ITT post video game "villains" that were right

ITT post video game "villains" that were right

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the lunarians did nothing wrong

they killed Junko's family and Yukari's familiar

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Why use fairies, of all races, to invade?
is it because they're dumb and can be easily persuaded?

Because they are the embodiment of nature and life

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Junko did everything wrong

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Junko did nothing wrong and she knows it. At the end of the game she said she'd be back one day anyway. So day of the rope once Reimu dies.

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It's not his fault that his underlings went behind his back to betray him.

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>Why use fairies, of all races, to invade?
Get 3 or 4 other fairies who are all as strong as Clownpiece or Cirno and your team is invincible.

How exactly did Yukari lose to the moon with an army of youkai to invade when some literal who from Hell can take a few fairies and an exasperated shrine maiden and blow the moon the fuck out?

Yukari was trying to teach the youkai a lesson to not fuck with the lunarians.

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why doesn't he just mind control the thug to not push him down the steps?

Can Junko beat Dark Donald?


you can't just blow up the moon, we need tides and shit

Is Junko a "good" mother for Clownpiece?

Sayori fans are still mad about her two years later

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It's easy to lose when you WANT to lose

>have incomprehensible strength in the Force
>use it to use 3 lightsabers instead of one, instead of anything actually fun
Star Wars sucks

it's absolutely retarded yeah.

Junko is a national treasure.

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name 1 (one) thing utsuho did wrong

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be a dumb bird

but she's my dumb bird

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Causing her owner trouble

With experience beforehand I'd have to assume yes to a degree, as good of a parent you can be to a mad fairy after you tried to enact a murder plot

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you know satori didn't mind

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Rip lighthouse jumpers

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>breaking the spellcard rules
Bitch had it coming.

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What rules did she break exactly?

No fucks given about beauty. The patterns lacked any personality and all she cared about was beating Reimu.

Reddit-Squelch, of course.

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Lunarians are really autistic about purity and fairies are seen as impure by default. Clownpiece is like the walking embodiment of everything they hate, with the special power of lolumad while wearing the space China equivalent of a Vietnamese pride flag.

inb4 Caesar