What are some strange things you've heard in voice chat?
What are some strange things you've heard in voice chat?
Lol I made that
Why are redditors actual cancer? Serious question.
Someone told me to KILL MYSELF and I thought about it for a long time. Why would anyone say something that vile. I was feeling down for the past 8 years so I decided to finally commit. I grabbed 7 ibuprofen after breaking into my mom's purse, took the pills and then immediately realized the error of my ways. I purged by sticking a finger down my throat to get them out, and I threw the rest in the garbage.
I know live in a 3 story house with 2 doggo furbabies and my SO.
>doggo furbabies
Unironically finish the job faggot
Should've killed yourself desu.
Fucking a human woman is disgusting and unforgivable.
based literal redditposter
fuck off faggot
>normie reddit youtubers are stealing wojak from Yea Forums
I wouldn't even be mad about these fucking videos if they didn't all use the same fucking meme to speech voice. Like fuck man.
Kek fuck off faggot wojack and pepe will always be OUR memes.
Soon, brother.
its a guy who is "angry" at Yea Forums culture, met him on discord.
he always tried to make raid servers to post blacked or bleached or some other stupid shit
he also hates cute and funny posting but some friends of him suspect he is deep into loli
Why the fuck are these shitty videos all over youtube now?
go back
Based rageface reactionary
I never hear anything cool. I, however, am a barrel full of laughs and everyone enjoys my company. I've never not had someone add me to friends list after getting on the mic.
>he also hates cute and funny posting but some friends of him suspect he is deep into loli
Every time
They've done this before, Wojak-hating newfag. You know what we did? Invented PEEPEEPOOPOO and Nazi-frog and the normies gave it back up to us.
This is how I know you haven't been here since before 2015.
One time I was in Skype with my buddy and he went afk but didn't turn off his mic. After 30 mins or so I heard sex noises. I didn't know what to do, because hanging up would have made Skype to the hang up noise and I didn't want them to know I had heard them, so I pretended to be afk too. Shortly after I heard my buddy run towards the mic and then the call ended. We never spoke of it.
Another time me and the same buddy were in Skype with another friend who suddenly got an epileptic seizure. We heard him cough and make gargling noises and then a thud when he fell to the ground. Before we fully realized what was going on, thankfully his brother heard and ran into the room and called the parents too, since my buddy was still living at home. We then quickly ended the call because we felt it was inappropriate to listen further. A few hours later we called the family and fortunately our mate was alright, but had a brain tumor that caused the seizure. It wasn't that bad tho and got removed completely and wasn't malignant.
But that was fucking scary to listen to a guy get a seizure and being unable to help him in any way besides maybe calling an ambulance.
>we invented Nazifrog
Stfu newfag, thats even closely how it went by
>Friend sends one ''AskReddit'' video
>Forever keep getting AskReddit recommendations even after you pretty much tell YT you don't want any of them
>mfw i post pepe and wojak just to spite Yea Forums
Absolutely based
>waaa muh epick oh sea
Cringe. Pepe and wojak are king
Fuck off electionfag
How did this garbage get traction on this level, anyway
It's literally taking screenshots of reddit threads, running the text through tts, and farming the absolute fuck out of ad revenue
It's exactly like the reaction channel niggers of the past (etika, etc.) except there's multiple channels of this garbage hitting millions of views regularly.
>It's literally taking screenshots of reddit threads, running the text through tts, and farming the absolute fuck out of ad revenue
so like Thread Simulators but for rebbit?
I swear these things are still getting recommended despite me clicking not interested evrry time and watching content that has nothing to do with it
>epic may-may thumbnail
>copy and paste redditor comments into a text to speech generator
>spend an hour or two editing
>Thread Simulators aren't reddit humor
retard. john madden was normalfag shit the week it released.
Yes, you've got it all figured out. Why don't you do this as well so you can stop leeching off of your parents/wagecucking for Mr. Shekelstein?
Gotta block by channel. I don't mind askreddit videos as background noise when washing dishes but I refuse to give a single view to anything with a wojak or pepe on it.
Fucking based and redpilled, boomercuckold incels and their EPIC 200 internets to you my good sir! OC need to be put down
I have standards user
I'd rather make politics videos
7 wouldn't come close to killing you, but you're lucky that you chose such an inconsistent and commital method. Glad you stuck around, and hope you're doing well and continue to do so!
I hate so much the swedish cunt who started making those wojak edits
bruh it's money, follow the gravy train
You know I've always been one of those people that does really good in school and on tests but still thought of myself as kind of a dipshit. People would say "user you're so smart help me with my homework" and I would always deflect and say, oh no I'm not THAT smart I just have lots of free time to study. And I wasn't saying that to be nice or to make myself look modest, I actually had a low opinion of myself.
However sometimes I see things like this, these videos of Reddit threads being read by bots, and I notice that they have MILLIONS of views, and I realize that the average person thinks this is interesting content and would be entertained by it, and then I realize that I must be in at least the top ten percent of people because I cannot even comprehend being that much of a smoothbrained fucktard. I remember reading about ancient greece as a child and how about half of the population were slaves and I couldn't wrap my head around it. How could that even happen? Why didn't they do anything for themselves? Now I understand. Some people are meant to be stepped on. And if you have ever posted a wojak on Yea Forums you are probably one of them.
>mods leave this up
mods are always faggots
That’s gonna be uhh, a big fat fucking “cope” from me, pal.
If I knew how to take advantage of the algorithm like these guys I'd probably do the same, shit's fucking easy to make and it prints money if ad revenue memes are true.
t. slave ancestry
Rage faces are just as reddit as wojack
I appreciate your goal but you must cease
>That’s gonna be uhh, a big fat fucking “cope” from me, pal.
You mean stole from a SA webcomic
it doesnt work because redditors also post here
>implying PEEPEEPOOPOO and Nazi-frog where successful
>implying normals dont use frogs and wojacks anymore
Shut up nigger
A lady whine to her husband over watching digimon without her
She forgot to mute and everyone in call was giggling like children
When she came back everyone was dead silent and I swear we were all holding back smiles
Nothing, I don't play multiplayer games
I unironically want to kill myself
reddit uses rage faces in their typical reddit fashion. A man like yourself surely knows what will happen if we were to reclaim our rightful assets.
I watch those videos at work because I need something to listen to and I'm running out of stuff
It really makes me sad that reactionism is inherently unlikely to make real headway because people view it as "over" because it's so often so right. The only way to make it work IMO is to repackage it as something new.
>implying etika was as soulless as this
listen to podcasts, listen to lets plays, listen to videogame analysis videos, anything but reddit shit.
/r9k/ said the same thing when they made peepeepoopoo
>he clicks on recommended videos
Really the pinnacle of talent and entertainment there
It's hard finding podcasts and LPers who aren't either boring or cringefests
download every episode of the sleepycabin podcast right now.
This wasn’t really strange or weird but kinda comfy
Earlier this year I was playing css zombie escape, and every time the zombies won, some guy on the mic screamed “YES! WE KILLED EM ALL!”.
I don’t know if it was a clip taken from somewhere else, or if he literally said it every time. Either way, it was super comfy and put a smile on my face, even after working so hard to win as human.
this but unironically
This is the cancer that is killing Yea Forums