Why does Capcom never acknowledge this series? I miss it.
MMZ Thread
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Because he fucking died at the end
The series is over. It had a good run.
Hell it was supposed to end at Zero 3, but Zero 4 closed it off really nicely regardless.
The sequel series sold poorly.
I find the gameplay to some of the best.
Wouldn't mind a remake in another genre.
Megaman Zero, Metal Gear Rising style perhaps? I dunno.
ZX sold poorly because it sucked
There nowhere to fit it, only between 1 and 2 and between 3 and 4.
DMC style, so they can make the Omega boss fight they always wanted without a GBA screen hampering them.
Said remake, specifically so timeline wouldn't be an issue.
Considering how massive Omega Form 2 is I'd half expect it to be less DMC and more Shadow of the Colossus or God of War.
Capcom barely acknowledges most of its library. When was the last time it talked about Breath of Fire, or Rival Schools, or Darkstalkers? To say nothing about its really obscure games like Cannon Spike or Techromancer or fuck you I did have a Dreamcast, shut up.
Be glad that Capcom is talking about Mega Man again at all, and making new games about it. Classic series and MMX had basically no story (or no sensible story, for MMX) so it's easy for them to just throw out a new game without worrying about it too much. They're probably less inclined to mess with Zero, Legends, or Battle Network because these games were more story-heavy and so the same writers no longer being around will be far more obvious. Plus, in the case of MMZ, it is a complete story with a final ending and so fans would be a bit more touchy with Capcom putting out a MMZ5.
I'd expect to see a Mega Man Zero Collection to be released (again) on modern consoles at some point, just to go with the classic and X collections, but I'm not sure if they want to touch the series. It was fairly niche at the time and its legendary difficulty would be more of a turn-off these days than anything. I could just imagine the crying from your average PS4 gamer when they couldn't even get past the first boss in the first game in the MMZ Collection.
>when they couldn't even get past the first boss in the first game in the MMZ Collection.
Didnt mmz collection have a casual mode that unlocked all the health/tanks/skills? And people still couldnt beat the 1st boss?
Aztec Falcon has a tricky hitbox compared to the other bosses.
Outing myself here but I beat all four games as a kid through that mode, it's not that damn hard.
Aztec Falcon required you to jump-dash in a specific pattern (and a short dash) depending on what attack he started with. Plus, you'd probably need to dash under him during his wall-jump and then hop over the followup attack. Add all this to you operating on a strict time limit; take too long, and the NPCs are dead with the mission over. He's tricky and you need to learn his pattern well to beat him reasonably quickly. I can see brand new players losing just to running out of time, even if they don't die from the damage outright.
>Hell it was supposed to end at Zero 3, but Zero 4 closed it off really nicely regardless.
My only concern is that they never explained what happened to Harpuia, Fenrir and Leviathan after Z3, other than some interview with some stupid comment pulled out of their asses that they died when Omega exploded.
>so they can make the Omega boss fight they always wanted without a GBA screen hampering them.
That already happened in ZX, where Omega is way stronger, way more aggressive and way harder than in Zero.
Ultimate tier artwork for this series.
Because it was not made by Capcom, I guess.
>tfw I got the artbook
Didn't easy scenario give you charge slashes early?
Those things could hit him easily IIRC.
Well his Zero form got an upgrade but his other forms were fairly hampered from being active on the GBA.
Both his earlier forms were basically statues that didn't moves much and the second form didn't use that massive saber of his once.
Wrong pic OP
This one is easy. Series concluded. Series is dead. Series is a bad version of Battle Network. Capcom is going to return to MMBN before they return to MMSF. Gameplay was disappointing and not well liked by the fans. Only good thing about this series was a character who didn't even manage to be best girl.
I'd expect to see a Mega Man Battle Network 1 Remake before they even consider bringing up Star Force again.
so, whats the best mmz?
MMZ3. No competition.
There was already a BN1 remake. Which also brought up Star Force.
i'll say MMZ4, but Z1 had more charm with many different missions and levels and a way more tragic feeling that i absolutely love.
