How would you rank the soulsborne games now with Sekiro?




>best dlc
ringed city


DS1>BB=Sekiro>DS3>DeS>literally anything>DS2

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DaS1 > DaS2 > DeS > BB > Hallway Souls 3 > Shitkiro

Ds1=BB>DS3>=SSDT>DeS>Dog shit>>>>>>>>>>>DS2

BB is the best.
Sekiro and Demon's after.
DaS1 after.
Don't care about the rest.

world: DS1
atmosphere: BB
combat: BB
best DLC: the ringed city

DS1 > BB > DSIII > Demon's Souls > ass > Sekiro > DSII

BB > Demon's > Dark 1 > Sekiro >>>>>>> DaS2/3

1. Demon’s souls
2. Blood borne
3. Dark souls 1
4. Sekiro
5. Dark souls 3
6. Dark souls 2

>DS2 above BB
I didn't know it was humanly possible to have such shitty taste

Oh, I didnt look at your parameters.
DS1 and it isnt a contest.
DS1 or BB and it isnt a contest.
Bloodborne and Sekiro comes very close to it.
Old Hunters then Ringed City.

None of them are bad IMHO but DS2 felt weird while locked on

>Order I played them:
DaS > DeS > DaS2 > BB > DaS3 > Sekiro

>Most difficult:
Sekiro > BB > DaS2 > DaS > DaS3 > DeS

BB > DaS > Sekiro > DeS > DaS3 > DaS2

I went in blind and platinumed Bloodborne in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.

I still don’t contemplate how you guys like games that offer no real challenge - more annoying is that you actually think it’s some kind of hardcore title and, as a result, you’re a hardcore gamer for playing it.

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DS > DS3 > Nioh > Demon's Souls > Sekiro > DS2


>but what about the oth



It took you ten days to platinum a 2 hour game even with savescumming endings?

damn, alot of people seems to deslike sekiro
it's my fav combat by far, it's a shame that the game doesn't have much replayability

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I bet he didnt even touch ng+ lol

You misunderstand, I’m not bragging at how good I am for having done it, I’m highlighting how inherently easy it is.

Thank you for agreeing with me.

It’s very fun just doesn’t have a lot of incentive to come back as play through it agsin

I did.

I didn’t know about how to cheese all 3 endings in one go (id already eaten the cords by the time I saw online about how to get 3 endings in one go) so had to run NG+ to get the final ending.

I did so in about 3-4 hours.


ds1 is trash and only nostalgia fags and sheep disagree of course it's still not as bad as 2

You definitely aren't bragging if it took you 10 days to get 6 hours of trophies.

In fairness, when I first got it and posted it here, off the back of the daily ‘Bloodborne Experience Thread’ threads, I was repeatedly accused of having shopped the picture.


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soo fountainhead or irithyll? which one is the most beautiful area fromsoftware ever created?

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damn, DS2 looked was so awesome

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That's a lot of shit taste itt.

SOTFS = BB > DS1 = DS2 = DS3 = SEKIRO > shit > Demon's Souls

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BB needs to stop being exclusive, these threads would change real fast to
>Des is the best!

DS1 first and DS2 last, based.

>Sekiro scenarios
having to avoid the Orochi
Sliding Door Monkeys
enemies grabbing you from the ground
swimming across a lake with some asshole kicking lightning at you
and so on, you get the idea
>Bloodborne (without DLC) scenarios
uh... you like dogs and the first peasants you encounter in the tutorial area? They are the main enemy. Everywhere. Slapped in Dark Souls 2 lazy hallway design. Sure was great shitty Chalice Dungeons took away development time!

BB is a shit game. It is only worth it for the DLC areas which actually felt like Souls areas

All videogames are easy? what's your point>?
wait you're the manlet that got cucked

DeS = DaS > Sekiro > DaS3 > Das2
While Dark Souls' first half is immaculate and it might be my personal favorite, it loses points for falling apart after Anor Londo and not doing much to improve on Demon's souls beyond the Estus system and interconnected world. Demon's Souls, on the other hand, has more consistently great level design, a more interesting atmosphere, and more "soul," but suffers from lacking polish and gimmick bosses.
I'm about to beat Bloodborne for the first time, I need to sit with it for a while before I decide where I rank it, but it's easily up there with Dark and Demon's

you haven't even played demons souls

I’m 6ft?


dark soul 3
all the others

What's the point of this post? The thread is about ranking the Souls games, you're just singling out one without comparing it to the others. You're not even giving a real critique of the game.

