

I will never forgive Vietnam

Government trying to get more votes by making everything some sort of racial or sex issue which did work for a certain group but fucked everybody else over due to the fact everybody wanted some of those brownie points.

>the Chinese have had their soul torn out of them.

i'm an american chink, whose family got out before the communist takeover. the difference between me and commie chinks is mind blowing. they legitimately don't seem human.

Glad they got out before Mao's ghost could rape you into oblivion

What are you basing these conclusions on?

lmao. We learn like half of this shit in elementary

You don't think it's bad enough that people are dying of treatable conditions or going bankrupt because of ridiculously overpriced treatments? Hell, you don't think it's bad enough for health care to be considered a for-profit industry in the first place?

Are you these people?

>freight systems are top tier
top kek imagining actually believing this
fucking China does it much much better with high speed train
even fucking Japan, an island with 70% of their land being mountainous could do it since the 60s
and don't tell me money is the problem because Murrica is no1 economy.
Train and public transport aren't a thing in US because you murrican has been indoctrinated into the meme "muh freedom muh own car" so that cooperates could sell you their overpriced vehicles

the fact that China never really seems to create something of their own at least post Mao unless it was either copied or outright stolen from other entities, hell conducting business practices in China requires you to fork over secrets because Chinks had all creativity stomped out of them

Japan is much smaller than the United States and unless you got a source there's no fucking way I'm gonna believe that China's train system covers their entire country.

my dad, despite being chinese, was a metalhead in the 80s. tight jeans, leather, long hair, drove a camaro. conservative family, but they allowed him to express himself. mom was the same, but her family was european. my dad had to go to china a while back and he told me china isn't even chinese anymore. what he understood as chinese culture growing up, is literally gone. he said it's like a different planet.

but white/asian americans are on par with europeans. how is spics/blacks being stupid america's fault?

>indoctrinated into the meme "muh freedom muh own car" so that cooperates could sell you their overpriced vehicles

Imagine feeling pride in wanting to ride a fucking bus or train with random cunts and not being able to go wherever you want, whenever

Public transport is fucking ass outside of major cities and I say that as a European where it's not total shit

That's cause China has no culture anymore beyond the pursuit of profit. It's very sad.

>>education doesn't matter
The top 8 universities in the world are in America. Only 9 countries score higher than US Whites on PISA. America has the highest correlation in the world between IQ and median lifetime income at .6.
>>a cheap reliable and fast method to travel doesn't matter
No, it doesn't matter, when you live in a country where everyone has a car. Who would benefit from something like that? People in the city? We should be burning our cities to the ground, not giving them free transportation. Don't you shitskins have subways?
>>fucking public transport and healthcare don't matter?????
Public transport literally does not matter. Health care matters, but you're going to quantify in a way that's bullshit. You're not going to look at the quality of American doctors or medical research. No, you're going to look at how expensive it is and thus how exclusive it is, or you're going to look at American life expectancy. Those things are not "health care," those things are "our country is 42% brown."

it is sad, and i feel america is going the same way. my grandparents always said how lucky i am to be american, and it looks like what it means to be american is being stolen more and more every day. why does it have to be this way?

Well you see, Yao Ming suffered severe foot and ankle injuries which led him to retire, despite reaching the playoffs numerous times. They later acquired James Harden, who, despite his impressive hustle and ability to draw fouls, could not lead them to a WCF victory over the Warriors, or the neighboring Spurs.

>We should be burning our cities to the ground
god i wish this would come true

I don't know. Globalism has fucked everything up pretty bad. It's a terrible situation.
Keep strong, Chinanon. We'll make it.

Why do a good job if the pay sucks?

Don't forget California.


>You don't think it's bad enough that people are dying of treatable conditions
Yeah, I don't care about that. Are they white? Then, I might care. But even then, only maybe.
>or going bankrupt because of ridiculously overpriced treatments?
As opposed to Canada or the U.K., where you uh...die.
>Hell, you don't think it's bad enough for health care to be considered a for-profit industry in the first place?
No, why would it not be? We don't "live in a society." Two people get together and then they make a person. That person is raised and goes on to do whatever they want. If what they want is to be a doctor, they should be compensated for their work. And no, not by "the people," by the customers. There is no "the people." Get your commie bullshit out of here. America couldn't do that even if they wanted to. Taxpayers already spend hundreds of millions of dollars on welfare for brown people, you want us to pay for them every time they fucking shoot each other, too? No. We should be paying the shooters.
>Are you these people?
Sort of.

considering cities are doing that by themselves thanks to their mayors being incompetent (especially in New York or any Cali coastal city) I say its likely soon. Best part is we don't even have to do anything.

California is fine.

>Yeah, I don't care about that. Are they white? Then, I might care. But even then, only maybe.
I figured as much. I'd call you a selfish, racist piece of shit, but you'd just take that as a compliment.

>As opposed to Canada or the U.K., where you uh...die.
No, you uh...don't. Get information from somewhere other than Fox News and Trump's tweets.

>California is fine.

no it's not.

t. california.

this guy knows his stuff, china after the cultural revolution pretty much killed any social growth

>California is fine.
it has a pajeet tier street shitting problem.

CPC's corporatism, cronyism and kleptocracy, as well as its socially backwards policies and state-mandated everything is pretty much the textbook definition, literally. Then there are the concentration camps for "re-education" of "inharmonious" people, which incidentally are now also used to indoctrinate an entire generation of Uighur, Hui, Kazakh and other non-Han children who literally get abducted from their parents at a young age to forget everything and anything about their culture, language, customs etc. by the millions.

You'd be hard-pressed to find any aspect of Chinese government that isn't fascist, and with their use of mass surveillance and credit scores to crush anything and everything they're basically re-inventing it for a new age. And yes they copied that from Western banks using credit score databases since the late 70s/early 80s and that's just as bad, but considering come 2020 playing a video game past 9PM or jaywalking or saying anything less than devout about the state will instantly make it impossible for you to travel or use transportation is taking it to a whole new level. Basically everyone will live in a constant and unhealthily absurdly high level of fear just to not get completely crushed into a fine paste by the state, to the point where the whole country's progress since the reformers will instantly revert back to the Mao-era, which is exactly what Xi Jinping is aiming for since he was a wee little Party princeling. Amazing how one fucking idiot gets to ruin 1.5 billion lives and futures until the day he dies.

Xi Jinping is ruler for the rest of his life. There is only the Party.

>biggest economy
the american economy is almost double the size of the chinese one.

Totalitarian for sure but I wouldn't call CN fascist

worst part is, the chinks are spreading it and taking the rest of the world for a ride, only hope is that some economic collapse happens because that is what the government uses to stay legitimate

Chinese history is pretty sad tbqh. Constant rape of the indigenous Han Chinese by Mongols and other conquering ethnic groups, over thousands of years. There ARE no Chinese. Just people in China.

retarded braindead faggot

>Look mom I posted it again!

Lol, no they aren't.
They merely rote learn shit to such an extreme degree that they can regurgitate shit. In terms of problem solving ability, the average chinks are absolute goons.
Also, I'm pretty sure that any 'national average' figures given by the commies are either outright falsehoods, or have discounted all the million of "shit in the street and not be able to count past 5" peasants that make up a massive proportion of the population.

t.kiwifag university lecturer who had to deal with hordes of these cheating brainlets thanks to our country pawning off education as our second largest economic export.

