I don’t get the narrative about gamers being ‘entitled’. That’s a dumbass critisism. We’re buying the damn product, we should get the game and call out the bullshit, right???
I don’t get the narrative about gamers being ‘entitled’. That’s a dumbass critisism...
I miss her, she's so wholesome.
Gaming is a literal addiction and most consumers of games these days don't give enough of a fuck to avoid getting screwed by publisher. They just want their next dopamine hit which is getting increasingly harder to get. I would go as far as to say they aren't even conscious enough to notice falling standards in the industry. Anyone that does is no longer apart of the target audience. From a top down perspective we are all fiends and some of us are, annoyingly, more picky than others. Also miss me with that gg shit, baka
>gamergate gurl xD
Fuck off retard
Hyperconsumers are incapable of understanding that nothing is immune to criticism.
Wasn't even meant to be a gamergate girl, learn your roots fag.
Dobson has only 16 patrons. He essentially does it for free.
I literally do not get it. What the fuck do student loans or wall street have to do with gamergate? And why an occulus rift pun?
Yeah, she was meant to be the official feminist icon of Yea Forums.
>he does it for free
Game journos are fucking shills who basically defend the living shit out of games if they are friends with the devs/get paid by publishers
Your audience should be entitled to quality and expect you to do better when you fail to deliver on expectations you built up
It's just another one of Dobson's confused strawmen.
He believes Vivian James is a misogynist icon because Yea Forums is predominately misogynistic in his mind, so by making an ironic OC that supports a bunch of other things he doesn't agree with, he wins.
He's saying young women belong in the trash, just like the Occulus Rift.
wtf I love Dobson?
Where can I find a girl like Vivian and make her my GF?
Why did this gamer entitlement shit really start to crop up with Mass Effect 3. I remember there being a bizarre level of pushback against people who thought it was lame that the game ended in a pretty lame way. I don't even remember people being super pissed at the entirety of the game, I remember some gripes about DLC content and some hilarious stock art use, but I think everyone was pretty within reason to think it was a little lame that this big series ended with one of three lame cutscenes.
Do you think this had something to do with the fact that games could now be patched and changed was now something most people knew about? I guess this was when patches for console games really became a thing.
I just don't fucking get it, all this over Mass Effect 3? It's such a bizarre thing to constantly be harping over. It's like such an 'okay' game to be battling over.
Nooooo you dirty entitled filth, won't someone think about the poor devs?!
This is why we need Epic Games Store!
It was always there, EA paying journalists just pushed it over the edge
I do think there's a bit of actual entitlement out there but somewhere along the way publishers/developers got this ridiculous idea that they should be completely immune to criticism and you should just accept whatever they give you
Dont ask questions just consume product, etc
>criticize game on some forum
>some dev is actually there and responds to tell me they worked really hard and i misrepresented their game
It was the beginning of a new strategy for marketing departments. They thought they could push against negative criticism by claiming the audience "was entitled." It didn't work and ME3 now has a worse reputation because of it.
Then, they decided instead of calling the audience entitled, they could call them racist/sexist/etc. That worked for a little while, but even now that's causing more backlash, as evidenced by the lukewarm reception to the Star Wars series.
Marketing is nothing but gay ops upon gay ops and I honestly hope to god these marketers are sent into the pits of hell.
It's so weird because I just saw an article being passed around called "Developers Stop Listening To Your Fans" that kept listing Mass Effect games as examples of how awful fans ruined games.
I absolutely love Mass Effect, it's probably my favorite new series to come out of the last generation - and there's probably never going to be another one. My friend got Andromeda for free and we booted it up and laughed our asses off at it. It was terrible! I remember the Andromeda threads on Yea Forums were pretty great, and seeing all the weird shit that was wrong with the game being uncovered and shown off was pretty fantastic.
Like, okay, I could see someone making the case that people got a little obnoxious demanding that they change the bad ending, but who the fuck is going to the mat for Andromeda?
Like all things, it's the (terrible) vocal minority of both camps duking it out and dragging everyone else into their shitstorm. This dynamic is the basis of all shitstorms throughout history and will continue so long as people ally themselves with lunatics and sociopaths because of [superficial shared characteristic].
Jessica Chobot was actually in the game, I think she was working for IGN at the time. I guess they figured out that even plausible deniability isn't that necessary anymore.
You have to stop thinking of games as toys and think of them as narratives that push agendas and that buying them supports the causes they are championing, so if someone dosent like your game they hate black people for example that’s the twisted logic being pushed.
I want to see vivian piss herself
patrician taste? on MY Yea Forums?
The customer is never right anymore
Most fetishes are gross but yours is the worst.
Also at some point society decided that video games are important pieces of art but people who play them for fun and not to understand “the struggle” are incel nerds
It was made even easier because of easy it is to lead the average Redditor, channer or discord tranny with minimal effort just make some le funny memes, call them an incel and post loudly and they will eventually fall in line to your agenda or get burnt out and leave in disgust
Thing is you "gamers" do a lot of stupid shit. I can't remember why but you review bombed Borderlands 2 for some shit happening with Borderlands 3. Now Boarderlands 2 is shit for sure, based on the time I spent with my rental copy, but its not shit because of some e-drama happening around a game that hasn't even came out yet. If the game is bad, review it as such. The game, that is. Not some liberal basedchuggers e-meltdowm, not on some sequel, just as the game. Resident Evil 4 isn't less of a game because some degenerate probably wore girls underwear to the office and the face that Umbrella Corps exists, just fucking review the game. How fucking hard is this?
This is why people hate you.
don't be a faggot, user
women pissing themselves is hot
The people saying this are either game devs who can't handle criticism or game journalists who are mostly corporate cocksucker because they are pretty much paid shills at this point.