Last time you said you were 5'11 (manlet king) and your woman dumped your ass.

>How would you rank the soulsborne games now with Sekiro?
DaS1 > others

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Im 5’11.5, I rounded up.

She left because of my excessive drinking, drug taking and partying. We’re now back together and I’ve pursued a life of sobriety.

why is this the only area in any Souls game with rain?

Take it at face value.

Lots of people celebrating Bloodborne’s “quality”, I’m providing an alternative view.

DS1 is still near the bottom. Has nothing going for it other than the world design which it gives up on halfway through. It also the most busted piece of shit in the series.
Only thing that changes is Sekiro has the best gameplay instead of BB, but it's the enemies are such shit compared to BB's that it's pretty goddamn close.

>drug taking
Either that or you did indeed take too much drugs.
Also, you got cucked out of your lifestyle, congrats.

>DS3 above anything, let alone DeS
DS3babs are cancer.
>ringed city best dlc
Not even a top 3 dlc.

If it wasnt quality, then why did you finish the game 3 times? Just admit you were trying to brag like some weirdo. I platinumed the game in a 2 weeks, without any souls game experience, and enjoyed every moment of it. And whaddya know, i felt no need to post a ss like a weirdo

Are you asking me if English is my second language?

I’ve had that lifestyle for 17 years, I’ve lost hundreds of thousands, my family, my business, my physical and mental health deteriorated significantly. After having rebuilt my life again, I didn’t like the idea of making the same mistakes twice.

Pre Bloodborne games >>> post Bloodborne games

It all went to shit after 2.

You've provided no alternative view whatsoever, you just made some nonsense claims about the game's fanbase. I'm pretty sure most fans of these games acknowledge that they're really not that difficult anyways. It seems like you're just bragging that you got all of the achievements. I've never actually played BB myself so I don't know how much of an accomplishment that is, but congratulations?

Your view is that difficulty and time to platinum a game are equitable to a qualitative statement.
This is "Shitty Flawed Premises 101."
We can follow your premise to its logical limit to write off everything from the entire Souls series, Demon's, Sekiro, SM64, OoT, Super Metroid, Deus Ex, Doom, every RE, Silent Hill, DMC, etc. Following your own logic, basically every game just isn't any good since they -- by your own admission -- don't "offer any real challenge."

I had to run it twice, if I could have avoided it, I would have cheesed all endings to do it once.

The only element of joy I had was from chalice dungeons because at least there was an element of reward.


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BB = DaS1 > DeS > DaS3 > DaS2
Haven't gotten to sekiro yet.
I've gotten less interested in the series over the years and I eventually only stuck around for DaS3 because the invasions were really fun. I hope FROM makes different games and return to their other IPs, like Armored Core.

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I can't take the words of an addict seriously. Everything you say holds basically zero value since you have no self-control, and it's reflected in your posting.

I’ll save you the time: you’ll run through a dark corridor for 95% of the game, you can run past every enemy if you want, it has no in game music or dialogue, there is no story and the combat boils down to just hammering R1.

That’s the game, you’re welcome.

Sekiro > DS 3 > DS 1 > DS 2 > Demon Souls/BB

DaS2 was the only shitty game, cunt.

Lots of games offer challenge, Bloodborne isn’t one of them.

The fact that the fanbase believes it’s some kind of hardcore title is just an irritant.

What's your favorite game?

On the last bit of the Ivory King DLC, first run of DaS2 ever. I played/finished these games way out of order. DaS2 has some neat ideas and I like the variety of areas, but the areas are both short and just frustrating with the enemy spam or subpar bosses.

Im not an addict as such but do have an addictive personality.

I’ve never taken any skank drugs like crack or heroin - mainly ecstasy and cocaine and only ever if I was out partying. I just really enjoy partying basically.

It’s not relevant, you’re only being insulting because I platinumed your favorite game of all time and highlighted how inherently easy it is.

Final Fantasy 7

only correct opinion in the thread. as always, mentioning souls games in any way on Yea Forums only results in the most archetypical Yea Forums thread that can possibly occur; everyone has shit taste and argues about which shit taste is better than someone elses shit taste. but everyone's wrong, it's so exhausting. OP, please don't make any more threads.