It's not really fair to judge the US as a whole, states are fairly distinct. You'd have to have long drawn out conversations on a lot of different metrics, agree on what's good and what isn't, agree on what makes something good and what makes something bad, agree on a handicap level for different histories, then start ranking states, then start applying all of that research to cities, then neighborhoods, then boroughs, establish trends, identify causality, then start making statements. Nobody will do that though, so to put it succinctly: fuck niggers, they ruin everything

I bet you enjoy getting fucked in the ass too you big pussy bitch

>we suck at almost everything.
remove nignogs and spics, wow number 3 in math.

You are unironically correct.
Christ I hate the anti yank jealousy that you hear here in NZ, from faggots who have never set foot in the USA.
For all your problems with niggers and beaners, USA is fucking rad.
Sadly, lefty shit is becoming super pervasive - you'll end up like Wellington.

Yeah, North Korea is also a "democracy", that doesn't make them democratic.

ironically if we got popular vote, you'd see a lot of silent voters installing actual right wing dictators. left is far too fractured and manipulated. check a box for one flavor of lefty and it turns off another, like some cheap Sierra-style puzzle. first person to campaign on "hey we kicking brownies out, come on and vote y'all" is going to get 88% of the white vote and a big chunk of the civnat-ish uncle Tom vote.

It would be scarier if we weren't in the nuclear age.
MAD is still in effect. 2019 and they still haven't moved in on Senkaku beyond symbolic gestures

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>ironically if we got popular vote, you'd see a lot of silent voters installing actual right wing dictators.
No, you'd see the GOP never holding the White House again. Their party is dying and they know it, which is why they're doing everything they can to cheat.

>first person to campaign on "hey we kicking brownies out, come on and vote y'all" is going to get 88% of the white vote
Bullshit. I'm sorry to break this to you, but most white people aren't as racist as you think they are. "We're kicking out the brownies" is basically Trump's platform, and most white people (and most people in general) hate him.

>Who would benefit from something like that?
Me who got dragged along with my family to go to Minnesota fro the 4th. It's a 10 hour drive and I hate it every time.

>popular vote
Hope the cities enjoy starving!

>muh soul
this is what white people say when they don't understand something

explain to me the most communist thing about china that isn't a symbol.

t b h its what everyone says. i mean, look how popular the term "Soul" is in the black community.
Soul music
Soul food
Soul train

Hope the red states enjoy living in post-apocalyptic conditions because the blue states aren't propping them up with their tax money anymore!

How the fuck did Trump get elected anyway

first you copy
then you innovate
Lastly if the culture of leisure/fun in not there nothing will happen.

If aaa games crash and funding for indies ever dries up expect asia to take a chunk in the next decade.

>biggest economy in the world
>billion of people that works almost for free
>cant make good games

what went wrong?

Attached: 292px-Flag_of_the_United_States_(Pantone).svg.png (292x154, 9K)

>>billion of people that works almost for free
>>cant make good games

Really makes you think huh?

Attached: 1238792718821.jpg (610x523, 102K)

So how do drumpftards cope with the fact that its 2019 and he still hasn't built a wall yet? That shitty fence does not count, lmao

Electoral college. though, i'm not sure why people think its unfair considering america's shitty immigration policies that favor brown countries ensure that the democratic establishment has an increasing pool of voters against people who have been in the country far FAR longer. what's worse is that Trump wouldn't have won if Hillary wasn't shilled by the establishment. Dems set themselves up to fail because they believed they would win simply for being democrate. Trump taught them that they need to do more than that or they'd lose. sadly in the future dems can win no matter one turning the US into a one-party country and allowing the dems to push-forth anyone they one because browns will vote for them no matter what.

>what went wrong
A political party that's been spiraling out of control since Deng left, is quickly running out of ways to disguise the fact that their core infrastructure and prospects look worse than India, can't afford to piss off uneducated farmers who haven't changed their core lifestyle in 300 years or else the vast majority of people in their industrial centers will starve to death, and can't afford to crack down on unsustainable business practices without their economy and development tanking even though it would be the best outcome for everyone involved. China is a paper tiger and will never, ever be an effective world power under domestic rule.

>a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
>2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control early instances of army fascism and brutality
Word for word describes everything from the totalitarianism to the "race" stuff with Han uber alles, every other company being a state-owned and run corporation, extreme "suppression" of even the mildest opposition to the widespread use of state terror, torture by both police and prisons and "re-education" camps, forcible displacement and wholesale population replacement, mass abduction and internment of minority children, and the list goes on and on, right down to the tendency to want to control absolutely everything.

What do you consider fascist (that isn't the nazis)?

- The Electoral College (which, ironically, was supposed to *stop* someone like him).
- Russia.
- A lot of American voters are really, really, REALLY fucking stupid, ignorant, and hateful, and Trump is everything they want to be: An arrogant, selfish, amoral, plutocratic, authoritarian shithead.

>Han uber alles
Weird since the one child policy didn't apply to minorities.

By pretending that he did build the wall.


they didn't get nuked

why would commies need to make good games when they just need to make games that sell in mass

>Public transport literally does not matter.

Attached: 1563104559914.webm (720x480, 2.86M)

why should they vote for Hillary when the democratic establishment cheated Bernie. they deserved to lose because a lot of bernie voters simply stayed home.

Imagine still screaming russia after all these years, actually obsessed.

Explain how China isn't fascist? It's got the dictator, the all powerful party, every sector of the economy is forced to work for the good of the state, people are forced to work for the good of the state above all else, the state discriminates between citizens it likes and doesn't like e.g. the social credit system, hell it's even got the ethnic cleansing in Xinjiang.

People who say Russia didn't do anything:
Trump supporters

People who say Russia did shit and is continuing to do shit:
Literally everyone else

Anyone who thought Trump was preferable to Hillary is a complete and utter moron.

Chinese people have a significantly higher IQ than whites. The only race with a higher IQ are a particular group of Jews - and there's a higher incidence of genetic disorders in that group, while the Chinese only have to sacrifice 2 cm of penis size for a 10-20% INT boost.

>Anyone who thought Trump was preferable to Hillary is a complete and utter moron.
Anyony who though Hillary was preferable to Bernie was an utter retard. Democrats cheated themselves out of the White House.

>ethnic cleansing
It's not ethnic cleansing, it's re-education/brainwashing depending on your preferred term. Honestly the west should probably take Xinjiang as an example of what they should be doing to radicalized groups.

appreciate the laugh, you embarrassing boomer

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I feel like people that adopt this opinion either havent gone to Europe and actually learned how they do things, or have never been fucked in the ass by the American insurance system.

You dont have to feel pride in a dysfunctional system just because you live here, user. There are better options out there for us

One of the easiest ways to tell if a country is communist is if it's called some bullshit lie of a name like "people's democratic republic of X"

Shut the FUCK up Boomer.

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>keeping people of a certain ethnicity in concentration camps isn't fascist

having/not having a soul can't be falsifiable
if you yourself can't prove you possess one, then why are you asserting other people don't have one?

this, Trump winning was a necessary evil to teach Dems that they can't shill whoever the fuck they want just because they might be slightly less shit than the ebil conservative who wants to deport you. Fuck hillary and fuck the democratic establishment and i say this as someone who would've gladly voted against trump if the guy i actually wanted got put forth.

