Is Pathologic a Lovecraftian game? Just curious on Yea Forumss thoughts on the question...

Is Pathologic a Lovecraftian game? Just curious on Yea Forumss thoughts on the question. I think it could be argued that it is or is not.

I personally believe it is, and is easily the most accurate depiction of Lovecraftian horror done right in any media.

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Other urls found in this thread:

It absolutely has eerie, unexplainable supernatural shit but it’s not Lovecraftian in the least.

Define the term "Lovecraftian" with your own words.

>Aaaaah meaty tentacles aaaah I'm going insane

It's more like Kafka and Lynch.

I apologize, yeah Lovecraftian isnt the right word. Would eldritch horror better fit?

This is surprisingly spot-on.

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You gone too far, nigger.

hey stop quoting porn

It's more Lovecraftian than Bloodborne at least.

So you would say that pathologic is...

I have a few question, I'm just starting Pathologic (2). I mean the game was backed by supporters. And the company themselves have always been pretty compliant and chill. I don't know how well the game did, but assuming it did less well then expected in sales, do they still have an obligation to release the bachelor and the other story?

Also being new I have some questions:
1.Does time stop at trade screens, the escape screen, and the inventory/map/things screen? Or am I constantly under the clock?

2.Im getting bombarded with a ton of quests and what not, I understand I'm not gonna be able to do all of them but I do want to try for a good ending (or less shitty by Pathologic standards) should I just focus on the main quests?

3. Is it possible to break the game and kick myself into a corner where I can't survive and finish the 12 days? Like do I REALLY REALLY need to stay on top of my life values?

Thank you, a wallpaper for your trouble

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I dunno about the obligation part but
1:It does pause on any menu you open sans looting
2: Really stop trying to focus on treating the game as a game and think about what you think would be more important for the character
3: You have to be a retard to be both infected to the max with full hunger and thirst with no way of solving anything but that doesnt mean you can ignore these, if you see a bar maxing out you better focus on solving that instead of doing something that sounds irrelevant

Thank you. Finally, I'm really digging the art style of the game is there an online album with art from the game?

So is this game a sequel or a remake?

How the fuck do you beat the Worms when you're supposed to defend Stakh? I have 3 lockpicks and like 10 revolver bullets, but would rather not use up all of my fucking supplies. I know that the ramp by the building gives you a good spot to shoot at the worms, but I still only have enough bullets for one


Thank you user! some game files I saw posted a while ago
Remake with some stuff added and most stuff vastly improved

>he thinks there's a "main quest"

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Hurry up and release it in PS4 you slav shitheads

Yes, Bull bro is best bro

Any Americans know a good website to make custom posters? Trying to get a regular sized poster of this to mount on my wall. I just moved into a new apartment and my walls are bare as fuck.

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>main quests

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So, do you think this has a chance to get noticed by the word of the mouth, like Demon's Souls were, or what?

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It's not American, Japanese or an action game so it'll forever remain super niche.


It's not as straightforward in terms of gameplay philosophy as Demon's Souls. "Take care of yourself' sounds much less appealing that 'kill that neatly designed boss'. Also, I think to be able to fully enjoy this game you really need to have some interest in art and literature. Otherwise, it's just a weird, pretentious babble I guess (just look at the reviews and reviewers who can't really describe this game in any other words than 'eerie' or 'atmospheric').

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Fuck off Murky. Artemy likes me more anyway.

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Why are the girls so CUTE in this game?!
I just want to kiss them all, bros...

What the fuck was that creepy secret mural in the cathedral at the end of Pathologic 1?

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It's a Kafkaesque game with a lovecraft aesthetic.

Gotta stop you there fren

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Why didn't the Bachelor react at all when coming into contact with the worms? Like, he didn't even mention them, and knew exactly what people were talking about when the worms were mentioned.

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Some critical writing from Dybowsky:

The very first IPL memefesto that they used to scare away hacks who just wanted to make trash for money -

He also did several lectures in between Pathologic and Turgor:
The 2007 one, 'Playing against Chaos', was never translated:

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Thanks for posting this user.

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Its a lot more lynchian than lovecraftian

Also, a piece of writing about Thief:
>There's no (and probably will never be) another game where life in all its aspects from the most sacred to the most mundane was presented in such stunning, clear, amazing simplicity. Where the sacred texts of the three rivalling churches are intertwined, where the protagonist's morning strarted with those horrible words: "Builds your roofs of dead woods. Builds your walls of dead stone. Builds your dreams of dead thoughts. Comes crying laughing singing of de Woodsie Lord..." Damn, it was fictional, wicked, disturbing church - but it's anthems sang of our world!
>And after that foreword, what do you think the protag did? - he simply went and stole things! That was his nature, that was his role. And the entire game spectacularly wasted away the greatness of that mission on the vanity of his task. And that final cutscene where show (the 'why can't we have that' kind, just like the one from Max Payne 1!) was falling, sticking all over the bronze statue frozen in doomed yearning upwards, where rats ate someone's stiff dead torso, where everything that happened turned out to be such a wonderful and trivial travesty. You won! - and yet, you're defeated, and it was not possible to feel what's going to happen in the end of your own life with more clarity...
>My friends, that game was incredible. Never forget it.

Thief TDP is the reason Dybowsky makes vidya at all.

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I think Pathologic is more "magical realism" than Lovecraftian.
Surreal shit happening out in the open in an otherwise normal world without anybody really reacting like they should in real life is textbook MR. shit like the polyhedron, the worms and the albino are just considered everyday sights in the steppe town.