How I’ve missed you based /10 days/ user


You ignored my question and continued on with your point as though it has empirical value when it doesn't. I don't know what you do for a living, but it's not forming arguments or communicating.
A game's difficulty is no indicator of its quality. If it is, we can apply it basically to every top-100 list ever made and eliminate every game.
Don't bother linking me to as an """argument""" because that's just a gross distillation of perceived flaws which is something that can be done with essentially any game.
No game has ever challenged me, not one. I'm sorry they've challenged you and you consider yourself some kind of hardcore gamer (a title is just an irritant).

Garbage easy game. It's bad.

why is Yea Forums so full of DS1 apologists?

the correct order is and always will be 2>BB>SEK>1>DES>3

3 is basically just a generic hack and slash game

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You just said you were an addict for 17 years. You living "a lifestyle" was a lifestyle of addiction. This sort of shady behavior is why I don't trust addicts because they're always shifty and making excuses for things.


You don't need to play the game to realize that absolutely none of that is true.

Why do you think that the game is inherently easy just because you got all of the achievements? That is some incredibly stupid reasoning. I disagree with the other user insulting you, nobody deserves to be insulted for suffering from addiction; however, you do deserve to be insulted for making ridiculously stupid arguments.

I don’t think a game’s difficulty does dictate its quality. I never said it did.

It’s not particularly challenging, albeit when I played it upon release, I did find a lot of the end game content challenging eg weapons.

The story, characterization, music, atmosphere, emotive attachment, rewarding RPG features, extensive side content etc. all have stayed with me.

Obviously it’s widely regarded as one of, if not the, best game of all time, in many people’s opinions.

You said you're providing an "alternative view" to Bloodborne's quality here while all you've done is claimed that the game provides no challenge, which is false, even though I agree that these games aren't as hard as the general public makes them out to be

>I don’t think a game’s difficulty does dictate its quality. I never said it did.
>I still don’t contemplate how you guys like games that offer no real challenge
That's exactly the premise you submitted in the old '10 Days' post. Literally word-for-word: "I still don’t contemplate how you guys like games that offer no real challenge."
I don't know why I waste my time with this site some times. You people can't even communicate.

Based and correctpilled

I didn’t say I was an addict, I said I lived that lifestyle (ie those lifestyle choices) for 17 years.

Lots of people have their vices however, at 33, I’ve decided to no longer take up on them. I had a fantastic time, easily the best nights of my life when I was at raves on ecstasy - at one point I spent £4500 on 8 Latina hookers over an 8 hour coke binge in Spain too. I’ve just decided to stop now.

Based anons exposing the braggart

The weapons are easy. Ruby in particular is a joke for a """super boss"""
The music is bad, it's midi.
The RPG features are meh, they break down very quickly and the game's balance shits itself.
The characters are meh, with some being absolutely terrible.
The story was just a standard bunch of weeb padding.
You know, I'm just not seeing it.

Fuck all of you haters, Majula is the best hub and Emerald Herald is the best guide.

You sound like every addict man but nice humblegloat.

Lol, garbo easy game. I cant understand how you find a game with no challenge interesting.

I appreciate your comments re not being insulting, albeit it doesn’t concern me, I’ve grown a thick skin as I’ve become older.

To go back to the beginning briefly, I was getting bored of gaming, BB never appealed to me but I thought I’d give it a go as my brother always highly recommended it and I do enjoy a challenge in gaming.

I was sorely disappointed because of how inherently easy the game is. I know it’s against what the game intends you to do but when I realized I can just run past the majority of enemies and didn’t even need to engage them, paired with the fact that it’s a core game mechanic to be able to summon 2x people to do anything difficult for you, it rendered the whole process pointless.

Of course I could just not do this, which I didn’t for the most part, the fact that there was a way to just so easily cheese the entire game, it ruined any semblance of challenge.

If the gameplay was entertaining / the story was enthralling etc. then it may have made up for it, but the story was told primarily through lore, which is ridiculous for an RPG, and the combat was so basic and repetitive, there was very little to actually enjoy.

That’s not true, I’ve made multiple references to things about the game I didn’t enjoy, difficulty aside.

Don’t make things up to try and prove a point; deceitful liar.


It’s ironic you’re criticizing my posts when yours read so poorly. You’re trying to hard to appear intelligent. Lexical pyrotechnics.