>write gay porn
>get jailed for life

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uh oh, someone got intimidated by mean old OP and lashed out at the country they feel the most enmity towards. very telling, user. OP could be from anywhere.

>keeping people who glorify terrorists in containment is bad

only 2016 bernie was somewhat tolerable, now hes full idpol and screaming healthcare for illegals. No thanks

>putting criminals in a holding system is fascist

100 people take the exam
10 of the highest scores can continue
majority of those 10 cheated
no, we will not accept more than 10

user, we already have healthcare for illegal aliens, it's called the ER/urgent care and it costs you more than primary care would.

>capitalism good

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>fighting against a corrupt government that wants to eradicate your way of life and traditions in favor of turning you into a chink bugman makes you a terrorist
What would you do in their situation? Just let daddy pooh have his way? I thought the second amendment was created specifically for this kind of situation?

this t.b.h

Which is drastically different from what theyre calling for

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Illegals aren't one homogenous, vague brown race. They contain many ethnicities, who would ,In any other circumstance, try to be flay the others alive as a form of intimidation.

>What would you do in their situation?
They're doing nothing apparently since all they're doing is chilling in their camps

And really who can blame China for not wanting to deal with their shit

probably the whole communism thing

capitalism better.

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he just screams racist at everyone, he got caught up in the whole identity politics so hard. Yangs the only one tries to avoid it, not fond of his policies but hes a decent guy.

Chinese IQ is inflated because they’re encouraged to cheat on tests. There was even a school protest because some kids were told they weren’t allowed to cheat when the rest of the country is. Inform yourself you ignorant faggot.

That is a San Fransisco exclusive problem, nowhere else in Cali has that problem.

Attached: Chinese are the stupidest motherfuckers in history.png (901x461, 138K)

In terms of raw IQ yes - but the Chinese (and other East Asians), despite their extraordinarily long history of civilization, have contributed less to scientific advancement than small and insignificant European countries. Intelligence and creativity are not one and the same.

>durr they're not doing anything because they're being kept in prison
>durr China is based for taking away people's human rights
Absolute bootlicker.

>tfw Texas is being flooded with illegal immigrants by the Dems so they can turn Texas blue as fast as possible

And then the Yanks wonder why we want all the Mexicans deported.

>be a Turkroach
>offered an objectively superior standard of life since the USSR had demonstrated that you are incapable of self-rule
>time to blow myself up, that'll show those fucking chinks

>die in infancy
>die sooner
this is a black/brown problem if you look at the decripency between ethnic groups who experience these things disproportionately.

You forgot to add the recent paedophile cover up, which could implicate Clinton and Trump.

When people say "asians have high IQ" they don't mean China, they mean shit like Japan or Korea.

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It isnt illegals losing you texas, it's rich white liberals flooding in and moving to your big cities that is

>Anyony who though Hillary was preferable to Bernie was an utter retard.
Oh, Hillary was definitely worse than Bernie. She's still better than Trump by a million lightyears.

>Democrats cheated themselves out of the White House.
No, the Electoral College cheated us out of the White House, just like it did in 2000.

Yeah, because everyone's getting paid a fuckton of money to ignore the fact that the healthcare industry as a whole is being manipulated by increasing consolidation and the general acceptance of an insurance industry which exists to extract profit from transactions between providers and the general populace.

Hillary is part of a pedo ring.

I want to see his head be used in a home run derby

>better than Trump by a million lightyears
how, you could argue that she's slightly better but she is extremely shit and was one of the most unpopular candidates despite not even saying all the racist/sexist shit trump did. id argue trump would've been more popular than hillary if he'd simply kept his mouth shut but the fact that she, at her best managed to be almost as unpopular as trump at his worse says a lot.

The problem is that things are so polarized, that everyone has something to gain by blaming the other party

Lets say for example that Russia didn't do anything.
People will put blame on Russia anyways because its a convenient boogeyman.
In Latin America you can hear a lot of people blaming the US for literally anything. Its convenient. Specially for politicians.

Now as a second scenario, lets say Russia DID something.
What proof do you have?
How can you verify any proof you find its not fake or tampered?
How can you be sure anyone verifying it isn't being bribed?

So in the end, there no way you can be sure because everyone as something to gain from manipulating your point of view. While "only trusting your eyes" is impractical and impossible due to obvious reasons, and tackling problems that way makes you no different that the madman who launched himself in a rocket to see if the earth was flat.

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>better than anybody

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It's both. Look at the southern border. All blue, and it's only creeping northward.
All the rich white liberals fleeing the northern hellhole they created settle into Dallas/Forth Worth/Houston/Austin because they can't fathom not living in a big city where they have 10 minute access to a gay bar.

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Russia is definitely on this board, but they aren't doing what the MSM claims they are.
They're trying to pit the USA and China against each other, as they're Russia's two largest rivals.
That's why you see so many anti-China threads like this one. Their goal is to foment hate towards China and also alienate any possible American-born Chinese people that may be reading this thread.


>They're actually a democracy now

Hahaha democratically only allowed to think the same as everyone else which is to be 100% compliant with the state.

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Please look up how Fascist economies actually worked before spouting a bunch of garbage

Based and Kissingerpilled, but it still doesn't change the fact that a fuckton of Chinese people see the writing on the wall and want to get the fuck out to any western nation they can.

What? None of you play the Nintenbo swutch?

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I'm more of a nintendobo man myself.

>If it's not CNN I don't believe it

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Standardized tests != IQ tests conducted by white people

When you stifle creativity and innovation this happens.

>bras banned
>teacher in 2009 caught selling cheating devices to students
exams are hell over there aint it?

Russia is completely useless. If they had government shitposting operations on Yea Forums you would be able to tell immediately, because the KGB isn't what it KG-used to be and your average Russian breaks out the cyrillic slurs the instant they get upset (which is easy as fuck to do.) All this international politic shitflinging is typically the doing of Canadians and butthurt South Americans, particular Peruvians who barely qualify as human.

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guaranteed replies, 10/10 bait thread

>thread about china
>turns into burger political bickering
When did this site become babby's first politics forum?

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Pygmies, on average, literally can't figure out how to put foam shapes into holes correctly. That's not culturally relative.

RT is the russian CNN
It was the statal news channel in russia.

I don't trust CNN either
Reading this page describes China extremely well though. Again, how is China not fascist?

>still makes better combat animations than gamefreak

Jokes on you, my dad is Li Gang

Well, the SEZs, McDonald's and KFCs are red flags.

Nobody cares about the difference in economics when it's been repeated endlessly that people hate total social control from the state from both fascist and communist societies. You're just as much of an insect in a fascist society as you are in a communist society.

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Steam aside, don't hey need to submit games to a committee before its allowed to be sold in china? and there's a limit on how many games can be checked for approval per year, soooo....


>people hate total social control
Good thing total social control is an unfeasible boogeyman for libertarian autists, then.


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It can be a good thing if the economic changes help you in some way, but if it brings you problems, good luck sueing the government.

