ITT: Casual filters

ITT: Casual filters.

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It took me a couple tries to figure it out. I brute forced my way through the first one.

I genuinely don't remember whether I figured it out or not. I think I saw it first in a promotional gameplay video or something

Release day, PC bug, couldn't spin inventory, etc

More like retard filter. Either make puzzles right or don’t make them at all.

I've solved a lot of Bethesda puzzles completely by accident just by experimenting and trying to learn the mechanics of the puzzle. One that comes to mind is the light thing in the Dwemer Ruin from the main quest when you get the elder scroll.

I saw it in a promo video, I remember them showing it off because "You can spin things in your inventory, look"

I have never been stumped by a video game puzzle. I'm pretty sure I beat Braid the first time around in like, less than an hour.

biggest disappointment tbqh

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This was way too fucking hard for me.

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Had a friend who gave up on the game after dying to him.

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I actually ended up having less trouble with that section than I thought
I'm still a brainlet though

I had no idea you could rotate items and I was a little zoomer kid at that.

I never saw that trailer so I ended up having to brute force the shit, what a stupid fucking puzzle.

There is one bell of each symbol on the door. The note says that you need one scroll, 2 keys, and two knives. You need to walk around the pier locating the missing bells.

Honestly the weakest puzzle. The matching one was only tedious in some areas where you had to run back and forth, but for the claw doors there's 0 excuse for anyone not to figure it out first go.

Being retarded is an excuse. Retarded people literally have less cognitive ability than normal people, you fucking piece of ass.

Retarded people have to make it up by training their mind, if they don't do that then they deserve to be treated like retards.

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I honestly guessed my first time playing this game. Luckily I got it on the third or fourth try.

What a minute, that claw...

I dont know if its in the base game, but the puzzles where spinning one of the icons will spin others were interesting. Probably from a mod, though

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