The best aspects of these games are the world/level design. I really like seeing a point of interest in the distance, and after going through corridor after corridors, to open balcony area or outside of a building, and continuing on you see the place you start as you finally arrive at your destination. Seeing Ashina Castle at the top of Mt Kongo is really fucking cool. Made me think that they use some trick to move you great distances without loading because it seems so fucking far away.

I appreciate your alternative view but disagree.


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Own up to your shit, mate. Literally what caused all of this is you bragging about your 10 day achievement then claiming that you were providing an alternative view of BB's quality with your view on its difficulty. What he said there was absolutely correct, and literally pulled quotes from your own posts to call you out.

Addict or not, and I’m actually having my first therapy session tomorrow so maybe they’ll help define it for me, I’m now no longer going to be drinking or taking drugs, so the label is meaningless going forward.

I just really love the game, challenging or not.

I just want to ask. Is this 10-days guy a regular in Souls threads?

My posts read plainly and don't contradict themselves. I know you're trying to turn it on me to save face because there is literally nothing you can do to argue against the obvious hypocrisy, but that won't work with someone like me.

The addict mindset takes years to go away. I mean good luck, but you're a far way out.

Calling any of the Souls games "inherently easy" is absurd. Although I disagree with the notion that they're incredibly challenging games, there's a reason the games are known for their difficulty. If you ran past the majority of enemies, you would be most likely be underleveled and with shitty equipment by the time you get to the area's boss, which would make the boss considerably more difficult for even veterans of the series. If a newcomer attempted to play any of the games like this, I doubt they would be able to beat the first area's boss.

I wasn’t bragging about platinuming it in 10 days, if you people weren’t such fucking newfags you’d realise that this has been covered literally of hundreds of times before.

I was highlighting that the game is inherently easy, prior to me starting the 10 Days Platinum threads Bloodborne had a reputation of being some hardcore title.

I destroyed your favorite game of all time’s legacy and there’s nothing you can do about it.

bb = sk > DS1 > DeS > DS3 >>>>>>>>>>> DS2

> someone like me

Textbook pseudo-intellectual

>it wont work on me
I find that sentence somehow incredibly hilarious. Straight out of an anime.
That aside, the dude's backpedaling, just leave him be.

>I 100% a game in 10 days
And what?

I don’t see myself as an addict to drink or drugs, I never drink at home, never drink at meals, my problem is that when I do go out I go wild. I just have an unhealthy attitude towards alcohol.

I’ve never taken a drug sober (aside from smoking weed when I was younger).

Okay, further elaborate:
How is being someone who writes plainly, sees obvious ploys, and points out obvious contradictions pseudo-intellectual?
And what does this have to do with actual content of the conversation at hand other than being a cheap attempt to derail it?

I freaking love the second game. I honestly don't know why people hate on it. I played it first, it has the best for fashion souls, and I love majula.

It's tongue-in-cheek, true, but you have to boil it down like this or there will be a continual back-and-forth where the person keeps coming back with the same ploy.

BB = DaS > DeS > Sekiro > DaS3 > shit > DaS2

Hah, jokes on you, i havent even played BB. Im just here to enjoy the thread and call you out for your bullshit. You are backpedaling faster than a French, so id recommend you man up and own up your own words, or keep trying to sound intellectual. Either way, im sure no one here will think you as anything beside a faggot.

Look, people agree with me that you come across as a dick head.

I’m not backpedaling, I just won’t allow myself to be guided down your trail of conversation.

My initial statement remains, I don’t understand how you people can enjoy a game without any element of a challenge however that isn’t to say that a game’s objective qualities are dictated by whether it’s difficult or not.

The fact that, specifically with Bloodborne, it was regarded as a hardcore title and people who played it classed themselves as hardcore gamers was just irritating.

Of course, after me having destroyed this legacy, nobody calls it hardcore anymore lol

>>best dlc
>ringed city
yikes, dark souls 3 dlc was ass, the best dlc is obviously artorias of the abyss and old hunters

Stop your whining now, I’ve addressed your question.

The game is short, and even shorter if you skip the optional areas. Once your first playthrough, you can literally run past everything, minus the bosses you have to kill to progress. What you have done is neither impressive or indicative of the game's difficulty

These, putting a FromSoft sequel above anything is full retard

You sound like you’re embarrassed that you’ve been called out for a being a newfag.