Yes, they basically act like Nintendo circa 1985, but run by the state
Games that aren't approved arent allowed to be stocked by retailers, but people still manage to find a way to buy banned games like Resident Evil 2 Remake

How ignorant do you have to be to think that it's still a boogeyman? The technology exists and has existed for a while now. Cameras everywhere, facial scanning AIs, Facebook/Google tracking your location through your phone, Microsoft monitoring anything you do on your computer, banks track your transactions etc.

It's especially funny when you consider that a large portion of Claire mods are done by chinks

>Good thing total social control is an unfeasible

Any social system has bumps in them, all that matters to the totalitarians is being the system that's overwhelming on top even to the point of killing protestors if you see them a threat to the state like Tienamen Square Massacre.

Countercultures and black markets will always exist, people straight up ignore laws they don't like, etc. The image of unquestioned power is ultimately what the party cares about rather than actual enforcement unless it actually jeopardizes their existence like the Tiananmen square protests did. Your conception of modern China is more fantasy than reality.

since 2016

According to who? Breitbart? Forgive me if I'm skeptical.

>id argue trump would've been more popular than hillary if he'd simply kept his mouth shut
And I'd argue that that's completely fucking ridiculous.

People are putting the blame on Russia because everyone who's looked at the evidence says Russia did it. Russia isn't a "convenient boogeyman", they really are up to some truly awful shit.

>Now as a second scenario, lets say Russia DID something.
>What proof do you have?
>How can you verify any proof you find its not fake or tampered?
>How can you be sure anyone verifying it isn't being bribed?
So...both sides are equally bad, nothing matters, facts don't exist, we can never really know what's true, and everyone is corrupt and can't be trusted. Where have I heard that before...oh, that's right. Pic related.

You've outed yourself, Boris. Your English is good, but your bullshit is transparent. You can fuck off now, I'm not wasting any more time on you.

Attached: russian nationalist.png (778x2411, 128K)

>Countercultures and black markets will always exist
>People will fight against this happening so it doesn't exist
If it doesn't exist why would people fight against it?
> people straight up ignore laws they don't like
Good luck ignoring the law when a camera caught you breaking the law, used facial recognition to determine it was you specifically, and then fines you by automatically taking the amount of money out of your bank account.

Commie trannies mad

Thank god i dont live in a city

That's real fucking scary. Where is it?


>If it doesn't exist why would people fight against it?
You're not fighting the Iaw if you jaywalk across an empty street, you fucking mongoloid..
>Good luck ignoring the law when a camera caught you breaking the law
So you're assuming that there are cameras turned on everywhere, there is no human oversight whatsoever, facial recognition is flawless, and everyone keeps a significant part of their assets in the bank of China? Again, you are living in a fantasy.

I don't believe it because RT is controlled by a rival nation that is notorious for their state sponsored media, you retarded nignog

>Your conception of modern China is more fantasy than reality.

It's not. I've seen videos like a woman who called out Xi Jinping chucking a liquid over a banner of his name calling him a disgusting totalitarian dictator, she later gets a knock at the door she live streamed then disappeared.

Then you have the demolition of historical buildings the Uyghurs use and the known concentration camps to indoctrinate them into China's thinking and this is on top of the social credit system which has been reported on many many times showing examples of people being isolated by the state on nearly every level of Chinese society. I mean just recently it was reported by journalists that if you come through the boarders around the north west of China you have to install Chinese spyware before you can enter the country.

So, what's the worst case scenario for the future of China?

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>muh russia
you're going to be screaming about it even on your deathbed lmao

>Your English is good
Thank you!

It's not even just communism. Europe fucked the whole country up with drugs while they were there. The country was literally doomed to this fate.

1984 i guess?

Command and conquer generals stereotype of China is pretty accurate now.

Typhus is spreading around LA from the fleas living on rats. The tent cities are the worst but cases gave spread in city hall. California is not well.

Los Angeles lmao

That may be true, but it doesn't change the fact that China is, in fact, an authoritarian shithole. We should be against the things the Chinese government is doing.

>Their goal is to foment hate towards China and also alienate any possible American-born Chinese people that may be reading this thread.
I think most Americans are smart enough to be able to hate what the Chinese government is doing without hating the Chinese people, and I think most Chinese people are smart enough to realize that most Americans do make that distinction.

>it's only 80% of the way there so it's a complete fantasy and you shouldn't worry about it
With the level of control China already has over its citizens it is not a stretch to think it will reach these levels in the coming decades.

>Everything is Europe's fault

>If Putin says it, I believe it

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they might get the biggest economy but they still have a population so much larger than the population of the country with the current most economy, so the wealth still won't be spread out as well as it is in America, and even in America, wealth is spread out horribly between people, and it would be a much much larger gap of poor people to "middle class" to "high class" to "makes more money in a day than you ever will in your entire life"



>well I say Russia did something so they did it
Also if we are to believe Russia interfered in the election in any meaningful way, then how come they are unable to stop Trump from doing actions that going against Russian interests such as attacking Syria and antagonizing Iran along with even more sanctions being placed on the country (and lets not forget about the US declaring it will pull out of nuclear treaties due to claims Russia violated them and China not being part of it which angered Russia). You would think that Russia would keep dirt on Trump to make him more complacent with their demands yet they can't seem to effectively control their "puppet". Also if you say that benefited due to them "weakening" the US by having Trump destabilize the US, you clearly missed the past decade or two were America was already polarized (and by more recently other Western states).

Try reading the fucking post you're responding to next time.
>The image of unquestioned power is ultimately what the party cares about
Publicly disgracing the leader of that party is one of the easiest ways to actually get the government pissed at you.
>Those poor Uyghurs
I'm not going to bother explaining why anti-imperialism is a dumb fucking idea, but you might want to watch Empire of Dust or read Things Fall Apart.
>paranoid slippery slope
You should actually see what a place is like yourself before jumping to conclusions.

>expansion and annexation of neighboring territory
>homogenization of the global culture to be more Chinese
>foreign countries from across the world becoming satellite states, wether they want it or not
Enjoy the Chinese Century.

So what's China's end goal then? Dominion over the planet? What then? Will things stay the same?

In a way they were. The opium war severely weakened the Qing, which in turn,led to it being easily harassed by neighboring asian countries like Japan.
If the Qin dynasty didn't fall, the China would still remain imperialistic to this day. People like Mao would have been executed.

It's not paranoia. The technology exists, and they are actively working to implement it right now. Choosing to ignore the problem won't stop it from affecting you moron.

>they are actively working to implement it right now
Ah yes, the eternal "they". Better put on your tinfoil hat or else they'll read your thoughts too.

Seems like the moon crashing into the earth, preferably on them, is the only way to stop them....
So were fucked basically. Well, maybe not us, but our grandkids.

well they have a big economy and its at the point where nobody can do shit with them unless they comply with them, so over time, if we dont end up fighting with africa and their growing population for resources, places will eventually have media outlets suited for the country of china and to please them unless the product will only be for the natives of the country not china. shit, poeple with AIDS and mental disorders already can't go into china

What the fuck did you take away from Things Fall Apart. Did you read a special book just for you

>Ah yes, the eternal "they"
Are you actually fucking retarded? By "they" I'm obviously referring to Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party.