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God reading this makes me sad that people will only see pathologic 2 as "hard hunger bar management with eerie/atmospheric game" and not an actual immersive game where you can easily immersed in the game in my opinion

And I still need to finish Thief TDP, thanks for reminding me user

Gravel Hearted Lara is the best. None surpass.

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I agree wholeheartedly

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Dybowsky's favorite games:
>Grim Fandango
>Thief TDP
>Fallout 1
>Psychonauts (he even called it an art in a form of comedic game)

Newer ones he liked:
>Journey (called it a masterpiece)
>The Witness
>Hellblade (impressed him)
>Nier: Automata

I'll suggest him to play The Talos Principle and its DLC for the climactic endings alone next time he does AMA. Alexandra Drennan's ideology is somewhat like what Strugatsky brothers believed in. In contrary to what Yea Forumsfags here believe, his major influences are Strugatsky bros and Bradburry, he even made a podcast about Martian Chronicles

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>Hellblade (impressed him)
Aw fuck, really?

I know, right. I'm also going to suggest Fran Bow for a good representation of mental illness if I even have a chance.

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It might not be very impressive in terms of combat or environmental puzzle solving but Hellblade does handle its theme of insanity very well. It's a bloody shame Ninja Theory now is doing some generic Fartnite/Overwatch/Borderlands arena shooter crap after selling out to Microsoft.

2: The "Main quest" is just keep the children alive and survive til day 12
3: Pretty sure you can just keep starving over and over again without actually getting a complete game over, though you will surely not be able to save all the children

The Void hijacking the thread? The Void hijacking the thread.

I spoke to Turgor/The Void lead developer recently, and he said that the endings are just as intended, but there was supposed to be more of a Surface gameplay, so that camera pan and poems would feel less vain than they are now.
Also, western publisher forced Nikolay to cut 50% of game's dialogue from Turgor, so title 'The Void' kind of has metanarrative-level meaning as in void where nicely written dialogue was before huehuehue

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No one knows, user. No one knows.

Literally it was just a placeholder and they forgot to remove it from the finished game.

that's hilarious, I love the game more now

You can play the original version in English, there’s instructions on how to do it on the Steam discussion page. It plays a lot different, that’s for sure, so much so you’d probably be better off playing the English version first. Really gotta bring your A-game to the translated one

huh? how is it like a co-op shooter?

Thanks for the sensible chuckle my dude. Too bad the second killed that series, I liked the aesthetic.

>Is Pathologic a Lovecraftian game?
No, that's stupid.

>So you would say that pathologic is...
Please no touching the meat butcher.

Its Kafkaesque

Please no meat touching

In bachelor path there he gets his the fuck creature is this encounter.

>Nier: Automata
I bet he is a shitter who didn't play the better first Nier


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He is a shitter who has too little time for independent research so he gets most of his info from the journos, isn't it obvious?

nigga what

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Whoops, meant he gets his "what the fuck" creature encounter.

Excellent taste Loom was great. Too bad it didn't get the follow up sequel.

1. I think the time stops in menus except for the Looting, Brewing and Tinker at ur hq (not sure abt this) screens

2. Sure but doing all the quests (thoughts scren) is doable with proper planning and usage of the boats for quasi fast travel. What u cant do is all the flavor text the characters sometimes can tell you during the day which is sometimes very interesting.

3. Yes. But if you want a relatively successful ending where a lot of ur people survive you will want to hoard as much repair and upgrade mats, food and bottles as you can. Few tips usually shared:
>buy lockpicks from Griff/Notkin underling and trade for bread to guards
>go inside stores to buy their nuts for trading and thimbles and thread for repairing, in general you should only buy food from stores if you are really starving and latr in the game.
>Priority for your money early on is tier 2 protective clothing and inventory upgrade mats
>pay attention to what is needed for upgrading the inventory, try to buy/trade for them during your day, its possible to upgrade tier 1, 2 and 3 in consecutive days
> lacking in inventory space? either eat food you have if you have a red hunger bar or you can use selected named npcs cabinets as storage. So far what I have tested that works is Anna Angel's house, i think rubins is okay too. Basically use those which dont reset each day, ie those which dont revert to a drawer where you need to hold click to open.
>You could just save scum and test meds 1 by 1 for treatments, no need to use tinctures. This might just be me but there are several events which somehow imply that this is somewhat fine to do.
>there is usually 1 girl child with a schmowder each day, they value chalk, chestnuts, walnuts and bobby pins. Hoard these for trading with them.
>Try to get a good stack of fingernails and trade them for coffee with those tall guys usually in middle town, you will sometimes need to munch 1 or 2 before sleeping to finish certain days efficiently.

this me. I just finished the game yesterday and its amazing, I highly recommend those interested in good stories and characters to play this game. The survival mechanics could become harsh but its all part of the experience.
I managed to save pretty much everyone possible except Big Vlad, I couldn't find out how to keep him alive after he goes to the Termitary, anyone know how?

Gonna post an answer but first I have to save the thread from oblivion

Talk to the Kin, they tell you to bring them Vlad
Go back and talk to the big man, he says fuck no
On your way out, Changeling is sitting on a bench near the entrance, talk to her to find out it was little Vlad what done the bad thing and he's about to turn himself in
Turn 360 degrees and talk to Big Vlad again, he sends out some goons to keep Little Vlad from doing the dumb thing.
Now go back to the Kin and tell them to get stuffed.

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