Leave this thread and go back to Yea Forums.

Thats the thing, though. You either play 1 or 2 first, and love the former than the latter. From all of the discussion, ive seen this repeat so many times. Its just really hard to find anyone who likes both, or starts with one and likes the other.

A lot of people found it impressive at the time and didn’t believe my picture was real.

I agree with you though, it’s not impressive, it was basically effortless.

>pulling the newfag express card
Oh man, where did this come from.

I was a newcomer and I strolled past it.

You’re gifted an item to make the first boss fight virtually null and void.

Ignoring the fact that if you stand behind any obstacle, like a gravestone, he’s in reach to be attacked but can’t attack you lol


It’s an accurate observation.

We already went over this:
Challenge has nothing to do with why people like these games and has nothing to do with the quality of the game. And you are backpedaling. You've backpedaled to the basic point you previously denied here:
I don't know what to tell you. Accept that people like different games and grow up a little.

bloodborne > sekiro = ds3 > ds1 > des >>> ds2

> accept that people like different games

The irony in you saying this to me is painful


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Right guys I’m going to bed now anyway, argue amongst yourselves instead x

holy fuck die

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You're perfectly entitled to not like the game. But coming in here and making a """case""" about why you think it's bad based on something as arbitrary as difficulty is a pretty flawed premise when you like Final Fantasy 7 as the very same criticism applies (even moreso in fact).

BB is perhaps the easiest modern From game. The only explanation I can conjure for the many people claiming that it is difficult is Souls fags trying to play it like DS/Des.


Shadow of Yharnam trophy (32%)
Nameless King trophy (36%)

Souls fags btfo

I would run with my tail between my legs too.
take care.


Imagine actually thinking vanilla DaSII isn't a vastly superior game in terms of actual gameplay than Dark Souls

no one cares about your amusement park funland when the entire second half of the game is not memorable or fun to play

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Not when DaS3 exists. If you've played BB, DaS3 becomes a cakewalk.

Now i can directly quote you for saying BB's quality is related to its difficulty, and will now promptly attpemt to explain it to you why its not. The difficulty is not what makes a Souls game, pardon me for using the term, a Souls game. If so, then i can say that all of them have similar difficulty levels, therefore there would be no rankings at all, since their quality is directly related to how much of a challenge it is. The proof that there is a ranking, and why this thread was made in the first place, indicates that there are differences between them, mainly their themes and the world - building. For casual players, they link difficulty with Souls games, while more veteran/better players link their incatrate world and lore with From Software's games.
Now, if you have any part you are unable to grasp, dont worry, i love to show casuals how good Fromsoftware's games can be.

You definitely need some sleep.

holy fuck your opinion is shit

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2 is absolute horseshit. Lmao at anyone who ranks 2 over anything let alone not having it dead fucking last. Absolute SHIT graphics and atmosphere, absolute SHIT movement and combat. Seriously, how can anyone enjoy 2s floaty combat, the game looks and plays like complete ASS. I'm convinced that anyone who thinks its the best has reach contrarion levels that only legit diagnosed autists are at. Either that or they think it puts them into some special club or something.

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whatever you say, hive drone


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Amazing that it still looks better than Pokemon SwSh and you aren’t even supposed to go to that area

Simply climbing a ladder near the beginning gets you that stunning view.

the more i try to compare the games the more i realize ive gotten just about equal enjoyment out of all of them making it impossible to rank them
i love all their games so much

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played in release order

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>DaS cucks have to focus so hard on graphics mattering because gameplay is so much better in DSII

Is dark souls 3 really that hard? Im up to where dsp is in the screenshot and havent come up against anything that gave me too much trouble

BB > DaS > DaS3 > Sekiro > DaS2 > DeS
Yes I played DeS first dont fucking (you) me

have fun raging while i go into my 1600'th hour of sweet ol' DaS2.


Pontiff and Champ killed him over 70 times each

Thank you user, very based

1 > BB > DS > 2 > 3 > SDT

BB = DaS1> Sekiro = DaS3 > DeS > DaS2

Sekiro is kind of an odd one out because it doesn't touch the replay value of the others but it is still a great game.

Shadow of Yharnam is easy though, literally all you have to do is focus the pursuer first and watch for the snake summon in the last phase.