We need to colonize space and escape
Then throw the colonies at them.

people will end up being conditioned to not think these thoughts at all, or kept to a bare minimum, at least in fiture generations

Russia only is seen as a power because they have nukes along with the fact that use normies fear of them to their advantage. If you looked at Russia you would realize they are not nearly as powerful as people say they are with a good chunk of its military assets being outdated craps not to mention their economy being in a shit tier state at best which makes it impossible to wage a non nuclear war against states such as the US or China. Russian can inflict a good amount of damage on both even without nukes but they cannot win a war against either which why it confuses me people constantly scream about Russia when at best it just does some cyber attacks and does shit with its own allies or states within its sphere of influence.

You niggers only have yourselves to blame by taking up huge portions of chinese immigrants in the early 1900s, which in turn led to the establishment of many chinese sweatshops, which in turn gave China the idea that it literally has enough manpower to manufacture everything the world needs, and thus made the world dependent on it.
If only you fuckers stopped buying made in china shit and supported local american made goods.

Okay I deserved that scorn but still if communist China could control every inch of their citizens they would it's just that it's practicality impossible at this point in time. Besides the image of unquestioned power is still effective on the majority and that's all you need to control everyone.

Someone probably has the webm of this saved somewhere.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 123K)

Cultures where a man is judged by the number of other men he's killed and the number of women and yams he's killed are extremely undesirable for the vast majority of people and better alternatives exist which they should be exposed to.
>Chinese Communist Party
So you think 1.2B people are completely on board with having more centralized control over private life despite largely accepting organized crime as a financial institution parallel to the state-run bank?

Sorry, second part was meant for

Attached: 1554379784592.webm (426x240, 2.85M)

Also the second "he's killed" should be owns, fuck, I need sleep.
Which do you think is more cost-effective? Developing that technology or pretending to have developed that technology and announcing that you have?

>guys I know things keep looking worse with being constantly monitored by our government, foreign governments, and businesses but thinking this will turn into a surveillance state is just a slippery slope
Why is it that whenever you point out how something may happen based on current events and what leaders plans are some faggot will screech slippery slope (also implying slippery slope is a fallacy considering it continues to prove itself right).

>So you think 1.2B people are completely on board with having more centralized control over private life despite largely accepting organized crime as a financial institution parallel to the state-run bank?
They don't have to be okay with it, they just have to accept it. Considering that China's government has shown they have no qualms about killing their own citizens that protest (Tienanmen 1989), I think most people would begrudgingly accept it rather than risk getting killed.

Yes. Chinese people are generally happy with this as long as the government cares for them.

but they nanking'ed

That's basically why the most sought after workers in China are the ones that had education overseas.

Attached: tenor.gif (500x269, 892K)

>while the Chinese only have to sacrifice 2 cm

Not worth it. Average there is 4.3 inches.

Which do you think is more cost-effective? Having an army, or pretending to have an army?

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going to American cities got so much worse as far as travel and do-not-enter zones.

but of course not the foreigners themselves

You don't know Nintendo Polystation by Namco?

Attached: nintendo_polystation.jpg (620x349, 141K)

The social contract (Mandate of heaven if you will) that the Chinese Communist Party has with the Chinese people is as follows.

"Economic Prosperity and personal comfort in exchange for State Control and Loyalty."

As long as chinks are happy butchering dogs and whaling in mobages the CCP has nothing to worry about. The CCP is actually doing a pretty good job managing the Chinese economy and stopping the Chinese populace from their penchant of slaughtering a hundred million civilians every 50 years.

Attached: 59n5di9nmku01.png (1916x1252, 53K)

Time and passion are much, much more important to the quality of a game than money and a large staff.

>implying slippery slope is a fallacy
Do yourself a favor and look up what a fallacy is, you'll actually learn something useful from this shithole.
>they just have to accept it
>Chinese people are generally happy with this
The minute they can get around it they will. I learned about VPNs when I was a student ambassador there 8 years ago. The cultural difference isn't really in the value of privacy or independence but that they value stability much more than the west does.

as long as it isnt illegal for me to bring legal age girls up to my hotel room who are not prostitutes and are actually having sex with me willingly, I don't care. fuck there will probably be a camera in every hotel i stay in, they always put the foreigners in rooms with camera so ive heard, theyre going to be seeing me naked but i dont want the cops called on me for trying to get sex for once in my fucking life cause i cant in america

I saw one with two mentions of Kinder surprise, was much better than yours


>not including the invasion of Granada, dollar diplomacy or Fordlandia

imagine how many more people would be in the most populated country in the world if all those people were not killed...

>>Biggest Economy
>only half of the U.S's GDP.


>Which do you think is more cost-effective? Developing that technology or pretending to have developed that technology and announcing that you have?

How fucking ass blasted are you that people can share what China is doing that you have to do low tier propaganda to discredit it.

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>biggest economy in the world

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Seethe harder hashinshin.

Most Chinese companies would choose an applicant that studied in country vs one that had education overseas all things equal. Chinese students who study overseas do so because they plan on staying in the host country to work after graduation.


I genuinely these "China isn't communist you fucking white male" are legitimately illiterate, it's right there in the fucking name,!

>only half of the U.S's GDP.

US economy is a paper tiger. It's made up of fake made up money like stocks or disney movies

China is the real deal industrial economy that can make tanks and planes and nukes

US war economy just cant compare. you cant make aircraft carriers out of mr goyberg's hollywood check book

There was a legit brain drain when academics and government officials fled the country during the fallout of the Qing Dynasty as well as the civil war and communists seizing power. Throw in Mao's execution and suppression of scholars and academics during his reign and the result is a breed of dumbass peasant bugmen who will do whatever the government tells them to.

Apples to oranges, you actually get basic returns off of having an organized military in foreign affairs and protection of citizens from other powers is one of the basic legitimizing factors of a state. Surveillance is more important as domestic deterrence for crime and Li Zhang the windowcleaner who sometimes sneaks a game of Mahjong on the weekends is much less likely to have reliable intel on the technological and logistic capabilities of his government than the US Army is, for example.

Yeah. Just like Russia right?

Reminder that Mihoyo are greedy predatory assholes that will absolutely turn the game into a P2W shit fest. See their previous game Honkai and the following: God Kiana, Celestial Hymn, ELFS, Black Nucleus, Shadow Knight, VK

Pulled a good character by luck? Enjoy RNG bullshit and questionable hidden algorithms to make sure you'll never complete a gear set for them without dropping hundreds of dollars or saving six months of f2P currency only for them to release another P2W character that fits their current content meta perfectly and makes all previous characters obsolete in comparison

Expect great gameplay ruined by greedy P2W that will alienate even the most committed f2P or dolphin players

>TFW no pasta for Yuros

chink shill

Replace that road with a bridge over the water and you have Montreal

Weird commie bug people who lack human emotion and empathy can't make enjoyable art.

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IQ and creativity aren't the same thing retard. The personality trait "openness" is highly correlated with creativity more so than IQ and chinks score lower than whites in openness.

Apparently her mother didn't show up to the wedding or something.

Great video game thread. Good job jannies.