They acknowledged Cannon Spike and Darkstalkers last year...through SFV
I prefer this design of Zero
The fight with Omega was the hypest moment in all the series
being honest Zero series is better to be forgotten by Capcom, they will ruin it nowadays
Since Zero was basically a Nintendo exclusive series, for them to acknowledge it would require Capcom to treat the Switch right for once, which isn't what they're going for it seems.
It’s objectively the best Zero design. The MMX version looks so clunky and silly now
Zero 2 or Zero 3 depending on my mood.
A game would be great but there are other kind of acknowledgment would be good too. Like merch or new art. There was the reprint of the Artbook recently, which is something.
Well it was primarily made by Inti Creates, a studio founded by ex-Capcom employees. I've heard Japanese companies take that kind of shit very seriously, and that the only reason the two companies were able to cooperate was due to Inafune acting as a middle man.
Why won't they make an Elf Wars game? Megaman X sucks anyway, it should die already.
>zero difficulty
>most assets are reused from z2
>worst OST of the 4 games
>retarded part system and disk system that feels underdeveloped
>climax is ruined because there is no challenge to it
>worst dialogue in the series with characters having no personality whatsover
>garbage, boring, lazy level design
Zero 3 is the worst game in the series BY FAR, you can only think it's better than any of the others if you're either blinde by nostalgia (because it was probably the only one you could finish as a kid) or by your own stupidity and lack of taste. Every single mmz threads there are subhumans like you spouting their garbage ignorant opinion and I usually respond to them, but guess what, you never learn.
mmz3 ditched the retarded levelling system of the first two and is more polished by far. i personally like zero 2 more, but z3 is pretty fucking legit. difficulty has nothing to do with it, z3 is a much easier game but a lot of the challenge in the first two was due to the bizarre levelling system to begin with.
z1 isn't even in the running, it's kind of a mess.
Why do they fight with candy swords?
This wholes posts reeks of reddit and you type like a nigger, thanks for proving me right once again
2 has an amazing opening and 3 has an amazing finale but 3 is easier so I'll pick that since I suck
Stylized Laser swords.
There should be a MMBN online or something. The story was finished, so that's that. Or they could go the Pokemon route and keep shitting out games in different regions of the world.
Why can't people enjoy all Megaman series?
There's a lot in common between them to love.
I only recently realized I owned ZX Advent. I had a cleared save data on it. I remember ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from the game. Even ZX I recall some of the areas/bosses from. Advent? Nothing, not even remembering I owned it. Such a forgettable game.
>I have no counterpoint
All the points are in that post, you can read but you can't comprehend, that's why you like Zero 3
Reminder his remains got repurposed into a fucking mount for Harpuia.
The disrespect...
actually he was always designed for that purpose
Jesus christ, Wily.
Classic megaman is shit, it's difficulty comes from the limitations of its original console. It's gameplay is a pain in the ass and there's no story to compensate.
Megaman X is what exactly what megaman was supposed to be gameplaywise, however by this point the story is completely pointless and repetitive. It never moves forward, it's always about how Sigma tries to fuck the world with a team of 8 new mooks in stages that are rather a waste of time, sometimes with a silly challenge to add variety. The final game features a twist that Sigma is not the final boss, but instead another random mook with no consequence in the world at all.
Megaman Zero has great fast paced gameplay and a solid concluded story. Enough said.
>Zero 3 is the worst game in the series BY FAR
Really? Why is it worse than 4 or 1? I always rate 3 usually second to 2.
>a lot of the challenge in the first two was due to the bizarre levelling system to begin with.
It was a pointless feature, but no, absolutely not. Basic slashes are what work best in 90% of situations, and you'll have the most important moves shortly after you start to begin with.
Because Capcom does not like IntiCreates.
Zero is hamstrung by the screencrunch. Great games, but they'd be even better if you could see further ahead.
>it's difficulty comes from the limitations of its original console.
such as?
They sure like Capcom though.
That's because they're ex-Capcom employees.
I probably play the games a bit strangely and prefer using charged attacks personally, so the levelling system negatively impacted how I played the game and made it more challenging when in the first set of stages for me. Once I'm up and running properly in Z2 I don't have that much problem playing it at all, the level design is a little tricky at times but nothing impossible and the bosses aren't too bad either. Z3 is quite easy but it's a fun game,doesn't artificially limit you at the beginning, and has more focus on the mission objectives being interesting which was kind of dropped in 2 after 1.
