Games only you played

games only you played

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anybody who's anybody played this game
and if they're truly human, they loved it

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the fuck happened to this franchise? seems like they just gave up on it after 2

good times

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LP2 was widely panned by critics and sold like ass, then they decided to outsource LP3 and it was even worse, now they pretend the series never happened

there's also some JRPG anime spin off that was only released in Japan for some reason

I thought LP 2 was liked by critics, from what little I played it seemed pretty fun.

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it's not a JRPG, it's basically like a monster hunter-styled lost planet where you go on missions and kill x and whatnot

it's p fun

Did you not have 3 other friends to play LP2 with anons? Also fuck Capcom we will never get a real Lost Planet 3

me and my friends play LP2 every new years eve and have done so for almost 7 years straight

IGN gave it a 6,8 and back then anything below 8 was enough to turn people down.

I played this on PS3, the competetive online mode was some of the most excruciatingly awful experiences I ever had the misfortune to endure in vidya, because after a while the only people who were still playing this were japs and the game revolves heavily around i-frames.
Atleast coop was still fun IF you could get some japs that didn't immediately leave or never spoke a word to you


Be honest anons, how high do you have your hopes up that Capcom will announce a a revival of the series?

>mfw taking on VSs with the Gun Sword SP melee for the first time
>mfw using buster grenades
>mfw learning lightning gum grenades do massive damage to bosses
Endgame weapons were insane. Even more insane when you could use these in the PvP modes

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Lost Planet 2 is an amazing but flawed game. The mission structure where you play for 5-15 minutes before watching a score screen could get very annoying and immersion breaking.

I never even played the third one because it looked like was Lost Planet in name only. It's such a shame that unique and interesting franchise died off so quickly.

I have 0 faith in Capcom in general though

they're going to bring back all the things I enjoyed and they'll be great
dragon's dogma? mml? lost planet? dino crisis? crimson tears? all of it

>MFW i beat the campaign on Extreme with the superstar perk
Never again
Multi of this game was fun, outside of the huge maps and the T-ENG weapon Meta, and fuck every nigger that used the VS i frames

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>tfw spent so long using the party popper shotgun that does massive damage only to things directly in front of it that, when my save got wiped somehow, I was forced to use the regular shotgun and it blew my mind away with how good it was

This is now a Lost Planet 2 thread, right? Great because it's one of my favorite shooters of all time and I'm always looking for more co-op partners!

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>you'll never use the sp weapon sentai pose laser for the first time again

>you will never have a full squad to do full sentai pose taunts with

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lost planet 2 is the most powerful game ever created

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>I do
>it all started because we were watching blue gender and everyone suddenly wanted to watch starship troopers and play lost planet 2

They were all unironically casual filtered by it, which screwed over one of the greatest and most soulful games ever made. Capcom really need to rerelease it, it deserves so much more that it will likely never get.

all they need to do is just give it steamworks support or slap a big HD REMASTER sticker on it

>having to use GFWL in this day and age for one of the most fun shooters in history
There is no justice in this world.

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Pretty much, it would be so easy to do, the game already looks fantastic so it just needs a little visual updating, more solid 60fps on console and for online to be functional on Steam. It would be even better if it was actually a collection that had LP1 updated with LP2 mechanics for the full package, but the few exclusive maps and modes were all introduced into LP2 so everything and everyone online is on the one game.

OP, you have good tastes.

>all these money machines capcom's sitting on and refuses to do anything with
>slap modern online services and some graphic options on the resident evil outbreaks and generate cash
>rerelease MML1, 2, and misadventures of tron bonne in one "HD remaster" and generate money
>rerelease LP2 with an HD sticker or just flat out port it to steamworks and generate money
and yet they do it with RE4, 5, an 6

soon brother, soon.
The environments in MHW give me hope that Capcom will do something with the lost planet franchise

I've been waiting for outbreak HD for 10 years user
why won't they rerelease it?

Outbreak really was too ahead of it's time.

In an interview last week they said that the Lost Planet team have been hard at work on the Iceborne enviroment for Monster Hunter World. I'm glad they're still working hard on quality titles and not forcibly resigned for making a game too perfect.

I miss it do much bros

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Even after I was max level I rolled superstar, it was just too fun

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