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>biggest economy in the world
>1.386 billion people and GDP is 7 trillion behind US who's population is only 325mil
>barely 3 times as GDP as Japan whos population is 126mil
It's a giant shithole surrounding a few nice buildings

amerilard COPE

>yfw you didn't even get to live through half of these
Oh well, 3 catholic church kiddie diddling scandals is fun enough

>blaming the innocent consumers instead of the jews who moved production to chinkland
Sure thing mr. Shekelstein.

>>biggest economy in the world

that's not true though

and they're poor as shit by western stardards

the average chink makes equivalent to 10k per year

Not my fault your winnie the pooh wonderland is a giant fuckhole of retardation.

5 cents has transfer into your Wechat's account Chang

Attached: 1541210917205.webm (224x400, 2.82M)

Japan is literally the only non-white country that has ever invented anything in the last 1000 years.

They're in this thread too since one of my shitposts got deleted for free.

you know the worst part about this is how onlookers just treat it as just a regular thing you saw the guy in front of you get brutalized

War on Terror 9/11 Larry Silverstein Mikhail Gorbachev The Westington House Scandal Latin American Puppet Dictators Operation Condor Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein CIA Agents The Clinton Chronicles Waco Siege Kinder Egg Surprise The Clinton Blowjob Scandal Nixon Watergate Scandal The Fake Tibetan Protest of 2008 Staged Coup of Colombia Kandahar massacre War on Terror Patriot Act PRISM Edward Snowden The Guantanamo Bay Illegal Occupation CIA black sites Human Rights NSA mass surveillance Warrantless Wiretapping 4th Amendment violations Julian Assange whistle-blower manhunt Ecuadorian embassy refuge Corporate interests worker's rights healthcare rights free education Police militarization incarceration rate fake weapons of mass destruction Petrodollar warfare Israel "special" relationship ban on boycott Free Palestine USS Liberty attack by IDF Mossad cover up false anti-semitism accusations depleted uranium mutinions war crime ignoring the Geneva Convention Agent Orange My Lai Massacre Contras 1973 Chile coup CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal Occupation 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état United Fruit Company Cuban Missile Crisis and the Turkish Missile Crisis Bay of Pigs Iran Contra Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse MKUltra Tuskegee syphilis experiment Suspension of Habeas Corpus Sedition Acts civil rights Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya Bombing of Yemen Bombing of Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippine Genocide of 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Andrew Jackson illegal Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii the Illegal Colonialism of American Samoa Guam and other Pacific Islands the Economic Embargo on Mexico haole invasion the rape of Okinawa Jarhead rapists migrant caravan ICE children in cages Russian puppet president Kinder surprise

>you can't make aircraft carriers
You retards can't even make planes that will function based off of stolen US designs. Put your supervisor on, I want to file a formal complaint about your performance.

That's what happens when you have civic law without good samaritan laws.

I don't know why, but that satiates my autism.

>US economy is a paper tiger
nigga that's Russia.

>There is no grammar.

I am studying mandarin right now. I wish this was true.

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What games have they made?

just shovelware mmos

cry harder americans. Nobody wants to do anything with your nation anymore.enjoy living under republican-styled despotism.

Attached: 1534509694639.gif (675x227, 73K)


Whats going to happen with the high population countries once the population gets too high?

Theres a point where the land cant sustain that many people right?

well Euros sure do like to complain about Americans so thats one thing forefingers want to do with it

And I can scream that at the president and be fine.

Their independent filmmakers make good movies, though many of them are censored or go unreleased in China.

You still keep buying it goy.

Unfortunately the Chinese film market is also one of the main reasons why American theaters are flooded with capeshit.

when ron paul ran in 2008

Mostly hack and slash games. Bloody Spell is pretty good but like other chinese games, it has the problem of being made by one guy and is therefore not as polished and lacking in funding.

Also, I love Honkai Impact if not for the fact that it's a fucking gacha game.

>How is French regarded now?
highly, and as a sign of culture and education.

Their economy is based around either being the Sweatshops producing cheap labor for outsourced manufacturing or ripping off designs of products in other countries
They don't actually offer original products, just cheaper shittier versions of products you can buy outside of China

Attached: CuWn0QIWIAQuE4A.jpg (1164x1200, 167K)

The one child policy meant that expectations from parents were set unbelievably high, it fucked the mental state of China hard

It's doubtful if you could actually.
A schoolteacher was tackled and arrested for questioning a school superintendent's raise, and don't you remember the 'Don't taze me bro' fiasco?

*Disappears off the face of the planet*

They can make a better Pokemon game than GF but that's not really an impressive feet

Digimon has been making better mon games than Pokemon for decades now but no one pays attention to it.

who is this "we" you speak of? states can be quite different from each other. Tjough if you are a californian, yeah i agree, our state is becoming shittier with each new virtue signaler in our congress

This also applies to the US. Not disagreeing that it applies to China.

They even die like insects

Realistically? Its a bubble economy dependant on America for a place to sell its cheap goods at slave wages with inflated state propaganda to make it look smart leaner and more capable than it really is as they churn out wooden aircraft carriers and the worlds largest mall thats empty. They have dehumanized their people to the point they have no empathy for each other no real cooperation creativity or products of their own. The minute the western world doesnt support them and keep investing money they fall apart and most of them die the next time their leaders decide to do something like kill off their bird population

This. "Please stop raping me, Achmed!" just has such a charm to it in French.

They just don't want another chad like this guy appearing.

Attached: 117159-004-AF41477A.jpg (264x300, 16K)

Free trade agreements signed in the 90s
Name one (1) other game that lets you give pets and belly rubs to your enemies.

Attached: 219448.gif (317x354, 1.17M)

the west selling pretty much all of its industry to them

A conventional war against China would hilarious, you'd just see all of their weapons jam and missiles explode pre-launch

That and handing one of the financial centers of the modern world in Hong Kong to them in the same era

>a cruise missile strike takes out the Three Gorges Dam
>millions of chinks are swept away

Attached: b96.png (800x960, 1.5M)

Nice non-sequitur commie but the fundamental difference here is that that man was set free afterwards.

amerifat COPE

amerishart SEETHE

Communism and democracy aren’t mutually exclusive

Attached: 1542008052406.webm (480x284, 2.91M)

We really should have kept Hong Kong.

Chinas artillery will have the greatest amount of rounds when compared to its advisories due to the fact a chink always manages to get fired out of it instead of the actual round

The last time China fought any sort of military action was against Vietnam in the late 70s and it not only lost but couldnt keep up action for a full month. The last time they tried to implanment war games to test their military readiness they couldnt even function because so much of their equipment was stripped and sold for parts by corrupt party officials in positions of authority just because of political connections

China is a democracy the problem is that the populace is made up entirely of mind-slave insect clones.

Hypothetically "communism" is some utopian star trek bullshit but in practice it's just authoritarian dictatorships

Attached: Industrial Worker Sent Flying in Pieces by High Pressure Burst from a Reactor.webm (640x360, 202K)

Actually most dissenters in China are also set free afterwards.
It's the initial rest and threat of punishment that discourages them from being so brazen in the future.
I guarantee you don't tase me bro will think twice before questioning a senator again.

reminder that the J-20 is literally superior to F-35 and F-22

Why are chink rekt threads so comfy?

