I hope you use G2A

I hope you use G2A
Fuck """"developers"""""

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what is it why does it fuck over developers?

It's thier own fault for switching to digital only

They steal credit cards to buy game keys, and sell them at a discount. Once the credit card theft gets reported, it gets chargedback so the devs lose out on the money, and lose a game key that gets redeemed by the buyer.

why give money to niggerjews? just pirate

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Why would I pay for piracy?


If you a hate a developer that much, why are you forcing yourself to play their game?

Maybe they make decent games but are intolerable assholes

If you hate Trump so much, why are you forcing yourself to live in America?

>lose a game key that gets redeemed by the buyer

And then the developer revokes the key because it was purchased through a stolen card, and the buyer is scammed out of their dough by G2A as well.

Terrible analogy. Moving to an another country is infinitely harder than not buying a X developer's game.

i aint using your shitty scam site senpai

G2A is a verified steam key seller. They aren't using stolen credit cards.

Imagine actually believing the keys are all stolen. Do you retards really think people would keep using this site if they didn't get legit keys? I'd stop shopping there if my keys got revoked.

This is why you use Kinguin instead. If a key gets revoked, and they very rarely do, Kinguin will refund you even without buyer protection.

My bank does the same thing.

Or, you know, just hit up paypal and let them charge back your money.

Citation needed, dev. They already said if there was proof they'd pay it back 10 fold to the developers, and all those faggots immediately backed down and tried to move the goalposts

A game can possibly be fun despite the devs being public dipshits. If I can upset them while still enjoying the game then it's win win

Bought literally close to 100 games from G2A. Never ANY problem whatsoever.

False flag much?

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entitled american developers crying wolf as usual
they're pissed cause they want you to pay full price every time

t. polack
A reminder G2A is ran by scummy polacks

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No I just pirate them. That's what Rami Ismail said.

I buy all my games from G2A just to make sure some codemonkey doesn't make money off jerking off in front of a computer.

based and redpilled

It's a meme. Some indie dev had a shit fit on twitter about G2A eating into his profits by selling keys on sale. The reality is keys that G2A sell can only come from:

a) Other people who have BOUGHT keys/FREE contests
b) Direct from the Dev/Publisher who SOLD them
c) Other stores who BOUGHT off Dev/Publishers/Clients and sold to G2A.

The publisher/dev makes money.
G2A makes money.

No one is out of the loop.

I pirate every big studios' games.
I only buy indie titles on gog or itch.io