ZX a shit
How dare you?
I remember enjoying ZX despite some back-tracking bs that reminded me of Zero1 in some aspects, plus the Zero3/4 cartridge-lock on shenanigans was neat.
ZX Adventure is just forgettable. Don't even know why they added voice acting to it.
ZXA's story is all kinds of weird, it left so many questions unanswered and Albert was a really shitty villain, then there's the really stupid Model A that I felt was absolutely useless until the very final fight and the boss transformations that were rarely useful because of how big they were. It was such a weird game.
I consider metal gear rising a spiritual zero game. Vanquish, also by platinum, feels like a spiritual x game.
ZXA Aile was hot at least
>lead designer of zero is also a diaper fag
Killed my love for the design and series
Her VA is terrible unfortunately.
They also draw the c-word that Yea Forums enjoys so much, so...
To think you can work at a company in Japan and be a hentai artist on the side, where-as in America, good luck getting a job anywhere as an artist
Why did his second form have parts of X in his design anyway? Their only connection is that they fought during the Elf Wars.
Capcom are retards, more at 11.
Zero series is so much wasted potential.
>Series is a bad version of Battle Network
Too far nigga to far. The series needed three games but Red Joker/Black Ace was fucking Diamond.
I want to sniff her exhaust pipe.
Just started the first one. How the FUCK do you get more lives? Why are you not guaranteed 2 extra lives when you start a new level?
What the fuck.
You misunderstood that comment. The devs was speaking about his second form because the screen prevented them from doing more with the fight because of his sheer scale.
Random drops. Zero 1 is retarded, save before you start a mission, if you fail or lose too many lives load your file and try again.
This is also what makes ZX/ZXA irritating as shit on expert difficulty. If you can't break even on lives clearing an area, better off reloading your save.
Git gud.
It's not fair. ZX/ZXA is as good as the Zero series. It should have gotten a third game.
Woah, thanks for the spoiler dood, not cool
SNES fan-translation of the SFC version
Bass calls Wily a "son of a bitch"
Probably to Ape at them both.
I love the Zero series but I hate the small screen size. I really wish it wasn't made for a small gba screen. I would love to see these games remade but on a bigger canvas like if it was done on the super nintendo or something.
I had a lot of fun in Advent because using the boss forms was so cool to me
I loved the hedgehog
>playing MegaMan zero 2
>get to the part of this stage where I needed to use the hookshot to swing over a pit or two
>keep dying because I keep missing the hookshot
Replaying Zero 4 recently only reminded me how bad the scale of the game is. You can barely see ahead/above you compared to say, the SNES MMX games.
I couldn't get over had bad Gunvolt was with covering your screen with shit until they released that patch on the 3DS which 'restored' a lot of the cut mid-mission dialog, which amounted to a lot of jibberish, reminders, and nothing really important to the story.
Thank god they made them optional in that same update.
Sounds like "Arche fucks like a tiger"-tier fan translation
can you have sex with reploids
It's all fun and games until your dick gets stuck between cogs.
They are rebooting Megaman or making series about X handling shit on his own while Zero was gone. Look at that design and play his story on Teppen. Even the X collection hints at another game
Tried to play it again recently, completely sucked at it and gave up
I don't get how 1 gets the flak that it does, it's easily the best one. Sure the leveling shit was annoying but the weapon selection/utility was the best and most well-rounded, and there really wasn't any cheap horseshit in terms of platforming. Nothing was overdesigned like in later games with the control rooms at HQ and shit, with (what was it, 4?) guys talking at you in a single cutscene (which, while we're here, the later ones had too much exposition and cutscenes as well) and goofy ass bosses like the guy who hides in the wall whack-a-mole style or who could forget that one faggot boss from the fire level in 2 who literally DOES NOT MOVE UNTIL YOU DO. That boss almost made me drop the game it was so pathetic and jank. Later games also added stupid shit like color changing for different attributes which was wack as fuck.
1 Has the best music and the most interesting characters and bosses EASILY, the guardians were fucking classic
>the guardians were fucking classic
I only found Phantom remotely interesting, and even then only for the optional fight against him in Z3