>China is a democracy

North Korea is a democracy, you democratically elect the only party that's allowed to stand.

a war with China will just be a larger version of the first gulf war were generals thinks there will be much higher casualties only for it to be laughably one sided

>literally insta-gibbed
holy shit, we unreal tournament now baby


Attached: 1543567279725.jpg (600x633, 74K)

Huh, reality is so often a lot less gory than video games and movies. If this was Gears of War, you'd probably expect a fountain of blood from that.
I've been watching narco dismembered videos and chopping up a guy isn't as bloody as I expect it to be.

Here from New Zealand! Piss off locust.

Attached: twist it.webm (480x480, 152K)

because that was mao-era shit china. Today's china is technologically advanced and is literally the 2ND biggest economy in the world and is rich as fuck.

The PLA is literally the 2nd best equipped army in the world next to the US and is only shortening the gap more and more each year.

Of you’re still here, where can I get started on the communist takeover of China? Everything seems to start with Russia and the Bolshevik Revolution

to be fair, you would probably see a gore spectacle if the video showed were he landed

Pfft, yeah okay here's your 50 cents comrade.

You see his body land on the pipes in the background to the far left.

Someone post the screenshots basically explaining that China has never won a war against a significant foreign power

The PLA is also not hardened at all.
The only thing they do is bully the shit out of the Philippines and Japan and grandstanding with their navy. But even the Philippines will probably beat them in a land battle because the AFP at least has constant wars with muslim insurgents in the south. Meanwhile China has not been at war for decades now.

>Can't make good games
>Can't make good music
>Can't make good art
>Can't make good film (especially in comparison to Taiwan and Hong Kong)
>Can't make anything at all without being shamelessly derivative
The answer is individualism. They have none.

Probably. But I expected some blood to rain down or something.

The only chinks are better than american are dying.

Attached: Why do chinks love dying so much.png (576x2643, 88K)

And yet they still keep multiplying. You'd probably set up a couple of nukes in China and they'd still repopulate after a few decades.

>Biggest economy
Last time I checked, they're the fastest growing as of yet but still behind the U.S. Have you not taken econ?

PLA has no combat experience, addiction to videogames, excessive masturbation and poor fitness levels particularly in vision and weight.
Yea Forums anons probably could match them.

No such thing as inflated economy. Some sectors of their economy are overevaluated, but the same thing happened in the 50-s and 60-s across the west and nothing bad happened

Also, the most overevaluated sector of the world economy is the IT, and it's primarily centered in and around the US

How can brutal Communism not be a representation of the "real thing" but run away Capitalism is?

I have yet to have someone explain this double standard to me

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>anti-Trump fuckwad

The system is working as attending. Seeing people support Democracy legit makes me sick, and I'm glad the founding father put as much failsafes to it.


I'll call you an insecure little brown piece of shit who uses a fake word as the 21st century version of heretic. Being racist isn't evil. More over, anti-racist garbage believe in the pseudoscience of anti-racism, and that is legit unforgivable. Black people are genetically incompatible with first world nations. What you believe in is immoral and disgusting.

The war games were a few years ago dipshit

Attached: watch me swooce right in.webm (300x240, 1.74M)

>Fascism is authoritharian

Holy shit, fucking educate yourself. That's not what fascism is at all. Nothing you mention has ANYTHING to do with fascism as created by Italian socialists and syndicalists in the 1900s. Instead you have this stupid communist interpretation of fascism which is how the word got demonized.

Remember, if you think that's fascism, then you need to accept that Sweden is also fascists, since the same definition you are using, was invented by the same people who considered Sweden "fascists", because social democracy was opposed to socialism, which made it fascism.

>PLA hasn't fought in any extended conflict so they must be shit!

Worst /k/ meme ever. Flips have almost 0 ground assets aside from vietnam era hand me down IFVs and their navy has a literal WW2 destroyer as a flagship. Even if they were hardened against Muslim incursions in the hinterlands, the PLA's tech and numbers advantage would be more than enough. PLA would also have the advantage of literally zero backlash at home from anti-war hippies because the CCP has that shit under control.

Attached: objectives.gif (384x288, 20K)

Attached: NPC copy.png (396x230, 43K)

God damn, that was almost cartoonishly fast

Am I glad that he's flattened in there and we're out here

China is a fucking joke. They might have the largest economy but when you look at their GDP per capita they are less relevant than most South American countries and even some African countries. The fucking people of the Dominican Republic produce more per person than the Chinese do. China is barely over the global GDP per capita.

China also can't win wars. They have been fucked by fucking nomadic herders for most of history. They have attempted to fight almost every south east Asian country and have had so many causalities that would make a 40k Imperial Guard general blush. For a period of time, they were all the world's power's bitch for a while, all sectioned off to be pumped and dumped. If Japan didn't get distracted by the US and Russia during WW2, I don't think there would even be a China today.

China will fail like it always does. The only people impressed with China don't know history.

I have a weak stomach for such webms. Does he get pulled through and flattened?

Anti-Trump retards are legitimately evil. Not only are these subhumans so unable to use reason, that they buy the Russian conspiracy theories because the media pushed it. Meaning they are susceptible to propaganda, but then he pushes his hatred on sane Europeans who voted for him, while he supports the complete utter corruption of the Democrat party. Fucking human garbage. Apparently, accepting scientific facts is hateful, because this faggot wants his disgusting multiracial disaster to continue. Bite a bullet you fucking boomer.

Obviously none of them would win against a war in China itself, but neither is China in any capacity for an invasion. If Japan, at its height, couldn't even conquer the Philippines (and this is after the Americans fled to Australia), and what of a China that has virtually no combat experience? They'd probably kill themselves fighting in the jungles just like always.

Modern China is the epitome of wealth without taste or vision. They style things trying to emulate wealth they see overseas but it just looks tacky. It relates to a general lack of creativity as well, most scientific research generated in China either simply repackages stuff that is already out there or is plagiarism/poor quality. It makes sense that other creative industries over there are a bit of a dry well.

I went once for work to inspect some facilities, they built the factory and decked it out with equipment in under a year (absurd amounts of time and money must of gone into it) but no one had any idea what to do once they built the thing (why my team was asked to visit).

Attached: beware on escalator.webm (640x480, 841K)

Trump was elected despite the entire system trying to take him down. He is not an authoritarian you fucking dipshit. He is the only evidence that American democracy is even working properly.

Well yeah they got not creativity because they got no soul.

All they can do is make shitty copies of something they have seen.

Attached: 2ed.png (750x750, 26K)

Basically, yes.

Attached: chink engineering.webm (720x404, 653K)

>t-that wasn't real fascism!!!

>the electoral college
Are you the I AM ANTIFA guy?

I thought somebody was gonna get swallowed by the floor

You made it sounds like Japan did it right at the first try.

>London Tower bridge
>2 towers
>Chinese Tower bridge
>4 towers


Attached: china numba wan.png (658x439, 547K)

Why did this even happen

>You're just as much of an insect in a fascist society as you are in a communist society.

That's funny you libertarian tool, because you are the one who actually bought a far left narrative. Like, its amazing how stupid you boomers are. The communists demonized fascism, and when you saw that, you actually thought fascism meant authoritharianism, Italian fascism mind you, because it was considered a dangerous counterpoint and was seen as very attractive to the working class due to class cooperation. That's what fascism means. Italian politics. Fascism cannot even mean National Socialism because the two are seperate ideology. And yet, here you are using the definition that communist invented to demonize an ideology you didn't know. Fascism was a communist slur to demonize opposing system. In fact, they had a term "Social Fascism" that was being promoted in the 1930s, because like Fascism, they saw Social Democracy as dangerous because it will appease the working class away from class revolution. And you are literally promoting a communist talking point. Good job libertarian. No wonder so many people dump that ideology for something more logical.

>Mfw chinks hire white people to make their businesses look legit.

Why did Japan stop being a world power anyway? Isn't the reason why theyre always a massive presence in cyberpunk aka a supposed vision of the future, is because everyone though we'd be speaking Japanese in the next decades?

Their culture emphasizes selfishness and underhanded business tactics. So all they make are low effort gacha mobile games.

Even their architecture is a copycat.

Economy bubble crash in the early 90s.

>the only thing that will remain of white society in the next 50 years is the Chinese knockoffs theme parks emulating their perception of what the west once was

It's a strange feel

Attached: 1311744507875.jpg (400x300, 76K)

Just read about China's 19th and 20th century history in general. It'll lead pretty well into the Communist takeover.


LDP niggers fucked it up during the late 80's and 90's.

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Your fault for submitting to SJWs.

Attached: female worket get strucked.webm (640x360, 2.91M)

Whatever, you're word against the dictionary definition.

Attached: Difference.png (1183x500, 58K)

You literally cant make fucking anything in China.

Game has violence which is not a cartoon? Banned. Blood? Banned. Skeletons? Banned. Too violent? Banned. Show China as an aggressor in any shape or form? Banned. Any sex or adult themes? Banned.

You cant be creative in a country with no freedom.


Fuck my grammar it's your.

probably because everybody moved to China was trade with it became more available, it also didn't help that Japan suffered from a massive financial crisis that still lingers

Attached: xi jinping.png (1920x1080, 2.18M)

China will never fail, because the high IQ and genetics of the Chinese people will ensure its success, while the Europeans of the USA are actively destroying its genes with third worlder. Its clear where the future belongs too. Given history, the Chinese would gladly stand behind the Communist Party because they know that without their rule, the whole nation goes apeshit.

For example, you all bitch about the communist party, and blame its authoritarianism on them, but the Nationalists in China were just as authoritarian. There are more similarities then you think.

For example, North Korea and South Korea may look very different, but then you read that South Koreans created their own non-communist variant of Juche, Ilminism very early on and you just have to laugh. Blood truly runs thick.

>probably because everybody moved to China was trade with it became more available
Then you have nothing but yourselves to blame. The west is literally at fault for why China is like this. You found a cheap alternative for production and you took it, when millions of people are looking for jobs back at home.

A colossal failure in economic policy. There are many ways to prevent a debt driven collapse and Japan fucked up every single one.

I would say its because Japanese culture is stagnated, there is the right way and the Japanese way, guess which one has given them the last twenty years of stagnation.

>genetics of the Chinese people
Modern Chinks are the rape babies of untold ethnic groups to the points its impossible to determine what is originally Chinese. They have more mutt genes then the Americas which is an accomplishment.

They all still look the same regardless.

Good to see anti-fascism being fucking stupid. See that third definition there? That's what fascism is. Now do you know what the principles of Italian fascism were? No, you don't, and if you did, you'll realize how fucking stupid you sound. I'm just here to remind you that your definition of "fascism" literal comes from communism. In fact, not even Wikipedia can hide that fact,

If you aren't talking about the political ideology of 1920s Italy created by syndicalists and socialists. You are not talking about fascism. You are just using some nonsense word.

We couldn’t save that sinking ship lmao, the plant closed within 6 months and the company just absorbed the losses. The amount of money they throw around is insane.


They are restricted by their fucked up government for starters

Attached: 1533785856214.png (632x1425, 117K)

>Literally every nation that isn't in our sphere of influence is fascist, the Third Reich is only the most reactionary one
God, I love the USSR.

you think starving citizens pay taxes?

welcome to the end result of mutt genes, coming to America and soon enough Europe followed by the rest of the world

So is this bullshit then?

Attached: Untitled.png (1143x464, 213K)

>higher literacy rate than america

Etymology of fascism sounds an awful lot like totalitarianism.

Attached: Untitled 2.png (850x282, 30K)

Isn't cheating extremely common in China? Who's to say they aren't inflating their IQ numbers as well.

Fascists literally faggots

lol no
cheating and the avg iq which exclude 80% of the chink population leads to that shiny 105 or whatever subpar avg chink iq is nowadays

no soul

Attached: ouch.webm (1280x720, 1.16M)

Because bugmen don't understand maintenance and basic construction. They literally cheat in everything. China is fucked in the head.

Too busy reverse engineering years of western inventions to play games

>that guy who is about to escape but gets fucking skewered by the road sign
sucks to be insect

Attached: ahem.gif (483x556, 3.77M)

post imperial japan was never a "world power"
they were/are an economic gem, but ultimately not even a sovereign country (by the definition of sovereignty).

although japan (tokyo) does match the glam elements of cyberpunk, the oppressive dirtiness of the setting as originally captured in blade runner is actually based on hong kong - likely the kowloon walled city in particular. the actual cause of western degradation in these settings isn't all that relevant. japan was simply the cause of worry in the 70s-80s and is even more fitting being replaced by china today.

funny enough, blade runner takes place in 2019. how does it feel?

Blade Runner is honestly a better timeline then the one we have know, at least the have robot waifus

Good night!

>Cyclist ahead of the truck
>I'm safe I'm safe I'm safe
>Bam squashed like a grape by lamp post truck hits
>Gets run over
>Everything sets on fire

That cyclist has a lot of bad luck that day.

Attached: 1539659492797.png (894x894, 241K)

I actually feel bad for the dude who got fucking destroyed by the lamp post

Attached: tankerhit.webm (1280x720, 2.4M)

Modern Chinese Officers have no critical thinking skills on account of them having no freedom to think in their culture. This is compounded by their last practical war was decades ago so they have no idea how to use any of their equipment effectively

tfw have to give 90% of the wealth I create to the boss

Attached: productivityincomewages.jpg (814x717, 91K)

>no development under communism

Attached: USSRSTRONK.jpg (650x522, 78K)

Is living in China like living in a Final Destination movie?

>collapses anyway

Chinese "communism" is

>communism in America will be the same as in Russia and China in the early 20th century

>they have no idea how to use any of their equipment effectively

point BANG BANG end at bad capitalist?

Attached: chink 1star.webm (640x360, 428K)

Indeed, it'd be more like some LatAm tinpot dictatorship considering modern (Ch*potr*ph*use) communists fetishizing immigrants

why does everything seem to randomly combust in china? even shit you don't think should be flamable just michael bay tier explodes.

Attached: gutter explosion.webm (640x362, 1.58M)

Every buy tires from your car from a Chinese brand? Protip, DON'T

They cheat their IQ tests retard

Plumber here. This is what happens when you have insufficient ventilation for the sewage system, all that methane gets stored underground creating a giant gas bomb. This is old knowledge, how in the fuck can the Chinese be so irresponsible about it.

Attached: soil-and-waste-stack-graphics-x2.jpg (684x1302, 264K)